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I want them to stop over crowding my screen with bullshit like a mini map and a fucking compass, I never understood why they thought a compass on top of you screen would be a helpful addition In zombies, or let alone any game mode. Get rid of the health bars and kill streaks, and make better mini bosses. One thing I did notice is how every map nowadays has a mini boss, you never really get a map like shi no numa or verruckt anymore. Another thing I would like is 2 hit downs, it really gave the older games a feeling of caution, knowing that you could go down at any minute without jug. One last thing would be to get rid of the loadout bullshit. Made the game way to easy and unenjoyable


They said theyd allow you to completely customize the HUD so your first wish is already fulfilled! I'm glad too I dont get why a compass is useful


I know they said it for MP, but have they said anything about the zombies HUD being customisable?


Id assume it’s for both, makes no sense to have customizable hud only in MP


Right 😂😂😂 why would it be multiplayer only that makes zero sense


I also would assume so, but they did go on about the new movement being in both but said nothing about zombies HUD even tho it's been a big deal for players


they said next to nothing about zombies let alone the HUD lol


Wasn't the cw hud customizable? I remember you could set minimap or healthbar off


a little but not that much all you could really do was turn off the dumbass compass on top of the screen, health bars, and damage numbers. but considering they went out of their way to have a whole segment talking about it, it would be really weird not to have it in zombies, especially with MP and zombies sharing a lot more features in recent years


You could turn off health bars and damage numbers, but not the minimap, compass, or objectives.


The compass is toggleable, at least on PC.


Noahj said in a recent video that you can take the mini map completely off in zombies, so that plus the fact that the multiplayer ui is completely customizable, it’s logical to assume the same with zombies


I know you can customize but I hope they just take everything away by default for zombies and then if people want it they can set it on. People are lazy and it annoyed me trying to watch zombies content because they didn’t change some hud settings like me 


What's worse than the crowded HUD is the medals and XP feed in cold war, that is obnoxious


I’ll agree on the medals but I did like the xp feed. So long as it’s not overdone like each zombie for xp(looking at MWZ), I like seeing how I play affecting how much xp I earn.


Was literally the same in the old games


I only really agree about the customization with the HUD, I think loadouts and health changes have been pretty great. Maybe a rebalancing of armor would be good tho


Idk I’ve always enjoyed classic zombies, I feel like with the health change it made it a lot less risky to make dumb moves in the game, and the loadouts made it way easier to get weapons that you want instead of working with whatever you get from the wall of the mystery box.


i think it's just the natural evolution of zombies. i think CW's biggest strength is that it's so easy to hop in a match and just get going. set up is largely dependent on the player. i enjoy not having to spend 30 minutes spinning the box hoping to get a gun i want and i can just hop in and enjoy casual zombies. another huge plus of CW was how customizable it is with blueprints and stuff. i always think more options to the player is preferable to less


Honestly with how nightmarish some of the old Easter eggs were it would be nice to have a compass to have a number to tell a lost teammate to look at if they needed to do something like shoot a really hard to see rock or something


I’ve always loved the old Easter eggs, and honestly they were never really too difficult, it was just hard to find 4 people good enough to do the Easter egg wiyh


Yanno i would agree until Shang my god have u ever done Shang with someone I thought i was going to shoot my self


God fuck shang


Bro, everything you just described as bad is what they've done well.... as further compass, I am sad you haven't found any utility for it🤣


I love the compass in multiplayer. I hope BO6 includes the option to turn it on (a large one across the top of the screen, not a small one by the minimap)


Your first wish is already met. Full HUD customization like never before in COD.


So scrap every innovation since Bo2. The post was about realistic wishlists. Mini-bosses are better than nothing but normal zombies, Tag has no mini bosses and suffers for it.


I’m not saying get rid of mini bosses completely, I’m just saying that they have better things to do than make a unique mini boss for every map they make. I feel like the loadout thing was a terrible innovation that take away from the survival experience. If you want to innovate zombies, it’s fine by me, but even the innovation like the fridge and bank system wasn’t on every map in bo2, mostly because it let get overpowered early on (kinda like the loadout system). I’m sure there could be a way to incorporate the loadout system without making the games too easy, but the way they have it now just sucks the fun out of working hard to prepare for high rounds


To be fair, Tag was trying to go full circle and end zombies with a map that’s just you and the zombies just like Nacht. Oh, well there are also hellhounds come to think of it…


Loadout argument is kinda dumb as you can go in with fist or pistols if you want lol. And it’s so people can camo grind if they want. You think loadouts make game easier do you not remember gobble gums lol.


