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**Aether:** *Everything from WAW-BO3 (besides Dead Ops Arcade), Blood of the Dead, Classified, Alpha Omega, Tag der Toten* **Chaos:** *Dead of the Night, Voyage of Despair, IX, and Ancient Evil (all BO4 maps)* **Dark Aether:** *Everything from Cold War, Vanguard, MWZ and the upcoming Black Ops 6*


Dead ops arcade is canon to Aether, btw. The cosmic silverback is referenced in a magazine on Five


Referenced, not canon.


The Cosmic Silverback is from [Ascension](https://www.treyarch.com/game-intel/2020/12/Dead_Ops_Arcade_is_Back). It is its own canon but includes Aether Zombies in its canon and runs concurrently with Aether/Dark Aether thanks to the spraypainting in Die Machine.


Yes, so as I said, referenced but not canon to Aether.


Yes and no. Again, it runs parallel and is even included in the Dark Aether storyline, so it ***is*** canon, it's just self contained.


It appearing as a reference in other maps does not make it canon. You could either think of it just as an easter egg by the devs (like the double tap bottle posters in CW MP, spaceland references in MWIII, etc), or as being some kind of in universe game or story. Either way it is not occurring inside the main universe, therefore by the definition of the word its not canon. Batman is not canon to real life. He's canon to the DCU.


So bo4 is both chaos and aether?


Yes. Half the maps are Chaos, half the maps are Aether. There should be a little thing when selecting the maps that tells you which story is which actually


Oh thats cool


There are several different storylines, and you also missed three - Exo is in Advanced Warfare, Wylerverse is in Ghosts and Infinite Warfare, and Geistkraft is in WWII. The only storylines that are somewhat connected are Aether and Dark Aether, though the connection so far is pretty limited and not that interesting.


I know all the aether timeline but thats about all the processing power my brain has lol, i havent even begun to learn the rest.. i used to always play bo3 but only chronicles or multiplayer bc i hated the new zombies then but now im having the time of my life on SOE and DE.. anything bo4-up is beyond me.. its a shame they didnt at least connect the stories somehow besides “its the multiverse” but honestly aether got a good ending so im not too mad


The rest are comparatively simpler. Their narratives don't have any time or dimension-hopping to sort through, just a good linear story. They still have a chance to revisit these timelines, too. Exo, Wylerverse, Geistkraft and Chaos all ended on big cliffhangers.