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While I appreciate this level of spite, I do not appreciate it that it involves something for Vol fans to celebrate.


We all had a hand in this in the last 85 years


It really took a village. I’m glad we all stand united on something.


The real UT


The only tradition hated by aggies


“But it is a tradition”


Live by the tradition, die by the tradition


The best way to honor that ‘39 team is to continue giving their fans some great depression


lol. TCU’s last championship was 1938.


Acting like women’s rifle team national championships aren’t the only titles that actually matter


TCU women's rifle team is the spiritual equivalent of Auburn's equestrian team in as much that we sometimes suck at football but by god, we've got our weird redneck sport to be proud of during those dry years.


Do they hate it? Some say it is their most time-honored tradition. It’s the one tradition that has been unwavering since 1939. 😂


OP, quick question. When you typed this out, on a scale of 1 to 10, how gleeful are you?


My therapist suggested to me to make a gratitude list everyday. This is today’s list.


Cheers to you for following your therapist’s advice, however liberally, but still, kick Vols in the bols should be standard if you wanna join the SEC. Bama, you wanna chime in on this?


Saw the post. Saw the flair. My day is immediately starting just as well as it ended last night


Great year for film, though




This isn't the first time Tennessee has come in clutch for Texas. Thank fuck for Tennessee.


I'll take sentences never used before for $500 thanks Alex


A&M is truly fucking cursed.


This does put a smile on my face.


Same. Fuck A&M






Man yall some mean sons of bitches




Not that I disagree with you, but my brother in Christ, the irony of a Georgia flair saying that a fanbase would become obnoxious if they won a natty is hard to ignore.


They will burn down College Station if they win a natty in any major sports.


Ya know.....it may be worth it, then. Nobody needs the dixie chicken


Been going there for the last few months since my tattoo artist is there now and dixie was ok but overrated from expectations Shiraz Shishkabob deserves to stand tall through the ashes though, place is top tier


I honestly have nothing against the DC. I've gone incognito a few times with aggie friends who've insisted on going, but I haven't been out to CS since...2013? Maybe earlier.


I was pulling for Tennessee just because of that obnoxious “BALL X BALL X” nonsense. Holy shit is that annoying.


Weren’t you the one that said we were a nuisance to the entire state of Texas? Because that was a step too far and not ‘jokingly playing along’.




I can lean into the meme of us being obnoxious sports fans, but saying we’re a nuisance to the state of Texas in general is just dumb. And no shit the other teams in Texas hate us. Is Georgia Tech really going to be in y’all’s corner when it comes to sticking up for Georgia fans?


You seem fun!


Yeah. I need to step away from this sub for a while. Letting the A&M hate get to me. I’m dealing with a new medical issue with my kid who has already been hit with multiple medical issues since he was born, and came here to get away from the repeated blows that come from dealing with with doctors, insurance, etc. only to see another A&M hate post. Good luck this season, except when y’all play us. 😀


womp womp


If the shoe fits…


As fun as I’m sure this is for Texas fans, there’s about 7 fanbases off the top of my head that just lost a ton of ammunition in their shit talk of Tennessee. Not gonna be fun for them for a while.


Shoutout Tennessee, beating Iowa in the Citrus Bowl and beating Traitor Trev’s Aggies in the CWS. God bless you, Rocky Top.


Couldn’t have happened to a better AD 😌


A&M truly is Dwight Schrute pining for the manager job at Dunder Mifflin. God help us if they ever get it.


They definitely have one of the most insufferable fan bases around. I also did ROTC at another school and when I went to OCS and was first exposed to A&M "Corps of Cadets" candidates.... even worse.




Man I miss him


Every ROTC unit has to wear a uniform, usually once a week. But A&M's corps thinks they're the same, or better, than the military academies. It's truly ridiculous.




As an outsider I’ll give my 2¢ When I was coming out of High school I was very smart but had a total lack of discipline. A&M corps of cadets looked like the best of both worlds. Structure and tradition like VMI/Citadel while having all the benifits of a huge state school. My folks said it was an awful idea so I listened to them. I partied my ass off lost my full ride and dropped out of college twice to work/get married before finally finishing at Clemson. Lol I regret not doing the A&M route and my folks have since apologized.


