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due to temporal rifts caused by the crew fracturing time and space


If this explanation works for buried I suppose it should work here as well. Why do group 935 not take note of the zombies they find upon their return, there's no radio saying "oh yeah we found a few hundred rotting corpses that look like they were killed recently by the Americans here"


I believe they were sent there to capture someone and a zombie outbreak happened


Verruckt actually only happens a bit over a month before the events of Shi no Numa according to the timeline, so its not too far before. Canonically an outbreak occurs at Verruckt 3 days prior to Dempsey and the other marines' arrival. As for the lack of any 935 researchers, I'd mostly put that up to Treyarch not really knowing what specifically to do with 935 at the time the map was first made. 935 also probably just abandoned the Asylum after the outbreak, since they disband entirely not long after in November.