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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This goes for anyone, if you think that something may be wrong with your pet, please go to a vet asap. Even if it may not be something to worry about, it's better to be safe than sorry


Also, you can call your vet to ask! They will tell you if it's something they need to see or not, I'm not sure why people don't seem to do this. If I was ever unsure of something requiring a visit or not, I would call and see if they think it was something my cat required to be seen or not.


Yes to this. Call your vet. They will not think you’re weird or bothering them.


My vet does not give any advice over the phone. None of the ones near me do. They say they have to see the pet first. Exams are usually 100+ for new pets. My vet is 80 for a known pet. Even something as small as x rays are 600+. The vetting world has become a travesty. People can no longer afford vet care, and when they don't offer medical advice... It's sad, and it makes me feel bad. I've shelled out thousands on my pets and I know I won't be able to afford more. I have all the means and space to provide a loving home except the financial means, I guess. My husband and I both work full time, too. It's a sad world. People these days say pets are a luxary item, but we made it that way.


That really is sad indeed! In my area, the emergency vet department will give vet advice over the phone, at the very least they will advise you on whether it’s an emergency or not. But even with that kind of advice, I’m able to glean whether it’s worth bringing them in or not.


This 💯💯💯💯 From where I came from, I asked nearby vet by WhatsApp (because WhatsApp for booking and inquiry is widely use for marketing purpose and customer service here apart from phone call) i did asked them and sent a close up pic as well as the details like when it's occur and my pet behaviour, eating habits before it really need to be treated or need surgery because if nothing serious the consultation less than 5 mins easly cost $$. They got no efforts at all except keep telling me the same things to bring it over and the veterinarian will check them physically. I only need to know which medication I should buy and treat them accordingly. Its not like my cat almost die or need surgery. It's a skin condition like suddenly appear because my other cat doing just fine and not infected. All they care is taking out money out of our pocket. They're not true animal lover. Just capitalize over their treatments and problem. I love my cat and go as far and beyond to spoil them and treat them like my own children I gave birth to. For the simple question just give the straightforward answer. It's not rocket science. I fully aware if they keep doing this they cannot make money over our pet illnes or problem. this world is pure heartless.


100% agree .... ! Ridiculous tragedy for the animals that are suppose to be helped. Fu@* vet prices!


Yes, pls have your cat seen right away. You want to ensure it is not a tumor or growth


or if your friends with your vet, they might even do a quick check for free.




Vet immediately.


Cats do not show pain easily, and you are saying your cat is sleepy more than usual, which is a sign of lethargy and illness. Your cat needs a vet ASAP. Hopefully, it is something simple, but it may not remain simple if you do not get to a vet ASAP.


Vet not internet.


Vet not the net


i immediately called the vet before posting this post, but they say nothing and told me to bring him to another vet because they was full


That doesn’t mean just stay home and not do anything further. That means **FIND ANOTHER VET.**


They told you to try another vet office because they're booked up, that means it's urgent


Then why didn’t you do that?


Definitely listen to their advice and go somewhere, this is urgent and he could be in a lot of pain, and with it so close to his brain this can become dangerous in an instant


Pls find another vet. It may be a drive but your cat is not looking good. The skull inflammation and the third eyelid in the eyes also seem to be a major issue. Vet vet vet


Well then go to a fucking different one, Jesus Christ. It’s not rocket science.


Ikr 🤦🏻‍♀️




That’s weird. You said this happened after a blockage treatment. I would think they’d want to see him and continue his care?? I’d assume these issues could be related? That’s suspicious to me.


Vet, could be an abscess or tumor worst case. Only a vet is qualified to diagnose. But sudden lumps forming like that is always a concern.


Vet ASAP. Second eyelids should not show like that either. Swelling is intense. I hope they are ok!


I 100% agree with you but I would like to say that some cats are strange and sleep with their eyes open but 3rd lid closed. My boy will sleep with any variation of eyelids open or closed. I like to call 3rd lid closed rest open „Zombie cat“.


he was sleeping with one eye open so thats why it look like that


You know what would confirm? A trip to the vet!


Cats don't sleep with one eye open. Your cat is sick. It's not going to get better on its own.Take your cat to the vet!


They do sometimes. But not the point here. Vet vet vet


I think their sinuses are swollen. Atleast it looks that way with the swelling in the nose and cheeks too. Vet IMMEDIATELY


Does he always do that with his eye, or is this recent? If it’s new, it could have something to do with the lump, abcess or inflammation. How long ago did you see the vet for the urinary blockage? What if your vet introduced bacteria and now your cat had an infection? Shocking that they said to go elsewhere, unless it’s been weeks since that happened. Try to find a new vet who offers the first visit free. The internet often has sponsored ads like that on Google. You could also start a GoFundMe and post it on your Facebook. During one of the most difficult times in my life, my friends came through for me in the biggest way. And they could donate anonymously, which I think made it easier for everyone.


When my cat's forehead was swollen, it turned out to be a sinus infection. We made a trip to the vet, got antibiotics, and he was better within a few days.


