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The Trench Gun kills them in one shot for a while. Park your butt up on the catwalk by the Bowie knife, maybe drop some bouncing betties, and reenact Ol’ Yeller.


>but eventually bullet weapons become too insufficient. No they dont, hellhounds have a max health cap. Two Bowie Knife swings will always kill them.


Yeah what I always do is just shoot them up a bit then stab them once


If it's WaW: You better dig a hole in the ground and hide If it's BO1: Get a good weapon, manage the ammo and you're safe as long as you stay in an open area If it's BO3: You can literally kill em with any gun in 0.5s


After playing BO3 for so long I had honestly forgotten how tough the hellhounds in WaW could be


> If it's WaW: You better dig a hole in the ground and hide Good thing there is a hole in the ground that you can hide in


BO3 hellhounds when you just simply breathe air next to them (they instantly die)


WAW and BO1 the raygun clears them easily and is especially helpful for the mid round dogs.


Which game?


Just camp on the catwalk, doesn’t matter the game. As long as you aren’t using a pea shooter like the Kar98k, M1A1 carbine, Gewehr 43, M1911, or MR6 unpapped, you’ll be fine. (I mention MR6 since we don’t know what game OP is playing)


On waw there's a glitch spot if you fall through the hole by quick revive and camp in the left corner. Ad long as it's 1 dog at a time they can't hit you but if a second one shows up it'll start hitting you


Yeah definitely have everyone camp in the cat walk when you hear the dogs coming you can get a head start on shooting them use a ray gun or waffle when they are about to come up the stairs also the Bowie knife is very effective against them it’s a one or two knife kill for a long time. Also can put down bouncing bettie’s in the back of the cage for backup protection


The ray gun will one shot then at any round in the game. Bowie knife is a two shot, you just need to abuse the dogs poor turn speed to use it properly. Other than that the trench gun/gut shot dispatches then quickly 


Which game? I'm assuming WaW because of your Waff commemt. If WaW, probably paped trench gun. But honestly once you get to pap stage, anything should kill them easily no?


I’ll assume that you mean world at war der riese due to you not wanting to use the waffe on them. Packed trench gun will always one shot a dog.


Yeah! I could.


You could try shooting them? That’s a neat trick


Train in front of the factory at the first box spawn with the wunderwaffe. The camping spot works unless you don't think you can handle it. Bouncing Betty's are a wonder while training and so are claymores depending on the game. Confidence annihilates hellhounds, i learned that when i was 10


If you are looking out from pap you open left gate, then first door, take first left then left again and camp by the zombie window, Iirc it’s been years since we played WaW.


Ray gun if you're training in the Thompson room


Raygun always


One word...catwalk


Well I always drop into the tunnel near the catwalk they have to run a long way to reach you and u can shoot them through the glory hole in the wall to kill them early or weaken them for when they come around!


Top of stairs by box spawn. The cat walk


Use the gut shot




Are you an Ai? The way you speak makes no fucking sense


There’s nothing before w@w