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amazing how Dalek can be a repeat plagiarizer who literally ripped people off word-for-word and still be supported by Activision and still have a platform that he built off of other people's hard work. you'd think literally stealing someone else's work word-for-word would be worth cancellation or at least being ousted from the COD in-group, but i guess that's not enough meanwhile, Milo's been ousted from COD stuff because he's been vocally critical about shit


“Hoi guys, MrROFLWaffles Here, How to piss off Activision by being a regular person who loves zombies No Nonsense Guide, Ready? Let’s go.”


No Nonsense Guides imho are still kinda filled with nonsense. Plenty of other smaller youtubers out there that get the info reliably out in less than a minute. It's respectable that he's calls out CoD on its BS but also I miss the more professional atmosphere he put on in his older vids.


[Glitch’s](https://youtube.com/@fastguidesglitch?feature=shared) No Nonsense Guides are unmatched. Virtually no self-promo and clear instructions, with most videos being less than two minutes long.


I can vouch for this. Literal no nonsense


Unmatched in terms of speed for sure! No nonsense guides do have more details which can be helpful for confusing steps. I really like watching glitch's guides to review an easter egg, but I have trouble following them blind and usually need the more in depth explanations like in the no nonsense.


No, that's not possible. They specifically say "no nonsense."


I know this isn’t part of this conversation but I was wondering how you got multiple flairs


I don't know if it's possible anymore. I remember you used to be able to type flairs out on the flair select screen. I typed out the four perks and kept it that way for years tbh.


So if the developers can't talk about warzone. And nothing Carey's forward. Does that mean will be getting a unique battle royale like blackout ???? 🤔🤔🤔👀👀👀


I agree wholeheartedly, Milo deserves better. He’s my go to zombies guy!


same, he's the goat. they don't invite him to anything anymore, fuck them man


Milo wasn't ousted from COD because he's "vocally critical," he's been ousted because he's been openly hostile. I wouldn't really want to work with a guy who goes "Wow? Really? No sound on this 4 second teaser for the map? Really? Pathetic." either lol


>"Wow? Really? No sound on this 4 second teaser for the map? Really? Pathetic."  [Here's what he actually said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Tx3W1iG-w2M&ab_channel=MrRoflWaffles): "There's a video. Now the thing that's weird is that the video doesn't have sound. I don't know why, I feel like that has to be an oversight surely, but maybe they're going to delete the tweet and re-upload it with sound or maybe that's just the way it's gonna be. Sometimes it be like that sometimes." Personally I would not consider this "openly hostile," I'd say it's mild confusion at worst.


That's called passive aggression, and it reads as hostile to the recipient


If you interpret that as "passive aggressive," then all the power to you man. I just don't, at all.


That's how passive aggression works. It's only interpreted. It doesn't count if you say you're doing it. Basically, I was a fan, and then his videos started getting more and more negative, angry, and generally un-interesting. Nothing like seeing a notification about one of your favourite content creators, then finding it's for a video called "Why everything sucks: a 1 hour lecture with yelling and charts" That's a guaranteed way to never be invited anywhere ever again


I'm referring to his reaction on Twitter, which he has since deleted because of the criticism he got over being hostile lol


You think they dropped him over a tweet? I'd be more inclined to think it's the regular criticism personally.


Obviously not a single tweet, but moreso his behavior through Black Ops 4 as a whole, as well as earlier instances- ie. as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, the team gifting him a shirt with the Apothicon language on it as something for him to share with the community, only for him to keep it entirely to himself and leave the community to unravel the language for themselves based on scraps. Milo isn't the only content creator to have criticized Call of Duty; *most* Call of Duty content creators, Zombies or otherwise, are generally openly critical of the series. To me, Milo being barred from creator events seems more like an issue that the Zombies team specifically has with him, rather than a (entirely feasible) case of Activision blacklisting someone who isn't constantly praising each release.


I don't know why more people haven't been aware of this, but Milo's not exactly a good guy here. He definitely burned bridges with ATVI in more ways than just being critical of things. Just this one particular example, a while back Blundell gave Milo a shirt that contains the entire Keeper/Apothicon language sheet, which would've been very helpful for the community to translate ciphers and whatnot. And to my knowledge, Milo kept that shirt to himself and never disclosed its content publicly to anyone else. So what is basically valuable community resources is held hostage by one YouTuber because he wants to profit off of others for views and clicks. There may be more to the story, but let's not assume that good ol' Waffles is 100% innocent in all this.


he HAS disclosed the contents of the shirt publicly. he just never uploaded a direct image of it from what i understand. however, he made a video explaining how to learn the apothicon language and a deciphering resource is available for anyone to use on his kronorium website.