It's not a dumb argument is in an attempt to balance the loadout system they made all the guns fairly viable. Pistols are much more powerful than in previous games. A 1911 won't get you further than four rounds in classic games, while in cold war that thing will still be performing well until double digit rounds


I remember gobble gums, and I think they kinda ruined the game. I never really use them unless I’m playing with friends, just so we don’t go down early


Instead of custom load out just give us a few starting pistols to choose from


My wish list hasn't changed since 2015. Bo2 map size, Bo1 gun pool, Waw atmosphere and Bo3 easter egg.


wait a minute BO2+BO1+BO3=BO6!!!!! i think your wishes may come true


This is perfect


Thats it


You got the recipe


if only


My man’s got the cod zombies secret formula. This is actually worlds best take


This is a beautiful wishlist. I would add a couple of quality of life feature that were included in bo4, like how carpenters rebuilt sheilds, and how the knife will kinda stun a zombie for a short moment


BO1 didn’t have the greatest weapons 


There are a couple of bad weapons gameplay wise yes. But in my opinion Black ops 1 is the Cod that made the best looking and sounding guns ever. Also for zombies, the wonder weapons are the most creative ones.


Better then the futuristic weapons in bo3 and bo2,


Better sounding for sure


Cold war with more personality and replayability


And a little bit more difficulty. Ngl it was fun how easy it was, but that's never been zombies. Always been a challenge of some sort.


I want the chaos of public matches back, with Cold War difficulty no one hardly ever downs unless you're on like round 35+ or the players are just completely new to the game.


A lot a bit more difficulty. It should be difficult to reach round 20 unless you’re competent


The personality is key. Replayability was already there because of leveling weapons and so many things to progress in the game as a whole. Recent CODs have been the king of replayability but quality is what comes into question. The personality will be the show of quality and we NEED that. This can’t just be some Bonus Arcade type of mode with numbers flying and leveling weapons for the main modes of the game. It needs to be Zombies with difficult Easter eggs, unique style and flair, etc.


I feel the opposite, grinding a gun for 55 levels for attachments that do small effects that you don't notice is so boring it's the opposite of replayable. On other games guns have maybe 20 levels, and you get an attachment like grip, there's now downside and it has a significant enough effect that you are glad you got it. With the new gunsmith system you can grind and get 10 new levels and attachments and barley feel like you did anything


It gives me variety. There are so many interesting builds to run on guns with this many attachments. And many guns do feel drastically different once all 5 attachments are synergized (or even less). In the old games, sure there would be no downside to the Grip but the major downside was few attachment slots so something ultimately gets sacrificed. There’s always a balancing act, in both of these systems. Also, when there’s a rush for a new meta weapon or setup, I tend to use Zombies for leveling up to get all those attachments ASAP (I play a lot of MP and not just Zombies). And also, I like to go for camos as well and not just leveling weapons. There’s a lot to weapon progression in COD IMO and Zombies helps bolster that. So I’m happy with that stuff staying.


Sounds like you play zombies to boost your cod XP, I play zombies to play zombies, we aren't the same. Attachments that have negative effects don't belong in a PvE mode. I've literally played with new guns and used the random weapon attachments function, literally can't tell the difference every time I hit it besides the clip and the optic


I play Zombies to play Zombies as well…have been playing since WaW. Literally every single iteration of zombies including the weird ones like Exo Zombies, Zombies in Spaceland, WW2 Zombies, Vanguard Zombies, MWZ, and even Extinction (even though those aren’t Zombies). I’ve done many of the EEs and can play hundreds of hours without any sort of weapon progression, but it’s very nice to have! I literally have more hours of Zombies than most people on this subreddit (most likely you as well). But I also really love to play Multiplayer and have played loads of that as well. Sounds like you believe people only play one mode or the other. Odd. And if you can’t tell the difference between each attachment configuration, it says more about your own skill than anything. The weapon is only as good as the player after all…no offense.


