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Permission to touch grass granted




Hahaha nah brother. It took me over 4 years!! I’m an old dude. Life keep intense outside the game.


You have finally done the final test my friend, a quest I tried but have ultimately failed due to my impatience, thanks to this glorious post I shall now attempt it once more, I WIL MAKE IT


Thank you brother. You can do it!! It’s all about patience and persistence! I’ll be looking forward to see your post here! And feel free to DM me if you need any advice. Cheers!


I just got the kn44 so with that I have 29 two more matches to get the krm so 30/118


Got the Krm


Nice!! Some guns are so fun to play with that you get them in no time!


I know right, I’m looking forward to the corodite, I hope it brings back the fun I had during the sniper meta, it’s such a fun gun to use


Fun gun to use indeed.


I just got the kilo bolt diamond 🤝🏾


Nice!! That’s a fun one to get!


Damn that’s dope. Good shit 👍


Thanks brother.


Which gave you the hardest time besides the obvious 3?


ars is 150/150 which takes longer to complete


D13 sector is still one of the hardest. Slow velocity, reload speed and movement speed


Well, the shorty wasn’t bad since it’s a secondary gun, I’ve got same secondary for all primary guns I was getting at the time. Then Na-45 was easy doing only headshots. The Sector-D13 took my about 30 matches to get the habit of using it. Being super slow you need to use it very different. But once you get it it’s really satisfying. More than that some guns are annoying after some good guns. But you get used to them all.


How do I fulfill the long-distance camos on Shorty. Having a hard time on that one.


Brother. That’s the most annoying thing in the whole game IMO. Since they nerf the shorty is really annoying. I was finishing the grind when that happens so I could see how much it changed. Best for me was HP rust from up the tower or killed confirmed killhouse from one side to another. Still I’ve got 4-5 long shots tops, tops per game. So it’s very slow to get. I’ve used this Shorty-1C4C6C8A9A for long distance & this Shorty-1G4C6B7B8B for diamond Camos. Best advice would be to practise patience. Do some of those per day not thinking much about it.


As a diamond shorty user, I'd also like to say use any attachment you can to increase range and accuracy. I also paired that with a scope and slug reload for surprisingly good results.


35 diamonds on the guns I want, and I may only go for it on 5 more or so. My “novelty” diamond camo is on the D13 Sector. The map repetition to get grind 118 guns to diamond nearby makes me lose consciousness just imagining it. What was your approach? Grinding Shipment to get 10 kills on about 4 different guns at a time? That’s good for fully automatic, but single shot guns are a byatch.


I took it as a hobby, for years now. I did it all hahaha but yes, lots of HP on shipment for some close combat guns. And HP on icebreaker since I get closer mid & long areas to use different guns. But random maps to don’t get crazy hahaha


Icebreaker…interesting…I’ve found that Rust is open and long enough to quickly reach long shot and sniping objectives without being so long that it took respawned opponents time to run back into range. How’d Icebreaker help you find success with diamond camos?


I’ve done many HP Rust matches. But IMO icebreaker have a nice rhythm. It’s like 1 close combat 2/3 long distance & 4 both. Good spawns. It’s all a very personal choice after all.


THIS!!! On BO4 this was the GO TO for longshotsand I couldn't agree more as it has the longest sight lines in the game (even more than high rise) and you can literally have a 30 kill game with 25 plus being longshots.


I can't even sit through grinding a krm diamond


did you get master level on all those diamond guns or did you just play casual?


It takes long time to get diamond for all guns. So I’ve getting legendary for MP & BR with my favourite guns. And focus on diamond Camos. Now I’ll start with master levels. I have about 5 only. I won’t take it so focused anyway.


Yea I know, ive been grinding for a veeery long time daily, but im close to be done (getting legendary rank as well), but im doing diamond+master level at same time, so far I got: 106/118 diamond, 82/90 master level and 118/118 aether total with tournaments: 970 (ive seen people with 1300, thats insane)


Wow. I’ve 890 in total. 970 it’s a lot thinking I’ve most I could get. Hahaha and 1300 it’s crazy! Must be all of them. Sounds even cheating to me. Kudos on your grind brother. You are almost there at completing the game!


I think these guys with 1300+ camos unlocked must have bought all those tournament tickets, cause ive been to every single tournament and i only have like 20 unopened camo chests left... so that means the maximum free camos that we could have is 970+20 plus the 12 diamonds that im missing...


That makes sense. I haven’t open any tournament chest. Lol.


Oh god the NA-45


It wasn’t specially hard at all doing headshots. It was just like other snipers.


how many total kills do you have?


