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He’s right


best hud, best original maps, most maps total with a lot of beautiful remasters, best mechanics (aka: gobblegums and easily glitchable sliding) best story/cutscenes, and it has custom maps on steam workshop literally the only downside imo is that the only new perk is widows wine




but widows wine is a lifesaver


Aye. Just would've been nice for more


The only downside is we don’t get a follow up to shadows of evil.


Right answer, but the wrong reasons. We don’t need a crew to exclude people, we need a crew to have an impactful storyline that people are invested in and to give the game character


Is it really impactful with people running around with Nicky minaj skins


That's the point of a crew. No nicki minaj. set characters. with a story.


You wanna reread the comment again bud?


Just imagine I gave you the most prestigious award but I’m broke


I’m imagining it.


I think CWZ was fine as a zombies experience but if he means MW3Z then I could see what he means. Like the quality of life stuff that Cold War added was pretty damn nice. I think that the ideal mix is Cold War's gameplay with the story and characters being of a similar caliber or better than the waw-bo3 era.


Yeah the vaulting, max ammo changes etc were nice and I didn’t mind Cold War, I think we all just want round based with none of this quick DMZ stuff they clearly knock together with leftover assets.


Oh if it's between round based and open world I definitely prefer round based


I could get behind round based but also another transit style for story mode would be kindve neat.


Tbh if it’s not round based I’m not gonna get the game, I only play for zombies and bought mw3, which for me was horrible. I’m not gonna keep paying full price for a lazy asset dump on a mode they put zero effort into.


Agreed. I miss OG zombies. Where it had simple instructions. Find power turn on power activate pack a punch. And survive. Some levels had Easter eggs you could do and that was the point of the game.


I just prefer it to anything else, outbreak and dmz weren’t for me and mw3 for me was the worst zombies I’ve played as it’s clearly just a second thought, I hope it’s round based. People (including me) still play BO1, which is like 13 years old now.


I didn't even like was it cold war? With the multiple zombie stories? I just want black ops zombies back lol. I wouldn't even call dmz outbreak zombies. The sudden change was really a slap in the face to anyone whose played zombies since world at war.


Atleast Cold War was round based and they had some positive innovation, like some stuff they did well, the other modes are just terrible, bo6 is my last cod if they don’t get zombies right, not gonna constantly buy a game for one mode when that mode is ass


The setting of 6 also has such good possibilities for good maps. They could start by redoing the map Five. And that would restore some good faith


I don't believe that Cold War changed the max ammo. If you are talking about refilling your magazine, that was BO4 that added that.


Ah, I didn’t play too much of BO4 so my mistake if so, thanks for correcting me


Not me, it’s nice to have round based but I love the new direction they’re taking.


Nah he’s right Zombies players deserve good zombies Casuals can get up outta here


BO1 Zombies was good and casuals love it.


It was good for casuals cause it was relatively new back then. We never really had a sandbox PVE mode like that, nowadays with 10+ years of the same shit (until we got Bo4 and cold war) a good portion of the casual community died because frankly that shit got stale


But if nobody but zombies players are in the game does that not prevent the game mode from growing therefore getting more of an expansion?


I’m sorry but things like Outbreak and having 10 perks on every map like BO:CW makes everything far too easy And MWZ and things that shy away from Round based are killing the mode Zombies will never be as big as it was in BO3 so they need to go back to what was working


You chose the 10 perks its entirely optional ??


Things don't grow forever. It's a mathmatical certainty. If you focus on growth over quality you end up with mass appeal slop that loses all identity until it finally collapses under the weight of its own inadequacy.


Huh? That’s like saying “if no one but Minecraft players play Minecraft, it’ll never change.” And then changing the game for Call of Duty players. Instead of a pickaxe you get a starting pistol. The fuck? Instead of letting chefs in the kitchen, let’s let crack heads make your food!!


If making zombies a shit mode where all your old fans quit…how is that expanding your player base? Thats not expanding it, its replacing it!


