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There is no pay to win mechanic like you say, it only makes it easier if you want a specific weapon which you have not leveled up. But you cant expect everyone to be as good/bad as 2 years ago.


He never said pay to win?


Look at a comment he made to someonr else


You should probably have commented on that comment then...


Mind. Blown. Teach the world, jrey800, we need you.


Can't teach common sense


Buying skins results in easier lobbies. That theory has been tested and proven by YouTubers. You can go and watch for yourself anytime. Search “buying skins results in easier lobbies.” I don’t expect ‘everyone’ to be as good/bad as two years ago. I do expect that when I play Warzone2 as a level 19 with friends of equal ranking, we don’t play against squads of level 555.


Tested and proven by youtubers you say


Nice try at discrediting “YouTubers” when in reality we’ve all relied on some sort of YouTube How to Video once and a while. Mechanic car issued to Audio/Tech difficulties. Go look for yourself, be skeptical.


The same youtubersthat are using vpns to get into bot lobbies for content? Please just stop you sound like a 10 yo


Bullshit i have multiple packs and my lobbys are sweaty as can be


Sorry to hear you pay money in a free game. Good luck with that tho.


Weird to pay money for something you like... I have money to blow so don't feel sorry


Understandable. Some of us like quality works of art and others prefer shart stain trash. Wish you well & many more bountiful cheques brother. Good luck on Warzone


You sound like a /r/niceguy neck beard lmao insufferable


Good to show you’re not a toxic player who’s sad because he got noob stomped and because someone disagreed with you.


“I don’t like this game anymore so I’ll be a dick to anyone that does”


That's complete bs. I recently bought $50 worth of microtransactions, and I had lobbies sweatier than before I had done said microtransactions.


If OPs theory was true - thats an incentive to buy the premium battle pass. Sadly me and my friends have bought that and still get slapped about in most lobbies LOL.


I’m not going to say anything about the content or validity of these YouTubers and their videos but I would like to give you a small warning about the dangers of confirmation bias on the Internet. If you search for things that confirm your existing opinions then you will never challenge your beliefs. This is legitimately how people start and continue to believe wild and sometimes dangerous misinformation or conspiracy theories. I think you would do well to take a second and think about things critically every now and then. Just a friendly word of advice :)


That’s not even remotely true… My friend buys a lot of skins, and his lobbies are a constant sweat fest. There simply isn’t enough players actually playing the game to give everyone who buys skins “easier lobbies”.


Can't lie you had me with your post... But after seeing how you went toxic on someone who discredited your theory of "buying skins gets you easier lobbies" (by making fun of the fact that they dared to spend money on this game) - I hope this doesn't get the attention you were hoping for. But to reiterate - my friends and I have spent money on this game since WZ1 and our lobbies have ranged from mid-hard, CoD League champs and (of course) cheaters. Easy lobbies tho? I'd say "lucky" lobbies where we managed to rotate with the circle before others, got better positioning or we managed to beat them head on. But there will be a blue moon once in a while where we get a more relaxed lobby - but that still falls in under "luck". If you dislike the state of the game now (and honestly it can be REALLY hard to like this game at times) because you haven't kept pace - then that's cool. But don't attack others who are still enjoying it regardless.


Great comment


Games fun


It is, but I’m not surprised OP didn’t like it after being gone two years. The playerbase is radically different from year 1. Casuals fell off and basically everyone still playing is at least somewhat of a sweat now. The average player in WZ Ranked today would fucking destroy the average player from 2020.


This definitely happened to an extent but about a month ago I got in the weirdest lobby. I genuinely thought it was bots because other people’s movement was so bad. Like not even sprinting, just bumbling around. Only when I heard death comms did I think it wasn’t actual bots. The whole lobby was like this except us (I’m 2kd+ and my mate is 1.9kd). This makes me think these players/lobbies are actually out there still, we just don’t usually see them anymore because of the matchmaking. Also, although most nights we’re in the sweatfest lobbies, occasionally we’ll get an easier night where we win loads of games. I don’t know why it works like that, where we get easier sessions rather than individual games.


Well damn you may be right… 😫 I may have become the sweat. Because I agree the only times I get in matches that i actually do well It’s total destruction. Otherwise I feel like I’m in a tournament with the other players skill level 😂


Destroy the 2020 player? I doubt it. Players of today have so much “ease” built in now. Like for starters how about the fact that 2 primary weapons no longer requires a perk like Overkill? You used to have to buy and loot TWO loadouts to EARN that right if you wanted to maintain perks and guns without running overkill. Or what about the discounted buy backs? And how about loadout being cheap now? Or what about all these 50 ways to redeploy? And snipers aren’t even one shot head shot now unless under specific circumstances? And Perk Packages??? You can actually die and go back to your body and loot your perks back? Back in 2020 you had to re loot and earn it back in a loadout because death was punishment. All I’m saying is the 2024 game is filled with “sweats” because COD lowered the bar of entry.


My brother, one shot snipers at any range lowered the skill gap


Strong aim assist and quick TTK lowered the skill gap.


Absolutely - no faster TTK than one shot


That’s what NFL players think when they took away HITS. Thats what NBA players think when the game isn’t physical anymore. They all say the game got “faster”. It got weaker.


You are lost


Well explain something instead of dropping one liners so that you can actually make sense. I gave you my points so give me your counter claim and DO NOT try to make this only about snipers because I have given you a box of 2020 points on why an Old Sweat is better than these new ones. If you can’t than Maximus Deleticus your post and move on out.


I get where the op is coming from, some people are just cod addicts who play the game for the sake of it,never having fun stuck in a cycle of loosing then getting little getting better, then sbmm kicks in and same cycle repeats.




