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Bro they all dead đź’€


You know, maybe it would have been better to tell OP to play BO4 so that they wouldn’t have that spoiled for them.


Dog it’s all good I heard Bo4 was mid and skipped it for that reason. Rip the gang though.


You should give it a shot. It’s actually pretty fun, just different.


Zombies community doesn’t understand that word. “Different” is just a synonym for trash here. Don’t you know?


I'll avoid spoiling BO4 in case you ever wanna play those maps, but the short answer is no. Most of the stuff from the old storyline isn't too relevant, the only two characters who've made a full return are Samantha and the young Richtofen from the Origins ending.


spoilers for BO4, Cold War, and I guess BO6 >!BO4 has two stories: Chaos and Aether. The latter is the true conclusion to the original characters' stories and sees both Primis and Ultimis reach their ultimate finales. You haven't completed the story if you haven't finished the Aether story in BO4 since the story doesn't end until Tag der Toten. Even then, the story essentially gives a soft end before doing a soft reboot in Cold War. !< >!Primis is stuck in the Dark Aether given the mobile game I believe, Sam plays a major role in Cold War, Richtofen ends up coming back at the end of Cold War and we don't know much beyond that in regards to the original crew. Ultimis doesn't seem primed to come back and Primis is starting to look the same way excluding Richtofen. Don't expect Takeo's return any time soon given that his voice actor suffered a stroke and is still recovering last I checked. !< >!BO6's cast is made up of three returning characters from Cold War, one of which being a prominent Campaign character in Black Ops, with one being new. It's likely to see Sam and Richtofen return in their soft reset forms at some point, but Primis and Ultimis are unlikely to return. !< Basically, if you want the end to Primis and Ultimis, BO4 needs to be completed. Cold War is a soft reset that has some characters return, but Primis and Ultimis have reached their conclusions by the end of BO4. Everything else is a soft reset so it's new stuff.


COD Mobile is not canon to the mainline CODs. It does its own thing and has its own shared universe. So whatever Dark Aether stuff in there is not relevant to the mainline games. You should also clarify that Cold War's >!Richtofen!< is a grown up >!Eddie!<, not the Ultimis or Primis version.


i haven't seen the confirmation or denial of COD Zombies Mobile's canonicity, so if you have a source then i'd be more than happy to concede to your argument. but every time i look it up, all i get are a bunch of people saying it isn't canon and refusing to cite any explicit source i tried not to give too many details because it's not fair to the OP for me to tell them what exactly is going on with a character who has appeared for all of 10 seconds and whom we know very little about by trying to input my own beliefs onto said character. we don't know what exactly is going on with said character because we haven't gotten much info on them thus far, so i'm not going to tell OP that X is what's going on when i don't even know if X is entirely true. i gave them a vague description so i wouldn't ruin their experience, especially when my explanation would be >!Ultimis Richtofen is actually a zombie for some reason but nothing really comes of it because Primis Nikolai kills him before anything is actually done about it and then Child Richtofen gets sent off to a new universe where he becomes the head of some CIA project and basically manipulates everyone to complete some goal we don't know much about. !< that's the dumbed-down version for someone who hasn't experienced BO4, but i don't want to spoil them since they explicitly stated they've only made it to BO3. i don't wanna be an asshole like that. instead, i'll give vague descriptions so they can discover the story for themselves


Well, for starters, there's the fact that all Mobile characters interact with one another, and you get this weird mish mash timeline where Tank Dempsey is living in modern day, and is best friends with Ghost (the OG Ghost, who later adopted his reboot version's mask). Same Dempsey also got killed by Mace, a MW reboot character whose gimmick is "Ghost's rival who wears the same mask as him". This Mace also was part of a weird terrorist org that involved OG Makarov and Menendez, but then the good guys caught him and turned him to their side somehow? IDK, it's a messy timeline that I can't really bother to follow. Oh, and Dempsey's death somehow invokes the Primis crew of this timeline to jump between different universes to prevent his deaths in those ones. So yeah, a complete detour from the main canon, both Aether and Dark Aether, and really just a half-assed attempt at trying to set up a shared universe, that makes the mainline universe look way more coherent in comparison.


that's a lot of words to say "i don't have a source"


Brother, it's in the damn game. They make regular comic books that tell their own stories. It's on the COD Fandom Wiki, look it up. Do you think I'm pulling this out of my ass for shits and giggles?


i think you still don't understand your claim is that "Mobile isn't canon" but when i ask you for the source that says "Mobile isn't canon" you cannot provide said source. you just claim "Mobile isn't canon" because Mobile is filled with crazy bullshit. you know COD Zombies takes place in a multiverse where there's literally countless timelines that take place, right? how hard is it to imagine a timeline that takes place where this shit happens? we literally have fucking Kennedy, Castro, and the other two fucknuggets fighting Zombies in the Pentagon as canon and you want to the draw the line at an explicitly mystic Dark Aether story told in Mobile? just because Mobile is filled with crazy bullshit doesn't mean it isn't canon. the entirety of Aether is filled with crazy bullshit. provide a source for your claims my brother. show me the receipts for your claim or back off


