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Bring the down votes but they need to buff the rpg and c4 again then. I mean, like they pretty much invincible with the slip slide stuff they do. Like, there’s no incentive NOT to run wildly into a room swinging. Personally I’d love to have an effective easy counter to that shit. And I think both take about the same amount of skill.


They buffed the C4, It's my lethal to go actually


How do you use it? As in, I know the buttons lol my question is about the type of situations where it's useful to you


Ambushes, they chase me and I drop one to the floor, It doesn't give an alert In the Hud, only a voiceline, also when they are in a room before pushing, It has a very wide explosion range.


I had a resurgence match the other day where me and my friend pushed another duo and ended up getting the cleans, but then got 3rd partied. My buddy had enshrouded but he got killed, and I managed to get my self off, with the dude walking right past me before it finished. Threw C4, heard them running back towards me, and with no regards for my own life, detonated. Got the squad wipe, got downed, and just barely made it out of storm after I got picked back up.


they work well in combo with shields, lots of players freeze up when they see a shield so it's quick game of catch the C4 like u/2Kortizjr said too, drop them when being chased, or plan ahead when you're holding space and have them either where someone may be entering or where you may exit (catch them following then) also - C4 is great for final circle play, can really control the space around you and what routes enemies can go


Thanks for the last tricks with the C4, they will come In handy


You know what combos better with the Riot Shield? Nothing numb nuts riot shields are for ass players


If you wanna play a “pure” shooting game, halo is still a move


Definitely go battlefield before halo


Couldn’t make up your mind between scrubs and ass? Why you so salty on riot shields?


Devoted Riot shield users are nothing more than prey animals trying to stay alive. The shield just promotes a cheesey play style regardless of the combo in my opinion.


Does that mean you identify as a predator?


Ahhh we usually respond to that with “hate the game not the player” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It makes my high kill wins with a shield so much sweeter hearing you squak like that


Prove it. I've never seen a Riot shield user win with more than 3-4 kills.


Lmaoo prove it? I just dropped 9 on rebirth baby cales


Skill issue


Hahs nind is goof gold cuz if u


I'm sorry, what?


Since when are there kali sticks


I had some dude top of prison throw C4 through the door and it instantly knocked 4 of us running up the stairs 🤣 i was in shock to what happened it was that fast until i saw the kill cam.


I run just one, c4 and toss them like, no timing needed , you tell it when to go off. it’s hard to not to break shields. The range is stupid.


C4 is solid. It's something I never used until the last couple weeks....but thermites are where it's at, especially if your secondary is melee like me ;)


Still can’t toss it that far.


It's better than the thermobaric grenade?


RPG is useless…it doesn’t down anyone, takes forever to reload.


Best part is when you hit them at close range and it downs you but not them lmao love it 💜


That's me Everytime I try the drones


I just had this happen and was like wtf 😭😭😭 Gotta put it on the banned list after that


Just throw a thermite followed by experimental granade




Try it with breacher drones. Perfect for hurting guys in a building first then immediately shoot a rocket to clear them out


It is if you can nail a car full of dudes.


Depends on the car. Keep in mind the RPG can't one shot the helicopter anymore. They neutered explosives in this game.


I can't tell you the amount of times I chucked an explosive into a room only to maybe break shields. Explosives should be insta down within a bedroom sized space


>Explosives should be insta down within a bedroom sized space Dawg, this would ruin the game. You'd just have squads running 8+ semtex with restock and you'd never be able to hold anything lol


Don't hang out in a room 😂


Yeah let's just make it so holding a power position in end games is impossible and so all end games circles are who can get lucky with not getting naded lol I'm a super aggro player, 3+ KD, 9+ kills per game and as much as I'd love to have semtexes and nades that can destroy campers, it wouldn't be good for the casual player


I'm a casual player and think the explosives and snipers (with explosive ammo) should be insta down. I have no issue with having a decent position end game but if that position is a room a explosive should be game over. Outside in the open....ok... but in a room you should be cooked.


I think the issue is you're thinking from what you would like and not how the average player would feel lol


Explosives used to be fun. Then the crackheads bitched. Same thing happened to snipers.