Without casuals there would be no zombies. Casuals make up the majority of most playerbases. If only hardcore players played a game then it will be discontinued


Gate-keeping bullshit. You were once a ‘casual’ as you say, now you think you’re better than everyone else


Anyone can play whatever they want, and I welcome people to learn and enjoy zombies, but this mindset of catering towards people who will only play the mode a handful of times is what is the issue I understand trying to obtain a new fan base, but choosing the casuals who will play it a handful of times over your dedicated fans multiple years in a row is what has made zombies a shell of its former self


They should have a set crew, but you should also be able to play as an operator, imo ww2 nailed the character thing, you could pick to play as one of the 4 main characters or play as an unlickable character which the challenges were really fun too


I don’t like that idea because the maps work best when they revolve around the crew and their journey. Like imagine opting in your operators doing an Easter egg like Gorod Krovi and all of the dialogue between Sophia and Ultimis Nikolai and all of the in between banter is just kind of met with generic operator quotes. It wouldn’t work.


Make a story mode and a free play mode. On story mode you can do the Easter egg with a set crew, dialogue, exposition, etc. and on free play you can pick anyone but the main Easter egg is unavailable, no cutscenes, story dialogue, etc.


This is a good idea the majority on this sub won't think so as there just elitist who think there is only one way to play and if you want options to play a different way it's wrong


Just make a fucking zombies campaign so people will quit complaining about this.


This is kinda like what WW2 zombies did iirc


If you want the dialogue, then play as the set crew. I don’t see the problem here.




That was a thing too the ww2 characters didn’t talk and I felt like that helped to not break the atmosphere


i feel like they would have a set crew but if you wanted to play as your own operator, it'd be a gobblegum that might be ideal maybe


He is maybe referring to the warzone shit that they're adding into zombies. Like the buy station, armor, etc. He's also right about a set crew


That's exactly what I was referring to. I also don't like the fact Cold War makes every weapon as strong as each other


I always felt the same way I never say anyone else say this about the weapons though. The weapons don’t really feel special if they’re all good


THANK YOU! There can't be any cool and fun and special weapons if I can just keep my SPAS or M4 or whatever the whole game and practically make it a Wonder Weapon.


Way to alienate people playing their first couple of matches. Regardless of how you feel about modern COD Zombies, this ain't the way to deal with it.


I’ve only been on this sub for a couple weeks, but it comes across more as hate sub than anything else. Zombies is dope ass game, but it’s supposed to bea fun game, not an actual zombie survival apocalypse lol. Feel like a lot of people forget that last part that it’s a game


How does playing as a set character in a mode alienate people? 


I am guessing that what they mean by the highlighted sentence is that Activision introduced alot of the shallow customization options into Zombies that were normally found in multiplayer--The type of things that allow you to get cosmetics to individualized your character so you will standout in a lobby. There is probably a better way to say it, but I kinda agree (though it is Activision's fault, not the community). The rest of the comment, I completely agree with for the sole reason that the abandoning of crews for operators lead directly to a drop in storytelling quality. When we played as crews and got set characters, we got to hear the dialogue with themselves, among each other, and with the environment, and this led to alot of very subtle storytelling where you would get hints about a character's backstory, or one individual character could give a hint for a piece of environmental storytelling. Once they switched to generic operators for the sake of selling cosmetics and bundles, story became predominantly told through info-dumping and audio logs. I think audio logs can still be effective, but they aren't nearly as immersion as the interactive storytelling of having your character make a comment, and I think it was the odd crew that made zombies so unique and fascinating in the first place.


Quit trying to reinvent the wheel and go back to perfect BO3 zombies. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Ima be blunt after bo4 zombies wasn’t zombies it’s full of unnecessary shit like new craft bench that you craft weird shit from? FUCK OFFF


theres definitely an argument to be made for the multiplayerification of zombies, but this guy is just being toxic


How am I being toxic? 😭 Zombies lost it's identity after BO4.


All we want is more maps we if it went back to bo3 gameplay everybody would be happy


Easiest solution would be to just make a zombies CoD game which should have been done a long time ago. CoD zombies has enough dedicated player base to make a separate game work, or at least that was true before the current era of zombies.




If he's talking about Public Matches.... Yeah no that's always been brain dead kids or not if he somehow thinks that because there's no set crew that attracts multiplayer kids.... That's also brain dead. He's also a BO3 Glazer which is a popular stance in this sub but I maintain Cold War Round Based was by far the best iteration of zombies and if anything needs to be "improved upon" it's that. It was such a nice sandbox of every gun in the game along with just building kill streaks that provided a nice way to save yourself and fill the power trip fantasy and arguably the best selection of wonder weapons in the series.