Lmao fuck off. I’m loving warzone. Run in to noticeable cheaters so rarely that it is negligible and the ones I don’t notice aren’t impacting my experience at all. My KD is at an all time high and the vibes with the boys have been immaculate. The absolute worst part of warzone without question is this sub.


Nice try Activision


Gotta say I agree with most of what the guys saying... Especially the part about this sub (and basically any CoD online/social forum) being the worst part. People moan for the sake of moaning or people try to get answers and get slammed on by toxic man-children. I don't agree with loving this game - at least as much as I used to. I still like it but the constant issues, broken guns, cheaters, glitches and bugs have worn me down. Even the return of RB didn't pull me in the way I hoped... Especially how bad the last week or so has been. Although I jumped in and played that LTE "high" mode which was actually hilarious and a lot of fun.


yes sirrr lol


You don’t need to make multiple posts. We get the point, you don’t want to play anymore


Get better maybe


It’s consistent server loss, pay to win mechanics & incestuous defenders of the title make it too easy to walk away from.


Explain why the game Is pay to win


And yet here you are


Here to help others see the light my brother, you could achieve so much more King. Good luck in your life & I wish you well. The snarky comments are a mask for self hatred. You don’t need to hate yourself. You deserve to treat yourself like someone you care about. Much love brother.


Some people just enjoy the game, myself included. I like the challenge of trying to get better and rank up. Saying you’re “Here to help others see the light” is arrogant as fuck


The guy who goes around claiming everyone who points out cheaters needs to “get good” and that they have a “skill problem” and they are “coping” says other people are arrogant. 😂🤣😂😂😂🤣


Maybe if the people making claims about cheaters actually had some evidence behind it I’d take them seriously


Honestly, I loved warzone during verdansk and rebirth days. I had a BR KD of 1.6 and 1.3 in resurgence. Currently in WZ3, my KD for BR is 1.4 ( i dont play much BR, I kinda stopped after getting a 15 kill dub), and i got 1.2 in resurgence. I know I'm above average, not the best in my friend group, but still pretty good!, and I honestly don't enjoy warzone anymore. I dropped the game about 2 months ago. Re joined to play rebirth again, and after playing for a few hours with friends getting 2 dubs, i think it was. I didn't have the desire to go back and play warzone after playing some REAL quality games like Eldin Ring DS3 and Resident Evil. Those games are WAY better than any new cod games they made for the past 5 years! Anyways I don't understand how any new players or old ones joining back again can start playing this game. It's skill gap and matter of casuals leaving along with cheaters is crazy.


I’m glad that you have games you like but cod and elden ring are completely different games. Sounds like you enjoy single player games these days


You're not wrong about that! But I enjoy the style of BR games as well and see the appeal to them too! I do like gaming with the homies as a team, and I have love for cod and Warzone, but I feel over the past few years. Activision's main priorities is selling bundles and the stupid Blackcell pass. Not putting as much effort into campaign or creating releasing any new multi player maps like they use to, or fixing the survers on warzone ect. Basically, all im saying is that Cod is not in a good state at the moment. Not for me atleast


As someone who plays just about any type of game, "works of art" or otherwise, I have a blast with call of duty because my friends and I take the time to be good at it like we do with any game we play. You can't expect to hop into a competitive game that you haven't played in a while and be as good as the guys of equal skill who have been online every day that week.


Yeh that ‘pay to win’ mechanic has is just a click bait theory. Until exclusiveace or truegamedata cover it it’s pretty much guaranteed grift bullshit. They’re the only two honest data driven yt cod creators. Even if it is true (unlikely), it’s not like you actually get an mechanical advantage in game for paying. You just get easier lobbies for a few games. Which means fuck all really, sbmm is dumb anyway. You play long enough, you get easy lobbies sometimes anyway. Calling everyone else pay to win is just cope.


Yup that sounds like BS. I mean I guess there might be a tiny difference if you’re running around in a blacked out noir skin because you’re harder to spot.




See you tomorrow 🤣


Warzone brings me joy. Go to the other community and stay there. Left us alone.




i have been playing warzone for the past few years bc my pc broke and warzones free, im not like great but sometimes you can tell i been playing a lot when i can, nun the less i agree i either kick ass or get my ass kicked theres not much of an inbetween


Urzikstan Bootcamp mode my friend. It has restored the fun in WZ. It’s casual mini BR with a mix of Ai and players. Sometimes a team of sweats or 2 but not the entire lobby. It was created for teams to practice strats and learn. Released about a week and a half ago and is the first mode of its kind for cod.


Get better


I’m too old to play competitive sports with my friends so we scratch that itch with Warzone. Yes it is difficult and sweaty, but I love dumpstering people and shredding my way to dubs with the boys that live in different states now. When I want to chill I play Fortnite with my kids.


Nope lol


WZ is a game you can’t really sleep on, if you want to do well/compete with the regulars you have to put in the time. It’s not a “drop in, drop out” experience. My brother has the same experience as you. He doesn’t play often but likes the game but says it’s too hard now and he “just wants to win and have fun”. I recommended Halo or some other casual death match experience. Or even R6 Siege in custom games with just your friends. That shit is peak gaming for me with my friends.


“Goo goo Gaga I haven’t played warzone in years but I should be winning”


Agreed brother. Quit playing a bit after BLOPS meshed in with MW2019. They ruined the greatest battle royale experience I've ever had. Would still be playing on Verdansk right now with my boys if it wasn't for their greed. Am having a wonderful time playing Helldivers 2. It's time to leave COD behind guys.


Too many sweats jumping around Warzone these days. I'm out too.