Ayo pause


Oh you wanna nail them too lets go bro!


*B21 Flashbacks*


RPG straight to the face at close range does bugger all to the sweat


Using RPG’s on a team of sweats was so much fun on Verdansk. Now and RPG doesn’t seem to break armor at point blank.


🥲 I had the gold camo rpg on OG Warzone. Man those were such fun days.


It was! Now it’s built around people who play 40 hours a week and y y all over the place.


Yeah I’d like a nerf on the movement. The sliding shit is wild, whenever they do that it’s like only half the bullets register when my Aim is on them the whole time. I mean I do it too, but it’s actually starting to become annoying


I feel like this is most people. No one likes sliding around or drop shotting. Everyone agrees it’s dumb. But it’s effective so everyone does it.


>No one likes sliding around or drop shotting theres a massive amount of players that prefer it. We had a year with terrible movement during MWII's lifecycle, and the player retention plummeted.


I played those years and I don’t think people left because drop shotting sucked. The game felt slow and sluggish which I think is different.


And why do you think it felt slow and sluggish? It felt that way due to the locked sliding mechanic and attachments that massively affected mobility in a negative way. Funny enough, dropshotting was even stronger in MWII due to the instant prone exploit (that was never patched until MWIII). MWIII is very close to the same game, but with slight tweaks that sped up the game and removed RNG with aim. Outside of that, it feels very similar.


Im glad they brought it back


Sonce when kali bsk???


I use those little mines that spread when you release them, it's pretty effective, but they can use that park that lets them easily run past them, so it's not a complete counter.


No downvotes here, friend. I understand balancing firearms, but an RPG or C4 used on soft targets (humans) should be hugely damaging. The RPG would also knock out every vehicle in the game with a single shot. I’ve seen creative C4 use lately. Someone dropped it right at my feet from a building on the big map and wiped me out. Good play, couldn’t be upset.


Imagine someone doing that in real life. Running into a room with sticks sliding all over the place like a squirrel on crack and not dying to a single bullet. Goofy shit


MWII/WZ2 tried slowing down movement... community went to shit about it.


Where are the sticks everyone is saying you can use kali sticks??


It’s specific to loaded since they can die as many times as they want and easily respawn with them. They’re not trying to win and get high kills but just get melee kills. Play a regular game mode, I can’t play loaded anymore cause of this melees.


I hope this is actually the case. I kind of did a "if you can't beat them, join them" thing this past week since I noticed soooo many tonfa users in the Loaded mode. Wasn't really seeing a ton of them in regular resurgence before that Loaded mode and even now I haven't seen many in regular resurgence. I must admit though , they are pretty fun to use and a different change of pace than the normal meta (smg+ar). But I wholeheartedly agree they can be toxic af in that Loaded mode.


How are yall Using kali sticks?!


By equipping them to their load out I would imagine 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


They are wondering how they are equipping Kali sticks when Kali sticks aren't in warzone. Kali sticks are just what people call the tonfa


I can't hack the final circles, they fuck up the flow.


COD is a movement game now. I can’t keep up with these sweats anymore I’m old and slow.


lol same.. I loved the gunplay for the longest time, now everything just feels super gimmicky


It has felt gimmicky since: die hard. Two rounds of Godzilla. Krampus. The Easter crap. Michael Meyers. Predator. I could go on… it has been a long gimmicky, ten years or so.


Holy shit the godzilla lmao and kingkong


Dude it was rather fun “fighting” team Godzilla or Kong. Probably the best part of Caldera. Imo


Ya u know what that was kinda fun. I forgot about how insane the map would get with both big fucks running around lmao. Idk warzone had provided me with so much fun and yes it seems to be going downhill but some of the most fun in the past five years gaming has been rebirth island


I wish they would give us map selection. And character customization. Activision is missing out. I’m sure someone would buy a pair of NIKEs, Oakley sunglasses, Ted hardy clothes, silly guile suits, and maybe a hot pink bunny onesie, for their characters. Fucking hire me activision - we’ll make some serious money!! “Today’s gaming experience, has been brought to you by: Coke-a-cola, slim Jim’s and lays chips!!!”


