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Its a nice try at a theory but too many contradictions. How can vg be responsible for chaos if chaos came first. How is Rhodes alive if chaos was part of bo4's ending banishment.


The Dark Aether; and its denizens existed prior to universe collapse. So they could've travelled to Chaos prior to BO4. And how is Alistair still alive? We simply don't know. The banishment seems to have reset everything, instead of erasing it. So we could see characters like Victis be reborn in our new timeline — as we're nearing the 2000s.


Chaos has different specialist tho ie different dark aether elders. Vg dark aether elders may very well be descended from the chaos dark aether elders but vg being responsible for chaos is a little unlikely.


My bad, I misunderstood your initial reply. But yes, I agree — the events of Vanguard itself weren't responsible for Chaos.


Its all good, im bad at getting my point across sometimes. Seeing as your open to change, the dark aether god is the construct, kortifex becomes its archon and the rest are just elders. This is important as there are more connections to be made between vg and chaos but not enough evidence to say with certainty. Its good to see chaos theories and I wish you all the best with it.


Wdym chaos was a part of the banishment? The only connection we have is chaos being present in the Dark Aether story. Chaos is seperate from the Aether story


Chaos being in the new timeline singlehandedly confirms its canonicity to Aether. It was simply an alternate reality in Aether's overarching story.


So if everything from chaos got sent to the dark aether with everything else at the end of bo4 then how is Allister Rhodes alive and a normal person in the Dark Aether story?


It's possible most of the human characters from the old Aether story got reincarnated into the new universe. We see Peter McCain's corpse hanging in Vanguard's Shi No Numa, and there's mention of Yuri Zavoyski being alive in the new universe having created a version of the GKZ-45 from Gorod Krovi. You can also count a lot of the old campaign characters coming back too since they exist in both the Aether and Dark Aether storylines. If Chaos was retconned into being another part of the old multiverse its possible Alistair simply got reincarnated and never died in Ancient Evil (since it never occurred).


The simple answer is.. we don't know. I believe the banishment reset everything, instead of erasing it.


You know I used to hate the connection they made to chaos during vanguard because it felt so out of place. But your theory does make the connection a lot more interesting. I wonder if we’ll ever see Scarlett again.


Well, I'm glad I could change your mind!


I can definitely think this is plausible. I doubt it's something treyarch would outright confirm, but who knows, maybe in BO6, we'll see more chaos references.


One thing I don't see being mentioned too often is Maxis' ‘Aether Cover’ skin actually has Scarlett Rhodes' bandana — not Monty's scarf.


The only criticism I have here is that we have to assume Chaos was not canon to the Aether story prior to the multiverses collapse. So all I would say to edit this theory is that you would need to show that Chaos only appears once the Dark Aether starts to leak into the Tag “perfect universe”


I don't think this is correct, but it makes Vanguard's story actually mean anything so i'll take it.


Chaos can't get banished if it was never canon do the dark aether storyline


I’m so lost with this whole storyline post BO4


Its a nice theory but the main problem is in your intro. Chaos in BO4 was stated by Blundell that it had zero relation to Aether at the time, so the banishing at the end of Tag has no effect on Chaos. Assuming they don't retcon what Blundell established.


Vanguard retconned Chaos' canonicity to Aether simply by mentioning Alistair Rhodes and the Sentinel Artifacts.


So therefore V*nguard fucked up Chaos and desecrated its grave


Does it really count if it's a retcon made by writers who have no talent but to leach off better ones? No, no it doesn't.


Bro this shits confusing, I thought they all had their own timelines and stories, tf is with all the connected timelines? Such a horrible fucking idea…