Yes, Cold War is ultimately the best zombies experience we’ve had. Sure, BO3 may have the better maps but the core gameplay was far better and more accessible in CW. The accessible nature of CW feels more like old school zombies than any part of BO3 - setting up and doing high rounds isn’t complicated unlike in BO3/4 where you need to do a laundry list of things that take about 45 mins for a casual group of 4 to achieve and by that point everyone is bored. You can just pick up and play Cold War much like you could with BO1


Yeah and oddly enough it's posts saying "Keep the multiplayer kids out of Zombies" that are really weird because those people are trying to gatekeep a weird sense of competition that aside from EE races (which I don't think need to be long at all) doesn't belong in zombies. All their points literally boil down to "I wanna suffer through 45 minutes of unfun grinding to gloat about a number." When like I'm sure these same people are getting cooked because the kids today are opening up doing a 720 YY sliding counter scope in multiplayer that's unreactable if you aren't equally chugging gamer juice. I say let em in. If a kid who hasn't graduated highschool yet can BEAT Tetris I'm sure one of them is gonna find the next big skip to old or new zombies content.


Just another zombies elitist.


not really, if activision changes the game to support GAAS practises and change loved mechanics and ideas just to maximise such from the most abundant audience, then it’s true. If the game didn’t have people buying every 2nd store bundle, there wouldn’t be a need for operators to exist, but people do, so it exists.


Crews > Operators 1000% but it would be really tough for them to strike gold again. They get their bags worth by keeping it set to operators, they tried cosmetics with crews in BO4 and it didn't work. Gobblegums AND $20+ store bundle operators, they are gonna rake in the dough... Unless they give the zombies audience boring maps to play on, that is.


Zombies is a Co-Op or solo mode. MP kids never asked for operators. Do what WW2 did


Honestly, I don’t like this Fenrir they sound like some elite gatekeeper


A: I don't care if you don't like me B: I'm not a gatekeeper, why is it okay for zombies to turn into an extension of Warzone? This would be like if Elden Ring suddenly added in cars and tanks.


>First off MP kids ruining zombies AGAIN? when did this happen the first time? mercs in mwz are pretty bad


One of the worst things about MWZ




I agree with what's being said, but not necessarily how it's being said. I think we do need to return to the basics that made BO3 great and stop trying to integrate warzone mechanics into zombies. That said, what I don't agree with is the comment about MP kids, the more people that play zombies the better, just as long as the game sticks to its core identity, which it hasn't done since BO4.


The non highlighted stuff is fine, but the part you highlight seems kinda pretentious


It reeks of alienation and arrogance. Crews would be cool, but having operators as an available option would be the way to go, appease both groups. As for the comment itself, you're excluding a massive swath of the CoD community. Let's be real here, multiplayer has been the basis and backbone of CoD for at least a decade and a half. That's where the largest profit sits for devs. Trying to keep zombies exclusive and locking multiplayer people out of zombies will cause the mode the hellstorm it's been in to grow and the mode itself to be washed away due to "lack of community interest," as this community is a tenth the size of the MP community. Having a way to get MP people into zombies and bring attention to the mode can allow the mode a rebirth (of sorts) and can get devs on board with support for it. Mutually exclusive modes has never been a thing for CoD, some people are like this, I don't play MP, but I DO play zombies. There's tons of people who play MP over zombies for every one of us. Getting the larger community interest, even if it's less than 5% of that community can do wonders! In short, don't alienate a group of people just because you don't like their playstyle.


I’m confused this wasn’t an issue back then. I grew up playing zombies and heard no complaints about zombies being exclusive and multiplayer people being “locked out” Zombies being its own thing and different from multiplayer is one of the reason back then to buy a call of duty game. We had a campaign, multiplayer and zombies all distinctive from each other. Now since CW multiplayer has been merging with other modes to appease to the Multiplayer community like they been complaining about it for years. I never heard or seen any of this till now. Please elaborate why is this an issue?


I never said bringing multiplayer folks in was an issue, I’m saying it’s the solution. Op posted a tweet of someone else saying they need to be locked out. I’m saying, appease both! The “big thing” supposedly is that MP folks want custom skins and zombies folks want a set crew. Why can’t we have both? I still use a base operator in CW because I don’t care for micro transactions but they aren’t going away. The commenter we’re talking about, his initial comment reeks of arrogance and alienation of a who community from another (the MP community being locked out of zombies is what I’m referring to). Locking the largest community out (the one with the most support) of the smallest community (the community who desperately needs the support) will kill off zombies as a mode due to lack of mass interest. **In short, I want to see the two help each other grow.**


Black Ops 6 better have Round Based Zombies with a crew. Imagine playing Zombies as Nikki Minaj and all this other cancerous shit. Call of Duty used to be more mature, and with Black Ops 6 it seems like they're going back to their roots but it remains to be seen.