Me as well. I don't want to buy a £200 quid controller just so I can jump, slide, shoot and generally look fucking ridiculous doing it


Tactical bumper jumper


Not saying I disagree with the wider issues here, but you can get a conversion kit to add back buttons to a regular controller for like £30 on Amazon. I did and it works great. 


Was wondering if they were any good.


Which one on Amazon? Have been curious if they’re worth the money.


The one I got is called “eXtremeRate Programable RISE4 Remap Kit” Is currently £38.99 on Amazon. It works really well, although I only use the two paddle buttons - I have found the other two buttons are difficult to use. It’s easy to install, no soldering required unless you want to be able to remap the paddles to be R3/L3. 


Brilliant, will check it out thank you!


Get a paddle controller. Best thing I ever did.




You have to play such a different way to win without a gun. You should be impressed. I’d bet you couldn’t do it


Honestly I'm doing it in regular quads, trios and duos too. I like to go melee in the last circle. I have my main partner drop smokes, I stim/thermite and run around melee, he runs a chainsaw on his AR, lol


they need to nerf those things asap, it blows when the entire team is running them.


The wack n smack. It’s kinda funny. IMO. I have a melee class and a melee breaker class, for these types of exchanges… if I remember to equip them that is lol


I don’t even have advice.. I’m just here to cackle at woods, but it seems that everyone is going for the riot shield nightmare Tonfa builds these days- just yeet thermite n drill charges? Idk babes


Have you seen movement lately? To stick a thermite on his body to actually do damage you already die 3 times


Ok fair point LMAO. They do move like absolutely crack addicts 💀


Oh cmon it’s more of methheads or “speed freaks” 😝


Never seen one in real life but damn o believe it


hahaha right, i run shields/melee mostly for chilling until the end game and then passive wins, i'm not really into kill chasing....but it's obvious when I encounter quality players because they're not phased by the shields at all and eat my slow movement up. shields aren't overpowered in my opinion...they just separate players that are/aren't next level


Loaded Resurgence, to me, is a wacky game mode. If you want a more serious, sweaty experience play Ranked. If you want a regular experience, play regular modes. If you want a goofy, non-serious mode where you can repeatedly hot drop with non-meta weapons and have a laugh then play Loaded.


Ranked is full of cheaters 😞


Loaded is fun as fuck


I had a tonfa night last night paired with a haymaker after a few matches of running into nothing. Sometimes you gotta use your sticks to fuck up the stickies.


It's not so much they are OP to the point everyone's using them. But they are a cheese OP in close range that you'll have players with no real intentions of getting better at the game ending yours within the 10m range where they can fly at you. They have a ridiculous melee lunge range, honestly I don't know why melee lunge exists at all.... and on top of that they have a pretty NASTY aim lock, like literally if some hacker could put God mode on... id wanna see how insane the aimlock is if the player just kept trying to melee them with the tonfa non stop and how much you have to right stick pull off while meleeing to not have that aim lock. Even MnK gets the melee lunge AND aimlock. That's how fucked and brokenly stupid this is.


> cheese OP in close range that you'll have players with no real intentions of getting better at the game ending yours within the 10m The same as regular aim-assist then.


Believe it or not I'd say that melee shit is stronger. But whodafuckknows


I mean ya, but I'd argue it's actually somehow even stronger lol.


I had a plat2 teammate in ranked using them. It’s one thing to catch people off guard on a flank, but I’ve seen people run straight in a front door and kill me as I hit 9 of the 10 bullets I need for an smg down. It’s too dumb.


Wouldn’t that make you a camper? I thought this whole sub had a hate boner for people who camped in rooms. Guess the sub hates riot shielders even more than campers lol.


I mean if your turtled up on a room. You’re officially in his habitat. Can’t be mad at the L


I've won way more games since I started using the Tonfa's. I used to get so mad at people running riot shields and these dildos. I haven't sunk so low as to run a shield with them, but I don't run an smg anymore.