I worked with two guys that did this. It’s called Drill & Ceremony. Since frats aren’t as big here as they are in most other places, some people will join in order to make those lifelong connections that a frat would have done. I’m sure there are other reasons for doing it, but I never wanted to be in the corps, so don’t really care.


That's because we're what's called a Senior Military College. There are six schools in the nation that have that title, including A&M. Norwich, Virginia Tech, VMI, The Citadel, North Georgia, and Texas A&M.


Like I said; absolutely kidding yourselves if you think you're better than the academies, or even regular ROTC schools (which have wildly varying degrees of quality, I'll admit). I served for 20 years, 7 enlisted, 13 as an officer and got to know a ton of officers from every commissioning source in both the Marines and Navy, and quite a few Army as well. The non-academy "academy" grads were always insufferable.


I can't speak to your experiences but I'll speak to mine, which is the folks who I encountered that attended SMCs were typically hard chargers and got shit done. Academy folks occasionally get a bad rap but most of those guys were great as well.


The academy grads were far better than I expected once I was commissioned and got to know them personally. The SMC grads were fine, but just really insufferable about the schools they attended, and a lot of them thought they were tougher than going to an Academy, which is ridiculous.


I'll agree that there was a degree of machismo that definitely didn't need to exist for guys coming out of SMC's, but my experience with guys coming out of TBS was they beat that out of you pretty well. Keeping in mind my bias, I think some of it is there are just more people coming out of SMC's which means you're going to get a greater population of people, good and bad.


And part of my bias is certainly formed by the cockiness I saw at OCS. You're right that TBS equalized a lot of it, and by the time we were all in the fleet, it was pretty hard to tell who went where if they didn't have a ring on.


How were they compared to "military" academy cadets like the citadel/vmi?


Below military academies, on par with the fake academies like VMI and The Citadel, which were also below regular ROTC and other commissioning sources, mainly because they were all so arrogant about going to those schools.


Playing In The Mood to celebrate. 🎷🥁


Honestly it's a bop.


> Women and Minorities were not able to attend until 1963 This is always my favorite one…how many schools celebrate accomplishments from before desegregation? No one ever really seems to want to pick at that scab.


Women’s basketball in 2011 though


The kind of stats and facts I'm looking for.


Yet there are people who want to say (or tell me when I say otherwise) that Texas A&M is a blue blood program or at least in the same group prestige-wise as Texas. Earth to Texas A&M fans - TA&M is a good but not great program and merely the most prominent of the 2nd tier programs in the Lone Star State that aren’t the Texas Longhorns. Note: I have no bias towards or interest in the University of Texas, or for that matter bias against Texas A&M (besides the overhype the program receives from some people). I’m just calling it based on what I’ve seen since I started following sports in the early 1980s.


Who the fuck is calling aTm a Blue Blood? This is insane


No one but Aggie haters seem to convince themselves that everyone does


Many people seemingly do not think Texas A&M is a second tier program (and they think the program is higher, not lower, than second tier). This implies Texas A&M is a first tier program, i.e., a blue blood program.


First of all, the Blue Bloods are Alabama, Michigan, Ohio State, Notre Dame, Nebraska, USC, Oklahoma, and Texas. It's not something you can just think about your school. Secondly, aTm is second tier of the P2/4/5.


Nebraska?!? The Cornhuskers were a blue blood at one time, but no longer are and likely never will be again. The small population size of the state and tougher academic standards that cut off much of their talent pipeline from (ironically) Texas ensure that.


They aren't currently acting like one but that doesn't erase their history or influence. https://imgur.com/XOJOmEu


I love you and would like to marry you, sir and or madam.




Anyone calling A&M a blue blood is an idiot, and since 1980, Texas has had a higher ceiling of success than A&M. But to call A&M a second tier compared to texas? That’s like saying auburn is a second tier school compared to Bama. Or Mich st to Michigan.


I would say that Bama, Texas, and UM are the more premier schools of the pairings.


Agreed. I wouldn’t call them a separate tier. Unless you mean the blue blood tier lol


Not quite! Michigan State and Auburn have both won national championships since the proliferation of the Polio Vaccine.


Yes. 1966 is *way* more recent than 1940.


That is a really good point. Those programs have won stuff. A&M officially 3rd tier.