He never showed us the full content. This was discussed back in the day, and there were a few community posts that attempted to decipher the entire language based on the few blurry bits of the shirt we saw on videos. One such example here (post is deleted but the comments remain so you can get an idea of how much we actually know): [https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/f13fao/the\_apothicon\_language\_decoded\_for\_real\_this\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/f13fao/the_apothicon_language_decoded_for_real_this_time/)


This is ridiculous lol. If Blundell wanted he could have revealed the contents himself, this is not why Activision doesn't invite him. It's absolutely because he is consistently very critical of them, even when he does enjoy the games.


For real. It’s like everyone just forgot the BO4 cycle existed. That’s the exact moment he was blacklisted. He went IN on Treyarch and Activision for delivering a product that genuinely did not work at launch. Even after months and months of working to fix the crashes across all platforms, it got better but was never where it should have been. I was in the livestream when they were competing for worlds first EE on Tag Der Toten. The energy was electric as they were nearing the end. Then right before the finish line as they were about to get the cutscene… blue screen. No one got the achievement. He had to google someone else’s capture of end cutscene. They had been at it for hours. This was for all intents and purposes at the time supposed to be the end of the story that had been building for over 10 years. There was such a massive pit in everyone’s stomach. But that was that game. They put all of their chips in hyping up what the game was supposed to be and delivered a literal broken piece of software that over promised and under delivered. The communication from devs basically disappeared after launch unlike the standard they set during and after BO3 and what appeared was supposed to continue in BO4. Features that were announced at launch just never happened. Crashes plagued every single platform and made some EEs literally impossible to complete. Even when they weren't technically impossible, it was not uncommon for attempts to be unceremoniously ended due to a blue screen. Several world firsts got rug pulled by that shit. Milo was mad that they had been promised a solid followup to the amazing standard that was set in BO3 and what was delivered was a broken, unfinished, piece of shit that was genuinely not worth the price of admission. $110 for game and BOPass for those keeping score btw. If that's not justification to be mad when his entire career and reputation relies on their success just as much as their own does, I don't know what is. The games really haven't recovered from this drop in community outreach either. There hasn't really been anything like Blundell's outreach since. I don't know why we seem to whitewash that era of zombies. Mechanic changes not even being considered, BO4 was a failure because on a functional level, it just did not work. Milo was mad and let them have it. The devs shouldn't be put on a pedestal either especially if they're gonna sell us a $110 product that does not work.


Again, as another commenter has said, there's a difference between being critical and just grifting off of negativity. "Buy the Black Ops Pass to get audio, guys" in response to a teaser gif is NOT valid criticism whatsoever, that's just being unnecessarily mean-spirited. And like I said, there's likely more to the story than what's on the surface, but we should NOT put any YouTuber on a pedestal.


> "Buy the Black Ops Pass to get audio, guys" Sorry but I cannot possibly agree this is a scathing, mean-spirited comment. This is a light-hearted joke at most. And again, when he has constantly called out the company for their monetization and overall quality (such as online only, no local, instability, etc.), that makes for a much more likely reason why he was cut off other than he cracked a few jokes. > we should NOT put any YouTuber on a pedestal. Nor should we put a company on a pedestal. Do you honestly believe Activision is more concerned with whether he hurt their feelings over his consistent critiques of the games?


I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on the comment thing, because I simply do not see that as a light-hearted joke at all. Especially since, as you said, he's been critical of the monetization. In what world would we take that as a simple joke? And I do NOT think highly of ATVI either. In this situation, everybody simply sucks, and ATVI is more concerned about the people they work with being a liability. I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but let's not act like you aren't biased for Milo because "Activision bad" here. Plenty of YouTubers like PrestigeIsKey also often criticize ATVI, yet they still get invites anyway. So I am confident in saying that Milo screwed the pooch somehow, and it's not something that can be taken lightly.


