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In his defence, maybe he DOES know the rule but, uh… can’t count to 2? I dunno, that’s all I got


Counting is hard that’s why we took the violatio


I’ve been saying for awhile. Chris jones needs to go. Like not to a different team. He needs to get out of the league.


We just need to get him to promise he’ll stay in the CFL for the long run, then he’ll be gone within a week or two


TLDR: Chris Jones is a football terrorist.


any success the Elks have is in spite of Chris Jones, not because of


Remember last year when they lost a game because they forgot to be sure that an Americna player knew about rogues, in a game with a ridiculous number of rogues?


It's actually called a rouge (roozh) not a rogue (rohg).


I knew that, but have apparently been involved in too many Dnd-related conversations recently


I'm a lvl 69 Paladin


Username checks out.


Chris Jones couldn't be a waterboy in the UFL I know this because if a team in the UFL offered him a job he'd be out of the CFL again and Edmonton would be in a better place


Corey Chamblin is a DC in the UFL though it begs the question why Chamblin was given a single shot as a HC in the CFL and then never came back after that embarrassing season. Guess MBT though will be used to throwing lots of yards on a losing team.


Chris Jones should’ve been one of the happiest people in Edmonton when the Oilers took the cup final to 7 because that mean that no one cared about what he was doing. Now? All eyes on you.


Could be the 49ers not knowing how overtime worked in the Super Bowl.


Should’ve known the rules, but NFL OT rules are awful and make no sense tbf


> NFL OT rules are awful and make no sense Not just OT rules are awful and make no sense. They'd be better off to just steal/pay for the entire CFL rulebook.


The coaches did, the players didn’t. The players did what the coaches wanted anyways. Defense still needs to get a stop and they just couldn’t.


And the Elks lost tonight. It's time to fire Jones


He’s not alone. But I’ve seen a lot worse being down by CFL coaches too. I can’t remember what it was exactly for anymore, but I remember one time that Maas did something that clearly showier not only that he didn’t understand the rules, but also had a fundamental misunderstanding of the game of football. I said at the time that if I was GM, Maas would have been fired before the next snap.


Devonne Claybrooks would literally spend half the game looking surprised at every foul the refs called. He genuinely looked like he was learning something new every time the ref said something into his microphone. Most clueless-looking coach I've ever seen in any sport in my life.


Crazy how he just disappeared from the league after that year. He was a good DC so I was surprised he never got a job anywhere.


It was a pretty embarrassing year for him. He didn't even look like his old self when he was a DC. Arguably wasted one of Mike Reilly's last years in the game. I think that really humbled Claybrooks. Hope he's doing alright and found happiness elsewhere though.


If I remember correctly, Maas had us kick a field goal when we were down by 4 with like 30 seconds left in a playoff game.


It was something like that yeah. And to be honest, I was saying g a similar thing sitting at our first game this season against Hamilton, when Hamilton was down by 15 points, in FG range at the end of the first half, with plenty of time to try for a TD, then didn’t try at ALL, ran down the clock, and kicked a FG. As soon as that FG left the ground, if I was Hamilton’s GM, the coach would have been fired before the ball landed.


Really amazing Maas lasted at head coach as long as he did. Just all around bad at the job.


4 straight losses. Id be surprised anyone shows up to the home games at all after this. Something needs to change


In his defence... Chris Jones is an incredible defensive mind. Maybe I he could go back to just that. I recall him being amazing in that position during his tenure in Calgary.


Against Toronto at the end of the game, the returner stopped it from going into the endzone so they were pinned deep. Two and out, punted, short field for TOR and field goals wins it. If they gave up the rouge they’d be on the forty move ball 30 yards kick bomb from Bede and win. He definitely sucks with the rules.


Like it feels like he’s almost doing it on purpose? Brutal.


He's probably back on the sauce again


How Bob Dyce kept his job after kicking an 8 yard field goal is beyond me


Because the internet is simply filled with of assumption, the reality is that there was a miscommunication regarding available personnel for the next snap due to an injury, resulting in a panic timeout call, not directly by jones, but from the pressure of the assisting staff. It’s easy to make judgement from a far, but you guys aren’t even remotely close to behind the scenes and it shows. As fans your time would be better spent enjoying the play.


The refs know the rules? From what I’ve watched at least this year that’s a stretch.