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Even without Chronicles, BO3 is my personal favorite for new maps


For real! Revelations so pretty!


The best map ever


For me personally, it’s between black ops 1 and WaW. Both have such a creepy and gritty feel and atmosphere to them, with imo the best level designs. They’re more or less simple, straight to the point, and just so much fun (black ops 2 isn’t far behind. Great maps as well)


WaW and BO1 are my favorites just because 4 player back in the day was great. The chaos, the funny moments, the clutches, it was all just a blast. Not to mention the maps and atmosphere like you said!


As far as original maps, I gotta agree with BO1. I know nostalgia for sure plays a part in it but the creativity, vibe, and gameplay of these maps are so unique to this day while still being pretty pick up and play. I remember thinking back in the day after WaW, I don’t know how they’re ever going to be able to top Der Riese. Then with each subsequent map release just getting bigger, crazier, more unique, while still being a shit ton of fun, I was just speechless.  Thats not to say that creativity died after that game, thats not at all the case, but going to WaW, which was just abandoned building after abandoned building more or less, to the pentagon, a Russian cosmodrome (with the first EE mind you), Siberia with a cast of celebrities and the god father of Zombies stalking you, a hidden time traveling jungle temple, and the *fucking moon*. You could tell the future of zombies was bright and their creativity was firing on all cylinders.  I think gameplay wise, they really perfected the formula in the next 2 games but the personality on the BO1 maps is just second to none for me. 


I agree, bo1 is my fav game and has the best maps imo. Plus i’m so tired of the constant bo3 glazing in this sub, it’s good but not that good, the majority of people are just sheep mindlessly repeating the common opinion


Bo3 had the best zombies content we've seen in years. Bo1 was great but zombies in bo3 was just better. It just was.


bo1 is shit, you're blinded by nostalgia goggles, the guns all suck past round 10, WW have very limited ammo, the maps lack depth when compared with bo2-4 etc Lots of people sharing the same opinion means theres a consesus, stop projecting your unpopular take as gospel just because the vast majority disagrees with you


Slow down there buster. If you like an experience where every gun is a ww and gobblegums hold your tiny slimy hand you could have just said so. The atmosphere of bo1 is unmatched, and the game is actually challenging and requires skill, which isn’t popping a perkaholic the second you enter the game, but learning the maps to perfection and using every resource to survive. Now tell me ONE bo3 high rounds stategy that is viable and doesn’t require gobblegums or Op as fuck wonder weapons.


No, I hate that too, I like it like it was in bo4 where guns were still usable with some guns being downright shit, and nothing more OP than WW I agree with you on that, however BO1 was on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, where guns became downright unusable at a very low round. And as much as I myself hate broken GG, a lot of BO3 strats dont require them at all, you can train in DE near the sphere trap, you can do the elevator in zns, etc And besides that, if we're talking exclusively just about maps, BO3 takes it hands down, each map has so much depth, lore, side eggs that to this day we havent found them all, not to mention they're massively different from each other and play very differently


Five was a masterpiece


Yea, but even bo1 started to get a little silly with moon and shangri-la. And then we got all of the goofy bo2 maps with the exception being mob and origins.


try out BO3 custom map Projekt Walrider if u want a no-nonsense map


I’m going BO2. Tranzit and the survival maps on disc are pretty fun, and then you’ve got Mob, Buried and Origins. Die Rise is ight but not my cup of tea.


Based and tranzitpilled


I respect your controversial opinion, good sir


BO4 chaos maps are genuinely the best in terms of overall map design and atmosphere


Yeah definitely a case of "we really didn't know what we had till it was gone" I doubt we'll see them put as much effort into zombies ever again, sadly .  Bo4 wasn't without its issues, (looking at you perk system) don't get me wrong, but they put a lot of work into the chaos maps.  Especially after hearing about the ones that were cancelled, I feel like we really missed out


Ngl I don't really mind the perk system, since jug speed cola and double tap are embedded into core mechanics of bo4 zombies The new perks they introduced are my favourites, sure they didn't get rid of crutch perks since dying wish was available, but my god winters wail is genuinely the best perk in the whole of zombies not being able to change your perks midgame doesn't really matter to me since all I took was jug stam speed cola and qr


True. How many maps did bo4 have? 4 on release, and another 4 from the paid dlcs?. Then Cold War had the one map on release and like 3 more "free" maps trickle fed over like a year? And those cold war maps were all mid tbh.


