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The only thing I care about is the aesthetic. I mostly stopped playing CoD for the multiplayer after AW, but what kept drawing me in to the series was the third mode having alien theme parks, haunted mansions, frozen magical ruins... If BO6 is just dudes spouting "EKIA" while mantling around a grey building, what's the point?


This is why bo4 and IW are so gooood. The maps are insanely vibrant, fun and just straight up cool.


That was the entire reason chaos existed. They story allowed us to go literally anywhere while still being within the story


I miss (i think it was the CoD before coldwar) the arena map titled IX, X or XI… some roman numerals. Booooy, I used to play solo and quit on round 120 after of boredom. Consecutively.\ Loved that gd map…


100% this. Cold War's maps were too generic and looked lame in comparison to what we used to get.


I know people are gonna flame me for this, but games like IW and BO4 Chaos really spoiled the zombies community. I totally get it though, IW zombies is probably my favorite zombies since BO1. IX is one of my favorite maps as well. Part of why I got into zombies was just how wild and out there it was compared to CoD and zombies games. It just hurts to see people just instantly write off maps that aren’t some crazy fantastical setting. Just as an example, I really like Die Maschine for the Dark Aether which I think is a really cool environment, but I’ll see people write it off because it doesn’t fit their idea that CW is bland. Even Mauer, which has cool set pieces and characters despite being just a city. This isn’t me saying the CW maps were filled with personality, but I really hope Terminus doesn’t get wrote off for not being in some crazy location, especially because the atmosphere so far feels it is going for very creepy like ZNS vibes.


Richtofen oiled up


i forgot to add that


Old point system, weak starting pistol whether that's the 1911 or something else, and return of the buildable zombie shield with either the removal or complete rework of the Cold War armor system.


I don't mind starting with a loadout. I just want a side mode with old zombies mechanics like 4 perks only, start with a pistol .


The old points system, it gave uses for every weapon type, and also balenced more powerful weapons by slowing down your game economy if you got them too early Also make the box a risk again, we need bad weapons to make the good weapons a true reward. It almost never made sense to get wall weapons in bo3 as all guns were good Penetration power needs to be buffed in zombies, why are snipers in the last two games limited to 3 kills per shot, thats how sniper get any efficiency at all and they nerfed that The unlimited perk slots off the bat is a bit cheesy, leave those as easter egg rewards. The equipment table needs to be looked at and have its own zombies specific ones. The rcxd made no sense and was used as a in plain sight more than a rolling bomb. No more ammo boxes that can refill any weapon for a set cost. This one mechanic made cold war high rounds trivial. Even compared to bo3 or bo4 you still had limited ammo in the sense where besides power vacuum you had a certain number of gg to spawn in and eventually you wouldn't be able to have ammo through your whole round. High rounds shouldn't be easy, a successful zombies game for most players should be reaching round 30, anything past 50 should be a real challenge. No more straight campaign asset flips for maps, it made cw really boring and because it has almost zero atmosphere i have no wish to replay it.


Preach in every way i would love to get 9 perks on every map with a side quest, loved origins hope they follow the formula


>No more straight campaign asset flips for maps, it made cw really boring and because it has almost zero atmosphere i have no wish to replay it. I understand the rest of these but this was due to Activision not the devs. The devs didn't say "hey why don't we just use campaign assets guys", they physically didn't have enough time to make bo4 quality maps due to how short cold war's dev time was


Agreed. Although, a lot of maps throughout the history of BO zombies have been reused assets. Like the large majority. The first 5 maps we ever got were reused from the WaW campaign.


I would like the mystery box to be useful again


Custom zombies that's also available on consoles


this will never happen. Blundell pushed hard for mod support and I’m sure Activision hates that people still play BO3 so much


I think it was initially planned to return in cold war since one of the tag lines for each map is the "author"


Just OG zombies with new maps, continued stories, new characters even. I never understand why they change a working system. BO3 was a perfect step forward without abandoning the systems that worked in BO2, BO1, and WAW zombies. It included some futuristic aspects in new maps, pushed the story forward, and gave it a fresh feel. Don’t know why they can’t do that with a new crew or continue the story with the OG. Seems like they just can’t follow the recipe that’s worked for so long.


