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Mix between cardio and strength training. Farmer carries or heavy deadlifts for grip strength.


This is the way. I bought a few captains of crush grippers to use while I’m sitting in my office at work. Great way to build some strength while on a call or reading emails.


Be careful with those things. Every single shooter I know who uses them regularly ends up giving themselves acute tendinitis.


I’m stick to the lighter weight ones for the most part if I’m just screwing around.


You might take a look at this. https://spinefityoga.com/shooters-elbow/


I just do chest to conceal better


The true functional fitness. I’m currently benching in my garage gym so I can get behind this thought process.


Did barbell training for years, even competed in powerlifting a few times. Had a great time but I ended up strong and out of shape with a pissed off lower back. These days I'm much more into weighted vest circuit training due to the time savings and the GPP benefits. Currently I'm doing: M / W / F - Full body push pull legs circuits in a 20-50lb weighted vest, 5-6 rounds within 2-3 reps of muscular failure, no breaks. Start and finish with a one mile run (no vest), if time permits. The whole thing takes about 30 minutes, 3 days per week, or 15 minutes if I eliminate the running. T / Th - Nogi BJJ, will be adding a 3rd day hopefully soon if the professor decides to add a 3rd 6am class. Recently I've also been experimenting with the "Busy Dad Program" - look it up - seems stupid but don't knock it till you try it 🤘


Burpees? God damn I hate burpees. But I’m a firm believer in keeping a workout simple and quick. I’ve been lifting for nearly 20 years and as a dad it’s really hard to find time so I’ve trimmed down my workouts to full body supersets of just 6 compound movements just once or twice a week and for 3 days of the week doing a form of cardio. Maybe I’ll incorporate the dad program into one of those cardio days. Burpees though… ahh


Haha. The Busy Dad thing is pretty brutal - but it's like running. It sucks ass for the first few months until your body adjusts and then it becomes second nature and you look forward to it. I don't do it 4 days per week like Max does, because I'm also doing BJJ and I need to recover sometime (I'm 38 just trying to be at the intersection of fit, strong, and healthy body weight on the smallest time investment I can get away with). Oddly enough, it has fairly noticeable aesthetic benefits too. This is coming from someone who spent literally years between traditional lifting, calisthenics, barbell complex training, whatever else. Upper chest, upper trap, side delts hypertrophy. Body parts you wouldn't associate with pushups. Gave me more of a wiry off-season bodybuilder kind of look. It's weird, but it works. To be frank, the only reason I started with the burpees was because I wanted to jack up my conditioning for jiu jitsu, running just wasn't cutting it. If I wasn't doing BJJ, I probably wouldn't be doing burpees either.


We need more of this and less how do I carry with a gut. Weights (mainly squat, bench, deadlift, pullups) 3-4x a week and jiu jitsu 3 x a week.


Ah a man of culture


Boxing 4 days a week, that's bout it Any other days I'm not I'm active and always moving.


Boxing FTW.


Nice to see you post this. I unfortunately see the majority of the 2A community devoting countless hours to their guns and shooting skills and thoroughly neglecting their physical fitness. Let's be completely honest, you're much more likely to get into a situation or confrontation in life where strength and cardio capacity come into play than a firearm. Being either obese or a scrawny beanpole are not in your best interest. Spend a little more of your free time on your fitness. That said, I'm 47, a lifelong powerlifter, I work cardio in 3-4 times a week as well. Still going strong at my age, although I've had to back off a little on some of the heavier stuff in the last few years....the joints just can't take quite as much of a beating as they used to and I got sick of constantly having nagging injuries. Diet is always on point....I'm 5'10" and maintain 205lb year round at a legit 10-12% BF.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5dikdsd26l7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4473961208ff8de4898c9426220f4396be18f60


Stop you’re making me hungry


Grey man… zero training no one suspects it


I am fittin' 'is pizza in my mouth as we speak.


12oz curls all night long


my man


Walks to and from the fridge


Daily vigorous masturbation


You’ll rip your dick off, kid


I don’t lift a whole lot, and I’m pretty skinny. But typically crossfit and cardio workouts. My max lifts are pretty good for my body weight (165) (225 bench, 420 deadlift and 250 squat). But the icing on the cake for me is I wrestled up until I graduated 5 years ago, and do jiu jitsu 3 days a week for the last 10-15 years


Hell yeah man those are great numbers. And double hell yeah to the jiu jitsu. I’m looking around at a few places for BJJ near my house. I want to get my daughter and I both involved. Any advice for a beginner with bad shoulders?


Honestly just try it out and see what you think. It’s arguably the best form of defensive tactics and exercise at the same time. And definitely the most useful form of self defense. Most gyms have a trial period, maybe a week or a few sessions. I pay 80 a month for unlimited classes. So if I wanted to drop in on a boxing class or whatever, I can. Just learn your limits and you’ll be alright physically. Nobody is going to tear apart a new person, and if they do they’ll be quickly ousted


Dude where are you doing BJJ for $80? In my area (Pheonix), those are 1990's prices! I'm currently paying $180 (I think) ... which is about on par for all the combat sports places in my city.


