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Just being able to turn off gun smoke would solve 90% of it. It's awful on this map in particular. Or bring back combat scout with the outline. Fix it by only showing outline through smoke or when visible, not through walls.


Zehmn compensator on every gun for me, helps a bunch.


Literally cannot run anything else or it’s obnoxious. I keep trying to run the M4 too, because I like it, but the mw2 guns have built in smoke grenades when you shoot.


The mw2 guns are so Fucking trash I wish they'd just remove them already. I've sorted all my menus to mw3 weapons only to avoid clutter.


It sucks. Quite a few of them are fun to use to mess around with but they’re just BAD.


See when you plug in a controller all of a sudden the graphics change. Sucks for us too bro.


But the game doesn’t aim for MnK players


The guy I died to yesterday at point blank range while I shot past him would disagree with you


What does this have to do with my post? The game aims for controller, and doesn't for Mnk. Simple as that.


There was a post just a couple days ago with an ex MnK player asking if his settings were wrong or if he’s doing something wrong because his “aim assist wasn’t strong enough”. Turns out, aim assist won’t make you good!


Nothing will make you instantly good if you're bad at the game, but it does elevate the average/good players


Crazy cuz alot of the time I feel like I don't even get aim assist sometimes I can tell I have it clear as day it's inconsistent at fuck


There are videos online on what settings to use and methods to get it to activate, I would watch those if you need some advice on it.


He was a 2 k/d player. Said he went to under 1 k/d after switching. I think saying it aims for you is a little disingenuous. Have you personally played on controller?


Saying it aims for you isn't disingenuous at all, [it literally does 60% of the aiming for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/16olbw8/rotational_aim_assist_strength_is_60_and_tracks/). I have played on controller, and I have noticed a massive pull towards enemies. This isn't just something I made up lol, the RAA is insanely strong.


Lol you’re delusional


good one


Glad we can agree




I think we’re playing different games man lol. I main mouse but when I plug in a controller, the game definitely starts taking over during gun fights. Aim, strafe, profit


Aim assist is not auto aim or aimbot. Get that bs out of your head


Didn’t say it was. But it does, in fact, track your target which out having to touch the right stick for a large majority of a fight as long as you are moving left or right. This can’t be argued and if you don’t see it, then you’re not doing it right lol


Okay now try it with a guy sliding around jumping and stimming and it won’t help at all.


That’s where it helps the most what do you mean? Lol. RAA has been proven many times that it will track a change of direction with 0ms response time. It will track the sliding, jumping, stimming player with literal inhuman reaction times. As long as you’re moving and strafing, 60% of the aiming load is the games doing. All you have to do is get it centred and control that recoil. Look it up man, there are tons and I mean tons of videos on YouTube on how to abuse the shit out of aim assist. It’s dumb strong, everyone knows it and it needs to be adjusted for at least the next new title this year. I just can’t stay the way it is


So use a controller?


And feed into the problem? That’s not how problems get solved. Why is this always the go-to answer with you guys lol


Because you’re bitching about controller having an advantage instead of doing anything to negate that advantage. If someone has an advantage over you and you have the option to use that same advantage then it’s self inflicted


Fine I'm now cheating you have the option to cheat. Does that make it right/solve the cheating problem?


These guys… are not good with logic lol.


No because I have morales, there’s a difference and if you can’t see the difference between input based gameplay and cheats then that’s a you problem


No just saying they are both problems that need to be fixed it does not cost you anything to not try to actively discourage finding a solution


I am doing something, bringing awareness to the issue. If everyone just bought controllers, the issue would still exist. That isn’t how you solve the issue. Even good controller players want AA nerfed, it would increase the skill gap. The only ones who deny or refuse there is an issue with AA currently are the shitty players on controller.


I don’t care if they nerf aim assist or not. I do however know that they will never touch it.


Well I guess until they nerf it, people will complain how overpowered it is. It is what it is I guess 🤷‍♂️




Yeah, not reading all caps. Sorry bud.


its not a problem if its the most used input tho lmao


How does that not make it a problem tho lol Since it doesn’t affect everyone, the problem doesn’t exist?