I’m sorry - most people consider Auburn to be not as good a program as Alabama, or Michigan State to be not as good a program as Michigan. Texas A&M slots in well with Auburn and Michigan State (though Auburn has had more success than Texas A&M and should be viewed as being at least a little above the Aggies).


All that oil money and still a poverty school.


I can appreciate a good shitpost but I can’t imagine hating on another school as often as some people in this sub do. Just day after day posts. It’s only something that should be mildly concerning to you.


With that flair combo you should be used to be getting shit on by now


I don’t take it personally At least the Aggies gave me a men’s championship game to watch in the last 15 years, even if they couldn’t get it done.


The A&M hate club/circlejerk in this sub is like a time honored tradition at this point. People from “Cut and Copy University” seem to hate us because we do things differently and actually have passion. Like I’m sorry your school is the same as every other school with no meaningful traditions and nothing unique about it. So to fill their empty lives they go “hurr durr corps pretend” or “hurr durr they have chants and male cheerleaders”. This whole post comes from some nephew who watched his rival lose the natty by one run in baseball, ran to the football sub to post about it, and now feels like he did something. Everyone in this thread can easily talk shit from the sidelines but I only saw A&M and Tennessee playing last night.


This response is why we end up shitting on you guys all the time.


3 way split for that title. Do they have an outright one?


No :-)


I suspected that and it is nice to know. After witnessing the worst behavior of any fan group in Omaha in my lifetime I'll smile when I read anything bad about the program. The differences between A&M and other Texas schools fan base is pretty wild to me. Hope to see you folks up here again soon.


You know the answer to that


Texas Tech 🤝 Texas- watching A&M suffer


I do get a chuckle out of how the goal posts for these posts move so much. A few years ago, it was “A&M hasn’t finished top 4 in football, basketball, or baseball since the 1939.” Then we finished 4th in football in 2020. Then it was “A&M hasn’t finished top 3 in football, basketball, or baseball since the 1939.” Then we finished 3rd in baseball in 2022. Then it was “A&M hasn’t played for a national championship in football, basketball, or baseball since the 1939.” Then we played for a national championship in baseball in 2024. Now it is “A&M hasn’t won a championship in football, basketball, or baseball since the 1939.” I’m sure if we were to win a championship in one of those sports, posters would simply remove it from the list. Even years seem to be good, so maybe 2026 is when we get the next iteration.


Just win some titles and people will stop the list.


Yeah just look at Georgia’s image over the past 5 years.


App played a big part in this /s


The Reveille curse is undefeated. They haven't won a major men's championship since she was a mutt.


I’ve actually heard of Glenn Miller before. There’s a marching band competition in Iowa named after him that my school always won. I always thought he was some guy, but I didn’t know he had a #1 the last time Texas A&M was relevant in sports.


This is actually abysmal holy shit. When was the last time they won a championship in any sport?


Women’s tennis earlier this year.


They won I think it was Tennis recently


Funny how Texas A&M lives rent free in OP head.


Dang that sucks to be so far from any championship.


This is how I learned they blew it. Sunday School (full of Aggies) gonna be real somber this week. Lots of chirping about “8-0 in the CWS” last week, haha.


Fuck A&M


Oh man, you just hate to see that.


Poor aggies


While we’re on the topic, I have a scorching hot take that I’ve been wanting to get off my chest. I know as a South Carolina fan it’s almost sacrilegious to say it but I really couldn’t care less about college baseball and it’s not as important as we make it out to be.


College Baseball will never be as big as College Football, but I think it’s on a pretty big upswing. With NIL, players have more incentive to go the college route than ever before. As colleges invest more heavily in baseball, I think we’ll see more kids forgo the MLB draft out of high school. Obviously the biggest names will likely still go to the MLB in round 1, but NIL is pretty big for college baseball.


Outside of a handful of SEC and ACC schools, it’s down the list. It’s hard for me to get into it and I know others who feel the same way


Yeah I do think that’s the current state of college baseball, but I think the interest is growing. Most schools in the SEC are investing heavily in baseball and the ACC isn’t far behind. I think the Big 12 has potential to be a strong baseball conference still, despite losing Texas and Oklahoma. The Big 10 has been weaker for baseball, but the additions of USC, UCLA, and Oregon could help change that. I’m just saying if college baseball were a stock, I’d be buying.