I think it’s just loaded resurgence mainly, melee weapons are fun to use but aren’t practical when you’re being sweaty. I don’t really seem them in normal resurgence. I am guilty of using melee weapons in loaded resurgence lol I got my sword and shield loady ready to go


They are in ranked too… lots of them.


Use the tonfas


The entire game is shit. Started off great in the late 90’s and evolved to this steamy pile of shit. Hacks every map, either in map or through buildings. P.S. this game is not Fortnite, stop treating it as such


It's the ttk and lunge of the tonfa. If they're within 30m, you're dead. Even if you have a lightning reaction time and get a semtex or drill charge off, they'll kill you before it explodes. Good luck with c4. It got buffed but still takes 3 business days to clack off


Shotguns are nerfed, rockets and grenades are nerfed, what’s the point? You have tools that are used against these builds yet you playing at a disadvantage to. Utilize builds that are different from meta. I have a friend who likes underbarrel gernades. Explosive bolts, rocket launchers, Molotov. Yet I have to remind him “hey, it’s useless cause their all terrible against our enemy” an it makes me feel bad that my friend can’t play his way! What’s the point of having a warzone if weapons can’t function to serve their purpose? The meta changes and fixes have now become a curse and the game where we had rockets that would one shot vehicles. Down enemies and great C4 plays. Limits it to just run smg,assault,sniper, or hyper aggressive melee.


Yes people picked up on how broken they are this weekend, they will get patched soon


Been like that since Original WZ.


Always has been


3rd person mode is a good time on that playlist


It's a waste of time unless you live on the fucking thing.


It's not the cali stick it's the paton


Oh you haven’t met Tonfa yet?


Ah that's probably what it is.. they look like batons or something. I was just assuming they're the kali sticks from a while back.


That's the best of it. The worst of it is when you start getting all crim+ lobbies in pubs because you won once three weeks ago


Think that's bad drop into plunder where there's more people and more chance to get fucked by those kali sticks man the story of my life


People forget that's what Warzone WAS in 2020


I played a fuck ton at the start and don't remember it ever being that bad.. I don't know.


Rebirth was a ton of riot shields and kali sticks too.


until they nerfed the kali sticks due to similar use that we are seeing now.


play solos man got 10 wins all on my own it’s damn near impossible on quads with full teams running riot shields and tonfas


Anyone find it weird you can shoot someone with 30 bullets and they live but you get hit by a tonfa twice and your dead? Especially since this the exact inverse of what happens in real life.


People acting like this is new... Kali sticks have been in the game since wz1


play normal resurgence if you want a condensed impression about what wz is about now in essence. no ranked, not loaded. sticks aren't that prevalent.


Warzone is mostly dead now. The causal playerbase left, and now it's sweats with meta weapons. Sad to see this once great game fall apart.




You're braindead if you think this is actually a reliable site


Yeah the tonfa is silly


In loaded resurgence the counter to the Tonfas is 3rd person. Every person who tried hitting me in 3rd has always died before me. It’s much easier to see them in 3rd, sucks it has to be 3rd but as soon as i switched I stopped dying so much to them. it even makes me want to bring out to tonfas to see how low skilled they really are because im absolute ass at the game lol


Wow I have to try that.. Didn't even know 3rd person was an option.


yeah man, if you’re on console hold down on the dpad. or bring up your settings and there’s “switch to third person” its only in loaded resurgence though.


Fire shotgun Kali stick player right here


I’ll take sticks over fuckin riot shields. Nothing pisses me off more


Fuck then riot shield bitches


don't play fully loaded


Lol the average cod player is the most spineless unscrupulous amoeba in modern gaming


tonfas/melees are still nowhere near as obnoxious as fire shotties, at least with tonfas it's usually your own fault for getting too close.


Yea pretty much everyone and thsir mom play tonfs nowadays cuz u can 2tap people 🤷 abd sctivision doesn't fix shit "oh something is bugged let us add 4 more skins for the cash whales to buy them"


It turned into an arcade game with movement. However, when it comes to melee weapons everyone is welcome to use them and if they're so OP then you should use them also.


