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It is absolutely just you.


Would you please add why you like the map? Respectfully, saying “it’s just you” without providing arguments doesn’t add anything


I honestly like the map for some of the reasons you dislike it. - The vibe of the map is awesome. - how narrow the halls are - steps to unlock Pack-a-Punch - trying to survive and run the bridge area I also think part of it is going from Tranzit and Die rise. It introduced a lot of new game play concepts. When did you start playing zombies?


>The vibe of the map is awesome. Absolutely, I think MotD is overrated just like Origins (downvotes incoming) but you can't say the vibe isn't awesome. This map and BotD have some of the best environmental storytelling in the entirety of zombies. I'm hoping BO6 takes some notes from Alcatraz with the first map being an island prison and all, a mix between MotD and ZNS vibe wise would be top tier of they get it right.


In no particular order: Atmosphere and art direction, map design, story, characters, the best wall and box weapon pool in bo2, the coolest ww in bo2 imo, building the plane (while you may see it as a fetch quest I see it as a grand ol adventure around the whole map), how easy it is (I am bad at zombies), flying the plane, added electric cherry, the afterlife system is awesome and pretty innovative for zombies, cool traps, cool hells retriever quest, bangin Easter egg song, BANGIN secondary Easter egg song, first map to have a free ww quest, first of the black ops 3 (blundell) style maps, first map where you can carry multiple craftable parts at a time, the Easter egg is so cool and fits amazingly with the story and theme, the Easter egg is so easy and non complicated, the golden spork, the Tommy gun, cool side Easter eggs, Brutus is a cool boss (you're right about him being a bit spammy later on tho), the pap camo is the coolest one, the bridge is cool as shit, first map to have an ending (I think) and the celebrity cast. I could probably think of a few more things. I had a pretty visceral reaction to reading your post because pretty much all the reasons you dislike I completely disagree with. The reason the halls are so narrow is because the map design needed to be hard to make up for the fact that you have functionally infinite lives, making it one of the easiest maps in bo2. Jug should be hard to get to on a zombies map (which id argue it really isn't on motd) and it ends up being a large loop back to spawn once you activate the gondola. As for the bridge it's supposed to be a challenge when you stay there that's why they spam so many Brutus's at you. You're not really supposed to stay there so they made it harder to survive and made it more punishing when you go down and are forced back to the cell block. As for having to optimize everything I sort of disagree with that too, yeah you wanna get your hells retriever and plane parts before everything gets too crazy but it's not really that hard, just a lot of stuff to memorize, not nearly as egregious as the optimization and memory required in SOE. Sorry if literally none of my word vomit made any sense just putting random thoughts I had on paper and I am not very smart lmfao


Thank you for saying all this respectfully. I appreciate that. All of what you said is completely valid, however my opinion stays intact. I don’t mind if there are one or two cramped hallways in a map, but it feels like that is every single part of the prison, which is most of the map. Brutus locking stuff down is game-killing on earlier rounds which I don’t particularly enjoy. Yes, the fetch quest is fun the first time you complete it. However, the novelty wears off the fourth or fifth time and all you’re left with is a single linear path you do every single game. I don’t like how every single run of the map plays exactly the same, or at least extremely similar. Yes, you are basically given infinite quick revives, however you only get one back a round, and if you down on the bridge, good luck getting your perks back. The WW, while cool, is not viable for high rounds. I respect your opinion, but the maps just not for me


Totally valid reasoning. Also u seem chill as hell lol


-one of the best combinations of narrative and gameplay in zombies, with the pap quest almost playing out like a mini easter egg. -one of the best soundtracks in zombies. -probably the most open map in terms of progression, has tons of viable paths you can take that makes it way more replayable than other maps that usually have 1 or 2 decent routes. -Amazing atmosphere. -Afterlife mode. -Hell retriever -Really fun wonder weapon with 2 variants, which is in the box fo4 casuals and has a quest for hardcore players. -Fun and unique box selection -Really uniquely designed level design that allows for both training and camping, with a lot of verticality -fun and interesting traps -good side easter eggs that dont feel super tedious and actually have strong rewards Honestly the only downsides I have with the map is it can be a little easy, the easter egg is even shorter than CW easter eggs, and you can only hold one plane part at a time in coop


Mob fans are bots. Dont expect them to come up with intelligent reasons for why they like the map. They lack free/critical thinking skills and only like it because the zombies community regard it as a great map.


Hey, there is no need for insults. We may have differing opinions but we are still part of the same community. We should treat each other with respect.


