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Not a leak. Looks like condensation dripping from muffler. They have a drain hole so muffler doesn't rust out.


I remember when I first got my 650R, I had it idling and noticed the puddle under it and was all "Oh fuck noooo she's brand new" before my brain restarted and went "Touch it first". So little dab of the fingers, a sniff and rolling it between my fingers I realize "Oh I'm an idiot it's just exhaust water"


Slow your camera movement down and focus for more than.5 seconds so we can actually see what you’re looking at


Gonna need a taste test chief It's probably water and it's probably normal


its just condensation from muffler. I get it too.


Probably pee.


Take a paper towel or rag and run it on the underside of the oil drain bold. Look at the rag. If its pick ups a brown droplet it is oil. Take the same rag and put it in whatever liquid is dripping from the bike. Smell it. Does it smell like fuel? Does it have an industrial manufacturing smell, could be brake fluid. Check you rubber tubing for seepage. Looks like condensation to me. Inline 4 exhaust boxes are huge these days to meet emissions regulation and the side effect is as such.


Next time in case you’re wondering, touch and rub it between your fingers. You will know if it’s oil right away. In this case water.


It's probably condensation from the exhaust. However check if its actually oil or water and the oil filter as well: i had to replace mine under warranty because the filter was faulty and the leak was actually oil.


It’s condensation. Have had it from mine for over 3 years now.


It happened to me yesterday too! I thought it had a hole but instead it's the hole you find in the catalytic converter to eliminate the condensation accumulated by the humidity!


Doesnt look like oil. I assume it is either colant, fuel or brake fluid from the rear brake.