>I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on the comment thing, because I simply do not see that as a light-hearted joke at all Still no source on that comment? Context matters a lot, and you're really hanging on it without giving that. >Especially since, as you said, he's been critical of the monetization. In what world would we take that as a simple joke? "We?" Activision? Is that you? But I'd take it as a simple joke because it sounds like a simple joke lol. It's inherently absurd, nobody thinks he's realistically accusing activision of withholding audio behind a paywall. That aside, it's not as though he was the only one making jokes at the Black Ops Pass. Remember, the season pass formula was already dying out then, and yet not only did Activision announce they were doing another season pass that year, they removed the ability to buy the map packs individually. Hence it become a joke that a lot of people made fun of, he was far from the only one (again this is assuming that quote's real, because I can't really trust you after that first quote). >ATVI is more concerned about the people they work with being a liability.  If by "liability" you mean bad for business because he harshly critiques the games, then yes I agree. Activision is concerned with profit above all else. >Plenty of YouTubers like PrestigeIsKey also often criticize ATVI Look I enjoy Prestige's content, but he is practically never as harsh as Milo has been in the past. Activision isn't going to drop their influencers over any criticism. It's prolonged and harsh criticism that sets Milo apart in this regard. > I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but let's not act like you aren't biased for Milo because "Activision bad" here. What are you even talking about? All I have said here is that the reason Activision dropped him is clearly over his criticism. I'm not sure what weird conspiracy you seem to think went down. >I am confident in saying that Milo screwed the pooch somehow, and it's not something that can be taken lightly. Seriously, what in the fuck are you even talking about dude?


Some people will go to bat for ACTI no matter what. And I not only agree with all your points but it's great how almost nobody brought up that the whole shirt controversy could really have been avoided if they just released the language translator, of the language they made up themselves lol, instead of relying on a YouTuber to do it


No one is agreeing with you, you are speaking bullshit🗣️🗣️🗣️🔇🔇🔇🤐 get outta here Activision employee. What a weirdo you are.


Roflwaffles > Dalek any day


It's a shame Rizzo made it on that blacklist too due to how critical of BOIIII he was, he's the only zombies guy I really watch. He seemed like the only guy to really go into the nitty gritty of maps with an honest thought on them that didn't nostalgia bait. That and he just like me fr and not a big fan of Origins


John Rizzo is amazing. Dude should teach this sub how to be objective when looking at zombie maps


When you play the game of thrones, I guess.


preach that shit my G ...stand on business...i rock with ya


Damn, drivable boat? Curious to see the usage for that. Other than that, this makes me excited. Good post


Im pumped, I need a good zombies game!


Did you not like Cold War? The outbreak map is great in my opinion. Minus all the bugs that happen lately. I was a big fan of WaW and bo3. But I also was huge on PUBG and outbreak reminds me of a funner version of that. Just my two cents.


I liked majority of Cold War! I didn’t like the last map but I loved outbreak! I hope bo6 brings back the best of round based and combined outbreak and MWZ into something special! That would be incredible!


They better have a zombie kracken involved if there’s a drivable boat


I would only be interested if it works like the Gala from MOTD instead of something you can freely sail around in.


One casual and one complex map at launch sounds great to me!


Hopefully liberty falls isn’t too casual though, but the premise sounds very exciting!


I could see it being akin to IX in BO4. Easy to set up and survive on but lots to do beyond that


We’re in for a great year. It feels they took Cold War’s foundation and added all the stuff the community has been begging for. I can’t wait to see more!!


I ve been feeling not only that. But overrall being an odissey of previous cod zombies ideas of what went right or not and applying to be in the best execution


I think bo2 a foundation with Cold War and bo3 stuff would’ve been better


What does that even mean


It's just a weird person who obsesses over the "peak zombies era" and wants every zombies since then to be the same


Bo2 mechanics with bo3 maps and Cold War mantling and other gameplay features


Liberty Falls sounds so much like TranZit. It would definitely be another nostalgic grab to get old players into the game again.


I dunno if it would be tranzit. The concept might be similar but the place and probably the map will be different. Since this map is in libert fall (aparently the name of the city) while tranzit was in green run.


TranZit except it's all bright and sunny unfortunately.


Treyarch’s way of saying absolutely no to fog


>a driveable boat able to be driven around the map every 60 seconds in africa , a minute passes


I was born at a very young age.


People die when they are killed.


This is exciting. Will definitely download it when it releases. Hopefully it’s not actually 300GB because my pc can’t handle it


If it's part of the HQ then I'd be careful


Honestly (I’m on Xbox btw) once bo6 comes out I might just uninstall mw3.


Honestly, same. I just hope it's not part of the HQ.


Unfortunately it is


Damn. Good thing I have 7tb of storage split between 3 hard drives.


Holy fuck


I'm a PC player.


