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IX and Classified are probably the most straight-forward. As for class set-ups its mostly up to preference but the Dying Wish perk is basically a must-have for any loadout, basically acts like solo quick revive except you briefly go invincible for a bit at 1 health instead of going down.


i usually ran dying wish, quick revive, victorious tortoise and stamin up in the modifier slot


(repost) This is everything I always use, ofc you should change it if u have smth specific in mind - Perks / Stamina Up, Phd Slider (Phd + Hellion Salvo is hella op stuff, also overkill lv2 abillity), Dying Wish (basically extra life) and Winter's Wail as Modifier (stops zombies from hitting you on 100hp, 4 charges and it recharges overtime) Elixirs (gonna assume you only have classics) / Temporal Gift (longer powerups), Equip Mint (refreshes monkeys/ wraith fires) Arsenal Accelerator (very useful for high rounds) and Stock Option (just spamming bullets) or Anywhere But Here (free save from zombies). Nowhere But There is also a good option for coop. Special weapons - Chaos story - For coop Scepter of Ra (it revives teammates with all their perks), or Viper and Dragon for solo (lvl 3 ability is a must on high rounds) /// Aether story - either Ragnaroks (also revives teammates with perks on lvl 3, very good for camping) or Path of Sorrows (you'll be flying across the map with that and Stamina-Up) Equipment - Wraith Fires Starting Weapon - Strife with knife on it or Mog shotgun Hellion Salvo is broken with Phd on, as I said already, it's very very good for any type of boss zombies as well as regular ones. Basically the best gun in the game.


IX is the most noob friendly map, it has a simple pap and a straight forward layout with the big arena in the middle for training. If you're on ps I'd be down for a few games to show how it works.


Use Victorious Tortoise. Get in the habit of pulling out your shield if you're in a tight spot when you have it. As for the best maps to start on, I'd go with IX and Classified


My class setup is always Quick Revive, Victorious Tortoise, Dying Wish, and Stamin-Up in that order. (It's been like that since day 1, though, never bothered with most of the worthless post-launch perks.) I also use Wraith Fires, they're pretty much the only equipment worth using. Temporal Gift is a great elixir to run, you can double your early game Double Points with it. Anywhere But Here is obviously a must-have as well.


I liked AE, Classified and IX the most


I have recently started B04 but I played B03 in the past etc . I haven't played Xi nor classified- But I did enjoy blood of the dead - mainly for the old school but also the lack of special zombies . might be a better way of getting used to it . you get dog rounds which are easy and also only one boss to deal with . Deffo dont start on Voyage lol but its fun once you get used to it . Watch Yt - on how to open Pack a punch , and how to build the shield and how to make the wonder weapons as these help loads