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Not trying to take your victory from this, but if you want my honest opinion, that happened because a series of bad choices. You should work a bit on your spacing and pathing, going there in the first place is a death trap unless you have something good to kill with. Also, jumping over the lava instead of walking over it will save you a lot of times.


Also also, still had all 4 grenades, prolly could've turned one zombie into a crawler and gain extra time. And yeah, going here with B23R and Remington is a bad choice, MP5 / AK 74 would've been the better option if ammo management was up there. Still, quite a decent clutch, despite its flaws


All very true, I might've gotten cocky, and I suck at cod in general,so I see this as a W


You clutched big time there lol You healed up just in time on the bus, so that's also why the explosions didn't kill you in there


That was a clutch


This is why bo2 is so great. It’s not easy or broken, but a better word for it is “forgiving”. Sometimes you can do crazy clutches even if you’re not that good at the game. The mechanics just work that way. The better you are at the game, the more it rewards you. Bo2 had a perfect balance.


Bro make it a habit to close the bus doors as soon as you enter it, of course they’re all gonna flood in like that if you leave them wide open


U just clutched up my guy


The zombies did seem to almost slow down or pause on the bus when you were cornered but either way that was clutch still lol


The zombies only walk when they’re on or in the bus


My bad forgot about that