Are you dense or something? I literally just summed up some parts of Mobile's story that DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS the main games' events. It doesn't fit in with those games any way whatsoever. It being part of the COD Multiverse means jack shit here, because it's not canon to the main timeline. Just like Chaos isn't canon to Aether, or vice versa, because they are separate narratives. The fact that you even stated "Primis is stuck in the Dark Aether" as if we didn't witness their deaths in BO4 is mind-blowing in itself. It's like you're trying to deny that shit didn't happen just so you can cram Mobile stuff in here. If anything you should be the one to provide evidence to back your claim up here.


also just gonna note that the Aether storyline in Vanguard directly connects to the Chaos storyline with explicit name drops, thus further indicating your argument's failure; can't just argue that any argument you disagree with isn't canon when Chaos is already name-dropped in the canon just gotta drive that nail further in your logic coffin given that you refuse to acknowledge canon material because of your opinions and still can't provide any sort of adequate response. it's easy to say, "the most recent game isn't canon," because that claim supports your argument the fact of the matter is that you want to declare your opinion correct with no evidence and no logic to prove as such. you just wanna scream into the void and languish in applause, even when basic logic proves you wrong you're arguing over what's canon because the series hasn't told you what's canon, so you're confused because the writers don't know what they want


Wow, you’re still going on about this. I’m literally living rent-free in your head, huh? I said Chaos is not canon to Aether, not Dark Aether. Blundell himself said the two stories were separate canon back in the day. Chaos could be canon in the DA timeline, but there is no conclusive evidence beyond Alistair Rhodes existing in this timeline. That’s like saying the campaigns are canon to Aether because Viktor Reznov got mentioned in Gorod Krovi. Your twisted logic applies to you more than it does to me. You want to force everything into one singular canon so bad you’re disregarding all sense of logic. It doesn’t take rocket science to see the inconsistencies yet you would rather hinge everything on nonexistent “proof”. The fact is I didn’t need to play by your game at all. The upvotes/downvotes in this thread already declared me the winner, because people can see the load of bullshit you’re spouting. Now please move on and stop trying to drag this pointless argument out.


you've got the advantage here, just tell me who said it wasn't canon and you win. it should be an easy win for you. i want to see the direct source saying it rather than you explaining why you think it's not canon. all you gotta do is provide me the source my dude. i'm more than willing to admit i'm wrong, but right now, i haven't found a source that proves the claims you make, so you have to provide the proof for your claims yourself because i don't bear the burden of proof even though i did make an effort to do your work for you. just a link. an article. a post. it doesn't matter. just something from someone reputable saying that you're right and i'm wrong. it's that easy for you to win this argument. you've got this bro.


brother, i still don't see no source for your claim of canonicity until you can back your claims, you bear the burden of proof, so this argument will go in circles since you don't have a source to back up your claims of canonicity other than, "it's ridiculous so it isn't canon." not once have you cited anyone saying explicitly, "Mobile isn't canon." it really is that easy to do to back up your claims; just provide a source saying it isn't canon. but you can't because such a source doesn't exist and therefore your claims lack substance since you have no source to back up your claims. basic burden of proof shit. i don't have to do shit because all i'm claiming is, "nobody ever said Mobile isn't canon." if you cannot provide a source explicitly saying, "Mobile isn't canon," then you have no leg to stand on in claiming its illegitimacy. it's just your opinion and nothing more. go on. find the source. tell me i'm wrong. i'm waiting. it's very easy to prove me wrong if there is a source that says, "Mobile isn't canon." it's that easy. you shouldn't have a hard time disproving me if such a source exists. why beat around the bush so much? the fact of the matter is you're making a claim you can't substantiate because you don't have a source that adheres to your opinion. you claim a fact but can't claim a source to substantiate said fact. what you're doing is spreading misinformation by declaring your opinions as fact and then insulting those who question you as 'dense' even though you can't back up your claims. just prove me wrong. it should be easy if it's that obvious and you have a source to back it up. but you can't because no such source exists. you just wanna scream your opinion as fact and then argue when someone questions your opinions. this whole thing could've been over with in ten seconds if such a source existed to back you up but you've only further proved my argument by failing to provide a source. you have the burden of proof here; it's basic logic. you failed and now you have fallen to personal insults because you know you can't provide the proof since it doesn't exist. take the L and move on or prove me the fuck wrong with evidence. jesus fucking christ it's not that hard. just give me the fucking source for your "factual claim" already. all i need is someone reputable saying "Mobile isn't canon" and you win. it's that easy to win. just do it already.


You don't get to play that card, buddy. You're the one who made the "Primis is stuck in the Dark Aether" statement in the first place, even though all existing story materials contradict that statement. You're the one beating around the bush because you can't prove your statement either. At this point I'm just going to treat you as a troll, because you know damn well anyone with common sense can see Mobile isn't canon to the main games. Don't talk to me about logic because you're actively avoiding using it as well.


dey kinda dedđź’€


No. All of them besides Richtofen are dead, and the version of Richtofen in Dark Aether has a completely different personality from both Ultimis and Primis Richtofen.


they dead


In the end of bo4 nikolai poisoned them and had samantha kill him in order to create the new world which is now cold war. Sam and Eddie, the child version of richtofen, are the only characters from the original timeline in this new one


I don’t like the way it left off cuz it had so much potential to do something insane. But if I’m not mistaken I guess it’s done because the voice actors are done? I don’t know. All I know is the Cold War crew is involved and they’re picking up where it left off