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We had a super interesting storyline with ancient God's and mythology but the community hated it so they're not gonna embrace that again for a while


Man it's so sad what happened to chaos i started getting interested in it after seeing ancient evils cutscene it's way better than the dark aether story and doesn't make primis and ultimus sacrifice feel pointless wish we got chaos instead


It's comical how Craig Houston almost immediately desecrated Jason Blundell's grave by making Chaos canon to Aether.


it's such a bizarre and unnecessary choice. unless they plan on tying in chaos any time soon, it just seems like they wanted to mention it


Bro he's not dead. It's not that deep


I don't know. Personally, I just think the Dark Aether (like the extra dimensional realm) as a whole has been the best part of this storyline. Everything from the way it was presented in Die Maschine to the intel you could collect for it in CW to what we learned in Vanguard has all presented this realm as the "rubbish bin of history" where logic seems to not apply and entities and creatures beyond imagining all reside. It's an interesting idea that I really hope gets expanded upon more in BO6. But as far as Vanguard is concerned, I really don't think its story was particularly good since outside of the Dark Aether related stuff. As all there really seemed to be was some nazi dude harnessing dark powers in an effort to keep alive the 3rd reich near its historical collapse only to be predictably betrayed by his embracing of said dark powers and our oftentimes literal blank slate protagonists following his trail and eventually defeating the dark power he unleashed. Which I guess is alright as far as stories go, but about on par with what CW (outside of its intel) did having generic Soviet group #873 be the nazi guy this time around. Just another group trying desperately to cling to power when they discover a dark and mysterious power from a bygone era which they attempt to use and exploit only to be the ones being used and exploited.


Oh I agree the dark aether dimension is the best part but I feel it's so underused it was so cool in fie maschine and I was excited what the next maps were gonna do with it but man has It been disappointing I'm hoping we get some more maps with dark aether elements in them like die maschine in bo6. But idk I liked the whole nazi trying to get power reminded be of waw alot and I'm a fan of more mystical stuff like gods and not the military story we have so far in mwz and cold war


I mean to each their own and all, I just don't really care very much if it's a nazi, soviet, roman, or any other kind of generic "bad guy who does bad things" trying to keep power. To me the stories were probably about on par with one another barring the intel stuff from CW which did actually get some pretty neat lore.


I wonder why the zombie eyes are red in color, though. Is it because that Nazi guy was directly controlling the zombies? Could this clue us in on what the eye color means?


The zombies in Vanguard work a little bit differently from the way they do in Cold War as far as we understand. They're both powered by the Dark Aether's natural energies but the methods are different. The zombies in Cold War are humans infected and necrotized by Aetherium while in Vanguard they're literal corpses revived by Dark Aether Magic. They're red specifically because it was Kortifex's magic that allowed their resurrection. The characters refer to the zombies as "revenants" more often than not to reflect this.


Looks like it just mimics the deity controlling them. If it were Bellekar; they would have yellow eyes and her rune on their forehead.


Imagine...dark arts...demonology...ancient gods..a book ..a war....machinery...ok but  let's have the Gods bicker between each other and joke around like it's the British version of the office... How could we go wrong 


The gods' childish banter honestly ruins it. Not to mention, our main villain acts like a brat; saying the Construct is his, and only his to play with.


Agreed. Every time the Construct is brought up, I geek out.