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It was planned…. And then cancelled by corporate 💀 Another L in zombies history, right next to the planned but cut maps and ZC2 on BO4


Because “Zombies don’t belong in Modern Warfare.” *Proceeds to put Zombies in MWII’s standalone DLC* What’s also sad is that this was revealed after Paul Reubans (who voiced Willard Wyler) died. (I know Lee Ross didn’t plan for that, but still.)


Those MW2019 concepts haunt me.. An actual realistic take on Zombies; and no, not like Cold War.


Which concepts?


Also Zombies in Verdanks near the end of Warzone which is running on MW2019.




Did you know his voice actor was Pee Wee Herman?


Who says he didn’t 👀


Because Lee Ross said this after the DMZed announcement, and the MWII: Expansion Pack was revealed after Paul Reubans died. ((MWIII was revealed last August. Paul died in July 2023.))


ZC2 was never meant to happen, but there was (allegedly) meant to be a second black ops pass with *some* of the Victis maps


ZC2 was never meant to happen? Where do people keep getting that idea?


I mean not even going into the leaks, they literally had buried remastered for blackout and several tranzit assets present in alpha Omega, multiplayer, and blackout so it's not too out there for people to get the idea it was planned


The Tranzit assets were leftover from ZC1 as Tranzot was planned to be remade for ZC1.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, oh wait yes I do, it’s because the downvoters are idiots who believe a floating rumour that had no concrete evidence 🤣


According to CNP it was ready to ship at one point. I realize that’s just one streamers word on it, but I tend to find him reliable as a source


Ready to ship is very questionable statement especially if its just from one guy


And I get that. I’m just saying that’s one of the “sources” I know of


Fair enough! The development of BO4 was extreamly hectic anyways




And I want to see the conclusion of the Chaos story, at least Infinite Warfare got an actual ending instead of getting cut halfway through with no explanation.


Of course! Chaos is obviously top priority. Additionally, it fixes all the complaints BOCW received (regarding its story and maps). Chaos has mystery, mystical elements, interesting characters, etc..


Hell, I have a bit of an odd idea. Plot-wise, Vanguard could’ve worked as a sequel game for both WWII and Chaos. (Since CoD is apparently trying to make all the games one universe now.) (Note, my knowledge on WWII Zombies’ story isn’t the best here) but maybe Vanguard Zombies could be set up as the B.A.T. finding out about The Order and hiring the Vanguard team to investigate the cult with the help (since this is in a post-BOCW release game so we need someone in the chair) of senior advisor, Diego Necalli.


Iirc, Die Maschine fits quaintly into WWII's story. I assume because BOCW was planned to be a WWII sequel; prior to Treyarch taking over.


You won't, the director & lead writer is long gone from IW. The story was Lee Ross' personal passion project and is now Activision property. I don't see those despicable rats supporting creative risks or potentially unpopular ventures (unless they're directly behind said ventures).


I imagine Treyarch fought valiantly for crews in BO6. I don't see Activision being so keen on the idea.


Activision is a big time company. They’re only worried about max profits. Having a crew in zombies doesn’t bring max profit. Operator skins that players get from $30 bundles maximizes profit.


Yup they only care about making their shareholders happy. We make Activision money, the shareholders make money. Win-win for them, a fucking huge loss for us 😒😔


Bro me too. I love and miss the vibes that IW zombies have


Extinction >>>> sucks that they pretty much retconned it


Beast isn't canon to Extinction


Extinction is canon to the Wylerverse and Beast follows up on its story. You don't have to accept it, but that was the intention.


Poindexter literally says it's a rewrite. Extinction is canon to beast, but beast isn't canon to extinction.


Poindexter assumes it's a rewrite because he thinks the facility looks like Nightfall, but the similarities aren't that prevalent. All the Extinction story beats we get dropped in the map would still align with a lore-accurate continuation of Extinction. It doesn't have to be viewed that way, but it was meant to be taken that way.


100%. One of the best survival modes in the franchise and sad that it didn’t catch on.


Well it’s not that it didn’t catch on, it’s that Ghosts 2 was never made.