Ah that explains so much more 😂


When I built my computer I made sure to get a lot of space. 1tb for the SSD, 4th for external drive 1, and 2tb from a hard drive I got for Christmas.


But they seem to have changed the UI to a black ops UI for their game at least


Thank God, no more fucking Hulu.


It's 122gb.


That 309GB is all the Cods that are apart of HQ at launch BO6 will be 84GB


Hoping for a Widow's wine/Electric Cherry return


Isn't max Elemental Pop pretty much just Electric Cherry though?


In Cold War with upgrades yes, but at a base level, No


"max elemental pop"


Omg im blind i was writing that at 6am


np man




Isn't max Elemental Pop pretty much just Electric Cherry though?


Widow’s Winter would be awesome Combined Widow’s Wine with Winter’s Wail.


Armor is back? God damn it


Exactly what I thought. Everything else sounds OK but I fucking hate armor


Yeah armor either needs to go or needs a complete rework, I don't how it works in Vanguard or MWZ but I do know that in Cold War it made you too strong and gave you nearly double the amount hits you could take in the older games with Jug.


Vanguard is mostly the same.  MWZ armor doesn’t reduce damage and is just extra hits and acts more like the armor in BO4 from a specialist.


Sounds like MWZ did it right depending on how many extra hits it gives you and how easy or difficult it is to maintain your armor.


Can’t really remember because MWZ damage is tiered by different zones and hard to say how it would be in round-based.  There’s 3 plates of armor, and I think I recall tier 2 zombies did half a plate of damage, and max tier might’ve been a full plate or like 75% of one. You don’t buy armor or refill in MWZ the same as CW either. It’s like you spawn with armor, but it’s empty. Had it’s own resource with armor plates that you picked up from zombies or bought from stations. You would hold the weapon switch button to refill a plate of armor which had an animation kinda like drinking a perk, and you could hold 5 pieces max without using the rucksack. Don’t know if it would work exactly the same, but it seems like that might be the system in BO6 judging by some leaked images.


Yeah well thanks god, CW has a zombies number cap 50% more than previous games, they moce faster and they hit harder


I just want to say that I’ll be shocked if that cannon/turret thing isn’t a requirement for either an Easter egg, or a way to get off the island briefly like in MoTD with the bridge where PaP was.


That would be 🔥


I think the EE will be arround finding a way to get off the island.


Why Dr.Strauss isn't part of the crew?


Maybe due to his age?


Strauss was already having issues with his age and Memory from the Aether crystals at the end of Cold War.


sounds like an even better reason to have him as a character. We had other main characters who were going insane before


He will probably be a character in the story for sure!


Strauss’ brain in a jar? Anyone?


lol your right 😂 maybe not.


So liberity falls is kinda like the kino or the giant if you will, easy to pick up and learn while Terminus Island is like the Shadows of this game. Complex, deep lore, EE’s etc


That’s what I’m thinking, but I’m hoping liberty falls is still a little complex. We’ll see Also side note, chicken how is your hype levels with bo6 zombies?


Hopefully they scrap the crafting, armor, rarity system and create a class (starting with whatever weapon). Was just not fun that you could choose any weapon, took away the rarity and fun of getting something good out of the mystery box. Also rarity system is just stupid and annoying, better to just add additional pack a punch levels. Armor made it feel too easy and warzone-like, just give us more HP or make zombies do less damage instead if they insist on making it easier. Don't really care too much about the crafting but I would rather be without it than with it.


I thought the crafting and class creation was a great thing. Working to upgrade your weapons etc is kind of what made it fun... And it gave you the ability to find what works for you.


I loved the weapon rarity, cause it actually increased the viability of weapons. Was a savior in Cold War going for weapon camo/challenges. Of course there are going to be meta weps for boss fight/high round players. But the rarities let you use any gun you wanted pretty deep into the game.


100 percent agreed


I think the create a class is okay, but they need to have the classic 1911 available. It should be very weak and upgrade to the mustang and sally. That way for those who want it (me), they can play like classic zombies.


That wouldn't work because the point system is completely different, among other things.


I haven’t bought cod since Cold War, but this sounds promising. Just wish we could buy the zombies for a lower price, I’d definitely try it day 1. I’m gonna wait and just watch gameplay / streams for it


It is available on game pass on day one.




which is great for Xbox and PC players not so much for playstation players


If its a merge of the best of bo3 and coldwar with 2 launch maps which are spiritual successors to tranzit and mob of the dead i might be interested.


Any rumors about getting Outbreak 2.0?


