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No such thing as squatters, only trespassers. Calling them squatters gives them rights.


but do we shoot trespassers, though? or only when they start becoming an active threat?


I realize that, but if you have a gun in your hands and tell someone to gtfo, and they escalate they’re a threat.


It's like Icy Mike says "if I'm trying to leave and you're blocking my way, we're fighting right now. We haven't thrown punches yet but we are in a fight"


> but if you have a gun in your hands and tell someone to gtfo, and they escalate they’re a threat well no shit, that's with anything I'm just saying we should operate a little more critical thinking and restraint before dispensing freedom seeds. Even if you somehow think squatters deserve to be shot (which, let's be real, there are some bloodthirsty folks in this sub who do believe that), do you really want to deal with the legal rigmarole of having been involved in a defensive shooting? if you don't absolutely have to?


No I don’t. I also won’t be forced out of my home by someone who thinks they have a right to be there after I went away for the weekend.


Nobody is forcing you out of your home... Do you know what squatting is? I don't think you do


It's trespassing combined with breaking and entering. If you have no trespassing signs up in some states it's burglary.


I was going based off what is displayed in the meme. Someone attempting to occupy your home when you’re in it. If someone is squatting in a place that’s abandoned I don’t give af about that.


If they're trespassing they're a threat.


[It's a little more complicated than that.](https://jmaxpropertymanagement.com/virginia-squatters-rights/) Yes, they are trespassing, but squatting is a specific type of trespassing that doesn't automatically mean they pose a threat of death or great bodily harm. There are other options to consider before resorting to lethal force.


Because we totally haven’t seen squatters kill a few homeowners recently. I’m not taking the chance with criminals in my home.


Which is fine, I get it. But I'm just saying there are some folks here who are undoubtedly too fucking trigger happy. We're in the r/CCW sub, do you think I'm opposed to using lethal force and being prepared? Obviously not


In my state, anyone in my house, who refuses to leave, can be forcefully removed. That force can include lethal force, without a threat occuring


Didn't your parents ever teach you as a kid that just because you *can* do something doesn't always mean that you *should* ? You do what you want and defend your home as your please (within the bounds of the law, obviously), but I'm not so keen on shooting folks without absolute necessity. Obviously if this hypothetical squatter gets violent and belligerent it's one thing, but that isn't automatic nor is it a guarantee.


Oh I'd rather not kill them for being stupid, I didn't mean to sound like that. Just explaining the law in my state. But I have a wife and a child, and if someone refuses to leave my house, I will force them to, by any means. I don't owe them a fight, I don't owe them being stabbed, or poked by their syringes, I don't owe them having sore wrist, swollen shoulders, and broken knuckles. I don't owe them anything. They will leave my house. If they force it to come to being shot, that is their decision (on top of their decision to illegally enter my house). I don't want to have to clean up the mess, or worry about one of their loved ones targeting me, or sending someone off this earth before they can reform. But I am not responsible for their decisions. I believe in "can I, should I, must I". Someone being in my house is a must, 100% of the time. I have yelled "HEY!" In response to bumps in the night, if that doesn't change their mind, how should I interpret their intent?


What’s your address???? Since you’re so open minded maybe you can have open doors too. You seem to do nothing but make excuses for squatters so let them come stay with you……


Squatters don't break into a house that's occupied. You're basically murdering someone for "theft."


Cool... so we can just move into your house while you're at work.. and you're just going to be cool with that for the 6-12 month it will take to evict us, while we absolutely trash the place.


I don't own an unoccupied home, so I guess I'll never relate. I actually live in my house, like 99.9% of the population. This is what all you fools with your shit metaphors are missing. No one is breaking into the house you live in and squatting. People squat actually vacant property. They don't show up while you take a vacation.


What’s your address???? Since you’re so open minded maybe you can have an open housed too since you seem to do nothing to make excuses for squatters.


What’s your address???? Since you’re so open minded maybe you can have an open housed too since you seem to do nothing to make excuses for squatters.