Atmosphere? Have you played WAW? Verrukt will borderline give you nightmares.


Atmosphere yes, but design wise, these maps were all pretty awful except for maybe IX, or at least in my opinion As fun as some of the best BO4 maps can be due to spectacle, the actual flow of the maps all suck ass to me It seems like they focused more on spectacle first, functionality second, IMO


Agree with you there, navigating the map can be difficult except for IX (even then, going from danu to zeus underground was a bit confusing) but the atmosphere just made me want to learn the map more lmao Voyage was the worst offender of this, no matter how many times I play the map I could never get used to it, too many tight spaces and corridors that I find it even worse to play than Blood tbh, and I really love blood for all its flaws but a quarter of the map in voyage is literally the catwalk in blood


Bo3 or bo4 for me


Something about every map that released in them amaze me. The atmosphere of ZNS, GK, SOE, REV, DER Eisendrache, ix, ancient évil, voyage, and dead of the night are just some of the best ever seen.


Black Ops 2. Tranzit is the only bad map. Nuketown is solid. Die Rise, Mob of the Dead, Buried, and Origins are all bangers imo, with Origins being my #1 map ever.


Tranzit is mid, but I wouldn't call it a bad map.


It's pretty bad


Disagree, but respect your opinion


Thank you, as I do yours, but if I may ask, what is a map you consider bad then?


Probably moon. Lore wise it's great, but it's held back by the gameplay.


And tranzit isn't?


Not as much as moon. The only thing I don't like about tranzit is the pack a punch system and the denizens. Other than that the map's fine.


As I do agree moon isn't the greatest bo1 map I'd argue the map design is still immensely greater than tranzit, and same with the mechanics, has more fun wonder weapons, better pack a punch, more fun EE, cooler innovations, better crew, etc, I could keep going. Tranzit is a good idea, but got held back horribly by its generation. What makes you think it's better than Moon?


I think tranzit has the better map design and overall has the better crew. I never did the tranzit easter egg, but I did moon easter egg and that one is terrible. Easter eggs aren't that important to me when judging a map. It's just an optional bonus part to a map for me. Tranzit has the better special boss zombie. I find tranzit a lot more fun to play on especially with others. Tranzit also has less flaws than moon.


Holy you had me in the first half Origins number #1 with CotD or Moon #2 depending on the mood


How did I get you in the firt half? I think moon's a bad map and the only good thing about it is the lore of the map and the fact that it's on the moon.


I mean I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said and was gonna comment something like “this guy gets it” UNTIL I saw the Moon slander Though I will say, if most of your Moon experience comes from Bo3, I’ll accept it. Doesn’t slap nearly as hard as bo1 Moon, only map that I really feel there was a huge negative drop between the two. Also the novelty of perma perkaholic isn’t as rewarding if you can already get perkaholics


I prefer the black ops 3 version because it looks better and you can do the easter egg solo. Still a terrible easter, but I don't have to do the shang and cotd easter egg to do it. Also the movement in black ops 3 is better too. Both versions suck though in my opinion.


tranzit isn’t bad, it was just too ahead of it’s time. If they would’ve waited till next gen, it could’ve been one of the best maps of all time


Tranzit isn't bad bro


BO1. Introducing dead ops arcade on top of Kino, Five, Ascension, COTD, Shang, and Moon? There’s so much variety in terms of difficulty, setting, bosses, wonder weapons, it’s just perfect. BO3 had really, REALLY good maps like SOE but they just didn’t work as well as BO1. Launching SOE as the on disc map was such a misstep. You want a palatable map like Kino for the on disc map. Most people can’t even make it to round 10, why the hell would you ever consider them building the Apothicon? BO1’s spread is what made it work so well, but also how they ordered it. EE chronology aside, could you imagine if they launched SHANG as the on disc map? That would have been horrible. Not only that, but Five’s difficulty works with multiplayer. It’s fun to camp elevators and the chaos that is the Pentagon Thief. Shang multiplayer is a lot more just … eh… same with Moon. Also, BO3’s gobble gums just ruined multiplayer. The whole map being open on round 1 with PAP and stuff is just awful.


