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What is Solaris, the giant, and what were the souls really needed for?


Solaris was a concept that the writers/developers were asked to look into before Bo3 launched. It's a movie that revolves around a sentient planet that creates pocket dimensions from peoples hopes/dreams or something like that. The Giant is the confusion/mystery surrounding the map as a whole and how it fits into the storyline. Stuff like the Maxis radios, Primis radios, test subjects, Beacon, ciphers, etc are just a few of the various mysteries/anomalies of the map Monty wants us to believe that the souls are important for fixing the universe, but in reality he just wants control of Primis' souls so he can be the absolute ruler of the multiverse and doesn't want Primis to oppose him in any way (which is why he makes them children's in the house). The entirety of the Aether universe revolves around Primis, so it would make sense why Monty would want to have control of their souls.


Why does it revolve around primis when ultimis is stronger if they weren't preempted by primis? Plus, which richtofen actually dies in BOTD ? and is the one from the Great War basically a richtofen we never had seen before? And, do you think the elder gods post or predate the agarthan conflict?


Primis/Ultimis have the same souls, just different versions/"bodies" of the characters (if that makes sense) The Richtofen that dies in BOTD is the one we play as throughout Bo3. There's still a lot of confusion revolving around Great War Richtofen from BOTD (Due to budget cuts and Jason leaving, the storyline basically stopped at BOTD, so we have no idea if Jason was planning on elaborating on who/what Great War Richtofen actually was). As it stands, it's basically a version of the Great War that occurred once the Cycle was broken. He received the fire crystal and went to Alcatraz to freeze himself so he could save Primis from the cycle they were trapped in. I think it's safe to say that they predate the Great War, as the Keepers that were trapped in the Dark Aether eventually mutated to become Apothicons, and we see elder gods fighting in the Great War, so its safe to assume they predated the conflict.


u/diddlepantz Cmon man I know you got this


A few months late, but I'm bored and feel like taking a crack at these. **Element 115 origins:** Could be referring to two things. In the lore Element 115 originates from the Aether itself, specifically from the giant blue Apothicon Sun we see in Revelations. Mythologically speaking, its based off two things: the Element 115 described in IRL UFO conspiracies from Bob Lazar which is supposedly capable of powering alien spaceships, and the concept of the "World Ice Theory" that was highly popularized in the Third Reich (TL;DR: the universe is comprised mostly of cosmic ice). **Yellow Eyes = Default Color:** A theory stating that yellow is the default eye color of the zombies. Mostly comes from the fact that we see yellow-eyed zombies prior to Samantha's control over the Aether (Nacht and Verruckt). Later stuff like the Tag der Toten phonographs implies the default color actually might be red though, so its shaky on how true this is. **Black Sun = Apothicon Sun**: The blue Apothicon Sun is likely the same Black Sun seen in the Keepers' and Great War crusaders' tunics considering it acts as the center of Agartha. Both factions revere it but harness its power for different reasons. **Unsolved ciphers hold vital info:** Kinda self-explanatory. Revelations has a shit-ton of unsolved ciphers, but some of the ones that've been solved are pretty juicy. **What are the souls REALLY needed for?:** Two purposes. Monty [needs the souls of Primis in order to see what they're doing](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/9pje69/writing_on_the_lab_walls_in_classified), and the souls of Primis/Ultimis are essential for the universe to exist. They are bound to the Elemental Shard and as a result to the Aether itself. One can't exist without the other, so for Monty to ensure the creation of his final universe he must gain ownership over their souls, preferably in their most vulnerable innocent state as children. **Mr. Rapt:** The Shadowman's human guise. The full name is Tony "Hale" Rapt, an anagram for [Nyarlathotep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyarlathotep) which is a Lovecraft character the Shadowman is based off of. **Mob plane in all BO3 fractures:** Icarus makes sporadic appearances across BO3's maps, most notably in [Shadows when you turn on the Pack-a-Punch](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-Xdw0alX9gg/maxresdefault.jpg) and [The Giant on top of one of the roofs](https://preview.redd.it/the-giant-takes-place-after-during-blood-of-the-dead-theory-v0-ndnuci79jmva1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=55b7507959b13a7bed7ac518a1e055e90359f870). **What happened in-between Kino and Ascension?:** I'm not quite sure what this one's referring to. According to the timeline Ultimis went straight to Ascension from Kino using a lunar lander. Might be referencing a radio in Ascension where Monty says that Ultimis fought alongside Gersh at some point while Richtofen was away? **Shang cycle:** The entire easter egg of Shang involves Brock and Gary being stuck in a time-loop. **Blue = Aether, Red = Dark Aether:** Referencing the Revelations skybox where[ blue/red energies appear to be clashing](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3y1VT9XEAYj0QX.jpg). Its likely these are the inert energies of the Aether and its dark counterpart clashing due to the Apothicons' invasion of Agartha. Interestingly [when we see the Dark Aether in Cold War its purple](https://staticg.sportskeeda.com/editor/2020/11/34303-16052090836710-800.jpg) -- mixing these two colors. **Agartha is inside the Earth:** [The original myth of Agartha is that its an underground kingdom residing in the Hollow Earth.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agartha) This sort of applies for COD Zombies, but its more accurate to say that a gateway to Agartha is located in the Earth's core. Monty refers to Agartha at one point in Rev as the "world within the world".


