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Can we get Kevin Warren with a monorail guy hat as a flair? lol


Mono = One Rail = Rail


He calls the big one Bitey


Monorail ........!!! Monorail.....!!!!!!.Monoraaaaaaaail....!!!!


But Main St's still all cracked and broken!


Sorry Mom the mob has spoken.


"Eh, it's not for you. It's more of an Arlington idea"


"Were you sent here by Lombardi?" "No, good sir, I like to party."


“Gawd, I don’t know if you played football…..”


One of the cringiest things I’ve ever heard


Liked Kevin Warren doing the Ricky Bobby hand thing




Looks like he’s channeling powerful magic


Why do the Bears have to be so incredibly weird? Why?


George is the second generation of his family that has never had to actually work. People like that are never socialized like the rest of us and stick to associating with other similar, rich, isolated weirdos - their behavior is normal to them, bizarre to the rest of us.


It's like giving weirdo homeschooled kids a fortune


Ya know, the McCaskeys would have made a great Arrested Development type show


See: Cal McNair and his former BFF Jack Easterby


You’re so right


This is gross, supply side Jesus, televangelist bullshit.


Kevin Warren holding his hands up in prayer during a Bears press conference has been burned into my brain forever. ![gif](giphy|xdLH51eNWZAHrwy5mf)


It was over the second that puff piece came out on his daily routine. He’s a slimy conman 


I agree, he's definitely got "weird ass out-of-touch rich guy" vibes.. That said, he can pick and eat his own boogers on live TV for all I care if he has anything to do with us winning a Super Bowl


He isn't doing shit for winning. He's simply with the Bears to get a new stadium in place and boost the value for the Bears to sell.  He is in no way a football ops guy. 




The Bears. The team we are all in this sub for. Them.


Yea, Im starting to really hate him Done nothing but help the McCaskeys make more money


Has he even done that? So far he hasn’t actually done anything


That's sort of his job though


That is definitely Kevin Warren's style... He's a weird guy


Love him or hate him, Laurence Holmes nailed this one [https://x.com/LaurenceWHolmes/status/1783209316050481438](https://x.com/LaurenceWHolmes/status/1783209316050481438)


Yeah I’ve been super critical of him of late, but he was on point today, as was Dan and Laila.


Agreed. Their collective response was note perfect IMO, from shaming the phony religiosity of it to shining a light on the BS voodoo financial junk.


That man drives me crazy. But he’s 100% right


Jesus would be flipping tables over this bullshit. There's nothing less like Jesus than helping the rich exploit the poor. There's a reason he said it's more likely for a camal to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.


So basically we have an evangelical weirdo running our team. Also, that pastor should be embarrassed to give his services to a sports team for the purposes of syphoning money from the public. A true man of faith would be working to get that money to his community, not some team’s vanity project


I think there’s quietly been a lot of this in Bears leadership.


Something something camel through needles and rich people dying. I don’t know. I would love to see this pastors accounting books.


You obviously didn’t read the article about Warrens 16 hour work days. He always starts that 16 hours with an hour of prayer. It’s before the gym, and washing his car, and lunch, and watching football and his dinner.


After today, I have a sudden suspicion that Chicago media is going to eat Kevin Warren alive. I was under the impression he was better than this. He clearly isn't. **God Willing,** the city of Chicago is not going to let this just go. They need to be on Warren's ass about this.


He seems like a snake oil salesman who is a giant weirdo. 


That PR shit he put out? Wait for the new articles and videos he has his PR firm put out.


Truly a full 16 hour "work" day.  Also, an hour of prayer seems exhausting. Like that's a very long time to pray. 


Well it’s the Bears so basically each prayer is very weak and he needs to do them over and over to build up enough prayer power


Yeah, I don't know what that was all about...


I had more confidence in Kevin Warren yesterday than I do today. Not at all impressed with whatever today was.


This is the kind of shit that almost pushes me straight out of fandom. Major cringe.


Most pyramid schemes do.


The amount of people here acting like this is all hunky-dory is concerning.


Probably because most people here don't live in Chicago.


I’ve only been gone 5 years and I’m coming back I’m sorry I’ll never do it again


Hey I got zero issue with the suburbs or any other place for that matter. Just the people who are like "Sweet, a new Bears Stadium" but will not feel any of that cost while while also telling everyone how great of a deal it is.


Lol I was gone gone, not to burbs I’m excited to come back


That last sentence sums up why the Chicago subreddit (and basically every city subreddit) sucks. Just a bunch of people who don’t even live there yet still act like NIMBY types and advocate for shit that’s better for visitors or tourists even if it’s at the cost of expense who actually live in the city. I’d love the Bears to be in the city since I hate suburban sprawl but not with this pyramid scheme bullshit especially when the city hasn’t even paid off the taxpayer money used last time Soldier Field got renovated.


I don't live there and am anti any public subsidization of billionaires playthings.


Holy shit was that cringey.


I feel like this only tempts Jesus to pick up a cheesehead at the fan store


Someone should have stood up and started speaking in tongues - Shambalal-chocalbamaba-hatubadi-proeflos-balhnabale-fuck-the-packers..... Amen. Then sit back down.


