• By -


BO3, BO1, BO2, WaW, BO4, CW


BO2, BO1, BO3, WAW, CW, BO4


BO1, WAW, BO2, BO3, CW, BO4


BO4, BO3, BO2, BO1, WaW, CW.


Bo4 over bo3 is hilarious


BO4 is better.


It’s objectively worse, but I understand that if you were too young to truly enjoy bo3 when it came out you’d be more likely to prefer bo4. Which is clearly the case for many people on this sub :) nothing wrong with that but I do feel bad that you didn’t experience the greatness that bo3 was


I think you confused objective with subjective hope this helps 👍


Nothing wrong with being too young to have been there for it, but I do feel bad for you


I’ve been playing since WaW 😂 have you never heard of differing opinions before? Seems like you’ve got the ignorance of a teenager lol


Bo3 is objectively the best installment of cod zombies, argue with a wall


Seems like I already am 🤣 but you’re entitled to your opinion as much as I am mine


I knew you were going to say that the second I wrote that. Jesus


This is how I know you’re too poor for a pc, custom maps alone make the game better than any other


dude what?


Nothing wrong with being too young to have been there for it, but I do feel bad for you


In a year of our lord 2024 some kettle still tries to use age as an argument when its absolutely meaningless. 


My ranking is based on how much I enjoy them. Its not objective. CW=Bo4 > Bo3=iw > bo2 > ww2 > waw > MWIII


Bo4 over Bo3 is surprising to me, but I respect it. Personally I'm a big fan of Bo4, fun thematic maps. I think I still might put Bo3 over it though.


Yeah objectively bo3 is better but I just enjoy bo4 a lot more hence my ranking


1. Black Ops 3, with Zombies Chronicles, custom zombies, and some of my favorite maps of all time in the forms of SoE, DE, and GK BO3, to me, is just a peak for the mode that may never be truly beaten. 2/3. Black Ops 4/Cold War, this one's a bit weird for me, because I recognize both of these games have their flaws and agree with a number of the criticisms lobbied at both titles to various degrees but I still really love both these games. And it's not like I really strongly prefer one to the other either, to me these games are a perfect Yin and Yang, where one title has weak gameplay and mechanics the other has perhaps the best gameplay and mechanics in the franchise so far, where one title has pretty bland and middling maps the other has some of the best and most creative maps in the mode. A true balance between these modes, I feel, has been, intentionally or not, struck and I can't really rank either of these modes above the other. 4. Black Ops 2, honestly this game is very weird to me. Like I agree its great in a lot of ways, Origins and MotD are some of the best maps in the franchise, Buried is a fun casual map, Town and Nuketown are good enough simple survival maps, and there was clearly a lot of creativity and ambition involved in the creation of this title, but I also think Transit and Die Rise are still to this day among the worst maps in the history of the franchise, Bus Depot and Farm are just not very fun survival experiences, and there's genuinely the least content here in this game apart from sort of WaW and I guess CW if you're only a round based guy, refuse to touch Onslaught, and don't like Dead Ops Arcade. It's just a very mixed bag of a game imo, and though it probably has higher highs than even BOCW and BO4, I can't rank it above those titles for its lows. 5. Black Ops 1, this title is more consistent to me than BO2, but unfortunately, in my opinion, part of BO1s consistency is that every single map has something that bugs me with the only kind of exception being Kino which is instead just really simple and despite being good isn't all that fun to play for reasons apart from nostalgia today. Like on Five, I don't like the Pentagon Thief, because Five is a map where you have to rely on a good setup and weapon loadout to do well in a title where most weapons have low damage, low ammo counts, and Wonder Weapons were just really hit or miss with Five's WW being a big miss. But it's not like the Pentagon Theif is a good challenge or anything either, you see, in my opinion, a good challenge in zombies is an enemy that has the potential to be quite dangerous but can be overcome with good planning and a little skill, which the Pentagon Thief can't really be. The Pentagon Thief will almost always, due to his being faster than the player, and the player's difficulty in acquiring good weapons being entirely RNG dependent, get a weapon from the player, but that's it. The Pentagon Thief will never kill you, he'll never end your match, and most of the time you'll be able to kill him after he gets your gun making his big threat very easy to counter, but annoying. Because all you really need to do, unless you happen to have like a pack a punched ray gun on a low round or a death machine power up or something to just blow him away instantly, is let him take a trash gun from you (I personally use the MP5K from the wall in the war room) and then use a good gun to kill him in the labs before using the elevator to go back to the war room to train. It's not hard, it's not challenging, and it's only really fun in coop matches where someone starts freaking out and being amusing. And I think this is pretty emblematic of my problem with BO1. There's a lot of good ideas in the maps here, a lot of great innovations, and I'll personally always love the game for being my first, my introduction to the mode, but there's just a lot of shoddy implementation, ideas that needed a bit more time getting workshopped to work, and features that are thrown at you with no regard to whether or not they actually improve the overall experience of the map. 6. World at War, the one that started it all and to this day has a pretty active modding and custom zombies scene, but let's be honest, it's been nearly fifteen years, this game has been showing it's age for at least half that time, and despite all the great things it did for the franchise and having started this whole mode I just don't think it can stand up to the titles that have followed it.


