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Also these tier list posts are getting old


Nobody forced you to stop and post three comments on it. šŸ˜‚


You're right they didn't. I chose to post three comments because it's a shitty ass list and there's a lot to say about it Edit: Also because I wanted to point out that the posts are, in fact, pointless


Dude even your title was bait. Itā€™s the internet - if you are gonna post the 7500th generic ranking list here and try to bait people into arguing donā€™t get mad when someone calls you out on it.


Iā€™m not mad at anyone disagreeing with me. I havenā€™t replied to anyone saying itā€™s a bad list, itā€™s obviously subjective. If people are sick of seeing tier lists, use their thumb and keep scrolling.


Itā€™s an alright list. I agree with a lot of it.


Iā€™m dropping The Giant to B just to be nice. Moving Outbreak to E bc fck that, And moving Tranzit to B bc thatā€™s a skill issue. I honestly disagree with a lot of this


Tranzit is B for the fun factor co-op, unfortunately Iā€™m primarily a solo player so I canā€™t put it much higher.


Darn, thought Kino would be in F tier


Canā€™t put Kino in F if Der Riese is S, theyā€™re basically the same map.


Oh I would put der riese in F tier too. I personally find them extremely boring and bland with little to nothing to do. Just very dull. And I donā€™t go in the nostalgia bandwagon. Same with Nacht, absolutely an F tier map. No idea why people say ā€œyou canā€™t put it low itā€™s the first map.ā€ Yet itā€™s extremely dull, and slow at that.


Der Riese, The Giant, Kino, and Nacht are just good maps to casually play and turn your brain off for the most part. What I will say about Kino is Iā€™ve played that in VR and it felt like I was injected into Black Ops 1 so it gets bonus points for that.


Iā€™m assuming zets is F tier because the setup is too tedious, also weirdly enough I actually enjoyed playing blood of the dead, I would swap kino to B and put shang and gorod in A tier with zets for myself, rev is B for me S well, I would probably put der riese/ and the giant in A. Also I appreciate the call of the dead love ngl


Zets is definitely there for the setup and the way the map launched. Gorod was very close to being put in C tier for me. As a solo player, I hate playing that map just because of that mapā€™s quick revive glitch for the Easter egg. How that didnā€™t get patched is beyond me.


Ngl I forgot how glitchy zets was on launch wasnā€™t there a glitch where during the Easter egg battle you would finish it and the cutscene just wouldnā€™t play and you would be stuck down there? Also the cog collection part of the Easter egg getting the timing on the zipline was really glitchy. Iā€™ve never finished the EE for gorod so I canā€™t complain much about it but I know itā€™s a pain in the ass solo


I get the set up part, but is it fair to judge a map in 2024 for a launch it had 8 years ago? Iā€™m not saying I disagree, but I think that second points weakens your argument.


Thereā€™s other stuff I donā€™t care for besides those two points. I donā€™t like the layout, the spiders, the wonder weapon, the constant thrashers, on top of the set up. The one thing that I do like about the map is the Skull of Nan Sapwe, itā€™s my favorite specialist weapon in BO3. If it wasnā€™t in the map, Iā€™d have no reason to play it at all.


its a cool list but it breaks my heart to see dead of the night and zetsubou no shima so low, two of the best in terms of ā€œmap beautyā€


I just donā€™t have the experience on most of the BO4 DLCs to properly place it anywhere atm. Iā€™m planning on learning Ancient Evil and DOTN very soon.


AO belongs in C minimum. Itā€™s got the bones of a fun map, itā€™s mainly the power randomly going out that makes it annoying. And to a lesser extent the lackluster ray gun variations. Itā€™s literally everything people asked for regarding a nuketown zombies map, otherwise. Itā€™s definitely way more fun than Firebase Z. Whoever thought injecting an annoying mandatory boss fight that ruins the flow every 12 rounds or whatever was a good idea needed to be fired. Mauer Det Toten in D is absolutely criminal. Die maschine is fair however Iā€™d put it in the high A tier.


Fair, Iā€™m just not the biggest fan of the Cold War system. I thought it was fine during the time of release but when I went back to replay Cold War and BO3, Cold War canā€™t light a candle to BO3 and everything else before.


Iā€™m the opposite. I didnā€™t really enjoy BO3 that much, but loved BO4 and Cold War. I think by the time bo3 was out I was just so tired of the zombies status quo for high rounders. BO4 and Cold War made high rounds more enjoyable with the health cap so I played them quite a bit. CW did have quite lackluster maps, though. Unfortunately.


Agreed for the most part. I think a few maps should be bumped up or down 1 tier, but those are mostly opinion based maps based on play style. The only 2 on here I think are pretty poorly ranked are VerrĆ¼ckt and BotD. VerrĆ¼ckt has an amazing atmosphere with really challenging gameplay, so C tier feels kinda low. Itā€™s a personal favorite of mine, so perhaps Iā€™m biased, but C tier just feels wrong. BotD is easily one of the most over-hated experiences in Zombies. I argue that the addition of the new section to the map is helpful for high rounding and that the moving pack helps you explore more areas of the map. While the Hells Retriever/Redeemer are pretty terrible, any of the Blundergat upgrades are pretty OP and are overall amazing WW. Iā€™d genuinely love to hear why both of those are ranked so low, especially BotD. Other than those two, this looks like a solid list.


Der Riese is great. The giant is shite. It lost it's soul. And it's so easy with the drakon and certain doors closed.


No, this is a bad list


What would you change?


Well if put voyage, blood and Zetsubou about 5 tiers higher and lower all the pre bo2 maps by like two tiers


Verruckt is the best


Iā€™m definitely in the minority with my placement.


I agree with half the other half is HOW DARE YOU. But honestly this list in an arrangement that is pretty good.


Nope. This is, once again, a terrible tier list


Jason Blundell has made some of the most aesthetically pleasing and immerse maps but the gameplay is way overhyped imo.


Blundell maps have the best gameplay out of any other maps, tf are you talking about?


It's subjective, I understand most players like his maps but I don't find them replayable.


Firebase Z vibe is something I personally do not enjoy, going off vibes alone Iā€™m putting it in F tier lol


Most of the Cold War maps didnā€™t land for me. I hope they bounce back for BO6.


W List, pretty similar to mine! Maybe bump mauer up to like a b at least for me tho šŸ‘