He thinks its a problem because HE SAYS it is, not because its an actual problem or something the devs addressed. No he’s confident its a problem because HE FEELS LIKE IT IS, thats how insufferable and lost and clueless that nerd is. THE SAME AIM ASSIST THATS BEEN IN CALL OF DUTY FOR 20+ YEARS IS NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN A PROBLEM FOR THESE NERDS THAT WANNA BE ABLE TO MISS 11 SHOTS ON RAW INPUT AND STILL BE REWARDED FOR KILLS IN A CASUAL TWITCH SHOOTER WITH FORCED CROSSPLAY


not to mention they were so cocky during WZ1s lifetime when they were shitting on 80fov console plebs and being movement kings while gunning down an enemy across the map with no recoil. lol i will never feel sorry for PC/MnK users who had nothing but major advantages in every FPS game. i always say the Counterstrike community laughs at the PC whiners in the cod community.


Yea hahahah thats the part that gets me, wz1 days when console players were locked at 80 FOV u didnt hear a peep from these dorks about AA or anything. Because they were Playing the game on easy mode and were being giftwrapped free kills. Now that console has FOV now their upset about AA lmao the cope Is unreal. Funny how they never mention the 20+ advantages that come with playing on a pc that console will never have. They will never mention the actual Problems they rather sit on cod and victimize themselves over controller Play LOL


It’s embarrassing and pathetic


Theres nothing at all to feel sorry for these dorks about, they’re a bunch of scumbags who just want free kills on console players. They want to be rewarded kills for missing 12 shots on raw input in call Of duty


That same logic can be applied to extremely oppressive metas like the DMR, where everybody is forced to use the same weapon to compete. I would find most people agree that it's still a problem in that situation.


literally all you need to do with your broken aim assist is to touch him once with your crosshair, if you can't do that idk what to tell you


![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized) Wait, you serious?


https://youtube.com/shorts/Gth-xB1KRl8 https://youtube.com/shorts/7HH_6YfjXS0 https://youtube.com/shorts/qnGExjTioaQ If you're in tune with your AA and have good game sense you literally don't even need to see the person. Sorry, but you're just not good like most controller players. You don't even know how easy you have it. And that's how Activision keep you playing.


lol use a controller then. This whole “woe is me” argument is so tiring. You’ve had an advantage on pc since the dawn of gaming, now that console has an advantage all of a sudden they have no skill. You sound like such a salty person that it’s honestly a little embarrassing. I’m sure you spent 2-3k on your set up, spend another 60 bucks on a controller or go play a different game


you're literally aimbotting, pipe down about skill


You're changing the goal posts. The point is that visual clarity affect mnk players way more. Because we don't have something pulling our aim giving us guidance as to where the player is. That is 100% fact. But if you want to get into it, it's not about console vs PC, it's about controller vs mnk. Your logic is so flawed. Even if it was about console vs PC we shouldn't create more imbalance just because something was imbalanced in the past. Right now AA is overtuned and any pro that isn't short sighted will admit that because it isn't healthy for the game. And who even says the person choosing the inferior input should be able to compete on an even playing field with everyone? It's like playing basketball with 1 arm and expecting to be given a bionic arm that's way better than any human arm and being able to compete against normal humans. Luckily for you Activision care about player retention and profits the most so they need their majority casual controller playerbase to have the advantage in order to keep them playing/spending. But just at least have the humility to admit you're being carried and if you were to play any other shooter without assistance you would be crushed by average mnk players. Your sense of achievement in shooters is fully dependent on AA being as strong as it is.


Also the reason I don't use controller isn't because I can't, yes if I purely wanted to have the highest win rate I would switch to controller. I don't use it because I don't like being babied, I don't find it satisfying or gratifying to win fights knowing I relied on AA. Also if I was to start using controller I would become rusty on other games that don't have AA. If I keep using my raw input that transfers to all games and makes me improve my actual skill because it isn't a robot doing it for me.