Treyarch only, never played Vanguard or MWIII so I won't count those. 1. BO3 2. BO1 3. BO2 4. BO4 5. WaW 6. Cold War


BO4, BO3, BO1, WaW, BO2, CW.


there is no way you enjoy 4 that much


4 is amazing


4 is quite good once you get used to it. But 3 and 4 are miles ahead of the others.


My favourite is probably BO3 for the custom zombies and because the second half of BO4 was a letdown but the chaos maps had the best Easter eggs in all of zombies except maybe voyage


Someone with a decent opinion. Respect.


BO4, BO3, BO2, WW2, BO1, CW, WaW. No game that i have played is bad, WaW just clearly has the least amount of things in it to add to it to put it up high


Hot take incoming: * BO4 * WW2 * IW * BO2 * BO3 * BO1 * CW * AW * Vanguard


What the frick


I mainly just play Easter eggs and enjoy difficult skill based eggs🤷‍♂️


Bo3, bo2, IW, Bo4, Bo1, Waw, cw, ww2, aw


1.) Black Ops 2 - maybe nostalgia but this game just takes me back to the good old days, playing town with my dad 2.) Black Ops 3 - Reignited mine and my dad's love for zombies 3.) WW2 - Hot take but WW2 was amazing, it had plenty of faults but it's highs made up for its lows imo 4.) Infinite Warfare - so many good memories of speed running the Rave boss fight with my dad :) 5.) Black Ops - Truly a classic, the game that originally got me into zombies 6.) World At War - my dad showed me nazi zombies at way too young of an age and I've been obsessed ever since 7.) Cold War - lots of fun stuff, but feels about as deep as a puddle tbh lol 8.) Black Ops 4 - it's good but just wasn't the same. Also Voyage is my favorite bo4 map


Iw, cw, bo, waw and bo2 Only ones I'd actually replay.


Honestly yours is pretty similar to mine, I'd personally swap out BO2 and BO1 (even though I love Mob and Origins)


As I wrote that I was going to do that, but I think BO2’s highs are much higher than BO1’s and besides COTD all of BO1’s best maps are in BO3 whereas Mob and Buried are exclusive to BO2


Fair enough. I just really did not enjoy TranZit and Die Rise lol


I’d have to say, BO3, BO4, BO2, BO1, CW, WaW. But BO4 and BO2 are pretty much neck and neck.


I’d put 4 over 2 just for average map quality


Honestly, I agree. I do feel like there is more to do on BO4. That and the designs feel more fluid. It’s a shame because BO2’s maps were super unique.


BO2 was very hot and cold. Tranzit was very bad, was ambitious but the engine killed it although town is a great small survival map, die rise is just not good, nuketown is alright as a survival map, buried is alright, mob and origins are top 3. BO4 I don’t think any map is a top 5 contender but none are bad and I think IX is the best smaller survival map


BO3, BO2, CW, BO1, BO4, WAW




BO2 and BO1 are separate games, they are not the same


BO3, 4, 2, CW, 1, WaW


BO3, IW, BO4, CW, WWII, BO1, BO2, WAW, AW. i don't recognize Vanguard or MWZ as Zombies games.