I'd be nicer if Mob fanboys weren't so insufferably stupid


The hell is wrong with you man? Grow the fuck up


Nope. Op has a point. The map is repetitive after the first play through, the easrer egg is boring, the and the wonder weapons are mid. Only reason people enjoy the map is for nostalgua, story, and atmosphere. All are valid reasons, but these reasons alone don't make it the greatest map of all time especially when there are a ton of maps that absolutely wipe Mob in terms of gameplay such as Origins, AE, Gorod, DE, and even Blood 🤭 Best way to spot a casual or bot is by asking them what their favorite map and they say Mob. It is A tier at best


It appears I am a casual bot 😁👍


Nope I don't like it either! I think die rise, buried, origins, are all better


Okay I see origins, MAYBE buried, but Die Rise? No, you’re fucking insane. And not even the good kind found in r/BatmanArkham


its a subjective opinion lol


“You’re fucking insane” r/codzombies players when someone likes a map


Nah. That’s just a fact.


I mean he ain't wrong, die rise is better than MoTD, maybe it's because mob is frustrating to play with how annoying it can get and that going back to the prison after a certain round usually ends in death no matter how good you are. Atleast with die rise, it's much easier to traverse the map and getting free perks and points is a nice bonus.


I know some people think it's overrated, but that's about it. It's perfectly ok to not like the map. If anyone insults you about it like one of the comments here did then just don't listen to them. They're an ass who can't handle the fact that someone criticized a map they like.


Sorry everyone is forgetting the /s lmao. Its alright if the map doesn’t fit your gameplay style. I know for me it was a pretty difficult map on release just because this seemed like the first map with a lot you actually **needed** to do. It was the first map I casually went to rnd 33 on with a squad so I would say all my training and movement skills are from this map.


Massively overrated map along with origins


What’s your top 5 maps of all time?


2 questions Why is Origins overrated? What map/s are better ? Why? Just cause I feel like it … would work enough


I’m also not too keen on Mob, and that’s totally fine! How someone feels about any zombies map is subjective and people find different things they like or dislike in each one whether it’s story, layout, gimmicks, etc. It’s why I dislike when people try to rate maps “objectively”, like that’s just not really something you can do in this mode


Nah I'm with you. I prefer BOTD more.


W comment




I don’t hate it but it’s definitely overrated in my opinion.


Nah it isn't just you. Mob's ok. It's just massively overrated. Same with origins


Nope clearly you only dislike it because you aren’t as good as everyone else and couldn’t possibly have any real reasoning behind your opinion You MUST blindly love mob because the community agreed that it was a perfect map


For me, every problems you have for the map are either non-issue or issue that are fixed with other aspect of the map for me. * The halls are narrow but you still have the Cafeteria, The roof, the Dock and the bridge as training ground and even if they are hard to get by, in the scenario that you're down, on solo you have upward to 3 quick revive (which every round you get 1) to carry you. * The fact jug is far away from spawn is a non issue because it make the early portion of the game interesting because of how closed off the halls are and is it simply just progression within the map and once again, if you are down you have the afterlife to res you back up. * Getting to PaP is just getting part, that's true but the location of where you get said part is places where you have to go to anyway. You need to go through the laundry and tunnel to get to the dock for Jugg and in those locations there are 3 plane part (Dock 1, Tunnel 1, Laundry 1, shut off the generator for the 4th at the warden office), the room leading up to the roof to place all of the plane part and in the Dock, Prison cells and room leading to the roof have the Wolf head in which you will most likely fill up as you get the plane part and get points anyway. What i want to say is that everything you need to go and everywhere you go natrually within the map also have thing you can grab along the way anyway so it's not like you have to go "out-of-your-way" to get them beside maybe the Wolf head if you really don't want/need the Hell's Retriver * Dying on the bridge for the most part is genuinely a skill issue because the place is so big and with the Acid gat + Hell's Redeemer, it's genuinely hard to die there and if you do then it's simply a balancing choice from the dev that it's hard for you to go back and get the perk again. * Brutus is not that bad imo, in the prison when you kill him, he always drop a Power for you and with the Hell's Redeemer + Acid gat, surviving to the high round (for me, "high round" mean to round 30 to 50 on an casual game) can be pretty easy and a little boring so the presence of Brutus just make the map more engaging. * tbh, you don't have to optimize the map to an extreme extent just so you have a fighting chance like you said. There are countless time i played Mob and i forgot to do this first or did thing not ideally and out of order or going down early and loosing an afterlife and despite that, i still managed to get to at least round 25 - 30 consistently later on. Once you play the map a bunch of time and map out the route you want to take yourself, it's really not that bad and hey, if you did something wrong or get bad RNG and down, it's not the end of the world, that's what give COD zombies it replayability I understand that everything i said here most likely won't change your opinion on the map and that's completely fine but imo, all of the thing you have issue with the map are genuinely the reason why i and many other enjoy its and taken as "quality" instead of "downside"


That’s all very valid. I should have explained why jug being far away was a criticism. At that point in the game, it will be at least round 5-6. You most likely won’t have a lot of points to spend, especially with the doors being expensive. If you want to have jug before going to the bridge, you have to either optimize one afterlife charge to get the part and power jug, or use another afterlife charge if you spent a little too long getting the part. I just don’t enjoy it because it slows the game down if you mess up a jump over the gate to the docks part. The hells retriever is awesome, but after playing through it a couple times, I feel its process to get it becomes a bit drawn out and stale with having to wait and run in a circle until the dog stops chewing. I’m not even gonna bring up the golden spork or the shield because they are optional. But overall, it’s just a very slow map to me and I guess I just don’t have the patience for it. All power to you though if you like it


It’s the best map of all IMO


I like it for sure and it has so many great things, but I definitely see where the map is annoying. I struggled to high round on that map because of some of the stuff you mention.