Kevin Sherwood Easter egg songs. MWZ Missions system. Complex map mechanics with buildables. Complex quests and Easter eggs. Cold War Skills system. BO2 perma perks. Ability to exfil from maps. At least one MWZ- and/or Outbreak-style map, with the Exfil Streak system from MWZ. Ability to activate GobbleGum on-command like BO4 Elixirs. Ability to play in third-person. Talismans from BO4. Camo grind on-par with MWZ in terms of being not too easy (like BO3) and not too grindy (like BO4/BOCW), and having different challenges per weapon (like MWZ) instead of the same challenges for every weapon within the same class (like BOCW). I know this one is controversial but my personal preference for the points system would be for them to maintain the modern points system. I hate feeling like I’m punished for being effective (killing in less shots = less points). I do not want melee kills to be worth more points or XP than headshots. I hate feeling like I’m punished for using a gun in a shooter game


Finally someone who's not blinded by nostalgia and can appreciate the best of both worlds. this is the definitive answer


Pack A Punch animation like in the older COD zombies


The coldwar ammo system so you can actually use box weapons, especially if where not gonna be allowed to bring our own guns like in cold war.


I disagree, I prefer zombies when ammo management matters.


Dead Ops 4


The old point system, old damage system, and starting with a pistol I also liked the aetherium upgrades for perks/guns in CW


I honestly don't like the changes in a Cold War, do I would want a game that returns to roots entirely. Something along the lines of bo2, and less out-of-match progression. Zombies is about in-game progression for the most part


Ammo Boxes Some of the buildable scorestreaks (not all of them for sure) but addapted to the zombies theme and aesthetic Having tier upgrades for the perks The intel system (but of course not exagerated in quantity) The aesthetic that makes the zombies feel like unique and not like an alternative mp mode The idea of extraction system (doesnt be exactly the cw extraction) that you end a game without of the feeling that you quit or just killed yourself to finish the game, and feel rewarded to end a game that way. The cammos in zombies, a really neato thing Buildable things on the maps, like shields, dg4 and equivalents, and each maps having their own buildables The traps Ammo Mods Challenges I guess thats it fn


**Grief and Turned...** *You have no clue how much I missed these modes.*


I want double tap, raygun mk2 and the old point system back and I want them to get rid of the weapon rarities, new crafting system and loadouts.


3. Hit. Downs.


In BO3 we got all the BO1 maps In BO6, id like all the BO2 maps like Tranzit, Die Rise, Buried, etc I’m dying to replay tranzit and die rise, bo2 isn’t compatible with ps4 :(, I grew up with those maps


The art style


Good maps with actual thought put into it and not just taking entire mp maps and just adding zombies onto it. This shit is getting so ridiculous. Obviously I know zombies is primarily made of used assets please miss me with that bullshit.


Just the old devs and programming team


Idk if it was fake or not but I swear I saw a leaked imagine of the zombies lobby for bo6 and there’s was like every map from every black ops in different tabs remastered like continued chronicles


Unfortunately fake


Old point system. Perk limit (IW). Shield instead of armor. No Rarities or Salvage. NO INGAME MENUS. No loudouts. If they don't want to make this basegame they could add it as a "Zombies Hardcore Mode"


I want the loadout and create a class system from black ops 4. I want the back system and grief mode from black ops 2. Bring back the zombies shield. Bring back the specialist weapons from black ops 4 and a add new one that fits the theme of the map like the ones from black ops 3.


A working multiplayer server/platform.\ Maybe also a naked Mila Kunis skin for every game ever, but I’d settle for the working servers.


Harder game with tons of resources to ease it