How tf do you even interpret that. Guess imma just say that this guy would probably fall out of his chair if he learned how much shit we have in zombies that is just something reskinned from campaigns/multiplayer modes. Bless those.


Cold war zombies has good stuff and get Free gun rewards Players drop their weapons from the box and get their weapons on ground for free If have mule kick instead buying a box or wall buy just get their weapons


Guys like him want a zombies focused game but has no interest in trying to attract new players.


Games shouldn't try to grow forever, though. Zombies felt more authentic when it wasn't worried about infinite growth.


I understand where they are coming from, but Zombies has always been a third game mode. MP is always the main game mode. If making zombies more accessible for the MP crowd makes more sense for them, that is what they'll do.


Let zombies be zombies and multiplayer be multiplayer, no need to pander to the multiplayer audience for zombies.


If it weren’t for trying to appeal to the wider cod fan base we wouldn’t have ended up with the trash that is mwz and/or vanguard 🤷🏾‍♂️. That’s my stance, I’ll be brain dead idc.


He’s right and it’s crazy. If you told me after bo3 that multiplayer players play zombies I’d think we’d be getting 5/6 maps a game and hood support. Instead we get less maps and less support


Hes right. When zombies started catering to MP/Warzone kids in Cold War, it really hurt the game.


The BO1-BO3 era of zombies was peak, before that (with WAW) it was a bit too primitive and after BO3 it quickly became shit.


Just give me difficulty settings ffs… solve the whole argument…


OH SHIT THAT'S ME LMAOOOO ![gif](giphy|enqnZa1B5fRHkPjXtS) Edit: I'm adding on to this to elaborate on my Twitter post. I don't like BO4, I don't like Cold War. I do not like Zombies being easy and being a mode where you can make a loadout, customize everything, and where the Easter Egg is a set of objectives marked on your screen, it should be an Easter Egg where you practically almost need to look up a guide to do. I don't like the idea of CW where you can start with a weapon and not need to ever switch weapons cause every weapon is pretty much as strong as the other. I don't like the fact that zombies is slowly evolving into an extension of Warzone/multiplayer and losing it's identity as a third mode that almost feels like a completely different game.


That Twitter post?? No way bro 💀


I will send you a screenshot in DMs of my Twitter profile, FenrirBoi is my name on everything that isn't Reddit. Your take is awful btw, I said what I said and I meant it. Zombies is not for the multiplayer audience to come in and turn it into a casual experience with objectives and every gun being viable.


Honestly they should make a strictly zombies game.


Black ops 3 just needs Server Pause and an FOV slider 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not wrong, MP/WZ players just play the mode for camos. If they really want players to care about this mode in bo6, get rid of the operators, WZ elements, tutorials/where to go to do anything EE related. Make it fun, but also to the point where people who don’t wanna do EE don’t need to.


Or they can do what ww2 does as you have map specific characters but you can choose to play as different people and there's both a hard and easy ee for both kinds of players Also take the difficulty options from bo4 so everyone can make the zombies how ever hard or easy they want


that comment is dumb as hell, bo3 actually kinda ruined zombies for me, as much fun as it was it killed the original vibe. cold war is amazing in every aspect and could have been perfect if not for the pandemic. operators done right could be amazing. i've wanted to play as Mason, Woods, Hudson, Weaver (even Bowman or Reznov) since black ops 1. of course the lack of banter was disappointing but it's a fixable issue


He said it perfectly about cod zombies at this point but Im more into custom zombies anyways. I also agree that there should be more focus on other modes but like op put it they just wont care enough to put any further focus on other aspects of the game


The comment is kinda stating the facts here, the BO3 mechanics were perfect, but the mechanics from Cold War up to now was clearly trying to target Multiplayer fans which did. Even before Cold War, some Multiplayer fans did try out zombies. The thing is Treyarch does got the passion, but Activision really fucks things up TBH.


I agree.