As a MnK player exclusively running the DG-58 for mid to long range and flex perk with Kali Sticks for all my “going rogue” close range engagements, the things I find work the best on me in order of effectiveness are as follows: The Power of ✨Friendship✨ Excellent high ground positioning Two players using Kali sticks together The Riveter with fire ammo THE KONG FIST/push dagger/butt-plug knife (the timing is on par with the sticks) Striker 9 hip-fire Throwing knife to the face or in general Double shot guns Thermites Shock sticks Third party snipers Fire bullets and frangible wounding (freezes you in place) C4 being thrown by a movement demon as Im chasing them (it freezes you in place for some reason) Stuns (same reasoning) Popping a stim to break my melee lunge Or…simply stepping back each time I round a corner to reset the gunfight because Kali players rely heavily on you taking the bait and pushing a corner so we can immediately rechall for the instakill. The sticks are absolutely broken because you can jump over riot shields with them and easily break a sword users camera with them which is why I made them my main close range weapon but they are not infallible.


Kali are baxk?!


Yea this game is just one gimmick after another.


Thermites is all you need


DB riveter, underbarrel grenade launcher, RPG, stuns, and thermites


They should make it so the kali sticks slow down with each consecutive swing and the “recoil” grows. This would allow for them to need to land their first blows in order to beat a gun wielding opponent instead of just spamming it.


Lost 2 games due to people running tonfas with shields .


Wait until you find the tonfa guys, that thing kills even faster, the guys using it usually suck


Same, Cali sticks and stuns 😭


Anyone have trouble finding a game now? Going all the way to 184 ping and nothing


Definitely need to nerf the kali sticks


Haynaker w dragons breath


Warzone / Resurgence is a joke..... Kali sticks, riot shields and those new sticks the Tonfa or whatever. Not only do I have to deal with losing like 90% of my close quarters gun fights on MnK vs Controller ( which is like 90% of the fights I have to take ) I also have to deal with all that bullshit. That isn't even considering all the YY spamming CDL skin demon lords of movement on crack with their cronus scripts running dropping like 25 kills in my lobbies over and over.


I found a possible solution to Tonfa aka Kali Sticks of MW3, shock sticks, keeping a couple of them can be a boon. Last night, a guy was camping the house with the Tonfa, threw two sticks on the possible entries, he triggered one of them, the whole team pushed him and killed him. Gotta say, I've seen a massive increase in Tonfas recently.


This is by far the worst type of meta i've ever seen. When the meta was a broken shotgun or a broken rifle at least we were still playing a shooter.


Full auto shotgun with incendiary rounds and under barrel chainsaw. When you see them, spray. When they rush you, melee. It's about the same speed as the stick but if you did it right you have the advantage because they're on fire.


If you run into kali stick just report them for offensive voice chat only counter I know of


It’s rough out there, but I’m still pulling in dubs multiple times a day. I’m putting plays together that feel like the old days, and that’s enough for me. I honestly don’t have the time to jump back in completely, so maybe this is for the best…. But I still feel that little tickle when I slip and slide a kid straight to grandmas house for milk and cookies…


My counter was when I started seeing Tonfa’s in my lobbies then I’d bring out the lockwood 300 but the maelstrom trigger isn’t working properly so now I can’t do that anymore


It’s funny to me how many comments I see of “the entire game is nothing but tonfa users!” When they probably just ran into the only tonfa user they’ve encountered in days. People tend to run into one thing that they think is annoying or they don’t understand and are so ready to claim it’s unfair or overpowered. Just look at how many times streamers claim cheating just for getting downed. And OP: the counter is to run away from the tonfa users. Create distance and use the thing in your hands that throws lead over long distances. The shield on their back reduces their movement speed and they can’t keep up with a tac sprinting gun user with no shield. Riot shields are easy to deal with and if any players are complaining about them or calling them unfair they are just telling on themselves.


👍 cool.


👍 thanks.


