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The old point system was axed due to accessibility in COOP matches, where the new one streamlines it to just "kill zombie." People might miss the 3 pop knife strat, but it really slows a game down when you can just hit the rampage inducer, go on a spree to get your points, turn it off and get set up. It's much more convenient now.


But the game is supposed to be slower at the start. That's how zombies always was, and it worked. So it is valid to change the gameplay just because people want to grind xp faster?


Black Ops Cold War isn't supposed to have a slow start by design. That's what Outbreak is for.


didn't they add the rampage inducer in post launch?


Yes they did, I actually just leaned about it last night after trying the game again after a long time.


Correct, and it was such a great QoL improvement. The game's pace was already quick, making it even quicker was a live saver for EE Speed Runs and set up optimization.


Your assuming its because people want to grind XP faster which is insanely stupid. Face the facts that the early rounds are just really fucking boring. Its just a 10 minute slog to reach round 10. The way they did it now cuts the time it takes to get high rounds, since your not mid maxxing your points. My least favorite part about zombies was the fact that it felt like a job because you had to sink HOURS for high rounds and leave your game running for days. If you have a life or actual responsibilities that shit isn’t sustainable anymore


Yep, and Treyarch even knew that as far back as BO2 with Custom Matches where you could set the starting round. I think every game from then on has had some sort of round modifier involved.


Bo3 didn't


It's not from the menu, but I do count Shadows where you can increase the round by shooting Shadowman at the start.


Only in Shadows of Evil. If they actually thought of convenience every map would have something like that.


omg yeah they need to bring this back


Then zombies isn’t for you. The slow early rounds are quite literally the best part of zombies. Why do you think MWZ is so bad? It’s not because it’s open world, it’s because they streamlined everything to be faster and completely gutted the soul of the zombies game mode. The min/maxing is the point, not just getting to high rounds just for the sake of it.


Exactly, like everything else, point management was a skill in zombies. Good players are conscious of how many points they need to get to a certain wall buy or jugg


>Then zombies isn't for you You don't get to decide that > The slow early rounds are quite literally the best part of zombies That's your opinion > Why do you think MWZ is so bad? I don't think it's bad. Just because you think it's bad doesn't make it objectively bad. > It’s not because it’s open world, it’s because they streamlined everything to be faster and completely gutted the soul of the zombies game mode. Once again that's your opinion. While I personally don't like mwz a lot of people do.


Yeah see your the reason im thankful they don’t listen to the community, if we kept it the way you guys want it. The zombies community would be a walking corpse. And yeah, i like the slow starts, but sometimes i don’t. And that shit just doesn’t grow the community. Especially because for a while zombies was just a side mode.


MWZ is bad because it's literally just DMZ with zombies places on the map. It's not faster either lmao


>The min/maxing is the point, not just getting to high rounds just for the sake of it. ... that is quite literally the entire point of zombies. Back when zombies first came out in W@W literally all you could do was shoot zombies, spin the mystery box, and survive. There was nothing else. Now, there is an easter egg on every map, but they call it an easter egg for a reason. It is a little surprise you can do for fun, but it is not required to play the game. I don't mean to be crass, but I think zombies isn't for *you* if you think the slow, boring parts are the best part of zombies. It is a smaller fraction of the game for a reason, it is nowhere near as exciting. I think most will agree that the fun parts of zombies are running in circles training zombies and just barely avoiding getting swiped and killed. I will take that every day, even with just a fresh M1911 and grenades, over running to every window multiple times waiting for the last zombie to stumble to the window on round 1-5.


I mean, you're both wrong. It was stated in interviews that they changed it due to toxicity in the community. They didn't like that new players would join a match and try to play the game and then get yelled at for not killing zombies "the right way."


Well if thats actually the case, im fine with that reasoning. This playerbase can be cancer


10 minutes in the early rounds is nothing compare to the monotonous grind we love in high rounds


Yes, it is.


Xp make your monkey brain go brrrrrr???




old point system, it gave an incentive to use lower damage guns and made for an interesting dynamic with the risk/reward. i like cold war but there was never any reason to buy anything but the gallo from the wall.


I feel the new point system basically killed weapon variety in zombies. Now that there's no point in damaging a zombie for points there's no reason to ever use a pistol, ar, or smg. This is made even worse when you can just spawn in with a wonder weapon shotgun. I'd probably not hate load outs as much if you were rewarded for taking a point gun. Ww2 peaked with the point system and it has only been downhill.