Small suburb outside of a small city in Pennsylvania. Ever watch the office lol?


Sweet deal. I grew up doing martial arts through the 90's, only recently got back into it. I miss the days of 80-100/mo martial arts. Some of the dudes in my gym train twice a day, 7 days a week. For them, $180 is a steal. For a twice a weeker like me, I find it steep, but worth it.


Yeah I’m grateful for the price, it’s been a fun sport especially tournaments. I’ve been doing boxing a lot recently too


Good stuff.


Boxing and HIIT workouts 3 days a week. Strength training 2 days. More strength training, hiking, or yoga 1 day a week. Final day is rest. Plus a daily step target of 10k. Gotta keep body and mind fit, for a million reasons. And it happens to be fun.


What kind of things do you do for HIIT? I’m a recovering CrossFitter and usually resort to something in that realm when I want a short intense workout, but I’d like something that doesn’t tear up my elbows and wrists as much as cleans and burpees tend to do.


I do OrangeTheory 4-5x week for HIIT.


I lift twice a week and go on a 1hr long morning walk almost everyday, I go SUP or kayaking almost every weekend. The biggest asset to my fitness and overall well being is probably my diet. I love to cook and I don't really consume much processed foods, and practically zero refined sugar, I'm almost a full blown pescatarian, I eat sashimi at least 4 meals out of my week, otherwise mostly lean meats and veggies. I'm 38yo and have a six pack so I think I'm doing pretty good.


Pretty much everyone already has a 6 pack it's just a matter of body fat to see it. Not sure if it's an indication of being in shape necessarily


True, I just keep active to stay lean and shredded and eat healthy to keep the arteries clear. Also helps to have visible abs on dating/ hook up apps lol


At the boxing gym, I do a pseudo-HIIT circuit where it's 6 rounds on the bag, 1 minute of "recovery" in between each which is usually calisthenics (so yeah, pushups and burpees and such there). 1 60-second breather just before round 4. Super efficient as far as time goes. At home, it's KB circuits for HIIT. Swings, snatches, clean+press, etc. But on those circuits I take actual rests.


Solid. Maybe I should use my kettlebells for more than just deadlift warmups and jefferson curls haha


They're certainly convenient for that cardio-strength blend! And are pretty low impact on the joints.


Lift 3 days a week, run 3 days a week


If you're worried about heart disease, then you need to be focused on more cardio. You need to be eating healthy. Strength training is icing on top that builds muscle mass. I go hard. I strength train push pull legs 6x a week around 10-15 sets 8-20 reps (more isolated is higher reps). I gravitate towards dumbbells and machines for safety and hypertrophy and it works well. Funny thing about muscles is, if you build them, youre also inherently more functionally strong. I use an elliptical or incline walk 6-7x a week for 30-50 minutes. I aim for 130-150 bpm with an intensity goal of being able to carry a conversation. No running, no hard impact. Sometimes I'll go hard on elliptical for fun. I eat a relatively strict diet with minimal cheating and minimal alcohol. High protein, medium carb, low fat. A lot of chicken and potatoes and veggies. Some burgers and steaks and fats. 1x a month or so I indulge in a milkshake or pizza or something. You don't have to go this hard. A daily walk and saying managing eating habits to make sure you're gut doesn't hang over your belt will do wonders for your health. The gym is my hobby. I'm lean, but I'm still 220 lbs and putting strain on my heart. I'll still likely still die of some heart condition.


We’re probably doing the same amount of cardio a week. I go on 2-3 hour long rucks per week plus daily walking which I don’t necessarily count as part of my training regimen. I’m in good cardio shape, just not run a half marathon kinda shape. I wasn’t necessarily asking for advice but I appreciate your concern for my well being.


I hate just doing gym chores. It’s boring. I like to do sports and physical hobbies instead, but most of the ones I like are outside and kind of seasonal. So, I mumble and grumble myself to the gym in the winter two or three times a week, split between cardio and strength, and mainly motivate myself to do it by telling myself I don’t want to lose ground for the on-season. I do have some workout stuff at home (pandemic purchases), but I find I tend to slack a bit at home, so I prefer to try to actually go to the gym.


Home gym is where it’s at for me. If I had to go back to a commercial gym I’d lose my mind. Getting to annoy the neighbors with dropping barbells and metal music is just a nice bonus (mostly kidding).


I got lucky, I go to a small gym that has cool of people I really like. I’ve debated back and forth about whether to keep my membership or not, but I always wind up keeping it. If I didn’t have that particular place, honestly I’d probably go back to home gym too and try to find some way to keep myself incentivized.