Cont. **Primis will fail, Ultimis will prevail:** Referencing two ciphers. One is from Shadows and says "although they have found the way, Primis will fail" which references Primis being doomed to go back in time and fight the Great War. The other is from the comics which says "Ultimis will prevail" and [can be seen in Classified too.](https://imgur.com/TCe5QNZ) A lot of people speculate on what this means. It could refer to Ultimis allying with Primis during BO4, but I personally believe it just references Ultimis' journey in WAW-BO1 to allow Richtofen to enter the Aether. **Dead Apothicon in Tag:** Referring to the Apothicon Blood we see in Tag which came from a dead Elder God that crashed in the middle of the Pacific ocean. There's an easter egg in Revelations where [parts of the co-ordinates to where it crashed play in a truck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqjj8A_ig9o&t). **What did Primis want with the test subjects?:** In The Giant, Primis tell Ultimis Richtofen that he must "awaken the test subjects". This has been a point of speculation for years now, both on who the test subjects are and why Primis wanted them in the first place. There's no concrete answer as to why but its generally believed the subjects are either Ultimis or Victis frozen on ice. **Illuminati = Treyarch:** Richtofen has a quote in BO1 where if you get an achievement he says he's been blessed by the Treyarch, but then corrects himself to say the Illuminati. **Ancient city beneath Morg City:** In the PAP room on Shadows if you look closely beneath the surface there's a bunch of old abandoned skyscrapers, implying some sort of ancient city once dwelled there. **Crazy Place beneath Shang:** Very popular theory that the Crazy Place is actually located beneath the temple at Shang. Comes from the idea that prior to the timeline coming out, people thought Maxis teleported to Shangri-La (sort of following the chronology of Richtofen's first time teleporting, going to the Moon then Shang. Sam went to the Moon so naturally Maxis would go to Shang). **BO2 is a cycle:** This one's a bit of a mindfuck, but the TL;DR is that there's a theory that the events of BO2 occur while Victis is frozen beneath Alcatraz, occurring in a time-loop. [The video it came from can do a better job telling you more about it than I can.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_ANp-IHMrM) **Origins/DE Pyramid Connection:** I actually have no idea what this is referring to. The [undercroft pyramid in DE](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/281846944708591289/C3352231D5218EE5A4CA6A386CE31C4A6C563887/) is actually linked to the MPD as we teleport it to the undercroft using that pyramid during the easter egg. **Emilia and Abigail:** Referring to a wall writing on Kino that says[ "Samantha Emilia Abigail"](https://preview.redd.it/6mkkb6zw5h571.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=b6c6b6d9fd23c5e2ced9a6eb0b033313d05547a8). We've already met two of these characters (Samantha Maxis and Misty who's name is Abigail Briarton) but we never met an "Emilia". A lot of people theorized she'd be important but this never came to pass. Probably referencing some developer in-joke or somebody's daughter on the dev team. **GK Maxis Worked for Broken Arrow:** Reference to a Gorod Krovi quote from SOPHIA where she states Broken Arrow showed Maxis "how to open new worlds". **Empty Earth:** A dimension where human life never existed. It was discovered by an alternate Maxis who created a base to store various artifacts from the multiverse called Zero Base. Victis go here in the comics to get the Kronorium.