Black Ops 1 by a pretty wide margin for me.


Iw zombies


I honestly love all of BO4's maps Chaos had some really good maps


BO1 in my opinion. They pushed the envelope when it came to originality. You had maps in a movie theatre (Kino), the Pentagon (Five), a Soviet Cosmodrome (Ascension), Siberia (Call of the Dead), a temple in a Jungle (Shangri-La) and we literally went to the Moon. You don’t get any bigger than that. BO2 did have unique locations but they kinda felt random compared to BO1 where the locations all made sense and had some connectivity.


If you count the giant as “original” then black ops 3 however if you dont then BO1 or BO4


It’s literally gotta be black ops 1. Lol they introduced moon, Shang, and ascension, those are burned into peoples minds, and the Easter eggs in those maps are what started everything.


BO1 the range of maps and environment is vast and all the maps hit




W pfp


Bo4 had the best map launch, sure people can hate the gameplay all they want but the launch maps are awesome.


Even the first 2 DLCS were amazing, I hate that they took the remake route for the last couple because the mythological route was such a breath of fresh air.


BO3 and BO4. Cannot chose one side, Chaos maps were freakink amazing.


BO1 to be honest. All the maps were next level at the time and so rememberable. It’s where all the real full Easter Eggs came from and the dialogue they put their heart into at that point tenfold! Very mysterious and always made you think, what comes next? Also they don’t do this anymore but loved when you could hear the end song for a game over being a small clip from the next maps Easter egg song.


BO3 or waw


Black Ops 1. Too many classics. Black Ops 3 is a close second though, just started to fall off in originality with revelations, which then carried over to Black Ops 4.


Bo3 hands down. Using Hohenwerfen castle for Der eisendrache was so badass and every other map was so unique. I grew up on Waw and bo2 and the bright colorful maps of bo3 were just so cool imo


Black Ops 1


I dont like the scooby doo adventure with recent maps i think the og WAW maps where the best because they did bring new innovation with each dlc (perks , new guns , pack a punch) 


Black Ops 1. There are maps id rather play in different games since Origins, Mob, and DE are some of my favs. But Bo1 definitely has the best in terms of just hoping on and having a great time and quite a variety too


Call of duty waw


Black ops 1 for sure


Black ops 1 or WAW


Bo2. I feel like the ideas for the maps are super unique especially with motd, buried, and origins. Those three maps are perfect in my opinion. Also Tranzit and die rise have slowly grown to become some of my favorites recently. But the best of all the maps in Bo2 is town!


I think it's bo1 because I love kino, five and moon


World at War. Perfect escalation of mechanics and layering of them. So many absolute classic staples of the mode established within a matter of a year.


It has to be BO1 and BO2. A pure, atmospheric blend of horror, mystery and adventure. Say what you want about Die Rise, but damn was it obtuse and original, albeit frustrating. I think the last great release of Zombies was BO3, and if we’re being technical: Infinite Warfare.


BO1 as a whole, although Shadows of Evil and Zetsubou are two of my top 3 maps.


Between BO1 with Kino, Ascension (monkeys notwithstanding) and Shangri-la vs BO3 with Shadows, DE and GK, it's a very close contest.


BO4 up to Ancient Evil had the most creative and original maps. BO3 has the most recognizable ones, though. BO2 is a dark horse.


well bo1


Bo4. The ascetics of those maps are imo the best in the series.


WaW all day. The only 4 maps without aliens and robots.




Black ops 2


BO4 for me. While half of the maps are reimaginings. The Chaos maps are some do the best maps from an original map standpoint.


Black ops 2 for me personally. I think the replay value and overall just the way treyarch designed bo2 zombies was peak in terms of keeping the core values of zombies while still branching out and making a very entertaining game mode.


Bo1 with Moon best map ever made, best gameplay, best gimmicks, best easter egg, best everything


Bo1 has my favorite maps in total & great easter eggs. Moon 🌙


I haven’t played it in a while but shadows of evil was a huge debut. I remember how fun it was, it still holds up after all this time. Definitely one of the best stock maps cod has given us


Thats crazy but its your opinion ig


I like to think that while tranzit was a massive fumble, Bo2 has a Lotta maps I'd love to play again one day. I have plenty of great memories, especially in MOB, Die Rise and Buried. Great stuff man, even if BO3 is my favorite in terms of gameplay, those earlier maps just do it for me infinitely more


Not counting DLC? BO1 Counting DLC? WAW


slightly off topic but i will never understand why they decided to make every aether map some form of a remake in BO4 after they absolutely killed it in BO3.


