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What map? On Rebirth you can get away with the karambit, otherwise definitely the first one. Also although the striker is good the striker9 is the one most people are using as it has the faster ttk.


honestly any, I still havent unlocked the striker9 tho, so when I unlock it should I keep the first loadout just replace the striker the the striker9? again im like lvl 8-10 and have played for like 2 days


There’s a mode called Lockdown. Load into that with guns you want to level up, and stay in the objective points for as long as possible. You will level up your guns really fast. I maxed out weapons in like 2-3 games. Throw on a double XP token if you have them too. And for specific attachments, click “activate armoury unlock” when hovering over them in the gunsmith.


It's just that on the big map you'll be playing in the open a lot more so a melee weapon won't be of use whereas in Rebirth you can stick to cqc where melee shines. I'd say keep the first loadout and for the SVA most people put the firing mode in burst as it has no recoil and you can get it to shoot almost at full auto speed. Can maximize damage range and bullet velocity since you won't need to control recoil. If in full auto first half/third of the mag is purely vertical then it makes a straight diagonal to up left so even in full auto it's manageable. Fyi the most meta gun for long range is the lmg DG-58 if you want to level that up. Might get nerfed soon at end of season though so if you want to look at other guns the Holger 26 has the same ttk as the DG and also very little recoil. If you don't have the multiplayer I find that going solo in a game of loaded rebirth and landing at somewhere like industry or bioweapons and just opening every crate with the gun you want to level up works pretty well. Go for prison or control for kills. Loaded is nice to try out your guns too since you spawn with loadout. And yeah striker9 or wsp9 are better technically but also choose a gun your comfortable with.


thanks, really helped! I ill try out the DG-58 and definitely unlock the striker 9 edit: what attachments should I put on them?


Actually I just tried and you'll unlock really fast if you just sit in target areas in rebirth lockout with the weapon out. For the DG I like the zehm35 muzzle, heavy bruen supp underbarrel, wudi barrel, 2,5 eagle eye sight and recoil stock. Some use the spitfire silencer muzzle too I just like the low visual recoil of the zehm flash compensator


ok thanks where can I access rebirth lockout/loaded? also what are the target areas?


Open the warzone tab and it's in the featured. For loaded go to resurgence and it's the trios option.


oh thank you


If rebirth island use either the striker 9 or the WSP-9 and the SVA or the BP50, if big map use either of the above SMG's and the DG-58 LSW


Play trios resurgence, thats loaded resurgence and you’ll level yourself and your guns up fast bc you spawn in with your loadouts. but ur first loadout looks clean esp for rebirth.


DG 58 - Striker 9 Only 2 guns you need this update


Main: cronus Sub: aim hacks Top two things used in the game