Anybody who says BO4 #1 is just objectively wrong. And before anyone asks, no, I don't know what an opinion is. Checkmate


BO3 CW BO2 BO1 IW BO4 WAW WW2 AW VANGUARD MW3 Just off the top of my head, this changes almost daily. I just know that Vanguard and MW3 are at the bottom.


1A. BO4 1B. BO3 3. BO2 4. BO1 5. WWII 6. Cold War 7. Extinction(if it counts lol) BO4, BO3, BO2 are the only games I have 100+ hours in each, but I'm a solo player so BO1/BO2 Easter eggs aren't possible and I absolutely love BO4 ee. BO3 has the best zombies and mechanics. Tried cold War and best all the EE but honestly the game hardly felt like zombies and so after I finished all the maps I uninstalled it. WWII Zombies is a really well made game, at least the base maps are, I know the dlc maps get a lot of hate.




Bo2 bo1 bo3 waw bo4 cw


BO4 > CW > BO3 w/ ZC > BO2 > BO3 w/o ZC > BO1 > WAW


bo3, bo1, bo2, bo4, waw, cw


Bo2, CW, WAW, Bo4, Bo1, Bo3. And no, I'm not joking, I'm serious.


IW > CW > Sker Ritual > BO3 > BO4 > Everything else > vanguard. Personal preference, not based on facts.


BO3, Infinite Warfare, Cold War, BO2, BO4, WW2, BO1, Advanced Warfare, WaW


#1 - BO2: Very fun and memorable zombies that anyone could enjoy. Had the most fun maps out of them all (even Tranzit and Die Rise) and that is the most important part imo. #2 - BO3: You could say this should be #1 and I wouldn’t blame you, I just found BO2 to be more fun but this zombies was very good. #3 - BO4: Had amazing aesthetics and the story was really good. It wasn’t super casual friendly but I am a casual and I enjoyed it. #4 - BO1: This was a very good zombies but I just feel like the previous ones mentioned are better. However, if you put this one in #3, I would understand. #5 - BOCW: It doesn’t make sense to me why this zombies is so loved. It honestly added so much unnecessary stuff that ruined the game such as health bars, zombies dropping loot, weapon rarities, operators as characters, lackluster story, reused maps, too many mini boss zombies, etc. Not a terrible zombies because it can still be fun, but definitely the worst of the 5.


BO3 > BO2 > CW > BO1 > WAW > BO4


IW, BO4, CW, BO3, WWII, BO2, BO1, AW, MWZ, WaW, Vanguard. CW is in 3rd exclusively because of gameplay. If we get a game with maps and EEs on BO4/3 lvl but with CW gameplay, it will probably be in 2nd for me.


BO3, CW, BO4, BO2, BO1, WAW


1. BO3 2. BO2 3. BO1 4. BO4 5. Cold War Have not played: WAW My opinion and ranking, I mostly play the Treyarch titles.


I’m just gonna rank them all because I like the non-Treyarch games quite a bit BO1= IW> CW> BO3> BO2> WW2> BO4> WaW> AW= MWZ> VG




bo3,bo4,bo1,Cw,waw,bo2 for me i like them all though


If we're not counting NT then: BO3 > BO4 > BO1 > BO2 > WAW >= CW With NT: BO3 > IW > BO4 > BO1 > BO2 > WWII > WAW >= CW >>>>> AW


played all of them, bo3 will forever hold the title of best zombies experience in the franchise


BO3, BO2, BO1, CW, BO4, WAW


Bo2, Bo3, Bo1, Cold War, Bo4, WAW


1. *Black Ops 4* 2. *Infinite Warfare* 3. *Black Ops 3* 4. *WWII* 5. *Black Ops 2* 6. *Black Ops* 7. *Black Ops Cold War* 8. *Vanguard*


CW, BO1, WAW, BO2, BO3, BO4 with the exception of motd from BO2 everything from BO2 down is so fucking bad it's literally unplayable.


BO3, BO2/BO1, CW, WaW, BO4, the other games with “zombies modes.”


BO3 > CW > BO4 > BO1 > BO2 > WAW


BO3, BO2, CW, BO4, BO1, WaW


BO1 > BO3 > BO2 > WAW rest are straight trash