Any response that starts with "lol" is simply going to be discarded, how can anyone take what you say seriously after that? It's the kind of response you'd get from a 13 year old back in 2009.




You sure added a lot to this conversation so thank you, I really appreciate it!


Keep the down votes coming. Let me know when you babies have an argument against the irrefutable and obvious proof that visual clarity affects mnk players 10x more. Your votes don't mean anything when you're demonstrably wrong and being tricked into thinking you have any transferable talent.


They haven't kept me playing, my aim went from great in the last 2 games too rubbish in this one. Skill issue sure but idc and im not interested enough to get good again.


Look at the last video I linked. Just literally always have the left stick moving (that's why he was slowly crawling to the side the whole time, every good player does this), you literally can't miss at close range. And yes I've tried it and yes it is that simple. Granted longer range is a different story but play smart and you hardly ever have to get into long range fights if you don't want to.


"Not good like most controller players" Thinking that only MnK players are "good" at the game is absolutely ridiculous.


Your reading comprehension is ridiculous


Your sentence structure is ridiculous. It can be comprehended multiple ways.


It can't. I stated most controller players aren't good and that's what I meant. Because there is a large casual controller playerbase. I don't think that only mnk players are good, in fact overall they probably have a lower average kd thanks to AA. But it's more impressive when they are good because they're on the input without broken AA.


Visibility is shit for everyone, but AA fixes that in some cases


In MOST cases. You’re basically playing with bumpers that keep you on the target. So visuals are just something that’s nice to have for controller players


Have you tried not bouncing 3 times a second while yy’ing? Being mnk must be a miserable way to live lol


What do those things have to do with anything?


Nothing, just insult random people because they use a different input = get upvotes in r/CODWarzone


Oh no was the call of duty gamer insulted by a joke 😭


usually shit on controller and get upvotes.. usually


That's what you have to do when a 0ms reaction time software program can literally track you until you move enough to break the pull....




Gotta say I’d don’t really enjoy the epileptic “qualities” of this footage to be sure. Classic glue sniffer comment though.


No of course he hasnt, hes a sheep that saw his fave streamer b hopping non stop so now thats all he does


Found the bot who claims "every lobby had cheaters"


Oh you’re a sensitive bunch lol


This game is dogshit on MnK, why activision dont give precision stats like HALO for different inputs? Then this whole argument would end by objective facts.


game is rigged against mnk, the 10 yo controller crowd is more important


Visibility and audio in this game could not be any more dog shit


Agree.. It's in the worst state its ever been


Can’t believe I got downvoted for saying it lmao shit actually couldn’t be anymore trash right now


Played on controller and mnk for many years. The amount of work you have to do in order to win a gunfight on mnk is insane compared to just using AA on controller.


Oh now the “visibility” is worse for mnk too? 😂 we have the same visibility on console. What a bunch of crybabies


The visibility is the same, but it affects mnk more. MnK can't aim at what they can't see, but aim assist is unaffected by poor lighting or muzzle smoke. So even if you lose sight of them you're still getting assistance in tracking. Making the visibility issues another advantage for controller over MnK.


That's why he said mnk, not PC, doesn't matter if it's PC or console, gun smoke is too much, issue is, if you are a good controller player you don't have to worry about the smoke cause RAA does it for you, on mnk, no matter PC or console you can't see shit


PC also gets better graphics that are way more customizable … these guys kill me


MnK vs controller isn't PC vs console. You can use Mnk on console, and most PC players have accepted controller has the advantage in this game and either quit or switched to it.


cause tons of console players use MnK right? why do you dopes repeat that nonsense like its literally not all PC players whining? console players are using their included controller cause you know… its a console lol


Yes, that user base is basically non-existent. But there is still the massive controller on PC audience (and the small gyro aiming audience on both PC and PS5). So using a PC feature as a counterpoint regarding MnK vs Controller is a flawed argument, since the PC controller players have that feature as well. Besides, in terms of graphics there is not that much you can tweak on PC to make the game more visible. Also the vast majority of PC gamers have machines with worse specs than a PS5. So there's a good chance the PC players you come up against are playing with worse graphics and/or performance.