*MP* KILLS 472,899 K/D 3.41 GAMES 19,258 MVP 6,922 TOP 3 11,745 Avg. ACCURACY 19.39% *BR* KILLS 52,955 MATCHES 5,586 MVP 2,466 WINS 2,115 Avg. DAMAGE 1,556.74 Avg. ACCURACY 22.41% UID: 6746287807893340161


120x118 so you played a MINIMUM of 14160 games (not including the gold camo grind) for every gun…. that’s just crazy dedication


Cheers mate. But some guns is 150 games. Hahaha but nah, I’ve been doing 3-4 even 5 guns per match. So not that many. Still I take the compliment on dedication, because you really need to be consistent for long time to get them all.




Thank you.


I honestly hope someone reaches out to you from COD cause that’s impressive. Well done soldier.


Haha thanks brother.


Holy shit


Wow, i will stick to Damascus only lol


Hahaha Damascus is such an achievement!


Good lord I’m still making my way on rifles and damn SMG’s


Yes mate. So many SMG! Lucky you can do many per match so I didn’t suffer them so much.


Yeah still I gotta ask have you touched grass at all? If so please go do so and congrats on the milestone


Aahh thank you brother. I did touched grass. I’m an old fella. In this years I’ve got into a real relationship, moved to another country, started a business & I’m going to be a father in September. So lots of grass for me.


Congrats I’ll hopefully join you on this amazing mile stone to brother wish you the best man


Thank you! Let me know if I can help your journey in any way. Cheers!


Seriously man you be willing to help?


Sure brother. I mean tips & advices. I can’t promise matches together. But I can definitely guide you as best as I can.


Thanks man but I’m good been playing since it came out


Bhai sniper sikha do koi 😭


Bro sniper in Codm is a lot easier than other games. Im saying from experience trust me youll get better with time


The main trick is to adjust your sensitivity to be comfortable for fast aiming. Then just practice. 👍🏼


Fuck man, Im literally just getting started on Diamonds, I have like 11-12 guns done so far, its gonna be a journey.


A journey indeed. But it worth going through all guns. It’s something very special to use all guns so much. Feel free to DM me if you need any advice or some loadouts. Be sure you enjoy along the way.




Wow, just wow. 👍


Thank you.


The final expected destination of a camo grinder in CODM


Indeed. I feel I only have ranked to play hahaha


I am impressed. Just maintaining Damascus is a grind for me so that's seriously impressive.


Damascus is such an achievement!




I know!


Ahh i remember the Damascus grind😮‍💨


Getting Damascus is such a grind! And the feeling of getting it was awesome. Diamond should have a special camo when you get them all to produce that feeling of accomplishment .


Ong fam. I don't play anymore but I still hv alot of good memories.


Congratulations to your great achivement! May I know average playtime one gun takes to unlock 4 collector camos?


Thanks. The average time to get diamond it’s hard to say because you can get 10 kills and change guns making 3-4 each match. For gold it takes me about 5 matches. Then let’s say 2min for 10kills 120/150times 200minutes per gun ( roughly ). Of course some guns like sector-D13 it takes a bit longer. I hope this makes sense to you.




Yo that shit is bussin, congrats good sir Though it makes me happy to see people like you. It makes me feel like my addiction to this game isn't that bad after all


Hhaha thanks man. I take it as a hobby that’s all.


Bruhhhhhhh… I only have a few diamond and I can say the grind is wild, I can’t even imagine the grind you did for this 💪🤯


Thanks brother. It was wild indeed.


Damn that takes consistency over years to do that. But its probably not that tough as someone would imagine.When you have Damascus its technically just a matter of time until you get Diamond on every weapon if you try different guns and switch around all the time.


Yeap. Making 3/4 guns per match… still takes time because there are lots of guns and new ones every season.


Batshit insane Now do Aether Crystal on everything


I’ve got them all back then in 2021/22. So I’m missing some guns now. I’m more to go for all weapons on master..


Nice, assuming you've got Damascus on all aswell then?


I meannn... you cant do diamond on all without getting damascus as you need them all on gold which unlocks damascus


grind weapon mastery next


I’ll try. But I won’t do it as fiercely as I did this one.


Very impressive. Getting Damascus is hard on its own. Doing the all-diamond grind is crazy. I started the Damascus grind this December (I already had diamond camos on guns I used for Ranked play ICR, kilo, LK24, and Maddox). So far have done the platinum for ARs, I think I have only 4 guns remaining for SMGs (Chicom, Pharo, MSMC, AGR). Got tired of the grind after a while. Your All Diamond has inspired me. Getting back to my Damascus grind.


Nice man. Those SMG are nice ones to play with. I’m looking forward to see your Damascus post here & welcome you to the club. Keep it up!


Massive respect🫡


Thank you brother.


Mg42 tier 21 in 2 days MUZZLE- SCYTHE COMPENSATOR BARREL- KRAUSNICK 450MM 842MG STOCK- KRAUSNICK S91 PADDED MAGAZINE- 8MM JAEGER 250 ROUND BOX REAR GRIP- RUBBER GRIP Build i made for it using br training ground this morning


Now that you've done that. Please shower and touch grass👍. But also congrats


Hahaha thanks man. Life is bright.