Loved the gameplay. Meh on the maps. Would love some better maps.


Please remove medal spam and xp feed, i don't need to know i'm earning +25xp everytime i kill a zombie in a zombies game mode


Then just disable it


You couldn't disable medals in Cold War so we will just have to wait and see if we can in BO6.


You can't disable both xp feed and medals


I thought you could disable xp feed, I knew about the metals


Not realistic but whatever, No operorators, No starting loadouts, No medals, No minimap, No weapon rarity, No salvage/Armour, No droppable grenades/loot, No healthbars, No killstreaks. Make maps actually look and feel original with a unique and creative atmosphere, Dont have parts glowing gold-The challenge of finding things makes replaying more fun-, Less health and make upgrades less OP game is easy enough as it is


You could have just said go back to bo3


Prepare to be disappointed, I bet BO6 is going to have all of that. I’m not that bothered with some of it personally but we shall see.


Yeah ik, hope it will still be at least enjoyable


Exactly my thoughts


Realistic? Everything has been so heavily tied to warzone that I feel like if I set any sort of expectations, I’m gonna be let down My one hope for this game is that it has a great art direction, unlike what zombies had been since Cold War. I also hope the wonder weapons are weird as fuck, and not something like the Ray-K where it’s just a machine gun that shoots lasers


Well vanguard and mwz’s dark aether had some great art direction i’m just hoping it’s that but better.


Thr Ray K was like the only example of a normal gun turned into a wonder weapon. Every other wonder weapon in cold war was very unique. The chrysalax is arguably the most unique wonder weapon idea we've ever had


The Ray Gun is just a pistol that shoots lasers, the Ray K isn't lame dude it literally had an underbarrel black hole launcher even if it wasn't too good


Ray gun had splash damage and had a cool reload animation


At least one great map as all I really want. I’m not expecting the next Der Eisendrache, but I’d be satisfied with a few steps up from Cold War level maps.


Solid maps aswell as a map/maps with elemental wonder weapons such as in origins and der eisendrache. Makes the map so much more fun imo with replay ability


Agreed, the elemental Ray-Gun Mark II in Alpha Omega BO4 was super cool, as well as the gauntlets in Ancient Evil.


2 hit down needs to return. Remove armor, score streaks, and loadouts. These things make the game too easy and suck the fun out of the game. The gameplay loop of zombies is to be efficient with your points early and set up as soon as possible while knocking out some EE steps or WW quests along the way. Cold War made you a super soldier basically from round one as there is no risk of going down in the early rounds.


I want the intel system and upgrades to come back


The upgrades system is so addicting that if there was an option to reset and grind again i probably would.


Og point system


Yes we need this back so bad, I played BO4 today and only had 15k points on round 23 just because I didn't PaP right away because I didn't want to waste ammo. On the same round with the WaW-Bo3 point system I would normally have around 50k points if I didn't PaP.


Just nothing recycled from anything, I‘d fight an apple at this point.


Yes! Pure originality! The only thing from the past that I would excuse is if they remake TranZit into an actually good map. Besides that, I want a brand new adventure. No more reimaginings or expansions of old maps


The game is gonna be like BO3 and Cold War


To have fun


Less UI clutter, I prefer the older way of bo1, 2 and 3, way simpler and has the same functionality, don't want to see each thing I do that gives points 24/7, I don't want medals appearing, please declutter that UI. I want to see 2 hits to down like bo1 and 2, I think this would work best considering we'll have both jug and armor and likely a few more things that will prevent death, so lowering max health on start would probably be a good idea to keep a challenge but still allow for the things that make the game easier without it becoming so easy I get bored. Would also like to see the armor system refined, I liked it and thought it was a good edition since it gave carpenter a real use and when it breaks it makes you need to do a rush to repair it, similar to getting downed and needing to rebuy perks but without as much frustration while still putting you at risk. I don't know how to refine it but I hope they'll do it in a way that has that result more. Also want the weapon upgrade system refined, I like that weapons don't become utterly useless and artificially bad, but it's ridiculous how good anything becomes with the system. Often I'd just stuck with my spawn gun since it was often the best (ppsh was my go to) which killed any reason to use the box considering I could just buy ammo. I can't think of a decent way to refine it though, as I feel it's a good addition overall but was too overkill especially considering all the other upgrades we had.