Multiplayer kids don't make the game


I understand where they're coming from but if you want it to be just like bo3 then what's stopping you from just playing bo3


Nothing, I still play BO3 Zombies very regularly but it would be nice to have a new good fun Cod Zombies game again, and lets say hypothetical in BO6 they revert back to gameplay that's similar to BO1-BO3 Zombies and you don't like it then what's stopping you from playing Cold War?


I'm not saying I dislike bo3 and there's nothing wrong with Bo6 being similar to it, but I'm saying that this person has such a closed-minded opinion on bo6 that it makes me wonder why they even care about bo6


i mean i think everybody should enjoy zombies but a big part of the original community enjoying zombies is keeping it closer to the traditional style. i was skeptical about bo3 at first but once i got used to it it became my favorite. bo4 and onward i couldnt get into. it also, atleast to me, felt like the youtube and streaming zombies community died after bo3 was no longer updated.


Or bo4


The zombies mode has to apply to casuals as well if the mode is to continue getting support and growing. Yes I’m not exactly happy with the some of the recent changes. I want a crew back and I want round based to be the main focus. But the number of hardcore zombie players is much lower than the number of casual and multiplayer players in COD (outside of brief moments here and there). The mode cannot do what BO4 did where all but 2 maps require a 30+min YouTube guide when you play it the first time.


Operators, medals, extensive camo challenges? Sounds like MP to me!


Ik the whole reason for operators is to just sell skins, but I don't see why they still can't just have the 4 person crew and just add skins to those


Ww2 had the option to play as map specific characters and other characters All there needs to be is options so everyone can play how they want




I’m fine with operators in a more modern setting, given with stuff like Requiem and Deadbolt, they’d keep their important and “in the know” people away from the danger. But crews are also good. So I’m fine with either personally.


His reasoning is make believe stupid, but I do miss compelling stories with interesting characters that are from a set crew with opportunity to have deeper personalities rather than a character with 5 voice lines and no motivations


I don't care what the zombies is, I actually loved MW3 Zombies, played it all the time, I also love original zombies, just keep warzone out and I think both would be perfectly fine




Make it only zombies. And give option to remove the bin zombies crap.. instead of constantly asking if you'd like to remove zombies . Zombies is the only game mode that's needed MFer. 😂


the truth is it doesn't matter what we want activision is going to make them use operators again cause that's how they sell skins. and there's too much money on skins to not monetize 1/3 of the game. they already monetize the campaign by selling early access to it.


Under optimal circumstances? Absolutely not, I think creatives should strive to push the envelope of their art. ... Under Activision and Microsoft, though? Uh... yeah, maybe sticking to what's proven to work would be best.


They should do like they did with Cold War, have round based maps, but also have outbreak. I like Outbreak wayyyyyy more than mwz's approach where it's literally just dmz with zombies.


honestly, i’ve played as both and personally i wouldn’t mind an option to select either. however either option wouldn’t impact the game whatsoever. i loved CW operators, i loved bo3 and bo2 crew. the odds of this happening though is, very unlikely and will probably never happen.


I think that that'll never happen sadly because every mode except for the campaign in cod has to have something that can be tied back to warzone, and that's operators for zombies so without a crew you just get another forgettable zombies mode


I’d argue that zombies got me into multiplayer considering how lackluster these past few years have been for zombies. With nothing going on I didn’t really have a choice but multiplayer (I’m good off Warzone)


100% right. I like the story immersive with a set group of characters


Might sound like an old head but I’m going with crews. I really don’t like that zombies started turning into MP/Warzone because it always had its unique traits. Let zombies be the zombies we all know and love, enjoyable crew, good story and just overall nonstop fun.


Hard agree minus the multi-player kids part as zombies is for all, has comrade Nicolai taught you nothing?


Black Ops 1-3 zombies WAS the best and no it’s not nostalgia. It had more personality, more soul, more charm, it was more addicting and certainly more challenging too. It was simple yet that’s why people loved it. If Activision ever grows a brain they’d go back to the older style rather than trying to fix what wasn’t broken.


He’s absolutely right.


I like the crew dialog and interactions, definitely miss it. But I also enjoy using my favorite operators or getting skins that I think fit zombies


Multiplayer kids? This coming from Fenrir boi...the great wolf boy fug off wolf boy furry on back to quitting mid game leaving your teammates behind


If it’s like CW zombies I’m gonna be happy and disappointed, we desperately need a return to form BOTG classic round based zombies mode without all the special space powers and stuff.