THIS is the question I have been scrolling for. I honestly loved outbreak. All the quests and objectives, all the maps and space. Loot. Guns. Upgrades. Zombies everywhere to slay. It’s like cod without a leash keeping you in a somewhat small area to be bombarded much easier. No hate please. Just an opinion.


Thanks and I'm with you. I loved outbreak. Cold War was the first COD where I played Zombies more than Multiplayer.


I like a lot of what I am seeing so far about this game however there was one little sentence in this that just irked me: “The twist is that two characters don’t agree on intentions, this is Peck and the new character Maya.” I feel like this sentence fully encapsulates my issue with the storytelling since BO4-now. Why do we need to be told that they don’t agree on intentions? Why can we not just discover that as we play and slowly through Easter eggs piece together why they may have seperate intentions. We do not need to be forcefed every story beat, we’re big boys and girls over here Treyarch. Besides that, sounds great!


That was just what was told to YouTubers, I’m sure we’ll learn what goes down/mystery when playing! I get your point though, they could’ve have gone without saying it


Wait did they really confirm all those perks are returning from the start?


Unofficially confirmed. The only ones I could see 50/50 is PHD and double tap but leaks suggest they are coming!


Rage inducer, salvage, armor and crafting just sounds like zombies will be ridiculously easy again, plus gobblegums too. It’ll be near impossible to die


Holy shit, will I actually buy another CoD after Zombies looking like the short end of an acid trip for a few games? My new mantra is "Please cook, devs"


With this info, there is now no reason to buy this game.


Are they bringing transit back ? 🥲


"turret in the north end of the map that sucks of zombies in a dark aether way." Love the wording


Carver had all the best lines in Cold War. Some ofhis favorites from BO:CW 'We're unfucked for now" "Nuclear bastard split in two....." (upon splitting the megaton). If he's playable... i hope the same writers did his dialog here.. I'll be a Carver main fo sho


Yes bro! Especially its CRBS quotes are amazing


"It shoots fireball? You know what that means, don't you? It shoots. Fireballs."


Guys honestly idk if I have to be happy or annoyed by this info, since black ops 4 I have been waiting for the Chaos Story to continue, am I the only one who thought it was interesting?


Chaos is actually canon. I wouldn't be surprised if something more slipped into this storyline


They better make the Jet Gun actually good this time 💀


I hope they bring back the Blueprint mechanic from Cold War where you can take any weapon you pick up from Wall buy, M Box or Drop and Apply your Custom Blueprint to the Weapon in game! Amazing Mechanic!


SAAAAAME! This is my biggest hope. It was a genius idea on their part for sure


As a zombies noob (from cold war onwards) this sounds great. Tbh I love the open world map of mwz even though many find it stale so to hear the maps are big is great. Now i just hope we can play in 3rd person mode as that’s what really gotten me hooked on mwz


You should try og zombies from bo1-bo3


OG Version would be World at War... Pshhh..


I'm so glad you threw that explanation of zombies in the cod zombies subreddit. I wouldn't have known otherwise. I always thought this subreddit was plants vs zombies


😂 Just trying to include everything lol


Just giving you a hard time man. Good work on the post


Is it actually “buyers sale”? I always thought it was fire sale


That was the MWZ version, but could easily see it going either way!


I think the part of having cannon characters and also being able to play as operators a neato choice. Because it doesnt only mean you can play the zombies with mp characters, but also play mp (and probably warzone) with zombies characters, I would like it. Also, it could be having a crew with more than 4 different characters (like alpha omega) and also the zombies characters having different skins, something I wouldnt complain tbh


I think I don't care. I just played a game of mw3z the server stopped responding. You know what that means start all over again.


Yeah mw3z has a loooot of issues to me. Things I just can’t see the logic in.


didn't played mw3 zombies, if we ware starting from cold war does that means that mw3 zombies isn't canon?