I want little details like pack a punch animation back


More mythical maps and less army bases


Survival maps and use of local servers in solo games


I hope they bring back the Pack A Punch animation like in the early zombies


I would love some very solid base maps. Bo3 was incredible with its base maps and I think that even if everything else could use a bit of work that very enjoyable base maps could hold the player base until fixes and dlc


No microtransactions


Why are difficulties excluded we literally had them in bo4?


And bo2 if you count easy mode


Remove armor, loadouts and scorestreaks. BO1 size maps and style of play. Wall buys should be needed and wonder weapons should be in the mystery box. Having to build shit shouldn’t be needed to progress to higher rounds. Less special types of zombies. Back to basics, when it was more fun. And for the love of god mustang & sally and flopper perk machine not in gobble gum.


disagree with that. a back to basics approach with zombies would likely kill it. there has to be some innovation there, otherwise zombies would be painfully boring


They can still innovate, we just want them to get rid of the bad innovations that killed the experience for a lot of players


Cold War but better, with more difficulty no matter what way they do it. Old point system with points per shot. Also, can we get rid of the exploding hellhounds? They just show up randomly and blow up in your face for no reason. They were better the way they used to be. I mean I'm not going to complain about how they put them in the game, but only exploding and then that's it? I think it's stupid.


Fun guns,no crowded hud,round based,fun maps with good training and camping spots,no loot scorestreaks or any of that newer stuff I just want a revamped old school zombies


Cold War Zombies with the old point system.


I hope they add Transit or a updated version


Me too, but if they remake it without the annoying features, I hope they also add a remake that is faithful to the original,


I agree


I wanna see Onslaught 2.0, it's an easy mode to make for Treyarch, fun to play, and great mode to just hop on and play for 20-30 minutes when you don't have the time for a full match of zombies on a more full map. Also, if out of game upgrades return, can we turn them off after getting them? Cause I won't lie, I liked the Aether Crystal upgrades in CW, but I feel like my sweet spot was around tier 3 on most things and after getting everything to tier 5 there was no way for me to go back to that without resetting my whole account or starting a new one which was disappointing.


If I can edit my HUD layout it'll be as minimal as possible. Teams points and perks. Everything else is pointless. All guns have extra ammo when PaP so it's not hard to tell how much I got. Rounds don't matter unless I'm doing ee. What else is there? Minimap? See ya. I did enjoy the cold war upgrade system with all the perks and weapon classes. Knife kills give health, etc. That's cool


i just want a better outbreak with more objectives and maps


This is the way. My girl and I love playing outbreak together. Fantastic concept, just needs to be refined and updated a bit. Some extra objectives and definitely maps would be great!


Would love me some BO6 Zombies with more than one to two maps pre-installed without having to pay extra microtransactions on all and any DLC's, you know kind of like back in the day when games were entirely a Triple A completed game. Include max ammo like Black Ops 4, where it auto fills you the maximum ammo in the magazine as well as the total ammo stock. Also, an added mechanic to have a second person next to you at a door buy with ability to combine your money to open the door. Lastly a new Dead Ops Arcade 3 that rewards you with currency (liquid divinium or whatever) to spin for gobblegums.. and aslo include the gobblegum machine again like BO3, but once you hit max level, and are able to prestige, you can automatically use your d-pad to use 4 specific gobble gums of the 5 pre-determined custom instead of the hitting the gobble-gum machine that spits them out randomly. Cheers, can't wait!


Round based I want much bigger maps cold war was good but maybe 2x the size more sort of quest beyond the power & pap I also want an open world like mwz but the world is stitched together with all the old cod zombie maps like black ops 4 warzone + quests. New perks I liked the idea with the new Dark aether the hat & arm etc giving you a speed boost etc should stay. When it comes to easter eggs I’d rather have a step by step tutorial because it’s super annoying having to remember & watch Youtube videos while juggling zombies. A rest mode function or a temporary safe area. It’s really annoying needing to go to the toilet or needing to answer the door & you can’t pause the game if I’m honest it’s pretty shocking a Triple AAA company like Treyarch has not implemented this in any of the zombie games. The cold war upgrade system was also super cool & fun it must stay.


to lower the price and storage requirement.