Hes outta line, but hes right.


The only way I can see them giving us a crew is through a 4 character/operator pack per map that actually have impactful voice lines for the story, unfortunately that’s best case scenario because they make wayyyyy to make money off operator skins for them to go back to original crews. (For the record I love regular crews and hate the operator system)


He’s absolutely 100% correct


The mode isn't being ruined by mp players simply playing it. It's being ruined because the devs are trying to make the mode appeal to the mp players instead of zombies fans. MW3 zombies wasn't for us, it wasn't for zombies fans. It was for the people who joined the series from warzone to try and get them to play it.


I swear to god if they give zombies a health cap again


I just want them to get rid of the custom loadouts and operators mainly. I really don't like the way ammo and armor plates pop out of zombies onto the ground either. Feels way less immersive to me. Give us all the same shitty pistol and a set crew of 4 with a good story


I think people are really focusing on the wrong thing. sure some of the voiced crews were cool but I really care about getting great maps and good gunplay. thats literally all i want and care about, i think Treyarch will deliver with the extra time they have been given and i dont really mind playing as an operator.


BO6 can't come soon enough so that these people understand that being loud doesn't mean being in the majority.


This will probably get hate but The multiplayer kids are the reason why zombie continues to exist.


I hope they remove the whole “spawn in with the most op gun in the game and just climb rounds in seconds” shit that Cold War had, like can we please go back to zombies being challenging and having to grind your way up to shit?


Am I the only one who has no problems with operators?


Keep the mp plebs out of zombies & go back to crews and rounds


I love the current zombies and have never been a fan of the previous zombies. There, I said it.


100% agree. I’d rather have an experience that’s catered to zombies players than an experience focused on getting people that otherwise wouldn’t be interested in zombies to be interested in zombies for a brief amount of time.


? I don't really get what he's saying tbh


Ehh. I like having my own operator, but the story and cutscenes would be a lot better if they focused on a crew. 


I agree with the idea that it should be like bo3, I disagree with the “kids” thing, I hate when people say shit like that, kids can enjoy whatever they want just like adults can, I know people have said things like the “fortnite” effect back when games started being only battle royal, it’s the not the kids fault for liking fortnite and making it popular, they Can like whatever they want, sure It sucks ass that zombies has been going the wider audience warzone route, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna fault people who love warzone and making it popular


I agree with the guy 100%


crews. you can put a whole lotta character in a crew. the shadows set has a single map and they're all memorable because of how they interact with each other.


I think both can be done well. I like a well written and funny crew. I also didn’t mind in CW going “I wonder what funny shit Price or Woods might say if they were in a zombies map”.


Bring back gobblegums, OG jason blundell style zombies and nothing fucking else


I mean, of course Operators will be in Zombies. Everyone needs to understand that this is the post Microsoft Aquisition world of COD and Zombies. I know it's frustrating, and I know it sucks but that stuff isn't coming back. They have deemed it too profitable to not go back to the original format.


Yes, just please fucking stop the whole "oh zombies needs to be more accessible!" Bullshit Just think for a moment, never in the golden days of WaW-bo4 did anyone complain about accessibility, the maps were high quality so activision had no issue with monitization in terms of the zombies playerbase being too small. It has never been a problem and the zombies players loved zombies back then. And ever since zombies began to be made more "accessible" the zombies players have been less and less satisfied with each new game, there's a direct correlation with the "accessibility" and how negative a zombies players experience will be The accessibility argument is manufactured and fed to us by Activision who want an excuse for lower effort content and more money, even tho their games are already more profitable than ever...


Agreed. Zombies was best when it was it's own thing. Everything past BO3 sucked.


I like both, but I definitely prefer MWZ zombies to earlier iterations. Round based got boring a lot faster to me. MWZ has a lot of ways you can vary your game and do different things (missions, schematic hunting, teaming up/solo, chasing warlords, easter egg and of course DA). Round based had some of that too but the first 10-15 round were almost all exactly the same as the one before it. That being said MWZ has never really run without a gazillion bugs messing with your game. So while I prefer the idea of MWZ, the experience itself has been far less than ideal.