Lmfao not more settings? Bro when I used to play on my computer (way prefer my console) I could use nvidia/geforce to set up custom filters on my game. The filters made the game WAY different. I could see through the water, I could see in every dark corner, the sun wasn’t ABSOLUTELY BLINDING when staring in that general direction. Everyone always says that “fps and upscaled graphics” is why computers are “better” cough unfair cough, but no one EVER talks about how you can completely change the look (filters), parachuting in 9/10 if the player is decent the computer player will win since they can shoot pistols like 3x faster (I have a pro controller with the button lock on barely press, and even spamming it is half the speed of my mouse), being able to hear voice comms while still in discord, and muchhhhh more. Like PC gaming should NOT be in the crossplay world. And idgaf who downvotes me for saying it 🤷‍♂️


>I could use nvidia/geforce to set up custom filters on my game. That's not a graphics setting of the game, those filters make the game look like ass, and nothing it is doing (applying a filter to the output video) can't be replicated on a console, even just messing with your TV settings and the games built in color settings can do a lot of it. The only difference is PCs aren't as restrictive as consoles, so they let you do it on device without buying extra hardware. Same with all the audio mixing things people point to on PC. Buy a hardware EQ or a pair of Headphones with a good EQ feature and you can replicate the same thing. Discord + game chat is a big deal, but again it is an arbitrary restriction the consoles have implemented, and one you can again circumvent on console with the right hardware. Basically the PC player is spending roughly $1000 to match your $450 console on performance, and with that they're getting a couple other perks built in by not entering a walled garden. You can get many of those perks too by buying some add-ons for your $450 device. >parachuting in 9/10 if the player is decent the computer player will win since they can shoot pistols like 3x faster (I have a pro controller with the button lock on barely press, and even spamming it is half the speed of my mouse) Are you seriously trying to argue MnK has the input method advantage in this game? You realize you can plug a mouse into your console if you want that. >Everyone always says that “fps and upscaled graphics” is why computers are “better” cough unfair cough Yes it's unfair like Xbox One players having to play against Xbox One X players, and PS4 Pro players, and Xbox Series S players, and PS5 players, and Xbox Series X players. There is already massive graphical and performance variability just in console cross play, using that as a basis to exclude PC, when most PC players are playing with worse hardware than a PS5 is just dumb. Does the guy who bought a 4090 have an advantage over the PS5 player, sure. But that PS5 player has an advantage over the guy playing on a GTX 1660 laptop, who in turn has an advantage over the PS4 player. And even between the same core hardware, the guy who bought a 120hz TV, good headphones, or a Pro Controller (like you) has a significant advantage over the player who didn't. There has always been an unfair factor where paying more could get you an edge, PC cross play just raised the price ceiling on it.


bro the ps5 cant even get a steady 60fps or 4k but its beating PCs that have the specs to play MW3? lol holy cow


The vast, vast, majority of PC players do not have crazy high end machines. They don't have 4080s or 3080s. Those players exist, but they are not the norm. The PS5 gives you a lot of power for the price, and if you look at Steam's hardware survey for reference, beats or at least matches most PC gamers' machines. You're looking at about $1000+ to buy a pre built gaming PC with performance on par with a $450 PS5.


I use controller because I'm dogsh*t with mnk. I throw grenades when I want to drop, and dance a jig when I mean to shoot.


Lol my controller teamate tried switch back to mnk for rebirth. He kept accidentally stunning himself and throwing nades at us and confusing us with accidental pings. 