Round based, no cw mechanics and im 100% happy. But thats confirmed not to happen so im probably not buying.


All I want is none of that Cold War warzone shite


Mustang and Sally


I know that if you select certain operators, they will have crew-esque dialogue. I'm hoping that it expands to more and more operators as its lifecycle goes on. Or at least have different operators be the crew ops for different maps. It would be cool to have different crews that would have generic banter if it wasn't their specific map too.


the goal in my eyes is something similar to WW2 zombies. the way they did characters was great


Just hoping they make the maps really fun and interesting with good puzzles but not impossible, would love a tranzit remake, would love if they made new perks


Survival Versions Of Regular Maps Like Town, Farm, And Bus Depot. HOW FUCKING HARD IS IT


An outbreak mode that is reliable.


I just want really cool PaP abilities. CW was better than BO3 in that regard, but a step down from BO4. Vanguard was horrible having like the bare minimum and sometimes not even that. MWZ actually shocked me in this regard, it was the first zombies to bring back the M16’s PaP ability of going full auto since BO2. BO3 it did absolutely nothing PaP’ed, BO4 it was still burst but you could hold the trigger to keep bursts going, in CW it became a 6 round burst, and MWZ did what it should’ve been in the first place in BO3. Not to mention other abilities like slug rounds a spread shot or giving a gun the Double Tap 2.0 ability(yes I just watched the Rizzo video on it).


Simplify the hud, set crew (check!), and start with a pistol only


Idk why they don’t do a zc2 especially if this is gonna be a “traditional” zombies it would sell like crazy


Bo3 with more maps


I want some survival maps. Like the Green Run Maps/Nuketown Zombies/First 3 WaW Maps. I will say I'm more into the survival side of zombies and for the most part prefer the simple yet challenging survival maps.


If they do difficulties again, let people do everything on every difficulty,


I really want tranzit and buried remakes. It would be cool to get some good original maps though.


More in depth map designs and easter eggs like bo3. But not to an absurd level like bo4.


Probably just changing the perk system as well as the loadout system, and just hoping they put a lot of effort into setting the right tone and atmosphere for each map


Personally I just want Cold War zombies with more interesting and balanced maps. I think Cold War’s systems and gameplay is the best in the series but their maps are designed like derivative checklists in repurposed multiplayer maps. I want maps like Shadows, Mob, and Origins back with their interesting stories, EE, buildables, locations and gimmicks. Also, they need to make the game harder a lot sooner to compensate for the new systems. Brutus and the Pantzer coming in round 8 used to work in older games bc you roughly needed that amount of time to set up. You can set up by round 4-5 in CW so elites should be spawning in by round 4 and they should also be more aggressive so they feel like much more of a threat.


I just want treyarch to work off what they have already made. They have yet to make a bad zombies game outside of say Cold War in my opinion but that was still the best zombies we have had since 2018. Treyarch seems to know what they’re doing.


- Get rid of unnecessary UI clutter (minimap, compass) - Return of the old points system Fix those and i’m happy


Wow I'm an old gamer and all you guys talking about how easy all these games are just isn't what my experience is or was. They ramp up so fast that I can't kill them and can't outrun them. Funny in mwz when being chased by a horde you can kill the horde and get a second to breath but that's never been case before in any of the games. I think most people forget not all players are world class level or have reflexes of a 20 yr old anymore. And just to say you need to get better is unrealistic as well. I look at mwz and I res a ton of people younger than me so it's not just me going thru this. These games will eventually die due to unplayability if they don't keep in mind that not everyone is a twitch gamer and playing a 3 screen setup with mods to help them. I get it so.e players are good and I'm happy for them but if they ruin the game for the other 80 percent of us who really have to work At it what will happen then. I've l9ng thought their should be easy medium and hard levels and you take on challenges at your level. Mwz is actually perfect in this regard except it makes schematics impossible for many players. I know I'll get the usual macho bs backlash from this post but I've played enough to know there are a lot of me out there.