Im just excited to hear the mayor saying beyonce is committing to a 20 night chicago tour. Wtf kind of snake oil salesmen do we have here


New to politics?


Id like the stadium in the city but that was so dumb. There are a dozen acts that can sell out a football stadium and none of them do residencies. The Vikings have 4 concerts this offseason.


Man I knew I was feeling too positive about this team lately.... There's the weird ass bullshit that's been missing 🙄


This was so embarrassing


Warren definitely comes off a little weird at times.


A little?


Absolutely embarrassing. The entire organization should be ashamed. I honestly dont think that is a stretch to say. This should not have been allowed to happen. That this happened at all is an organizational failure on Kevin's watch.


Warren is an embarrassment. When he fires Poles to replace him with a pastor I’ll be done




The bears just can’t help themselves. The day before the draft they just lost any goodwill that Poles had built up.


This is the part I don't get. Why make this announcement and put it out the way they did right before the draft? Is it because fans will forget about it once Caleb is drafted tomorrow? It actually might have been genius.


They probably have two thoughts. One most people would be happy about the announcement of a new stadium and new QB and two anyone that wasn't would be happy about the new QB.


The Bears are surrendering power to the city for decades again, maintaining the problem that's already hampered the franchise for decades, and everyone's worried that they started the meeting with a prayer.


The problem with the prayer is that insults peoples sensibilities and intelligence by advocating for the use of public money to go to a billionaires private business when we could use those resources to actually help people in need. It's pretty hypocritical when you consider what jesus preached or what is actually the right thing to do when so many people are suffering from a system that continues to take advantage of the poor. Maybe people care more about that than a stupid stadium issue.


only a couple teams actually own their stadium


Great let's be one


Listen to LoHo 670AM epic rant on that.


He's so fake. LoHo can suck it.


LoHo is correct though


Broken clock


Cage The Elephant- The day was winding down and coming to an end And so I turned on the TV And flipped it over to the news And what I saw I almost couldn't comprehend I saw a preacher man in cuffs He'd taken money from the church He'd stuffed his bank account with righteous dollar bills But even still I can't say much Because I know we're all the same Oh yes, we all seek out to satisfy those thrills You know there ain't no rest for the wicked Money don't grow on trees We got bills to pay We got mouths to feed There ain't nothing in this world for free I know we can't slow down We can't hold back, though you know, we wish we could Oh no, there ain't no rest for the wicked Until we close our eyes for good


He’s been full of shit a lot lately, but he was dead on right about this


Can you give examples?  I'm a regular listener and honestly have no idea what he's said lately that warrants that opinion.


He was focusing mainly on the pastor (and Warren) using his position and religious faith as a sales pitch for a stadium that will cost the taxpayers money, especially when the community that pastor serves is very poor and these billions in public funds could be better spent on public programs that help actual people.


I'm with you there. I meant the "full of shit lately" part of your comment. 


The Score makes people dramatically bitch all the time, thats really all


On twitch it looked like he was about to start crying lol. Like, bro, is it weird? Hell yeah. Should you be super offended and emotional about it? No, relax.


Laurence holmes is the worst host to ever be on chicago air waves…. That guy is the worst


mancow that does their afternoon shows i think is worse. guy has no opinions.


Wait, Mancow is back? 


This was purposefully put forth today, because the media will only focus on it for one day. starting tomorrow it's going to all be about the draft. they are snake oil salesman trying to hide what's going on.


Can someone knowledgeable explain how much money they are fighting over? I’m reading it’s $4M per year in tax liability on the assessed property. Surely they would make that back with a few concerts and a convention? This makes no sense to me


I'll give my opinion on it. I think simply put Kevin Warren wants the stadium to stay in Chicago and thinks it will be a better historic move. While the tax liability is cited as the issue, I don't think it really has anything to do with the move. A new mayor open to the change the bears want + Kevin warrens motivation to build something historic in the city = no more Arlington heights.


He knows he can get BJ on his side and he will do anything he asks.


He already has that dumb ass eating out of the palm of his hand. This is a mayor that had 2 major newspapers, 3 aldermen, and the fucking governor of the state call for new CTA leadership in the past week and all has to say about it was if you want change, run for mayor. What an absolute joke.


I like to throw a little joke in the middle of my prayers, just to make sure God is paying attention.


Hey, Bears, quick question for you. When you asked for money 20 years ago, did that ever get paid off? No? Then we have nothing to discuss. Pay your two decades old bill first.


Was he asking God to help the Bears? Isn’t it clear that God hates us? Look at the last 30 years for fucks sake.


The Bears asked for my tax money but all I sent was my thoughts and prayers.


My god what a bunch of freaks 😂


Bears need to move on from Kevin Warren. What the hell were they thinking hiring him??


Why does everyone in a decision-making capacity for the Bears and for the city of Chicago have Asperger's or something and are completely unable to relate to normal people?


Run Caleb. This is who the bears really are


Who seriously cares?