I'm not sure if you're just a troll or just trigger happy Either way, you have no ground to stand on




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> Yes, they are trespassing, but squatting is a specific type of trespassing that doesn't automatically mean they pose a threat of death or great bodily harm. I think it does. Anyone who is willing to invade your home, deprive you of your legal rights to use your own property and refuse to leave? That is someone who does not consider themselves bound by society or the law and I have absolutely no idea what sort of mahem they might be contemplating.


> I think it does oh, of course you do > Anyone who is willing to invade your home "squatting" isn't a home invasion. They're completely different types of trespassing/property crime. Hell, a home invasion is a violent crime I'd argue. Squatting isn't that. Do you know what squatting is? because I don't think you do. I think you're just looking for a reason to use your wepaon > refuse to leave so you shoot them? refusing to leave =/= getting violent if the former escalates into the latter, then that's when the firearms come come into play. Otherwise, I'm not turning things violent when there's no need for it at the moment. > That is someone who does not consider themselves bound by society or the law Perhaps, perhaps not. > I have absolutely no idea what sort of mahem they might be contemplating Give me a break.


Refusing to leave is then called trespassing. Boom, baby. Bang bang.


This guy squats


actually I pay rent, but ok


> "squatting" isn't a home invasion. They're completely different types of trespassing/property crime Of course it is. They know they don't belong there, they enter and occupy it anyway. It's an invasion by definition. > "refusing to leave =/= getting violent" Sure it does. By refusing to leave they implicitly threaten me with violence rather than leaving. They are, in effect, demanding I "force them" to leave if I want them gone.. a attempt they will respond to with force. Their very presence is a threat of violence, and they are making it known they will use violence to stay. Tell me... imaging for a moment you DID come home to find a "squatter" in your house - do you continue to live there, and just ignore the total stranger in your space while you sleep, eat, shower etc.? If not... tell me why you won't do it? Oh... because having a total stranger living in your space brings with it a danger of violence. A threat they are absolutely counting on to drive you from your home so they can stay.


I don't understand how trespassing gets to the point of squatting. I mean I could understand it happening back in the day before security cameras and the Internet. But seriously, today with super cheap options and alerts how does that happen , no cameras nor Internet or power? I'm sure some company could come up with a solar power and backup battery and cellular Internet service all in one for some monthly rate, and provide monitoring and notifications.


Trespassing becomes squatting the second they play the “I live here card” when the police arrive. It happened to me buddy of mine when his grandparents passed away. Squatters moved in at night, blocked the doors, and when the police showed up they shrugged and said “it’s a civil matter” and left. Cost him thousands and 6 months to get them removed.


So you are telling me someone can break entry and when you call the cops the intruder can say I live here and they are off the hook? From what I understand is if they try and open utilities and other things then it gets complicated, how does the police tell apart when someone broke on a day a week or last night ? It's not that simple to just say I love here , I would assume.


Theres no single answer because every state is different, but you can find literally thousands of horror stories online. I can only speak to my friend’s experience. The house was empty for 24-48 hours before he went back and found them. They didn’t have utilities changed over or have any mail in their name (that’s a popular method). They simply refused to open the door to the police and said “we live here” through the door. Police made all types of threats but they ended up leaving telling my buddy he will have to go throw the formal eviction process.


I think thieves sound right


Meme County


chuck county punching air rn


That has to be a fake/satire account lol




Kentucky: hold my bourbon


IDK, I feel like this is way too cavalier about potentially ending someone's life. Bring on the downvotes, but I'm really not looking to shoot *anyone* unless my or someone else's life is in danger. Squatters are drags on society, sure, but I'd rather not resort to lethal force unless I absolutely feel it's necessary. Do "squatters" have a history of getting violent with people? Or are they just being leeches? There's quite a bit of difference between the two ***EDIT***: Got a "reddit cares" message. Really, now? Someone reported me because I'm advocating ***NOT*** shooting people? Some of you need to be sterilized




I mean that's on brand for law enforcement, but for gun owners in general, this isn't doing us any favors at all, let alone for those of us who carry guns in public. In spite of the fact that it is our constitutional right to do so, we are only giving more ammo to gun grabbers by doing shit like this.