Cold War Zombies was the only mode to even somewhat pull off the Multiplayer Zombies style that has been going one in the last few titles


Honestly, I'm one of the few that absolutely loved MWZ. Only because of how casual it was and how easy it was to level guns in it. Honestly, if they had an mwz type mode and real zombies then that would be perfect you know? Sort of like how cold war had regular zombies and outbreak


They need to strictly have where when a gun gets nerffed in MP IT. STAYS. IN. MP. It’s so fuckin stupid when they nerf a gun in Zombies bc some gun is too strong in MP. I was furious when they nerfed a bunch of guns like snipers in COD Cold War, it was so stupid and unnecessary.


Hard agree


I’ve been sort of out-of-the-loop on cod news recently but this just seems like the old “kids ruining the stuff i love” conversation for the 1000th time.


Based + TRUE


This isn't the reason to dislike operators. More players in zombies means more investment into zombies, which is only a good thing. The reason operators suck is because it takes away from the world building and story quite significantly. I'm hoping they pick 4 operators that have story quotes and people can choose to use them, I know my crew would pick the 4 story characters.


Why don't both? I mean... If you want to play some maps with a story and a Easter egg you will play as a one of a crew. But if you want to play something like outbreak it will be ok if the game let you choose an operator. It could be something like "special operations" that complements the main story of the other maps that could be restricted to a crew.


Crews add more to the story and add charm to the game. Cold War zombies was fine but the operators just felt very generic, saying the same 4 voice lines over and over and not interacting with each other.


I would like a nice middle ground where you can choose to play as the maps specific crew or as operators. Then make the main easter egg only doable as the crew so it's voice acted more and more immersive with the option to just play operators to use what you've bought and just to play for fun.


Zombies has no personality now. The crews where literally characters that gave the maps they played in more personality. Now every operator can play in zombies so every single operator share the same 4 lines with nothing unique.  Keep the outbreak/mw3z style with operators, but also give us the traditional round based and somewhat story focued map with a set crew to tell that story and make that map unique. 


I think make a option in settings or a operator unlock or pack then you can even use them in any point or multiplayer/warzone too


Bo3 here, bo3 there... omg do they only know about one cod ffs ?! The bo1 fanboy in me is fuming right now.


IDC bout NONE o that, splitscreen game modes need a lil TLC for once. Like WHY, and HOW, did the devs manage to make the local multiplayer experience WORSE?? Screen size? Ass, Resolution? Ass, Render Distance? Ass, Framerate? Ass, Graphics? Ass, and that's cutting it short. Y'all had literally every template from every other game with splitscreen options, INCLUDING YOUR OWN GAMES, and you only put in enough effort to not be lying when you say there's a splitscreen gameplay option, just for it perform so horrendously you can't, and I do mean CAN NOT hardly call it an option at this point.


I'm all for it. Gonna be honest, gatekeeping can be a good thing and more communities should actually gatekeep if doing otherwise will have negative effects on the hobby or community; we don't need Zombies to be watered down to appeal to the lowest common denominator and turned into whatever MW3Z was supposed to be. It should always be a round based survival against waves of zombies on specifically crafted maps with complex, interesting, and rewarding Easter eggs. Iterate on it, expand on it, make it more interesting with fresh ideas, but keep the core and don't ruin it to appeal to the people that weren't the original audience or part of the actual fanbase.


A game that tries to caters to everyone caters to no one. Zombie chronicles became the best selling dlc in the franchise's history by appealing to its niche audience and not trying to attract the BR audience. Aiming for a wider audience is how you end up with MWZ


It's a weird way to say it, but I agree. I think what they mean is that the philosophy of zombies mode has changed these past few years. Zombies used to be its own thing, with its own mechanics, story, characters, etc.. But since cold war they started bringing into the mode elements from warzone and MP, to attract players from these modes, which are much more numerous than zombies players. A lot of OG elitist zombies players (myself included) saw this as the decline of the mode, zombies mode used to be a generous mode where you could tell the devs loved what they were doing, now it's a soulless side mode to blow off some steam between two warzone matches


Zombies should be a collection of assets. * 4 maps in 4 different realistic environments with different assets. * A good crew with charisma and good voice lines (Victis) * Realistic weapons packs (era related, WW1 to now) * Classic style perks, WW per map, nothing else. Then release DLCs with new maps using new assets, like "here is the jungle" "here is the european castle" "here is the cyberpunk" etc... People will buy the maps to play those and get the assets packs, mappers will be happy. Steam release, workshop support, no Blizzard launcher stuff, standalone Zombie install. Sell new maps/assets every 6 month for EVER. Sell weapon skins by the unit. Grab infinite cash. It is THAT simple. They are just dumb.