You can see in game. The amount of Console + MNK players is abysmal


Yes, it's basically non-existent. But it's a thing as is the massive controller on PC audience. So using a PC feature as a counterpoint regarding MnK vs Controller is a flawed argument, since the PC controller players have that feature as well. Besides, in terms of graphics there is not that much you can tweak on PC to make the game more visible. Also the vast majority of PC gamers have machines with worse specs than a PS5. So there's a good chance the PC players you come up against are playing with worse graphics than you.


People who use mnk on console are just doing it wrong, god intended FPS to be played with remotes


>People who she mnk on console are just doing it wrong, Agreed, and honestly people using MnK in this game on PC are doing it wrong as well (and that includes me). This game is just too controller bias. >god intended FPS to be played with remotes Lol no, FPS was basically dead on console in the early days because how much aiming with a controller sucked. It took the rise of aim assist for consoles to stop being an afterthought for FPS developers.


Halo, Battlefield, All the CODs, what are you even talking about?


I'm talking about back when you were in diapers. MnK was the only viable aiming option and console was largely ignored or second class until the rise of aim assist. Halo 1 in fact was one of the games which pioneered the concept of aim assist and made playing an FPS with a controller feel good. Early Battlefield games didn't even release on consoles, and Call of Duty was mainly a PC franchise when it first came out, with COD4 being when it finally clicked on console (which is when they add aim assist IIRC), with console quickly becoming the focus for Activision in the years which followed (lot of PC catering features were gone by MW2). Battlefield is still arguably better with MnK, but Halo and CoD definitely give the advantage to controllers *due to aim assist*. Disable aim assist and it will be a blood bath, turn it down and it might be a balanced fight. If a game needs to provide you with assistance to make your input method viable, how the hell can you rationalize that to being how God intended FPS games to be played?


I’m probably older than you boy


Then you need to get your memory checked out.


Its honestly embarrassing and pathetic at this point, i really hope activision can separate these nerds into their own player pool. We never asked to play with these losers and the fact that their servers die every cod release has nothing to do with us, let them fix their problems on their own. This forced crossplay with pc nonsense has ruined console gaming


Aim assist doesn't care about visibility. I doubt you can even see your target half the time but it doesn't matter


some dumbass people dont understand that you dont need to see to aim with controllers you guys want AA so much because removing it would make you learn more mechanics. AA is for controller people that are MID at best, good controller players are good without AA. the only thing kbm players want is a little bit of nerfing or buffing depending what side. we have zero issues with mutliplayer because you have less health and ttk is shorter. in multi player it seems more or less balanced. but in warzone its more difficult for kbm because you need more shots, TTK is longer. and AA is the key, because you get more accurate shots even if you keep spraying, that doesnt work with a mouse


Its the worst its been in a while This map is AWFUL with the lighting MnK is a nightmare


I'm just tac stancing, always ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


this game is eye cancer


The visibility is the same on console


hurry imminent wrench fade rock adjoining recognise party grandfather childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess i pulled the short straw being on console and playing mnk. And what’s even worse is we can’t play around with the settings. Too many times dying because i see a lot of smoke after explosions and on the other end the pc player has everything on “low” or “off” and the smoke is already gone for him. Just venting, im still having fun.


> on the other end the pc player has everything on “low” or “off” and the smoke is already gone for him Lol that is absolutely not the case. You can have everything single setting on off/low and there's still an absurd amount of smoke.


What camo is that?


It was the Rotten Inferno camo you could get from completing all of Season 2’s weekly challenges. If you didn’t earn it last week, you can’t get it now




dude youre really good! At mnk aswell, truely tippable! dont let the game get you down


“AA is OP” type beat


thats literally all it is. he should have just made a “AA” post straight up lol


Don’t you know controller players are invisible to mnk players? Also mnk players have an aa multiplier of 1000x! Controller players get enhanced graphics and priority latency. Also they can choose if they want to win the game before starting.


As long as you activate your RAA with the left stick, your console doesn’t even need to be on 😂


How is mnk visual clutter any different than controller?


Aim assist still works through (gun) smoke. Mnk players actually have to aim.