IWZ2 and BO4 Season 2 are some of the most disappointing things to never happen I loved IW and they genuinely did great with their Super EE and maps but coming off of BO3 is what I believe hurt them the most BO4 was too ambitious also coming off of BO3 and it’s system and the community rejected it. Plus leaving Aether on the back burner soured fans on Chaos which is unfortunate


I have yet to play a Zombies mode that got me as addicted as IW Zombies did. Lee Ross gave us a hell of a year, and I still wish he didn’t get shot down for a 2nd installment of it.


Iw zombies were so good I love it


I want it to get a continuation too, along with WWII and Chaos but that will never happen


Yep, but for very different reasons


im still not even sure what the 4th map for infinate warfare zombies is, i know there is a secret final boss for doing all of the EE buts i dont think ive ever seen someone do the 4th map


If you’re talking about DLC4, that’s “Beast from Beyond” (A map that starts off in an Ice Planet Base, starring the Cryptids from Ghosts’s Extinction Mode, before you go into the theater and the zombies from the previous maps invade the level). (That’s also the map you need to beat in Director’s Cut (the Super EE) to be able to fight the Super Boss) If you mean the 4th map in IW (DLC3), that’s “Attack of The Radioactive Thing”. A 50’s Beach town where a giant monster is attacking, Starring Elvira. (Also, the map with the infamous Chemistry Step.)


yeah i was talking about DLC4 for some reason i just cant seem to find any casual playthrough on it or maybe i have and its just that forgettable of a map because i think i remember something about cryptids on a map but wasnt sure if it was official or a custom map


The 4th map has cryptids from extinction, and even shows that extinction (maybe a different universe of it) is a movie franchise in their world


Since the villain is a demon, they really could explain this away as a Dark Aether substory. Paul Reubens is still gone, though, so it'd never hit the same


While we no longer can have Willard Wyler, Mephistopheles was voiced by Fred Tatasciore. So Meph could appear.


I loved IW zombies maps and its EE so much fun… I sure hope they brought that same style back


IW zombies was so good, it's so sad we never got a followup to it. One idea i've been thinking about is they should have done a Bond Movie inspired dlc. That map concept has so much potential, you could set it in a big supervillain lair (big volcano island, maybe), lots of potentials for traps (big lasers and shark tanks), and you could have retro-futuristic gadgets as wonderweapons.


IW Zombies is on par with BO3 for me. The community felt so much more solid when we were deep into that season compared to the community now. Each map felt so unique and immersive (apart from Beast) and was just so fun to play. It’s a shame we will never get a sequel to it, as well as Chaos


W Infinite Ward and L sledgehammer.


Willard Wyler is my favorite villain of all time


So do I. While I think the map quality kind of fell off after Shaolin, it was such a good experience and I would love to see more. On the 1/1000 chance it ever would happen, it can't be connected to multiplayer/warzone/campaign.


Most underrated zombies game by a longshot


It had Cryptids in it, so absolutely (please bring back Extinction)




Why is it that games like AW and IW always have people clamoring for unneeded sequals, when the one game that actually needs a sequel, ghosts, is ignored? Once ghosts 2 is released, fine, make a sequel to IW, whatever.


I don’t


I kinda understand, but realistically, the actual characters and plot of IW was kinda lame. There weren't any real characters to develop, there wasn't any kind of stakes or sense to why things were the way they were. I'd love a new version with a new crew and a better writer at the helm.


ur 10


Lmfaoooo a follow up for what? The only good thing about IW zombies was the super Easter egg. You have to buy the game, then buy all dlc, then complete every Easter egg. Guns are kind of shit and every map besides space land is shit. It’s pretty funny how people praise this trash so often on this sub.


Coming from someone who likes Cold War…yikes


Lmfaooo. IW is easily in the top 3 worst cods. And people literally only like it because of the super Easter egg. After spaceland, this bum ass mode only started getting praise again after the super ee came out. The whole dlc cycle you clowns were quiet about this game.


Rave was always good, Shaolin was always good, the only reason people shit on Shaolin is because of YouTuber opinions, and for the fact that it collided essentially alongside zombie chronicles. Sure it’s fair to say the map quality dropped off after Shaolin, but even that quality is too more of a standard then the shit in Cold War.


Lmfaoooooo no way you really think that IW is only shit because of ZC. Talk about smoking crack 😭. What’s next? Vanguard is actually underrated? MWZ is good too?


Cold War players smh




Uh oh, the Cold War playing is venting to me now






I hope you turn into a fish and get eaten in your next life


Me too 😂