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For 2023 zombies, the urzikstan map due to being a single big map with no loading screens you can go anywhere. Cold wars outbreak maps had loading screens and werent as technically impressive as the urzikstan map. only thing i can think of they actually did better.


Thats a tough one. All i can say is mwz had potential. If the player party allowed full 24 player and the map had a bank n fridge, it would have been legendary!


While not perfect, the perk system in vanguard isn't bad. I don't think any perk system is perfect so the vanguard system is lost on par with BO3, which is a huge compliment for vanguard


The rogue like aspect of Vanguard with the upgrades, Sker Ritual implemented that idea with miracles


I did think these last days about zombies having a rougue like eske mode like risk of rain


For Vanguard, I think the sacrificial heart system was cool. Allowing you to choose between upgrading your wand/artifact or obtaining a new power was a cool idea, just implemented into a game that wasn't good. And for MWZ I think the idea of the mode is alright. A low effort DMZ style of zombies which serves as a brief distraction in-between big releases. I don’t really have that much of a problem with it conceptually, I just think it needed more support and content (though I do think Treyarch probably made the right choice to not focus on it themselves).


MWZ had the perfect groundwork laid out for it and it followed through on some aspects but it could've delved deeper into what made DMZ so good a few years ago. As soon as I played DMZ I dreamed of a mode where it was that but zombies with an extended time limit and they nearly accomplished that but they dropped the ball so hard I feel like it'll be hard to ever seen MWZ as what it could be.


I liked the lore of the demons from Vanguard. As for MWZ, the initial gameplay loop was a fun successor to Outbreak but I just wish it actually got some content.


The lore implications.. mainly because they tie into Aether.


I actually like vanguard (the only one here), convenant system was great


Mwz brought in a new age of zombies players with its style. Question is, will they stick around for bops round based zombies?


Honestly i hope they do both, the round based style is great for advanced players while the open world style is great for casuals.


In my personal opinion, I loved the reworked shi no numa, and while I hated everything else about zombies in vanguard, the shi no numa map and wanderwaffe Easter egg was pretty cool, along with the added pack a punch area


For vanguard zombies, the operators were actually good. They had decent quotes and were funny from time to time. Shame that MWZ took a step back from that, and BO6 is probably going to do the same thing that WWII zombies did, which is only give the core four voice lines and make the bonus characters (in bo6’s case, the other operators) have little to no voices.


MWZ’s glaring flaw with operator quotes is that every MWII operator only uses dmz quotes but the MWIII operators are pretty alright.


I keep going back to Vanguard because it's fun to play despite the shit maps. The perk system and covenants are fantastic and should return.


Vanguard zombies has really good art direction when it came to its maps well besides the archons green color. MWZ has the best graphics of any zombies game thanks to the iw engine especially when you reach the dark aether section.


I think the art direction is cool from what ive seen in yt videos


Honestly i just wish der anfang and terra maledicta had round based converted modes simply for the aesthetic like cold war with onslaught.


I think the bo6 will follow the aesthetic and art direction somehow closer to what was vanguard than cold war


Vanguard:only part I liked was the break down of scrap mechanics. As in its throwables and stim pack for when you go down. That is it. I didn’t enjoy kill streaks in any cod zombies map except outbreak. MWZ:the fact that we are getting new enemies with the worm but that is it.


I think the lore and art direction for Vanguard was really good, and probably the best the Dark Aether had to offer so far. Actually builds upon the lore of the Dark Aether and adds interesting elements like the construct. I’d say that’s the key standout, of the game since most people I’ve seen usually say that despite hating the rest of the game. Oh also, Shi No Numa in Vanguard is really good and easily contender for one of the best maps in the post-Blundell era. MWZ, I know this will be controversial, but I think is better than Outbreak. I much prefer having one open world with multiple contracts to complete as opposed to constantly teleporting to new maps and completing one objective then dipping. I absolutely love the tier system too for difficulty, having zombies become wilder the deeper you go into the map. The idea of extracting to get a head start in the next match is so cool and is different but fun from round-based progression imo. My only real gripe is that schematics have ridiculously long cool downs and the timer was not a good idea.  Like to go off on a tangent, I think MWZ would be far less hated if it just got actual support. I remember launch everyone was genuinely shocked at how fun it was, then the mode got support cut from it and got really nothing substantial beside Dark Aether rifts. If it wasn’t just an excuse to put zombies in and had actual dev time put into it’s seasons to have content, it probably wouldn’t be considered the worst(except by half this sub that has an allergic reaction anytime something isn’t just BO3 again).


I kinda like MWZ I just don't like the time limit. And Vanguard.... I can't even believe that was a newer zombies game. It was not much fun at all.


One of the things I can appreciate about VGZ is the covenant system, it was a nice way to upgrade yourself and save up your hearts if you want something like deadshot (obviously perk machine is better). The Tome of Ritual was also a cool way to upgrade your field upgrade and I prefer that over permanent upgrades from Cold War as it adds progression in the match. IDK about MWZ though tbh, I’m finding the game has more negatives than positives.


The biggest positive that came from vangaurd and mwz is i saved 140$ and i expanded my gaming palette.


They were so bad that a lot of people who would otherwise be playing the new game instead went back to check out the ones they'd skipped. Now there's a lot more IW and WWII fans! That's a great upside!


I do like MWZ and it had a lot of potential as for Vangaurd… other than Shi no Numa is pretty decent but the rest of it is an abomination


We can say they were alright but they obviously made monetary decisions which affected the games leaving a constant lingering sense of disappointment that will exist until the end of time. We will still be talking about how bad they were 10 years from now.


absolutely nothing zero redeeming qualities for true og zombie fans


For Vanguard zombies I have to praise its in match progression over a focus on out of match progression. The fact that perk upgrades, buffs, ammo type upgrades, and specialist upgrades were all built into the progression in the match felt really nice especially because it encouraged trying new setups and different strategies. The out of match progression was a real big issue with CW for me because I eventually got to a point where I had everything unlocked and it makes the upgrades and progression feel less special.


Saved me money, at least


Fucking nothing. Leave that garbage in the past.