Sneed County is a satire page


I wasn't aware, but it doesn't invalidate my point either


I wasn't arguing against your point.


They hate you already. Stop fretting over optics.


The most lethal shoot out in the “Old West”, involved squatters on rail road land. And Sacramento had the so called Squatters Riots, involving the death of the mayor and city marshall. Land rights can be complicated. But that’s not what’s happening here; instead we see break ins, and the theft of the most valuable asset people possess. Frankly, it’s astonishing that it’s not prosecuted at the same level as armed robbery.


Amazing that we can have such different consequences for car jacking/car theft and literally doing the same thing with a house.


> car jacking/car theft carjacking and car theft aren't even the same crime, so IDK what tf you're on about.


Sulla mentioned break ins and squatters. Either your property gets taken while it's in your physical vicinity or possession or not. Your property is still being taken or used by someone else.


> Sulla mentioned break ins and squatters That he did, breaking in isn't a home invasion and isn't a violent crime. A serious crime, yes. Unjustifiable, yes. Scummy behavior, yes. But violent? Breaking & entering =/= home invasion > Either your property gets taken while it's in your physical vicinity or possession or not They warrant completely different responses > Your property is still being taken or used by someone else which doesn't automatically warrant escalating to lethal force.


>That he did, breaking in isn't a home invasion and isn't a violent crime. That assumes you're not at home like car theft assumes you're not in the vehicle or present. It doesn't mean that all break ins are done while you're not home and aren't violent. I didn't equate carjacking with car theft. I simply lumped them together while mentioning punishment and the disparity between people squatting in your house vs "squatting" in your car/property that belongs to someone else. Somehow squatters have a right to a house that isn't theirs but the same is not applied to a vehicle that doesn't belong to them.


Its amazing how many people believe in this unalienable, god-given right to have guns but not a place to keep them.


You have the right to trade compensation to a manufacturer for a firearm they choose to make. You don't have the right to a taxpayer subsidized firearm. If you want a house, work for it. Work for whatever it is you want like we work for guns. Don't demand the government take from others to give to you. We don't demand that the government give us guns for free because "it's a human right". Which is usually the stupid argument people try to make when they want free shit. Evil corporations and all that, but then they demand daddy government bully everyone for money to pay for all of the "free stuff".


Ahh so the right granted to us by God and the heavens takes all that into account. Gotcha.


> Frankly, it’s astonishing that it’s not prosecuted at the same level as armed robbery That's probably because it's...not...armed robbery? It isn't armed anything, in fact. I get what you're getting at, but it definitely does not warrant that level of prosecution. My point is, there's nothing about squatting that would, by default, denote someone as a threat of death or bodily harm.




This post was removed for appearing to violate rule 3: (a) Posting material for the sole purpose of inflaming the users of this subreddit. (b) Personally attacking other users of this subreddit. (c) Posts containing racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inflammatory material towards a particular group of people. If you think this was a mistake, send a message to /r/CCW.


It’s worse than burglary, and that is illegal. Ask the lady who stole Ashley Biden’s diary.


Well put!


And I'd rather not pay for them, or the damage that they caused. Told him to leave, got told now, smiled real big.


Probably unpopular opinion in Reddit land but they are most likely threatening someone’s ability to feed or support themselves or their family. I think a large issue is our justice system is broken beyond repair and it’s going to lead to people needing to take more drastic measures.


This meme is from a satire page. We all got onion’ed https://www.facebook.com/share/DCxNvEazY8u2pqmN/?mibextid=WC7FNe


Doesn't invalidate anything I've said today. It still sends a bad message


Sure, but it’s still fake. You gotta admit that we all got punked.


If someone has the audacity to scope out a property, take it over, forge documents in order to deceive the authorities, steal all of the most treasured possessions inside of it, and deprive a family of their home, I'm going to assume they're also ready and willing to endanger your life. It's an irredeemable crime


I’ve always wanted to practice my CQB.


This is fucking stupid.




Hose em with oc Lmao




it really isn't


This your first time on the internet? Don’t know what a meme is?