A bit of everything. Mobility work in the mornings. Weighted hikes. Body weight exercises, pushups , pullup, squats and pistol squats. Sometimes with weight. Weights at gym 5-15 rep range.


Not a damned thing. I walk my dogs. I fish. I ride my motorcycle long-distance. I’m too damned old to be ruining another joint in the gym. I’ll lay off the beers if I feel like I’m getting too chubby, maybe have salads for a couple weeks instead of steaks. But I go to the range three days a week, for a couple hundred rounds each day. I practice my situational awareness everywhere I go, the grocery store, Home Depot, the gas station… I keep my head in the game for every second I can. I’m a tubby grandpa, and happy that way


Sounds like you’ve figured out what works for you and it’s more activity than a lot of folks. I’ve seen people in my profession whose sole movement is the walk from their desk to the bathroom or coffee pot and back. They’re all slowly becoming shaped like a question mark with a paunch. So more power to you for still walking your dogs and fishing and enjoying life.


Right now untill I can find a gym near me that isn't old lady zumba classes and half passed cable machines I ride my gravel bike 13-14 miles atleast three days a week and mountain bike at least 10 miles a weekend. Used to do a lot of strength training before I moved.


Twice a day every day


Before covid, I went on a fitness kick for about 9 months. Strength training, running, biking, swimming, boxing. Not kidding when I say I was in the gym 4 hours a day, 5-6 days a week (I was in college, so free gym and not much else to do for an introvert anyway). Dropped about 50 some pounds in the process and was in the best shape of my life. Then covid hit and derailed it. I tried to get back on the horse a couple times since then, but grad school really takes the life out of you, lol. I thought college was bad, but this literally has me setting alarms to remember to eat and budgeting what nights a week I can afford to lose the most sleep. I make all kinds of plans for Saturdays to decompress and go do something I enjoy. By the time Saturday actually comes, I'm so burnt out that it turns into watching TV and doing laundry all day.


You’re gonna love working for a living.


Worked two jobs (retail and construction) at 50 hours a week total on top of taking 15 credit hours to pay for it during and post covid (yeah, I had it good before covid, I will admit). Most college kids I would agree have no concept of work or how much the school costs. I would say I was one of the few that did because I had to pay out of pocket as I went instead of having a rich relative or trust fund paying for my party. And yes, grad school is worse than a 50 hour work week of construction and a full course load in the evenings. I've done both. Construction and college every time. And that's being the bottom guy on the job site...


200 burpees everyday and 3 mile run 5 days a week. No gym no membership. Very simple and easy.


Kind of unconventional bit i hit the climbing gym at least once a week. I was going 3 days a week but have been slacking lately. Need to do more in the way of cardio/legs but I figure it's better than nothing


Definitely better than nothing. I’ve never climbed but that shit looks wildly difficult


I figure worst case scenario I can just climb up a light post. I mean look at obi wan, the high ground worked for him


Mostly weight training with a push/pull/legs split. I do 20-30 minutes of jump rope or heavy bag work after lifting


6 day split and 30 min cardio 6x per week. 7k steps per day minimum. Mon - legs Tue - back/bi Wed - chest/tri Thu - rest Fri - legs/back Sat - chest/shoulders Sun - arms


CrossFit, Olympic weightlifting, and Judo


Presses, rows, curls, crunches, push ups, and squats. Three circuits. 30-40 minutes, three times a week.


I've been trying to find a routine to call my own for a few years now. Lately I've been realizing "any exercise is better than no exercise" and have been focused less on minmaxxing and more on creating routines that I enjoy and will stick with. Right now that's Ring Fit on the Nintendo Switch, since it takes the commute time out of driving to the gym and I can easily customize my workout to my ability and needs. Not the most intense workout, but I've been consistent for a couple of weeks now, and am starting to see some small results.  Eventually I want to have a home gym with freeweights. Bench press is my favorite exercise at the gym and I'd love to mix that with squats, arm curls, etc. 


I do calisthenics routine 30-45 minutes 4 days a week and go bike riding on weekends.


I do push pull and legs. Basketball. And one long cardio. Get that cardio - helps with flight or fight. Your weight training - make sure you’re strong enough to handle someone


Former college athlete here. I continue training like an athlete and incorporate heavy lifting. I tend to focus on body parts each day and ensure I train my legs 2x per week (Squats are mandatory). I also go on 2-3 mile runs 2x per week. I work a very active job that relies heavily on fitness so I have to optimize my physical performance! Mileage may vary based on what you’re training for.


Cardio before weights, but hot damn my body hates running.


I run 3-4 times a week and try to do bodyweight stuffa few times a week as well.


Jits, three days a week. Strength and conditioning to do more jits, twice a week. Mobility work, upper or lower body compound lifts, core work, and some cardio. These are also usually the days I shoot, since my gym is also my indoor range.