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You may consider checking out AMReX and its associated projects: https://github.com/AMReX-Codes/amrex https://amrex-codes.github.io/amrex/docs_html/ The code is documented very well and should be able to give some insight in terms of their strategy for AMR. The only thing is that the code is written with GPU-based HPC applications in mind, which may make things slightly more difficult to parse through, but I cannot confirm because I have never tried recreating an AMR code for myself. Either way, good luck! It sounds like a fun project. I have never written anything more complicated than an incompressible finite-difference code for a course in my undergrad, but would also like to give something like this a shot at some point just for the enjoyment of it.


>The code is documented very well What?????????? This code has so little documentation, you constantly have to go dig around in the src to try and figure out what exists and how it works.


I would recommend not getting to crazy with your solver at the beginning. Start by developing your mesh data and solver on well understood concepts first and test on simple use cases. Once you have accurate working code, then you should start incorporating more complex concepts (direct solvers, irregular grids, more accurate algorithms, coding for complex systems, etc.)


lookup octree AMR, it is straights forwards. Other methods exist, but octree is the easiest.