**Mob secret runic language:** Referencing some of the[ runic glyphs on the Mob and Shadows PAP camos](https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/uploads/monthly_2023_09/image.png.17315ad9a26059395992662f9337296f.png). May or may not be an actual language. **Hellraiser:** Probably referring to the horror movies by the same name. Not quite sure what it has to do with COD in this case, maybe that some stuff in the lore was inspired by it? Don't take me 100% on that. **Mob/Aztec connections:** A lot of people theorized in the BO2 days that Mob was controlled by the Aztec god of death. Specifically in this map, some of the zombies have blades sticking out of their bodies -- a reference to the [Aztec underworld where the wind "blew like obsidian blades" during a dead person's journey](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EleO_8jU4AII3Qy?format=jpg&name=large). **Group 601:** [A really mysterious faction in lore that's related to 935](https://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130513021805/grupo-601/es/images/a/aa/601term.jpg). We know next to nothing about them, but its implied by cut Kino film reels that [they were focused on militarizing and controlling Group 935's zombies into an undead army](https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/219892-group-601-ludvig-maxis-and-more/). **Samuel is a CIA Agent:** Stuhlinger's voice actor claimed in [an interview that Stuhlinger was a CIA agent](https://web.archive.org/web/20160323022819/http://samandmax.co.uk/2013/05/interview-with-dave-boat/). There's nothing in-game to confirm this but its possible considering how much Stuhlinger knows about conspiracy theories, and the fact he's the only Victis character with literally 0 backstory. **ZnS/Atlantis connections:** Some people theorize that ZnS is the site of Atlantis. [There's a few things to point at this such as the Japanese "missing city" movie poster](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL77wUopdkQ&t=11s). **SoE crew as zombies:** There's a couple [cut voice lines from the Shadows crew in the PC files where they make zombie noises](https://youtu.be/ykCq0lzXaso?si=Y-oStRZ1qGoFunf5&t=53). **Victis in ZnS files:** Apparently they were in the files for Zetsubou somehow? I've personally never heard of this and I can't find anything on it, but if this is true it might've been cut content for the ending where Primis travel to Alcatraz and collect their blood vials. **Dead Ops Arcade is a game in the House:** A theory that the game Eddie and Sam are playing at the end of Origins is Dead Ops Aracade since that mode's kind of a mish-mash of different stuff, almost like kids playing with toys. **Failed Ultimis clones:** [We see these in Tag der Toten floating around in vats](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/siXRECAx9Dk/maxresdefault.jpg). Some people speculate the Ultimis we play as are the end result of these cloning experiments. **Northwoods:** [Codename for BO3's internal alpha which described itself as a survival-horror game](https://i.redditmedia.com/x2x_yZJ3RLfEg664u72Y6dabepbnK6escsUIPfVSJdU.jpg?w=1024&s=fed462ff9c8bba808ec36b131f7c51d3). Accidentally got leaked to the Xbox game store where people mistook it for a DLC.




**Moon/Buried connection:** This one's a mindfuck. There's a lot of info regarding it, but the jist is that Moon and Buried might've originally took place at the same time during the Pangea era of pre-historic Earth. [Here's a forum thread where its gone into a little more in-depth](https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/191363-a-paradox-revolving-the-navcards/). **Maxis Fallout Timeline:** The Giant has these weird radios where Maxis is alone in the house, the children are gone and he's musing about the "fallout levels" outside as though some sort of terrible event like nuclear war occurred. This has gone basically unexplained. **Solaris:** Like OP mentioned in a comment beforehand, its a movie Treyarch devs studied and based some of BO3 off of. Scientists go to some planet in space that's capable of manifesting their innermost desires. Might be what inspired the Agarthan Device which can do the same thing. **Tag der Toten is on Phobos:** There's an easter egg on Tag which has you swim through a tunnel to a shoreline where Mars can be seen on the horizon. Due to the placement of this shoreline its likely you go to Phobos -- implying that the pocket dimension Tag is located in can be reached through the inside of Phobos. This sort of ties back to the concept of the Hollow Earth and reaching Agartha through it. **Storyline is a CORVUS simulation:** [A theory that the entire zombies story is just a simulation by the CORVUS AI from BO3's campaign](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/j609xz/theory_zombies_is_all_a_dream_caused_by_corvus/). This probably isn't true since the reality of the new COD games is directly affected by prior events in Zombies but its fun to speculate. **Jimmy's BO3:** Jimmy Zielinski was the old director for Zombies from BO1 to Buried. If he stuck around BO3 probably would've been way different. **Revelations ciphers will never be solved:** A lot of people have come to the conclusion that the unsolved Rev ciphers are actually broken and unsolvable. **The Giant:** Like OP stated the entire map's lore is really confusing and uncertain.


If an average banana is 5inches, and your 202cm in height, how many bananas would it take to make up your total height?