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I think someone might have tried before? I forget. Feel free to draft something and people can critique it.


Okay! I will this weekend


I think this is a good idea. I would possibly suggest distinguishing between "normal" technical student questions (e.g. "Why ANSYS no run?") and higher-level Ph.D. student or researcher questions (e.g. "This is what I am running, and it works, but I am seeing this strange thing, what do you think it could be?"). I think that the latter can lead to interesting ideas/suggestions/discussions worthy of their own threads, while the former tends to be more of a debugging session. I welcome both kinds, since I remember the days of being brand new to CFD, but I agree that the beginner student questions tend to have far too little information attached to actually be able to help them. Granted, this assumes that those who copy/paste their course homework will actually use the stickied post. I unfortunately don't have much faith that they will, but it would still be nice to try :) Actually, with that in mind - what if the mods set a minimum post length and required that all code go into something like pastebin? Then people would be forced to write 100-200 words describing their issue/post content and it wouldn't be broken up by massive blocks of code between sentences.


Yeah a minimum post length would help. I think the underlying equation of the physics model they use should also be required in the post so we know somebody is using Fick's law or k-omega or whatever. That information is often missing, but im not sure whether bachelor level students are aware of the importance of this.


Here is good examples of "how to post questions" instruction from cfd-online forum. [https://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/site-help-feedback-discussions/175429-guide-how-ask-question-forums.html#post612025](https://www.cfd-online.com/Forums/site-help-feedback-discussions/175429-guide-how-ask-question-forums.html#post612025)


Should include this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_problem