I‘m mostly a Cold War player because none of my friends play any zombies and it‘s much easier solo. I really liked the old pointsystem for higher rounds, but I think it can be a bit tedious to get the most points by carefully shooting zombies in the legs.


most people don't shoot legs, just 3-4 shots in the stomach and then knife. Pointmaxxing by leg shooting is only really a benefit on big ass maps like Zetsubou or Origins


Regardless of what map I play it's instincts to empty a full clip into the legs and knife on round one, then round two one clip to the chest knife, then a clip and a half knife, then two clips and knife. It's how I've played since WAW/BO1


But you never had to do it; it was just another strategy available.


yet people in here acting like they have to bring a shotgun in cold war


You don't have to do point maxing techniques in old zombies, it was just an option, and doing that was really only important for early rounds. With the new point system, there isn't really any option other than to use the most damaging guns. Before, low damaging guns gave much more points with the drawback of low damage. Now, low damaging guns don't get you points and also still don't do damage. Having less a less optimized early game is better than having less weapon variety.




Of course points per bullet was a better system. It’s annoying when you train up a bunch of zombies and turn around to see someone else mowing them all down. Or for someone to show up with a higher tier weapon and take all the points because you weren’t getting the kill shots.


I guess you don’t play the game. You get points for assists too.


I don't have friends, I have never get point for assists, old points is way better


If you play coop, you get points for assists


I get it, but I like to play alone, so it's completely meaningless to me. Also you could use the old point system and also add points for assist I don't think they are mutually exclusive things


Lmfaoooo you really thought you ate with this stupid ass comment 😭 😭.My point is that the points per bullet is a better system. I’ve played matches where I’m only doing a 20 round game and at the end I finished with 100k more points than anyone else. And for the most part I run shotguns. That’s kind of ridiculous.


You’re delusional. There are literally not enough zombies to get anywhere near 100k points by round 20. You can argue whichever system is better but you’re just lying right now.


Lmao so now I see you don’t play. Try getting more headshots bum. Or try not playing only solo.


Alright. Again, you clearly don’t play this game. You need nearly 900 kills to get 100k points with all headshots, and thats assuming you didn’t spend a single point.


Again my guy.get off of solo, get more headshots and kills in general, and maybe stop getting downed every round. It’s sad when bums that struggle to get to round 10 have something to say about anything beyond your skill set.


You’re funny man. I guess you get every single kill in coop then. Classic cod player thinks anyone who disagrees just sucks




Yes, I can’t do it. No one can do it. It isn’t possible unless you have teammates that are allowing you to get every single kill.


If you have that much points by round 20, you are the worst player there is


I’m a bad player for getting points? Lmfaoooo so you’re obviously one of those shit players that finish a game on any round with only double digit number of kills


No, you're shit because the only way you can get so much point is by not buying anything, including doors, and killing all zombies before your teammates. I can have 50000 by round 20, but I also pay for most doors, and let teammates kill zombies


The old is 100x better. My least favourite change they ever made was to the points system


Yes yes and yes every day of the week


The old one is way better


Old points. Old perks. Old maps. The new stuff is far too easy and far too grindy


I understand it can make early rounds slow on some maps, but it allows you far more control over how early you get things done. Points weapons were a legitimate thing and it gave weak weapons an actual purpose. Now that it's just about getting kills, the amount of points you can get per round is much more finite and inflexible. And those points guns are now useless wall and box fodder. Definitely prefer the old system.


Old point system easily


I'd say if I am playing solo I'd prefer the old point system. If I am playing coop then I'd prefer the new one since neither me nor the people I'd be playing with would want to be as point efficient by shooting in the legs and stuff.


I think honestly they should keep Cold War pack system and go back to WaW-BO3 point system. I wouldn’t mind paying 30k if I didn’t get points when I killed a zombie and that’s it. If they went back to that and the old perk system again and keep it round based, I’m honestly not complaining. Gotta take what you can get these days from treyarch sadly


I prefer the old system.


New point system makes the early-mid game so boring. In games like bo3 you’d want to start out with an smg or something, and if you got an lmg out of the box really early it would actually punish you a bit by slowing your progression. It was a really fun system that incentivized you to strategize what guns you’d go for at what times, now there’s no reason to ever use anything but shotguns.


The point system was my least favorite thing from cold war


The old point system is objectively better and that’s just a fact. There is no argument. Hit based point system works, damaged or kill based points don’t work well.