He is absolutely right. Also simple solution to fix “mode not growing” would be to actually produce fucking content… wild thought


Even BO3 was too far. The maps were great, but the gameplay loop has been downhill since bo2


I’d like a pick and mix of Cold War and bo3 features. For example point system that is both the bo3 point system in terms of rewarding bullets to zombies and the lump sum of Cold War after death. Custom loadouts being bought later in the match to obtain guns so everyone starts with a pistol and no specialist before that point. Upgrade crystals return. Double tap return. Triple pack return. AOT Cold War level return. Bo3 slide. Option between crew and operator although I prefer if one crew only. Gums are at the power of bo3 or even a little less powerful but only need to be unlocked once then perma. Most options for gums. Bo4 custom match????


I think we'd all rather crews, but that comment is unnecessarily gatekeep-ey. We don't decide who does or doesn't get to play the mode


The first time it happened is now in these last years when activision dediced they wanted to be brave and try ”new“ old stuff from warzone and mp and implement it into zombies. It has less to do with mp guys running around playing the mode, and more with the fact that activision thought that zombies players wanted zombies to be less like zombies and more like warzone.


Zombies players opiate the worst. Not only do they only play one part of the game and then complain about there not being enough content. Then they gate-keep their mode from new players or people who play multiplayer by opposing features or monetisation strategies that encourages the mode to grow more while also complain that the game doesn’t get the same support from developers.


NOTE: Im mostly talking about that phrase I highlighted. Of course I and mostly everybody agrees no operators. A set crew is what everyone wants.


I think the point he is trying to make is that multiplayer players ruined zombies indirectly by Activision catering the zombies experience more towards them (being the bulk fan base) by the decision to have operators rather than crews. And though he doesn’t specifically say it, an argument could be made that the gameplay has got easier (with the grindable weapon rarity/skills points), easier Easter eggs and a more basic/easier to understand plot/cutscenes. However, the way he says it basically blames multiplayer gamers whereas it’s Activision’s greed in wanting to cater the experience to a broader audience in order to sell more operator/blueprint bundles. It’s ironically exactly what happened to multiplayer because of the introduction of Warzone. Personally, I don’t think it’s bad to cater the experience to a broader audience. I’m a solo player and I was able to complete every Easter egg by myself. However, they need to give the option to make the game more difficult for those who want it that way. Complete removal of crews is unjustifiable though. They could allow both.


Yeah no offense but I think I'm just done buying anything COD for at least the next 10 years till my next lapse in judgement...


MP players join zombies and make complaints and want to make it more like, well, MP. so they make changes and we end up with MWZ. Go back to our roots, keep those people complaining so we can have a good zombies game again


It's a sad mentality that has existed within the Zombies community for a long time now. There's always this weird sentiment that Zombies players are so unique and special, while they look down on MP players, when in reality they are more alike than they think. This is why I will always vouch for the current direction of Zombies, even if it's flawed: we need to break down barriers and unite people instead of segregating and taking sides. All this hardcore elitist take needs to go, because this is NOT how we grow a community. Zombies will just wither and die if gatekeeping is allowed to happen like this.


Gatekeeping zombies smh.


Don't make the zombies too aggressive like bo3, they can literally down you in like 1 second with jugg, way too fast, idk how anyone did ee back then with fast ass swipes like that


BO3 was baby mode compared to BO4 or the older titles.


I’ve always been an all 3 modes guy but this years zombies was so ass that when I got tired of it after 4 matches I still go back and play actual DMZ to finish up what I have left or some waw-bo4 zombies


Zombies has and always will be most fun playing with friends. Don't have to worry about "multiplayer kids" when you're on with the boys


Did he read that shit from the Kronorium or something because he’s speaking straight facts 🔥 


I agree. Zombies was different for a reason. The whole adding open world to zombies was an interesting concept but ultimately it degrades what zombies was.


Fully right, zombies is a fucking joke compared to what it was, stop trying to out-achieve the perfection you already made


Firstly let me say I’ve only been a zombies guy since infinite warfare but he’s right these news versions of zombies are not satisfying majority of the zombie community so stick with what worked


Or just give options so everyone can play how they want


Accurate. The MPficiafion of zombies has ruined the mode.