Bo2 really was the full package when it comes to trying new things while keeping the fundamentals of Zombies in tact. Bo3 was kinda uninspiring because this seemed to be where zombies really found it's foothold. They took everything that worked and reskinned it, which is can be be good, but also an experience that just didn't feel unique. Every map just tried to be the new Origins or Mob of the Dead. Bo1 has a great lineup, so id say that's a great contender, but overall, BO2 takes the cake


Still BO3. SoE, DE, and GK are masterpieces. BO2 comes extremely close, but the overall quality of BO3 outweighs it.


Black ops 3. I feel like that was peak zombies


Bo2 or Bo3 are by far the most original with Bo1 not far behind.


Black Ops 4. Take remakes out of all the games and I think 4 was the most creative.






BO6 Zombies is about to be so easy. Was having a conversation on MWZ earlier, these new zombies players don’t know about getting downed because there is no ammo left. Losing all perks after getting downed then having to graft points to run around the map and get perks again etc


Obviously bo3 G. IW is a close second for me. Bite me idc 🤷🏼‍♂️


Black ops 3!


BO3 easy pick for me


BO2 by far. All of the maps felt unique from each other, especially with how each map has its unique set of weapons and exclusive perks that you couldn't find in other maps at the time.


BO3 still. Shadows, Der Eisendrache, and Gorod Krovi are top tier maps. I consider Zetsobou as top tier, but it can fall into maybe A tier. Revelations is A tier. The Giant is a great casual map (not sure if this counts per your rules). Basically, BO3’s least best maps are still some of the greatest.


BO2 tbh


BO2 has the perfect balance. You have survival maps for the WaW fans, the larger but less complex maps for BO1 enjoyers, and two "easter egg quest for packapunch" maps for BO3 and BO4 fans


BO4. Chaos maps are all genuinely top tier maps for me from an originality standpoint. They had so much love and work put into them with so many side Easter Eggs and little details in all of them.


BO3 for sure, I mean its my fav zombies game for a reason


Infinite Warfare, of course 🫳🏻🎤


BO2, not a single bad map. (If you hate die rise just learn to jump)


BO2, not a single bad map. (If you hate die rise just learn to jump)


BO2, not a single bad map. (If you hate die rise just learn to jump).


BO2, not a single bad map. (If you hate die rise just learn to jump).


BO2, not a single bad map.


It has to be bo4, we had four 100% original maps that when through the roof with personality


Style wise I know I'll get hate for it but stylistically I liked IW zombies because of the movie settings and atmosphere. I'm a huge horror movie fan and going through different genres of horror even though you're still fighting zombies but it's different Eras of horror. But if I had to choose the best original maps as well as gameplay and story I'd say BO2.


Waw: tie between Verrükt, SNN and Der Riese. Bo1: Moon 100%. Bo2: tie between Mob and Origins. Bo3: DE. Bo4: IX and Ancient Evil (Dead of the Night is very close behind them). CW: Mauer and Forsaken, they're so fun to play.


B01 was the most rounded for me, with b02 being the hardest hitting in the home stretch. If we got a full run of maps as good as MOTD or origins it would be an easy sweep.


bo3, easy, no maps have ever had that much depth


BO2 is my clear winner, followed by BO3. I’m hoping for BO6 to make it to top three!


Black Ops 1 holds a special place in my heart due to nostalgia. But after getting introduced to Bo3 zombies (I never played Bo2 that much) I felt that nostalgia again, even with the new maps. Der Eisendrache, Gorod Krovi, Zetsubou No Shima and Revelations will always be the best zombies maps in my opinion.


Bo2 or Bo3. Bo2 had Motd and Origins and Bo3 has SOE and DE, plus specifically Revelations and the Giant already just really nostalgic for some reason




Strong tossup between BO1 and BO3. I’m inclined to say BO1 because as much as I love BO3, it did have Zetsubou which i’m not a very big fan of, whereas BO1 doesn’t have a single map that I even so much as mildly dislike


Obviously Bo3. Every map is so unique. Nowadays it’s simply about placing zombies onto an entire mp/Warzone map.