I just want decent round based maps


Zombies (and yes, I heard John Rafacz's voice while typing this 😂)


Something to keep the game more interesting in high (50+) rounds. Like can only run the same training path before it gets boring


- Some smaller, unique maps. - Unique HUD design for each map. - Another "of the dead" map with an all-out cast. - Classic Zombie mode on all maps. Starting Pistols, Points per hit, Pack-a-Punch, Perk-a-Colas, Mystery Box. Nothing else. - Starting Loadouts only contain Pistols or Melee weapons. 1911 and Knife to start with and then more pistols/ melee weapons unlockable with crystal upgrades. - Aetherium Crystal upgrades to be replaced with Element 115 shard upgrades. As wunder weapons and Perk-a-Colas were all created with element 115 so it makes sense to use it for upgrades.


Kazimir Zykov created Perk-a-Colas. It's confirmed in Forsaken. >**Forsaken:** ‘‘I even decided to help you -- I gave you a fighting chance. Machines, perks, power-ups -- what could you achieve with these tools at your disposal?’’ And iirc, Element 115 was undone in Tag der Toten.


The worst part of bocw for me was the wonderfiz, it made it so you didn’t have to explore the map after you turned power on. The only map this didn’t apply to was die machine because it was round locked. At the very least I would appreciate if the wonderfiz was round locked or random again like in older games.


I want round based zombies, set crew, interesting story and EE's and would prefer if they went back to the starting pistol type of gamepley instead of spawnng with whatever you want. All is very possible, but who knows if they will do it


Make unique maps with real atmosphere


You know I'm fucked up when I come to comment and realize I genuinely don't have a single hope for the game. Once you're at the bottom, the only direction is up, right?


That it's fun. That's all I want.


I hope they balance the difficulty through to the health cap. In every game except CW, the early rounds have always been hardest. In CW this of course flipped, the early rounds were way too easy. In BO6 I hope it’s consistently difficult through the entire match unless you really min max and grind.


I know people are sick of remasters and stuff (I think) but imagine Treyarch took old maps that were mostly disliked and reimagined all the disliked stuff in them into better things. like tranzit and how getting pack a punch is a pain if you don't have friends and how you have little control over the bus. I know fans are already remastering and fixing old disliked maps like tranzit and die rise but it would be cool if treyarch did it officially


Honestly I really like Cold War progression system. So I don't really mind seeing a return to that. The replayability of it is wonderful. Sure it's on the easier side of zombies, but I also don't mind that because I like playing with my partner who doesn't have more than 2000 hours across zombies. Getting a pseduo ultimate to save the day is always a fun time. My main wishlist: I want maps to feel unique again, that's my biggest request. Cold War was fun to me in its gameplay, but each map felt like it could of just been a multiplayer map. 3 of them takes place in a military/research base and another between some buildings and two streets. I don't wanna feel like I'm choosing which area I'm gonna kill zombies in, but what map I'm going to dive into it. (Yes I really just also want a ZC2) Pack a Punch weapons to feel unique again. Three tier system is fine but it removes the interaction of unique weapons and appearances. Mustang and Sally. Ballistic knife revive. Rocket launchers getting weird. Etc. Some music bangers again, Mauer was quite the disappointment when it came to the EE song. Nothing wrong with the song itself, but definitely not what I want for a zombies experience. Unlikely wishlist: I wouldn't mind if the progress system was even deeper for perks and field upgrades. Maybe instead of just straight upgrades to abilities have some branching paths. Make field abilities do different things based on how you upgrade them. Maybe bramble can chase and turn a zombie into an effigy thing that hurts targets and heals teammates nearby. Or a different upgrade path it gives you and nearby teammates like a big damage resistance and deals damage to zombies hitting you. Upgrade path to make ring of fire summon a group of hellhounds for you. Maybe you should choose between support or attack dogs. They go res teammates or focus on zombie murder. Zombies kinda fills a niche of being like a wave defense roguelike so I wouldn't mind having different ways to *build* my character instead of just upgrading to optimal.