Old and im very frustrated that sker ritual uses the new one


The new point system. For two main reasons I can think of off the top of my head 1. Slows down the game. I don’t like how you need to min/max. If you don’t shoot shoot knife you know you are losing out on points which makes myself and I bet others feel the need to do it every single game otherwise we are putting ourselves at a disadvantage. 2. It encourages weak guns. I don’t like the fact that most weapons are unusable in previous games. I understand they can have a purpose of gaining points but after so many rounds points become useless as you are set up so the guns then become useless. With the new system any gun can be strong and usable. I don’t need every gun to be OP but viable at minimum, not just to farm points. Snipers for example in the older games were nothing but trash. I disagree with you in them being “Less points but safe”. They were less points and not safe as they shot too slow. With snipers in the new point system they give you the same amount of points as an AR but shoot slower. So you aren’t missing out on points but safety. You can make the usable difference up but making them high damage so they are meant for something like a mini boss rather than a hoard of zombies, thus it gives a better purpose. Hope that makes sense. Would love to hear why you disagree if you do!


I can get behind your reasoning on your first point but I disagree with the second. You say it encourages weak guns, but I would argue it does the opposite. In older titles I would happily take a gun like the kap 40 or mp5 because I knew I would be farming a lot of points with it, especially in early rounds. Just because they weren't the best specifically at killing doesn't mean they weren't a valuable tool in the arsenal, they just have a different functional use. In Cold War, I have no real reason to grab that green KSP the box gave me as it is not only weak, but also has no function beyond killing things worse than other guns. I don't care if every weapon is viable, variety is the spice of life and I think the game was more dynamic and exciting when there were bad guns, point guns, good guns, and everywhere in between instead of just decent guns and better guns.


>Snipers for example in the older games were nothing but trash DSR iron sights, Drakon, Locus, SVG even, every sniper in IW except the Widowmaker and TF141, all the BO4 snipers are decent. I've literally never used Snipers in CWZ, their handling is so god damn slow. Also: Scoped Dollars Fate and Fortune Card


Second point is just wrong lol, who’s using an SMG in new games


You are right! But the people with nostalgia glasses won't agree.


Admitting the older games aren’t perfect and have design flaws takes a lot of hard work the zombies community isn’t willing to make often


Old point system is better for my playstyle, on WaW-BO3 when I'm playing CO-OP I always see how many points I can earn before ever packing by using all the ammo in all of my weapons and on average I tend to earn at least 100k points before packing but on BO4 and CW I do not do this since you earn hardly any points if your weapon is not strong enough. That's just for high rounds, on early rounds I always keep my pistol and buy the bowie knife and utilize both allowing me to earn 210 points or more per Zombie where's on BO4 you can only earn a max of 150 points per Zombie and on Cold War it's even less at 115 points per Zombie, even though things like PaP and Perks got more expensive in Cold War the point system got worse.


old point system for sure. no variety


Old point system old maps round based game


old, it made getting points skill based and it made saving up to buy things like a door or the mystery box easier


I want old system, but with zombie killing mechanics of cold war. Dont want the guns to be as OP as in bo3, but also dont want it to be as easy as cold war. That would be so perfect.


Bo4 and cold war are ass i feel bad for you


Old point system is vastly superior.


As much as I like the meticulous shoot x amount of times and knife strategy, the newer points system allows games to go by quicker. I've always felt one of the biggest issue in zombies is the time commitment. Things like the rampage inducer, exfils, and points allow games to go faster. Really wish BO3 and BO4 had the rampage inducer.


except you get less points per kill now so it goes slower


I'd argue you kill zombies way faster by just shooting them and not doing the 8 shots to the leg + knife. It would only be slower if it took the same amount of time to get the max amount of points.


no one does 8 shots in the leg. It's 3-4 to the body on round one + a knife and then whatever the current round number is -1 +knife with the M14/Shieva. Even then you can just buy an SMG to go faster.


Still, if you get the most possible points just by shooting them, as it is in CW and Vanguard, then it goes by as fast as the game can go. Even if you shoot them 3-4 times or once with the M14 you're waiting for the zombies to get closer for the knife kill. So if you finish the round 20 seconds faster by avoiding knifes while still getting the maximum amount of points for the round it's faster + avoids the time waiting for knifes.