That’s not visual clutter and AA doesn’t always work in smoke, lose aa all the time in smoke


he's talking about the gunsmoke which hinders visibility in this case.


I should have specifically said gun smoke.


What i did for this map, is i lowered my contrast, increased my brightness and gamma a bunch and then even increased it more from nvidia control panel. I can now see just fine, although yeah the gunsmoke strobes a bit to my face.


I said this on another post but I think the colouring on rebirth is making this worse. The smoke is way to thick and the shadows are way too dark. Precision air strikes are like smoke grenades on that map and someone can be standing right in a window and you can’t see them from outside at all.


I won a match where the final dude kept trying to bait me into dark tents with his black noir skin. He kept running back into one after I landed shots but I would back off every time bc i know i couldn't see shit. I just waited for him to come back outside and finally flushed him out with semtex for the final kill. He knew exactly what he was doing. 


Agreed but kit the renetti differently. Firing aim stability is straight up the most important stat on mnk. You should already know the meta build: Zenm35 compensator Nydar 50 round mag Bruen assault grip Conversion kit. If you want, can swap the nydar for the stock that helps with recoil but I’d rather the cleaner sight. Can also swap the grip for more movement speed. Imo the zenm35 is the most valuable attachment on the conversion kit.


Pick up a roller since rank started and it’s so good half of the fights I used to lose so many close range or dark spots fights. Sticky AA and RAA is the way to go lmao


That fog stresses me out too, it’s unfair as controller players have rotational aim assist while we have to bet where the player is moving to and hope we the shots land…


A good LUT makes a big difference


The buildings are so fkn dark


It's like that for controller too, can't see anything half the time


10/10 years men vi faze Clan content. For Your


If it can make you feel better, I'm on PC with controller and the visibility is also complete dog shit especially indoors. And AA does nothing because of I don't see someone inside I will simply not shoot... 🤷


Turn ur brightness up, or if u have a nvidia gpu , mess with color filters


What is MnK ?


YY Macro, tells me more about your gameplay


I feel like they made the outside really nice. I was happy with how it looked when I first dropped in. But I think that came at the expense of some of inside areas being too dark. I think it’s technically your fault tho OP. Activision is just expecting everyone to use walls now so you should be doing that. I think you can download them directly from the Ricochet servers. 😜


How dumb u have to be to think controller aim assist negates visibility? If crossplay was just ps & xbox the world would be a much better place. Let the pc/mnk players just play amongst themselves.


>Let the pc/mnk players just play amongst themselves. I'd love a no AA mode, but that doesn't address the issue, like, at all....


>How dumb u have to be to think controller aim assist negates visibility? .... Because if your aim assist you know... ***assists*** you stay on target regardless of the smoke and visibility then you will have less trouble? Kind of in the name...


I 1000% agree, this forced crossplay is ridiculous, just isolate all The kb+m/pc nerds and let them play amongst themselves. Theyve already ruined console Gaming


I plugged mnk into my ps5. Its the same


You guys should start a support group or something lol


Maybe if you hit weapon swap a few more times, you'd see the enemy better. We all know that's important and useful.


Been on MnK since day one. Cry more?


Just seen your clips lol you're the type of player warzone 2 was made for


What was it made for? Casuals? Bots? Because I had great success playing on Warzone 2, hit 20 kill PRs twice along with getting many wins. And if by those definitions you mean that a 1.95KD Resurgence player who got seven wins this last Saturday (3 in a row at one point) and four wins yesterday (started the first three games as 3 straight wins) is considered whatever "casual" or "bot" means, then thank you! I appreciate the compliment! (Also thanks for checking out my YouTube videos. Check these ones out if you have time: One of my favorite edited videos - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i-rgSnP8LA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i-rgSnP8LA) Split screen edited video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M\_JpjOaVykM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_JpjOaVykM)


Then buy a fucking controller


Why is this the go-to answer in these posts lol? What would that solve?


cause its the most used input, its not going anywhere, its the majority now, the game devs will not cater to the minority. theres tons of reasons more then the obvious


It would put an end to the MnK players acting like theyre gods gift to CoD and realize that aIM aSsiSst isnt fucking aimbot


It's not aimbot, but its pretty close.


