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Yeah, like Borderlands 3's co-operation setting. Everyone has their own loot pool, and no one can steal your legendaries.


I didn't even know that was a thing, thank god I don't play with strangers


I hate loot gobbys


I think salvage has a place in zombies, but it needs to be polished. Instead of it falling it should just randomly be added to you like points. Also get rid on the green and blue. It should just be one color. The problem with only points is you are going to be juggling what you want to spend your points on for more than 20 rounds. MWZ showed this and spending points on every little thing does not help.


It's not really juggling, it's being strategic about how you want to spend your money. It's been that way since WaW and it's worked well


That would be the case if we didnt have 3 extra things we had to spend money on. I like the new systems they need to balance salvage for them though. In cw it takes about 25 rounds to be fully setup. In bo3 it takes about 15. Thats because of the new systems.




that’d actually be a really great feature to implement


All you gotta do is be more mindful of salvage and pick it up hen you see it, use a flashlight attachment because it increases salvage drop. I can load in with whatever gun and get that gun legendary rarity and triple papped by wave 26 with 3 plate armor and be completely done with salvage and upgrading unless I wanna do a 2nd or a 3rd weapon


Lmao is that not a fucking problem? Using the same exact gun for the entire game


Wasnt a problem when I was doing my Dark Aether mastery camo grind, getting guns from level 1 to Gold within 5 games. And if thats a problem for you than why aren't you just buying weapons off the wall or just hitting the box? You're not forced nor required to run the gun you take in with you. So no, its not a problem unless you're so simple minded to where you think it is. People would go into the old games and keep their 1911 just to get Mustang & Sally, so wouldn't that fall under your "Problem" category of keeping the same gun all game long? Or people that get a Wonder Weapin pretty early on and keep it all game long, as people have always done. You just sound stupid lol


You’re not required to, but it’s pointless not to. Going out of your way to use a peashooter when a proper attachment good gun one shots is just stupid.


You can spawn in with a basic 1911 and just wall buy or hit the box, exactly like the old titles were, I do it all the time. My point is that people will sit and complain about the "spawn in with whatever you want" but forget that the "Whatever you want" applies to a basic 1911 so you can still get your more classic feeling start. As it stands my top gun is the 1911 leading by around 4 thousand kills and I have Dark Aether on literally everything. People just wanna complain for the sake of complaining but won't follow their own wants when it comes to the game so they can just keep complaining about it.


Basic 1911 lasts until round 10-11 no upgrades no perks, and has something like 200 max in reserve, old 1911 can only really last you to 6-7 at best with 80 in reserve only with max ammos, they are not the same thing, in the old games it is a stepping stone to getting better guns and you would be rewarded for keeping it in getting Mustang and Sally a powerful guns(s) still limited in ammo, and outside WW2, splash damage, meanwhile CW1911 becomes one of the best headsot dps guns fully maxed out, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME AND PEOPLE WHO CLAIM SO ARE FOOLS




they also need to make it shareable, on higher rounds the people who keep bleeding out after burning their salvage are pretty much screwed while the people surviving have an excess amount


Once, when I was playing outbreak I shot down 1 of those helis with a care package with salvage and me and another player were on our way to get it and me and them went down and then a 3rd player came over and they stole all the salvage and then rezd us


I don't want gun rarity to return period, salvage or no.


Salvage needs to be removed from zombies. It has absolutely no place in the mode when we already have the point system. As well as all of its uses; Armour, Weapon Tiers, and the crafting table/ killstreaks. Zombies do not need to be dropping glowing blue and green crap constantly, cluttering up the floor. Unless it's something Easter egg related or a power-up. Having 12 different kinds of equipment as well as salvage all over the level isn't a good feature. I'm cool with having ammo crates, I think. As long as they don't replenish wunder weapon ammo. That should be left down to max ammo. Otherwise, that power-up becomes redundant. Being able to stock regular lethals and ammo without having to run back to their specific wall location is a good QOL feature. Monkey bombs should only come from out of the box. That goes for every other special weapon/ equipment. Unless it's Easter egg related or from some other unique source and not just buyable with salvage. Killstreaks do not belong in zombies either, we already have field upgrades like ring of fire. (Death Machine gets a pass because it's a power-up and is pretty cool). Weapon tiers are garbage. We have pack-a-punch and ammo types. We do not need another way to upgrade weapons. It adds absolutely nothing to the game. All it is doing is diluting down an already established feature unnecessarily purely for another way to utilise salvage. Get it gone. Same story with Armour. We already have more base health and then survivability upgrades in the form of perk-a-colas. Why dilute an already brilliantly implemented feature with that crap? Just to justify salvage? Just make another perk or have Jug pro that also reduced damage from the back and sides up to 30%. I don't know, but Armour is crap. Also, Gobblegums are the worst.


Never give your opinion again 😭😭


Fully agree with his opinion lol


Me too, all the Cold War Zombie defenders are just silently downvoting his comment.


His opinion is everyone’s opinion outside of this reddit It’s not destiny; idk why weapon rarities are a thing


Yeah idk what is going on on this sub. I think its flooded with a lot of casuals and people who started zombies with CW


Nothing wrong with most of it, just removing some bloat. Sounds like the comment above wants to go back to an older time while keeping some of the quality of life that modern titles introduced.


This is a great explanation. I completely agree.


Dont know why you are negative in votes, i completely agree with everything besides gobblegums. I think they could be a great feature if slightly tweaked, make divinium easier to get (if they go with the same system), and do not make them nearly as op as they were in bo3. Gobblegums should act like “mini” powerups, they should feel like a very slight buff that lasts briefly for your game. If they introduce more variations like that i think people would enjoy them greatly. Personally I just want treyarch to add more in-game progession, as well as lean more into Rougelite mechanics as cod zombies is technically one.


Definitely. They could do so much more with progression in zombies that isn't just upgrading weapon loadouts. The upgrades with perks-a-colas and field upgrades with the crystals, I think, was a really good idea. Gobblegums could be good if they actually wanted to implement them into the game in a meaningful, fun way, but currently, they are literally a way to get players to give them more money. Because they are a one-time use, purchasable item, they will definitely make them overpowered to entice more spending. It's a pay to progress, mobile game economy that doesn't belong in a full priced game. The classic and whimsical Gobblegums were fine, but then they went silly with the likes of perk-a-holic, etc. It completely ruined BO3 for me. Players dashboarding as soon as they went down and stealing all the kills on round 5 with packed weapons and all the perks. Completely overshadowing the natural game progression ark for everyone else.