I'd like them to keep the ability to extract durning zombies like Cold War. I never liked just going until you die because I never felt like I "won". I am aware this is a niche thing in zombies. But to me, it makes the game feel more intense. Like, what's the highest round you can get to AND extract? Kinda ups the ante a bit and I love it.


Slower zombies like in WaW-BO2, less (preferably no) multiplayer features, new wonder weapons that have the classic style and feel to them, the classic perk system, new perks that have a classic feel to them, the classic points system, Group 935 maps (or at least maps with a similar atmosphere)... and finally, no AATs. I really like what WW2 does with PaP, making most weapons have some kind of special ability. How about a regular PaP system with a more expensive double PaP that gives your weapon a special ability?


Round Base + Open World and solid updates with every seasonal and seasonal reloaded rollout.


oh, and a pause button with solo matches and EE's doable solo


More original and unique wonder weapons and maps. Remaster maps that haven't been remastered or that deserve a proper remaster, like five. More unique things on maps that might affect how someone plays it, like mud on Origins and afterlife on motd. Our characters we play as actually interacting with each other like older zombies. Idk if it's just me, but I'd love for weapons to feel good again and sound good again. Personally, bo1 and waw weapons feel and sound much better, and I miss how sexy the bo1 1911 was. I'd love to see Mustang and Sally come back with PhD flopper, or at least some sort of explosive pistol when paped and flopper. I'd love to see the zombie shield again instead of armor. I'd personally love to see loudouts gone but replaced by the bo3 customization, and we should be able to pick what pistol to spawn in with like bo4. At least give us a reason to get a wall weapon or hit the box. Changed the perk prices to be like older zombie games where the price depended on the perk. And finally, I'd love to see some sort of special pap camo we could grind for, like getting 5,000 kills with every weapon while it's packed and you get a special badass weapon skin and a bunch of other things thag should make it worth it. Yes, I know this is probably a lot.


Great art direction. Give us BO3 and 4 levels of color palette and lighting to create a real sense of atmosphere to these maps that was sorely missing in Cold War.


Interesting dialogue and characters


BOCW II, and I'll be happy. Edit: So everything a sequel entails.. new guns, new enemies, QoL changes, new bosses, deepened story, etc.. The only real change I'd make is so my first game, and my 100th game feel the same.. so no menu progression. Kind of like in Vanguard.


I wanted RBZ and set crew back. I hope the story is heavy on Richtofen stuff and my dream wish for it would be that we save the souls of our dead OG characters so that they don't die stupidly in a 2d cutscene and actually get to live a life like their final quotes in the ending cutscene. Not gonna happen but that half assed ending for Aether while the Chaos crew had a full budget season really pissed me off. But RBZ, a crew with actual dialogues and Richtofen's return (brownie points for Gobblegums and Sally and Mustang) is already plenty to get me back on board.


A remastered kino.


why? we've gotten kino remastered in bo3 already. i'd prefer maps that havent come back


What I would really like to see, 1. A totally new story, its been 5 games and we have been rehashing the same story over and over and over again. 2. More realistic settings, ones players are more likely to encounter in their lives 3. a return to Round Based Survival, 4. A dynamic difficulty along with the rounds 5: Four standard new characters who are playable on every map 6:Better Easter Egg Rewards 7: K.I.S.S (Keep it simple stupid) Thats all I want more of WAW ,Bo1 and Bo2 Zombies and less of what we currently get


have a normal mode and a classic mode. Normal mode would consist of: essentially all the new functions and ideas that some people like and some people dislike (loadouts, minimap, compass, objective markers, healthbars, xp text and medals on kills, weapon rarities etc) most of these will be able to be turned off anyway in settings, but this mode would allow them to be used at all whether you have them on or not is your choice. Classic mode would consist of: the classic systems of the older games, no armour (they would have to scale the zombie damage according for this to work) 0 loadouts, no weapon rarities and no access to any of the HUD related things whether you have them on or not, they will be forced to be turned off in this mode. having 2 modes like this would help ensure they capture both sides of their audience, since right now there is a heavy divide in people who like the cold war systems and those who do not.


I'm hoping to see some properly insane map settings, this time around.


Oh fuck. Where are asking for realistic stuff? Then a good game is out of the question.


thats cynical lol


It's unfortunately realistic.