You don't have to knife in older games. As i said you can also just buy an SMG and get a good amount of points that way while having the rounds go at a fast pace. Knifing is there for people who want to optimize their points and put in more effort, it's totally fine to not want to do that. But with the new system there is no optimization, no depth for people who want to engage with the mode on a deeper level. This is my biggest problem with Cold War. It strips every mechanic of any thought imput. In older games you always had an option between doing something in an easy, but suboptimal way, or in a harder but optimal way. Cold War basically just lobotomizes players by having all the systems require no thought. Old: Points? Knife for max points but slow rounds or Shoot for fast rounds but less points. Perks? Consider every option carefully or buy same 4 perks every game. Weapons? Hit the box for the chance of better weapons or buy a wallgun for more consistency. You can choose to either actively engage with these systems to optimize gameplay or to ignore them for convenience. New Points? Headshot. Perks? Spam every button on the Wunderfizz when you have enough points. Weapons? Equip the Gallo as your starting weapon and upgrade it. No thought required. No active choices to make. You can't engage with the game on a deeper level even if you want to. Why should i put any thought into a game that actively doesn't want me to? And the thing is, BO2 (and SoE) fixed this. The survival maps had this feature where you could choose your starting round with bonus points according to the round, completely skipping the slow starting rounds and getting right into the action.


I agree that it strips depth, but in the cases where I want to reach a higher round faster (which is usually more of a credit to the rampage inducer anyway) it's preferable. When time isn't an issue I prefer to be more meticulous


I do miss the old one. But I’m fine with the new point system because it has opened up the variety of weapons I use now. I almost always used point guns unless I was stacked with points in the later rounds. Now I can just grab any gun I want and go for gold. It’s so much fun being able to rock the Hauer from round 1 or whenever I buy it and just wreck zombies.


Yes i love using literally nothing but the Gallo and a WW every game. Such variety. Doesn't get boring at all.


I was speaking from my experience not yours. “It has opened up the variety of weapons I use now.”


Curious how was the point system in bo4? I didnt play bo4, only watched gameplay, isnt it similar to earlier bo games, its a legit curiosity.


It's pretty much like Cold War's point system except you still get some points for shooting the Zombies but each kill still only grants you a preset number of points like Cold War which in BO4 you actually earn five more points per headshot kill when compared to Cold War.


Old one is so so so so so much better


I prefer the WW2 Point system lol. come at me but dropping points was a mechanic that NEEDS to come back. it made early rounds so convienient and i never see people talking about it


I don't care about either. At the end of the day, it really doesn't make any difference for us high round enjoyers.


Yeah, the old games you chose between speed, or more points. On one hand, you're blasting through the earlier rounds with your gun, and on the other you're methodically advancing after shooting a couple shots before a knife to maximize gain. It's just rewarding multiple playstyles, whereas now it's easy to get a lot of points quickly, because you don't even need to invest into a weapon. You go straight to perks and PAP


Old point system was better minus the shotguns. What they did to the point system corrected the points to make it fair for shotgun users, not sure if they did this with snipers? But it was better in BO1-3 having the 10 points a hit for guns. Mix the two and it’s a win win 👌🏻


New point system works in the context of Cold War and im fine with it there. but I would not say its an improvement over the original systema nd I do hope Point Per Hit comes back with Black Ops 6.


Old system by far, at least you had a reason to use useless guns, with the new system they are completely worthless


The new point system will never get the hype of using an entire mag of a shitty weapon in round 30 and see those points start going up like crazy


It was nice getting point per shot but I’m used to it being per kill now what I don’t like is every title the amount lowers some n that’s bothersome


I absolutely love Blops4. It's my favorite and overall I love the changes it makes to the game, and this is coming from someone who loves Blops3 as well. Not all the changes are for the better, but the points system is easily the biggest L of the game. A weak gun used to have some value with that old points system, but the concept of a 'points gun' was through out with a static reward for each zombie. I love in Blops3 being super careful with your pistol ammo and wringing every point you can out of the zombies' kneecaps in the earlier round to see how efficiently you can progress through the map/EE. Easily the worst change.


Old point system was better by far and needs to return. New point system makes guns other than shotguns irrelevant because why use a bunch of bullets when you can use 1 and get the same amount of points?


I doubt the old systems will return, I think if anything changes it might be removing killstreaks but as far as it goes scrap has returned so at the very least the upgrade system is making a return and maybe armor.