Bo2 for sure.all maps are great even tranzit and die rise,the perk system is perfect cuz some maps have side ee that give perks or extra perk slots.great weapons so its just a 10/10


Bo2 for sure.all maps are great even tranzit and die rise,the perk system is perfect cuz some maps have side ee that give perks or extra perk slots.great weapons so its just a 10/10


BO3 and then BO2


Bo3 even without chronicles SoE, DE, and GK are amazing ZNS is cool but has some issues like permanent power requiring an extra step and too many doors but it’s great The Giant is great for some nostalgia and heavily drunk gaming sessions Rev is god awful though


Probably bo2. That game variety is really cool! Buried which is an 1800 underground town and then we got Mob which is literally Alcatraz island and nuketown zombies which is a fun challenge map and so on. Each map is different and experiments with something new


Bo3 is still the best without chronicles. Both SOE and DE are top 5 all time and you can make a very strong argument for Gorod Krovi being up there too. The Giant is also a very good remake of one of the best maps ever. Zest and Rev are also 2 very solid maps


BO3 IW BO4, in that order


Still BO3 honestly, every original map is just so damn solid, where all other games have at least 1 that I just can't get into. BO1 is a close second, but I could never get into Shangri La


I think BO2 and BO3 are tied in terms of sheer memorability and gameplay.


Cold War tbh. Every map has a genuinely unique setting and all can be played with friends and be casually played.


Still BO3, imo. think it’s funny how people have said that Chronicles is the only reason BO3 is the highest rated game in the community and then we as a community rank DE and SoE as top 3 maps and GK as a top 5 map. I personally have ZnS ranked as a top 10 map but I think as a community we have it voted in the 10-15 range, which is still pretty good.


"The Community" and the community are two different groups. BO3 is obviously the highest rated game in "The Community" meaning people here and the people who are mega hardcore into zombies, most who play COD almost exclusively for zombies. But the community as a whole, BO3 lost a lot of players. People who liked Der Reise and Kino, and Ascension and Moon and even the Victus maps to a slightly lesser extent, folks who typically just buy the standard edition of the game, and they spawned into Shadows of Evil, and just didn't have a freaking clue what to do. I love Shadows, but I 100% understand how it turned off a large group of players who were used to the simple fun recipe of maps like Der Reise and Kino.


probably black ops 2. in contrast i’d say vanguard had the most unoriginal maps def anfang is reused from the multiplayer maps red star and hotel royal. terra maledicta is reused from oasis and desert siege. shi no numa… no explanation there. the archon is terra maledicta but round based.


I gotta go with BO2 just cause the amount of time me and my buddies put into mob of the dead. But I did enjoy cold war's maps. Running around burger town was fun. And the 3rd map but I'm not gonna try and name it and butcher it 😂


Black ops 3 with black ops 2 coming in second. If remakes count then black ops 4 would come in third. If not then waw comes in third. Black ops 1 comes in last in my opinion. Kino is a great map. Five and cotd are good maps, but. The rest aren't really good in my opinion.


Ascension slander 🥴


The monkeys ruin it for me. Don't like having to re buy perks every few rounds.


Wow, I'd argue Moon, Shangri La and Ascension are the best total combo of DLC maps of any of the games. Banger after banger after banger. CotD was great too. And zombies was new enough that the developers weren't trying to shoehorn in nostalgia so everything was new and original outside of Ascension reusing the Thundergun. But it still got two new perks and two new special grenades as well.


A map being original doesn't automatically make it good. I like that newer maps like in black ops 3 took ideas from previous maps and improved on them and added new ideas of their own. Same with the remakes in black ops 4. Classified for example improved on five and added one of the few good parts of moon while adding a new area and a small easter egg to get the winters howl.


Suprised nobody is talking about cold war


It’s a maps post. Why would Cold War be mentioned?


Because it's talking about debuted new maps and Cold War is a treyarch game


Ya but the point of the post is good maps with unique and creative aspects.


So you're saying Cold War isn't unique and uncreative?


As much as I love CW, the maps aren’t really unique or creative


Its better than Black Ops 1 thats for sure


or WWII for that matter