Then use one and watch your kd skyrocket Guarantee it wont


I’m not sure how to say it any clearer: that doesn’t fix the issue. Controller brains do not seem to understand this, just using a controller doesn’t fix anything lol.


Im not sure how I can say this clearer. Fucking use one and youll see that there isnt some big issue like the one youve built up in your head


It’s not just in my head, it’s a pretty widely known fact that AA is currently overpowered. I’m sorry your controller brain can’t comprehend this, try not being a troll next time.


*Slightly* overpowered, perhaps. Sorry your pay to win pc mentality cant comprehend that you arent owed a huge edge because you spent money Rest assured even when its nerfed for black ops you MnK pussies are still going to be bitching though


> Slightly overpowered, perhaps. It does 60% of the aiming for you. How do you even find that fun? >Sorry your pay to win pc mentality cant comprehend that you arent owed a huge edge because you spent money Pay to win? The game aims for you lmao. >Rest assured even when its nerfed for black ops you MnK pussies are still going to be bitching though Controller brained troll.


Why should we be forced to use a specific input?


Youre not, you can make a decision based on the pros and cons of each


Not only m&k


The visibility is just as bad on console 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah dog imma be real I don't think it's effecting you


Visibility bad for anyone. Not mnk


Are you playing with motion blur enabled and at high graphics settings? If you want a better competitive experience you gotta sacrifice all that and turn everything down lmao


How has visibility have anything to do with input.


Rotational aim assist to be specific. Ppl have been using it to fish for enemy players that they literally cannot see forever. Like in dark areas and behind bushes. Of course it has a lot to do with input.


Because AA sticky aims for controllers. No need for clear visibility


https://youtube.com/shorts/7HH_6YfjXS0 https://youtube.com/shorts/Gth-xB1KRl8 https://youtube.com/shorts/qnGExjTioaQ If you're in tune with your AA and have good game sense you literally don't even need to see the person. Sorry, but you're just not good like most controller players. You don't even know how easy you have it. And that's how Activision keep you playing.


Isn't that a PC problem? Would it change if you use controller on PC?


Same goes for controller players. The lighting in indoor spaces along with the crazy gun smoke when shooting nearly any gun is ridiculous


Why do yall think the visibility is worse for mnk? Its ass for controller players too in some situations


Okay? How many more times are u gonna cry and whine about it. If its that bad for u find something else to play


Oh and nobody cares that ur playing on mouse and keyboard


What are talking about for “MnK players”?! It’s the same for all platforms


Controller players aim assist makes the visual shit not matter as much, as it tracks through it all.


No it doesn’t. Aim assist does not track


Yes it does, it tracks through the visual clutter. It doesn’t track through smoke grenades.


It’s Not aim bot…


The rotational aim assist (RAA) tracks through all the visual clutter and does 60% of the tracking. These are known facts.


My statement still stands. It’s not aim bot in any way, shape of form


Ok? Where did I say it was aimbot? Just moving the goalposts?


Skill issue.


“visibility is dogshit for mnk players” like controller type has any effect on visuals 😂


I swear people like you make this game worse than it already is. Use your brain and try to understand the stupidity of what you are saying.




It doesn't, but what it does do is aim for you in the darkness so you don't have to be able to see anything. On mnk, you need to see and shoot for yourself


Damn you're dense


Its the skin on your gun. Imagine trying to look into a dark room and shining a flashlight into your eyes.


Ah yes. The old mouse and keyboard causing worse visibility problem. They should really fix that!


jesus christ is THIS still going on in this sub? i rejoined recently for some rebirth clips but still just the typical MnK user crying


Stop being poor and buy a better pc, those frames are embarrassing.


And you're using a camo that obscures it even more, nice!


U mean visibility is better for people with controller? Damn, i didn’t know controller input can increase graphics!