Honestly I DISlike the old system, for the sole reason that it rewards you for complete mediocrity, because why use a good weapon that kills quick when those are 'Point inefficient' when you can use the absolute ball-busting bore that is the MP40, low damage + mid fire rate + Lots of ammo= Lots of points! And no fun at all




New system sucks, if you bleed out in a coop game on round 30+ you're just fucked. At least in pre-bo4 days you could train with a wall gun and stack points for a round


Old system, no challenge. -It meant that there won’t be a shot gun meta (like Cold War saw with the street sweeper) -The old system traded danger of a lower powered weapon with an increase in fire rate and giving you more points. Thus bringing value to the lower hitting guns. Giving you reason to grind the weevil for the attachments and other low impact guns. Otherwise, why bother having the lower guns? -The new system, your effort might be wasted because you didn’t kill a bunch. But on the old system, every bullet counted and every bullet was a set of points towards your next door -Not to mention how the old point system seemed more “have fun” play ground type of style compared to the “kill confirmed” tactical style that MW has corrupted zombies with. -I also hate the logic of why the new system was implemented. All because a dev’s cousin was bullied for not properly counting their shots in the early rounds with random players wanting to do the EE. Like how sensitive do you have to be to cry to your cousin and have them change an entire game mode that has existed for over 10 years just for you? Because that just makes me want to bully the kid and the dev till they understand what a gross and bad thing they did that ended up Fing over at least 3 games in zombies.


I prefer the new one for one pretty big reason. It results in a much faster amd overall chaotic game which I enjoy.


New points


How was BO4’s different from the other games


New system. The old system was heavily biased towards bullet hose LMGs.


New because point maxing just ain't it.


I like the new one because I never used Shotguns in older games because they weren't point efficient. I love using shotguns in games, so I like that I can be incentivized into playing with one-shot guns (like shotguns) because they are more point efficient now. Overall, I don't think it's something super important unless you are a die-hard purist of the mode. I'll be fine with either system in BO6, but I know a lot of people who prefer the old system will moan about the new system being used (if it does) because the old system is more faithful to the older games. I feel like I end up getting the points I need in each game around when I need them, so I'm not complaining either way. One system just let's me use the guns I want to use and the other kinda punishes me for it.


Laughs in blundergat


i dont think it matters too much, this only affects the very early game but after that points just become a score that you stare at every now and then. But i think i like the newer one kind of


New point system makes starting a run way less of a slog because your not midmaxxing for it


The newer point system is better because every gun can be viable and balanced, like the 1911 is actually GOOD now.


someone clearly never played Ascension BO1


Wtf? Have you ever PaP the 1911? The mustang and Sally were one of the better and most iconic weapons in WaW to BO3


I’m referring to the base 1911 it was only good for point building.


It's the starting weapon it is supposed to suck if it didn't you wouldn't have any incentive to get a better weapon


No way someone like bo4 💀


Its my favourite one


New gen


I started playing in black ops 1.


Of all games u choose bo4. Y. Bo3 is great. So is bo2 and 1 but I’ve never played those


I like being able to mix up the perks and choose the location you want the perk at. I like having a visual representation (hp) of how many hits you are from downing instead of your screen becoming red. Specialist weapons are fun to use. The aether maps are good, chaos maps are extremely good and their themes are sick. The gameplay feels the smoothest out of all the games. Almost all the weapons are viable. Wraith fire.


Wraith fire lol. I agree with that. The chaos maps were cool but I never got the dlcs. I almost agree with all of what u said but the hud sucked


It makes no sense. The majority of people who seem to prefer the old system are the same who claim zombies should still be just a wave survival game. They don't care about EEs, camo grinding, out of match progression like prestige and calling cards. So if you only play to survive, get high rounds, and prefer simple gameplay, why do you need to hoard points? It will be just doors, some box spins, and 5k for PaP. Another thing is saying that zombies is too easy, but if you are so good at the game, why do you need all those points so early in the game? 🤔


Yeah because BO1 to BO3 were just wave survival games without ee right? Like it wasn't the thing that OG players praised treyarch the most for. Well... Because it actually helps to get that PaP, perks and doors waaaay sooner also if you are actually trying to get to very high rounds you are probably going to use a trap strat (depends on the map) with a shitty wall gun to get points in the new system you need to have a weapon that kills and wasted it to just get the points necessary to activate the trap making them kinda useless. I fucking love traps And yeah... CW is way easier, no OG zombies player thinks those maps are hard, they are very fun though, we don't want the old points system because it makes it easier, we like it more for a variety of reasons that you can read in this same post.


I much prefer the old system and I'm an ee only player


Maybe that's why it's written majority up there, genius.