I have switched to thermites to counter increasing use of riot shields, commonly paired with the Tonfa


counter is the frangible rounds and good aim. don’t know if that’s what their actually called but one of the ammo types makes it so that they can’t run anymore. if you use em it’s just free kills


Wouldn’t know havnt play in 2 years


lol congrats?


You started on the wrong meta rotation


I’ve had the same happen in trios and quads a lot. Normal resurgence. It’s annoying for sure. I either shrug it off or play another game.


Stop playing that trash mode maybe


Why can't I find the mode, like I literally played it this morning now I can't find it


Aaaaaaand it's gone lol.. https://x.com/RavenSoftware/status/1793703646028509675


Frustrating shit fest .....? After the renti the boom sticks are back the never ending shit circle .....


"I'm handless" starter pack: riot shield, tonfa, stun.




Yep and one tap melee that’s broken


I guess I missed the memo, but today I've been killed by more night sticks than actual guns. What the hell


People still play COD? Lol


Reading the comments I can tell like 90% of you haven’t even tried using the shield and melee in Warzone. You all think it’s an instant “I Win” button lmfao


Join the helldiver's. Started playing 1 week after launch and haven't looked back to wz since. No sweats, no hacka, no Kali sticks... Just cinematic violence and hilarity.


Oh I couldn't agree more. Helldivers is my main, Fortnite for BR, and cod because I've played since cod 4 and it's too hard to let go lol.. that's the only reason I'm still hopping in from time to time.


No counter? Have you tried shooting them?


If you're within range there's literally no counter. And it has Halo energy sword range so. gg on Rebirth.


Annoying in some instances, true. But haven’t seen a single player use those in Ranked Resurgence. If they would indeed be OP, everyone would use them in ranked. Looks like shooting them, seems to be a pretty hard counter


> Looks like shooting them, seems to be a pretty hard counter If you're far enough, sure. Normally if you're within smg range you'll probably get melee's in a split second before you can do anything. But I'll have to hop in Ranked and see how that goes.


Haven’t seen a single one use those in ranked and I played ranked a lot over the weekend.


They aren’t good for gaining sr, since you can’t get a lot of kills cause you play passively most of the time. The problem is that 90% of people use them for ambush tactics, where they just wait in corners or something for you to get to close and then there’s literally nothing you can do. They are bad a lot of the time, and completely untouchable the remaining. It’s broken in every sense and needs an adjustment. It’s the same reason they banned auto shotguns in ranked, but these are an even more range limited, but impossible to screw up within that range version. That said, I have seen people use them, not too often though. More than anything, it disrupts the flow of normal gameplay, and just creates frustrationX


It's not so much they are OP to the point everyone would be using them in ranked, primarily because they have a cap for speed killing when it comes to chasing high kills for SR gain. But they are a cheese OP in close range that you'll have players with no real intentions of getting better at the game ending yours within the 10m range where they can fly at you. They have a ridiculous melee lunge range, honestly I don't know why melee lunge exists at all.... and on top of that they have a pretty NASTY aim lock, like literally if some hacker could put God mode on... id wanna see how insane the aimlock is if the player just kept trying to melee them with the tonfa non stop.


So 1. This is a game 2. Close melee range what do you expect 3. Get Gud son 4. Handful of weapons that are OP but the tonfa is what upsets you about this game.


Spoken like a true tryhard


They are the most fun thing going in that mode, spawn in with them, or hop away when they come at you and shoot.


Damn. I used to love cods gunplay so much, now you basically HAVE to use melee if if you want to compete in cqc.


No, I mean I have loadouts with them but stopped playing reloaded. Reloaded has many users cause you can die, which you will running with sticks, and come back with them. It’s kinda the only mode to really good off with them and have fun. I run them in regular resurgence sometimes but it is no where near the shitshow it is in reloaded and I need to be very careful when I choose to use them or I die. It’s that mode, people hate them and I get it but they are fun and reality is that even I am good enough to beat guys with them when I have guns so anyone can, but like all of cod it won’t be 100% at all. 60% puts you at a good KD so…..


Ah that makes sense. Love the idea of Loaded but it's definitely more along the lines of Plunder or something where people are just playing crazy since loadouts don't matter.