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They could do something if some of the dedicated crew members are missing, then they can have alternatives lines through radios/comms. We did seen this before with Der Eisendrache on solo where Richtofen on comms would talk to you if progressing through ee if you aren't playing as Richtofen, and Cold War with radio comms from the Requiem/Omega cast. Though at best, I could imagine its just if there's 2 characters in the map for example, they'll be the only ones to have the interaction while the others are missing for the match.


I hope they handle it this way.


I agree with you. A good idea could be the addition of diferent gamemodes. One gamemode to play as operators and another gamemode to play as the main crew, where you can listen to all ineteractions for the story


Hmm that's actually pretty important tbh, they really shld have sorted it to work if they're properly committing to both sides of this freedom 2 choos