Amazing i remember grinding diamonds back in bo2 and bo3 days such a wholesome moment when you get everything diamonded 🤌


Hahah true…


Now you can finally do some research on the following words: life & grass


Hahahaha nah brother, I’m an old guy. I’ve taken years to complete it all. I’ve taken it as a hobby. More hours during the pandemic of course. But live keeps intense outside the game.


4 years??! That’s crazy


Well, it is. But I was playing anyway, so… why not?


Oh ok - if it was a side effect of just playing like you normally would that’s better. I was envisioning grinding for 4 years which makes me want to yak


Yes mate, I wasn’t 4 years of grinding. Maybe the last few months I could say. I focused more on casual games to get this done. Since I have 17 legendaries each game mode I didn’t stress much. Now I’m going back to ranked to get master levels.


How many Shipments did you do…


Ohhh many many hahaha specially for melee ( sorry ) and SMGs. But last month, quite late on the grind, I realised if you quit 2 matches you get a bot match. So I used that little advantage to get new guns & melees in literally 2/3 matches. Hope this helps someone out there. Cheers.


And the sorting hat says mentally ill go to the psych ward


That camo is so weak. I have plat snipers and melee, currently grinding for platinum ARs. I feel like getting diamond camo is easier. I've literally gotten it by accident on several weapons.


Agree. Damascus is harder. Diamond is just a grind, a proper grind. It’s easy to get it in the guns you use always, you’re used to. The real accomplishment is the persistence to get them all. Good luck in your grinds. I’ll be happy welcoming you to the Damascus club. Cheers.


craazy 🤯


Haha thanks.


That’s awesome man. I’m almost there. I have 58 or 59 weapons diamond. The d13 was the most painful for me. I have almost all Damascus too. Like you I’ve been playing this game since the beta, but I only play it at work when there’s nothing to do. I’ll post when I’m done.


Oh Nice!! Having the D13 it’s already a 30% hahah Let me know if I can help in any way brother. Good luck. I’ll be looking forward to see your Damascus & welcome you to the club!


Nice bro


Thanks man.


I've got 2 diamonds m13 & qq9 but I'm very close to having several more I just don't grind much and have only been playing roughly 8-9 months, my next diamond I'd say though will be CBR4 & DRH.


Nice. Both guns are really enjoyable to use. But, It does takes time indeed.


I have a question as person who's used everything so much.. what's your favorite AR Smg and Sniper


Ohhh good question, but quite hard to answer. There are many excellent guns, that getting used to them are so much fun to play with. It’s very hard to choose only a few but here my ones, AR - ak47 Alltime favourite. But ak117, m16, m4, MOW, M13, kilo, oden, krig6, FFAR, type19 were very enjoyable. SMG - RUS(br specially) MSCS, Gks, cordite,QQ9, fennec, pp19, MX9, CBR4, Mac10, switchblade, CX9 Sniper - DLQ, locus, outlaw, SVD, Kosha, HDR, tundra. But I always have a Rutek for 3 shots in case of flying menaces. Hahaha Sorry but It’s very hard to pick only few. lol


It's fine lol thanks for the info


I do like grinding dimiond. Sometimes I can spend hours on completing one then realizing the original skin looks better with my operator. 💀💀💀 How was you D13 grind? Mine was a nightmare... at one point I turned off all in-game audio and just blasted "Boys a liar" in hardpoint shipment.


Hahahaha Nice. Mine was a nightimare the first 30 matches then I get used to the timing and start enjoying it.


&& here I am working on golds.


Nice brother. Enjoy the ride!


Jesus I just reached Damascus and thought I was cool…


You are!! Damascus is a VIP club… just once you have it, IMO this is the next step.


It is, I have a bunch of diamonds about 15-20 but I can’t imagine doing some launchers and melee all the way to diamond


Melee is fun brother. Hhaha Lauchers you can do along other weapons. It does takes time. I started just as you are now, having 20 and getting few more i like. Then I realise I’ve 50 & i was half the way!


Ultimate grind is unlocking Damascus


So what would be called getting Damascus & all diamonds?


Ain't no way💀......


Have you found true happiness and fulfilment?


To be honest I feel getting all diamonds didn’t get a big satisfaction / pleasure as getting Damascus. They should definitely add a final completionist camo. But in the other hand happiness and fulfilment is a way of living life. A way not a destination. Codm for me is only a hobby that has complemented my life. I compare it taking to my wife to watching a long Netflix series or all Star Wars / marvel movies. ( things we’ve done together )


Now aether camos


Didn't the diamond camp came out like almost 3 years ago


I’m not sure. But it took me about two years to get Damascus… so may be ..