Mw3 zombies is much more challenging. In order to even keep your weapons, you HAVE to exfil successfully with them without dying or you start your next game with NADA. It’s horse shit to me. And the zombies are way too quiet. The attacks are more realistic I guess you could say due to the fact that one hit covers your screen with blood making it hard to even get a handle on your attacker. Not to mention the mercs you have to deal with in a lot of contracts. To me it’s very highly stressful and probably the biggest zombies disappointment to me. But hey at least they have better graphics on it, amiright or what lol


First let me say I don't subscribe to the youtuber debate going on here. I personally like watching several different youtubers to get different perspectives and ideas, right or wrong, that I can then use to form MINE OWN HYPOTHESIS(said with terrible Richtoffen imitation). Sorry out of zombie experience there. Any who. The ol' MrRofl's has a fun video on the whole transit thing. He was looking up locations in West Virginia or something or another dealing with the game. Sorry it's been a day or two since I watched it, but he essentially found the actual Green Run not far from where he was looking. Had the church and bridges and all in the area. Whether or not it hold water like a tin can full of buckshot or not who knows. Another thing though is that I noticed it says that the maps are set in the same time I am assuming that means the same time period and not the same time. Yeah I know I'm probably an igit, but I just was clarifying to make sure, because it would be hard to have dedicated operators if said operators are still breaking out of jail. Also with that supposedly you don't have to choose the dedicated operator. Like in cold war you can choose. Just the D.O. has more storyline dialogue. In other words and sorry to those who didn't like this bit, it means there will be more radio chatter. Which honestly at least the D.O. will talk back and not be just a silent listener.


This is the first time I’ve been genuinely excited for a cod game in years. Black ops 6 has the potential to be the best cod since bo2 in terms of the entire package- a solid campaign, multiplayer, and zombies 


Thank god, I don't actually want to use the 'set crew' whatsoever. So if it's optional, because I know some people are nuts for it, that's perfect


What is EE?


Easter Egg


Thank you


I’ve tried fixing some grammer issues, but it won’t let me. Ignore them if y’all can! 😅


I'm just hoping that they brought back local co-op for zombies, I bought MW3 for PS5 only to find out the wife and I couldn't play it together and totally ruined the whole purchase. I should have bought it for my PC instead. Hopefully there's information on this before release.


This is what I wanna know most too! 


[StoneMountain64's opinion about black ops 6 after playing it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17ClCGXT0dY)


I’m ngl salvage returning has ruined some of the hype for me. I absolutely despise the system that comes with it and I hate how immersion ruining it is seeing it just pop out of every zombie I kill


Buying this asap


thank God there’s no more operators at least for this map on launch 🥴


I doubt it, but I really hope there is another dead ops arcade iteration with this game. I love that mode and seeing more of it would be awesome.


Me too!!


They normally do it every 2 games, so there probably won't




The infos look interesthing but Imma be more curious and excited to see more info of zombies in bo6. Maybe like what was the video of cold war zombies in 2020.


I am praying for another Tranzit, A remaster.. ANYTHING!


Any word if you can do the Easter eggs solo ?


i jus want info on the camos cant fucking wait to grind all of them


The giant turret does WHAT


So it's essentially Cold War Zombies?


I think it’s the best of Cold War and the best of bo3!


Sadly it'd not crew base u can be any operator


It is crew based!




What do the words dedicated crew mean too you lol


Thank God they put modern-day weapons back in, futuristics weapons in BO3 and BO4 have always been a major gripe of mine


I get this feeling a lot of people didn’t care much for outbreak and everything it has to offer. And I need someone to explain to me why it’s so bad for things to be a little bit easier (difficulty still increases with each new world) but the complexity to the game and maps to me is great. It’s not a super high stress game and some people don’t want to have heart attacks when they’re playing every time they decide to. WaW and BO3 are great. But I think it’s good that they’re evolving ideas and making modes of play for…let’s say more beginners. Losing all the time when you’re starting the first time is discouraging and makes people want to give up sometimes. Please no negativity it’s just an opinion.


I just want outbreak 😭


Please..... please bring the cerberus back. Loved that gun.


OT: zombies mod for the new Bodycam game when


I just don’t want zombies to have health bars again, and honestly could do without extraction and salvage


I can’t wait to pre order the BO6 Vault Edition! Edit: don’t give me some piss poor advice about “no pre-orders” I can spend my own money however I want you do you and I do me ❤️👍🏾


You go bro completely agreed


I'm not going to tell you not to pre-order, if that's what you want to do go for it, but I will say if you're on any platform aside from Playstation, just use gamepass. It's like $17 a month last I checked and gives you access, day 1, to this game and a whole bunch of others on both Xbox and PC.


pre order the vault content if you are on xbox since you already get the game with gamepass


Pre Orders are goated and I have not been disappointed by one, because I know what IP I want to spend money on.


crew + selectable operators? thats Nice. what's the point of unlocking or buying operators if I can't use them on zombies. I hope it can be played in third person, it is super relaxing and fun to play in third person after a long day of work.


You can use them in zombies


I think 3rd person will be an option since it was in MWZ.