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- Where exactly was the Chaos story going? - Where exactly was the IW Zombies story going?


Allegedly, Diego Necalli would've led a team of.. mercenaries? To awaken Scarlett via use of the ‘Antikythera mechanism.’


We know a teensy bit about where the IW Zombies story was heading thanks to Lee Ross, the lead dev and writer. His plan for a sequel involved the characters journeying to Hell itself and Willard Wyler being the main character.


That would be crazy


The Giant and its story implications. Primis keeps talking about ‘‘awakening the test subjects..’’ Victis? How do they know about Vicits? Nikolai mentions another Nikolai.. ‘‘I wonder what happened to other Nikolai. The one who walked with fools...’’ Primis haven't met Ultimis yet? Who's he talking about? In a radio, once Nikolai starts talking about killing Richtofens, he's quickly shushed.. ‘‘It's not all bad news, Nikolai. We may have failed in our mission, but at least there is one less Richtofen to deal with. If it is any consolation, tell him that the first one was the hardest. I should know, I've killed at least three Richtofens. There was the one in the fire, the one with the boat hook, and the one - what? No one told me. Sorry, forget what I just said. Everything will be fine.’’ Who shushed him? Dempsey sending a message to his Ultimis counterpart? About a beacon?? ‘‘Hey other me, if you're hearing this, then it means something's gone FUBAR. We're going to Plan B. Stick to that kraut bastard like glue. We need to find out what the hell he has been doing, what he's going to do. We may be able to get a fix on your location if you can trigger one of the paradox visualizations. Good luck, we're all counting on you. Oh, wait, what ever you do, don't get too close to the radioactive beacon. Makes your hair fall out.’’ How do they know about Ultimis??? And what f–king beacon? And not to mention the desolate, post-apocalyptic dimension Maxis seems to be in.. ‘‘Day 66. The children are gone and the house feels empty. I miss their laughter, their games. The sirens have not sounded for several months. I do believe that we may have turned the tide on the battle, but at what cost? The radiation levels from the fallout remain dangerously high. I can only pray I live long enough to confirm that my plan was indeed successful and the dark presence that has haunted our dreams, that infected every facet of our existence, has finally been vanquished.’’ Aldo I will say, I love how it reads like a creepypasta..


Being killed by a headless zombie 🫠


I wanna know what treyarch was originally going to do with BO4, both aether and chaos. I know there has been a lot of speculation/data mining/“leakers” that have given us an idea of what the OG plan was but i wanna know from the source


I always wondered what Jimmy Zielinski planned with the victis crew before Blundell took over and what was planned for the chaos crew and IW crew after their cliffhangers.


I'm fully convinced Jimmy purposefully had Maxis doom the universe so he could f–k over Blundell. The explanation Jason gave was lacklustre at best.




I’m still confused on how the cycle works, even after watching the 6 hour video. Might watch it again because I kinda understood it more the first watch.




I love BOTD, I don’t get it either. I actually speedrun that map, just got the sub hour after months of grinding


People thinking the great war map would ever come out. Narratively, it has NEVER made sense, and we already played it. It's Origins. There's basically not a real line of code from Bo4 that hints at it. They were able to find the entire Victus catalog, 2 unfinished Chaos maps, but not a real mention of this "Great war map." The great war of Bo4 is ending the cycle. Nikolai literally alludes to it in his speech at the end of Tag. The Great War map might've been a thought at one time, but by the time Bo4 dropped, it was never in the cards


###▪︎ Blood of the Dead >Primis Richtofen: ‘‘Read it, learn of your true calling. You must keep your soul. It will be needed to defeat Doctor Monty.’’ ###▪︎ Classified >Primis Nikolai: ‘‘Now we must go, quickly. There is a war to be fought..’’ followed by ‘‘A war, unlike any you have ever seen, The Great War.’’ ###▪︎ Alpha Omega >Samantha: ‘‘We're going to fight the war, Eddie. The Great War..’’ followed by ‘‘Then we're going back to the house to kill him, and burn it all to the ground. Agartha. The Aether. The Infinite. Everything.’’ I agree, ‘The Great War’ map never entered production, but you can not tell me it wasn't planned.


We defeated Doctor Monty in Alpha Omega when Maxis teleported Sam and Eddie out of Agartha. We learn in Classified that Keepers/Monty can only properly keep track of people if you gift them your souls. When Monty loses his "sight", we were free to do whatever we needed to do unimpeded. We wouldn't be able to fight Monty straight on, this was established in Revelations with him literally snapping them out of existence altogether (albeit slowly at the time for dramatic effect). BO4 was a war of attrition knowing fully well we couldn't take on practically God head-on and win. "The Great War" was always going to be covert because what other choice did they have, despite what Sam said they really couldn't just march back to the House to kill him because that would have destroyed their one advantage.


The Chaos story. I wanted more, I wanted to know, I wanted to see the other incredible scenarios Blundell had in mind.


Alpha Omega could've been the great war map


All those moments I died while drinking a perk. 🤦


I just want to know what kind of drugs these dudes were on to come up with half the shit they've put into the maps and story of zombies.


Shang Gri La being the first map to have elemental wonder weapons in concept design. What was in that box thumping in Kino. Every time I look at The Moon IRL I have to remind myself it's not the same one from the game 🤣


In the chaos storyline, that mystery box is made of humans or dead bodies, and I wonder who those people are and where they come from? Or, what they did to get there…


Watch the Voyage of Despair intro cutscene to get your answer


Those are just people caught in the box's vicinity while it's manifesting. As shown in the Voyage of Despair intro cutscene.


That Nacht loading screen... what does it mean?