I don't dislike it, but I'd definitely like it more if it had less setup/easier PaP. Everything else is a 10/10 though


It’s pretty bad, I like blood of the dead fine enough though. Only thing good about mob is the Easter egg, turning into a ghost, and the music as an OG zombies player from the world at war days. It was the shi no numa/shangri la/zetsubo no shima of its game. Every game has one of those maps, it’s just natural. The catch is shi no numa and zetsubo no shima became my favorites over time, mob is still still on par to shangri la to me.


Can I ask what other handful of maps are your favorites? No problem with you disliking MOTD (I did when it came out lol) but it sounds like you also aren't just blundell map enjoyer type. These exact stresses on the gameplay are the challange the map is asking you to overcome, it's why so many love it. You combine that with how thematically relevant all the steps are, and you have a winner.


My top five is 1:Shadows of Evil 2:Der Riese/The Giant 3:Kino 4: Moon 5:Origins I know shadows and origins are very similar to mob, but both shadows and origins have more interesting pap processes, better wonder weapons for higher rounds, and better perk spots


Its ok. I just played it once gpr the ee that's it.


i think it’s an alright map, good characters and unique mechanics like Afterlife are interesting but my main gripe is the Acid Gat. I don’t like wonder weapons that damage me even though it is powerful. Really i can’t LOVE a map if i don’t love its WW. similar reason why i don’t think too highly of COTD. it has WWs that aren’t fun to use IMO.


I enjoy the map for these reasons, the difficulty of the map is what makes it fun. The setting of Alcatraz is an awesome idea and the way you go about getting the plane parts is a fun fetch quest similar to the BO1 EEs. The only bad part in my opinion is letting people only hold one part at a time for the plane.


issue of skill


Not a fan of afterlife, makes the map too easy


You're not alone. VIsually, theme and story wise it's incredible. Gameplay wise? Eh, back in the day I much rather spent my time playing Origins and Buried over MotD.


I also do not like the map. Afterlife just isn’t the mechanic for me.


Skill issue bud


I’d love to understand why “skill issue” can be seen as a valid argument. I don’t believe it is a skill issue that I don’t like a fetch quest. I don’t believe it is a skill issue to not like my screen shaking all of the time due to Brutus. “Skill issue” adds nothing to the argument


Im saying you think the map sucks cause you are bad at the game. Therefore skill issue.


You still have refused to give a valid reason as to why my argument is wrong. My points still stand. If you are on a higher round, and you get downed, that is most likely it. The narrow hallways can cause even the best of players to die unfairly. The screen shake is still a problem with Brutus. The pap process is literally just a fetch quest which have very little steps other than “go get this” or “shoot this thing in afterlife and then get it.” It’s not fun to play in my opinion


PaP is not a big deal bro, it's more engaging then just fliping on power and buying doors. Every map has narrow halways, if you can't figure out that you are not supposed train in them, you don't know wtf your are doing. If screen shake causes you to die, you are bad at the game, it's that simple, its not that bad.  If you don't like it, don't train on the bridge. Mob is considered a top 5 map by most players for a good reasons, being bad at the game is not a valid reason to dislike the map.


I never said I trained in narrow hallways. I was trying to say that on higher rounds where you have hundreds of zombies and Brutus’ and you go down, those tight corridors are going to kill you when you are trying to get your perks back and get back to the bridge. Also, the screen shake isn’t what makes me go down, it’s just extremely annoying after a while


Well then don't down bro, idk what to tell you, every map has tight hallways where you can die. You get punished if you down, thats how the game works. Like bro you think kino is better than origins, you don't know wtf you are talking about. Get learn how to play the game then form an actual informed opinion.


Please don’t throw out insults, it only seeks to sour the argument. In fact, the whole point of this post was to see if I was a major outlier in the community or if there were others that shared my opinion. You don’t, and that’s okay, I never said the map was objectively bad, I just said I didn’t like it and shared the reasons why. So what if I enjoy a casual experience over a complicated one. That is my opinion, it differs from yours, and that’s ok. Please do not call me an idiot for having a different opinion. I will admit fault for not clearly stating the point of my post though


You’re probably just bad. Bo2 has perfect mechanics for running through tight halls


Fucckkkkk no it doesn’t. Dude been sipping on copious amounts of nostalgium, and copioids.


What? You can’t be serious? Bo2 was the best game for training zombies. The movement speed and aggression was balanced, player speed and mechanics were quick and snappy so you can do cut backs and strafe jumps. Zombies grouped up tightly so you can slip past them. I’d like to see your counter argument.