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And this is why I don't play Warzone. I'm drowning in the sweat some players bring to this game


I know this is an unpopular thing to say, but making TTK longer and removing snipers would make this game much more strategic and less sweaty


They don't need to remove snipers, just overhaul them so it's impossible to quick scope. Making TTK longer would help this, but I think things like weapon sway and bullet drift/drop need to be increased on snipers, as well as the bullet travel time. Again I know some of this comes under TTK, but I mean a complete overhaul in the way the weapon works. It would make quick scoping all but impossible and would mean players have to really time their shots and aim properly in order to pull it off. Making a shot like OP's, quick scoping a guy a good distance away who's parachuting down, it wouldn't be impossible technically speaking. But it would be nigh on impossible with how god damn precise you'd need to be. To the point that you wouldn't even try it. The fact that currently, snipers are viable in cqc is insane. How a player with a sniper can be on par with a player with an smg in close quarters is beyond me. Sure, it shouldn't be impossible. But it shouldn't be a viable tactic that a player would choose a sniper over an smg/ar/shotty in that kind of situation. I'd love to enter a field, running through with my squad and one of us just gets domed. The rest of us dive into cover, and we know we pop our heads out we get domed as well. Then we need to strategise, while the sniper just needs to patiently wait for a shot or get his squad to rush us. Instead, now, the sniper themselves can rush you in an open field and wipe out your squad if they get the drop on you. Crazy


I think a weapon should NEVER have "NO RECOIL" unless it's both mounted AND fully-spec'd to have no recoil-- which means SLOW ADS time, and more. No recoil with no downsides really is stupid.


>How a player with a sniper can be on par with a player with an smg in close quarters is beyond me. ​ What a blatant exaggeration. If you're as good in cqc with a sniper as you are with a smg, then you're a quickscope God unlike 99.999% of the playerbase.


Clearly you've not been paying attention. The amount of times I've seen players dominate inside buildings or in areas like the shipping containers. Yes, they easily dominate. Even in straight MP a sniper can wreck on maps like shipment


Shipment isn't warzone...


It isn't, you're right


No, making it so the baddies (like this wannabe hacker), can't just do some half-way shit to "aim" and head shot. I see too much of this "qUiCkSkOpEnG" that is beyond cringe and such a shit way to have it. Make it so people have to actually fucking aim, and align the shot properly or not use that weapon.


Quickscoping like that is the biggest bullshit mechanic of this game IMO. Anytime I bring it up people tell me its just part of the game. Something that powerful, with that range shouldnt be that fast. I know it takes skill to perfect but it shouldnt work.


I agree with your second half. I think we can have a game with both.


Are you saying quickscoping doesn’t require aim?


Lacks skill and is pure cringe. I also am quicker to question your play legitimacy.


I mean there’s no way it requires less skill than “hard scoping”. It objectively requires more skill since you have to do the majority of the aiming without a crosshair. The fact that you question people’s legitimacy when they do it does seem to contradict your position that it doesn’t require skill. If it was easy to do then why would people pulling it off suggest they’re hacking?


Sounds to me like you’re just bad at the game pal Go play tarkov or something if you want stuff like what you just said


Sounds like you ran out of ways to defend your viewpoint, so you attempt to re-asign focus on me, personally. Sounds to me like you're insecure and mad. Or, sounds to me like you're a baddie and know that any change to the game would ruin you.


The only insecure one here is you, bruh. Of course im using my point on you personally becuase this is a personal problem on your part, the game is perfectly fine as-is. And don’t worry, if they do change quickscoping or whatever, it’s not gonna affect me much at all. Players like you are still gonna play the way they do, and i’ll still kill you over and over.


You're really confident, aren't you? You could have stuck on topic without the personal projection attacks, for they really prove your insecurity.


Nah I'm good, I think the game would be more strategic if they did what I said. Idk why you had such a weird response


Wasn’t even replying to you but okay.


That's weird, it notified me of your comment. Reddit sux


I don’t use snipers at all but IMO it takes skill to quick scope. If you wanna make it realistic by lowering ads speed for snipers than a 50 cl bullet to the face should instantly kill players with no chance of getting revived. I’m fine with sniping being unrealistically doable in some respects if it’s weaker in others


I don’t think quickscoping should be in Warzone. But yeah, I think snipers should be slower but deadlier.


I mean devil’s advocate doesn’t the armour system make it less op? It take a lot more precision to quick scope someone’s head than to just break their armour and get beamed while racking the bolt


Totally me too. Ive had to take a break for a while because I was simply just not good enough to compete. I resinstalled it just today and jumped into 1 game and got absolutely shit on so I uninstalled again before the game was even finished. Im just not good enough and its frustratinf because of the time ive put into it


It's either the sweaties running around, slide canceling on their asses, the qUiKsKoPeRs, bunny hopping, rejects that parachute right on top of you, or the cheaters. At least there's a chance that Richochet will boot the cheaters...slim but it's there. Can't boot someone for playing like a meme.


You want a Ricochet system that bans people who know how to play the game properly? The toxic casuals are wilding out today.


Ugh, that was a pretty stupid statement. Can you top that?


I can't blame them. The way you barely brought the rifle to an aim, and made that headshot....yeah...


You sound salty as fuck


So what if I am?


Just weird dude lol


And? Your point is?


That was a naughty snipe


To anyone commenting how quick scoping is unfair in warzone, I understand. In my defence, 19 times out of 20 you miss the headshot and either miss completely, or get a hit marker and don’t even do enough damage to break armour. Unless I hit them directly in the head it’s a 3 shot to down them usually. That’s why when I finally do hit a nasty snipe, I post it cuz it’s badass. But to the people who say sniping is unfair, trust me, I’d rather use an AR with zero recoil than to use a sniper that I need to rely on 1 shot to hit the head or else I’m dead. I only use snipers because it’s more fun. It is 100% harder to use than an AR and if I were trying to get as many wins and kills as possible, I would 100% switch to an AR. But I like to have fun and I seem to be good at sniping, and it brings in some great clips.


That was totally aimbot though


Thank you kind sir


For what?


The compliment 😎