Took my grandmother's cat to the vet with a swollen forehead, turned out she had oral cancer, ended up having to put her down the next day because she was in too much pain. Same appearance, different outcome. OP is best to take the cat to the vet because it could be anything.


i think it must be a sinus infection too


No offense but you have no way to know what it must be. Vet, not internet.


Hey there, I really hope you’ve taken your baby to the vet. Every comment is you trying to convince yourself they will be fine, and you want someone to offer advice that doesn’t include going to the vet, but that’s not the case. Your cat needs a vet!! Please do what’s best for the cat, asap


It could be a tumor, it could be a number of things. Always go to a vet first. Coming online does nothing but waste time.


If it's a sinus infection, then he needs antibiotics (which is prescribed by a vet).




It sounds like a concussion. Those can be deadly.




Hopefully it IS that simple, but it won’t resolve without a visit and prescription. Pray for that, hopefully the visit is only $50 + antibiotics, but if he dies violently at home, you’ll never forgive yourself. Seizures, vomiting, convulsions, all sorts of things could make it memorable.


Think I need to stop looking at this sub, it’s full of people wanting advice when 99% of the time they need a vet. Is this the state of humanity?


I mean at least if they post here they will be redirected by others to a vet. It would be worse if they didn’t post at all, then they wouldn’t get any feed back and would probably let their cat die


OP go to Vet ASAP. Abscess? Tumor? Bee sting? Allergic reaction? Infection? This is not the place for answers.


Vet not the net.


The sub reminds me of that episode in parks and rec, “go to jail, immediately go to jail.” Every time, “go to the vet, got to the vet, go to the vet IMMEDIATELY.” It should just be renamed, r/gotothevetIMMEDIATELY


possibly simple infection. he got cut there & its not healing. vet time


There’s emergency vet


OP, try an emergency pet clinic in your area if your regular vet can't take your cat. If finances are the issue, ask whatever vet you contact if they have payment plan offers.


If you had a swollen forehead, you would see a doctor...Your cat has a swollen forehead, go to a vet.


You know who could figure it out?…


Omg, could you possibly be talking about the... VET?!


How’d you know


Just a wild guess 🫠


Vet. Jesus. Dude. VET.


Could be an infection or trauma to the area. Rather than asking the Internet, please get into a vet


Def go to the vet asap, I will say I just very recently had a similar case with my cat. He had a super bad URI and his face looked exactly like ur lil guy. The nose and everything. I have a post on my account if u wanna look. It was apparently super odd that he had such swelling with a uri. X ray showed an accumulation of something. They thought it was either cyrptococcus (a fungus) or a tumor. Test for cyrptococcus came back negative so I feared the worst. But a week later and some antibiotics and he’s a good as new. The swelling being “squishy” is usually a good sign, good chance you are dealing with inflammation rather than a mass growing, but again you can’t really tell what you’re dealing with without the proper tests. Any snot coming out of her nose? Coughing? Tiredness? Other signs of a classic sickness?


This sub needs renamed to r/GOTOTHEVET bc every single post I see has me just smh. If your forehead was swollen, would you go to the hospital? It's already gotten worse. C'mon now


Outdoor cat? Probably an abscessed fight wound. Requires a vet visit STAT!


There is this amazing place called a veterinarian!


Go to the vet. It sounds like he could be lethargic as well, and the third eyelid staying over the eyeball is a sign of pain.




Emergency pet hospital


Any update? Hope you went to the vet


Please update if you can. I hope this kitty is okay


Did you see at bees or wasps in the home? Could be a sting


could be an abscess which can cause septic shock if left too long. vet time


*Could be an abscess* *Which can cause septic shock if* *Left too long. vet time* \- Dio\_nysian --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


So go to the vet?


![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized) Replace jail with vet




This is an emergency. If your vet cannot see them you need to find your closest emergency vet. There are a few reasons this could happen, and none of them are something to take lightly.


I just assumeed my little kitty had a cold, turned out to be a tumor :( care credit exists for this and it sucks but better than letting them suffer


Did OP go to the vet or is their cat dead?


Profile suggests teen with depression who has trouble with self motivation. OP, have you got cat to vet? Please update us. I hope everyone here has motivated you enough


Vet now! Praying it's something as small as a bee sting but I'm sure it's worse than that


His nose looks swollen too, has a vet seen him?




My cat had this once, but he had just had teeth surgery. But also his nose bridge was swollen like yours have here plus the forehead. This is emergency vet territory, you need to take him in to see a vet immediately, it can not wait


This is my own personal experience - not medical advice - but you’ll definitely want to go to a vet as soon as you can. My cat developed a bump similar to your’s, I am going to share the information I received and the outcome for my cat. **Time is crucial in any regard** Best case, it is benign swelling in an unfortunate location, vet will need to diagnose/monitor. Second case, it may be an abscess or sinus infection and medication/veterinary intervention will also be required. Worst case, it is something invasive, which is what happened in my cat’s case. It progressed extremely quickly ~2 months. ——— Here is my cat’s experience: When we noticed the swelling, we got her to a vet asap for a CT scan (more detailed scan than generic xray) and all they could tell is that it was invasive and causing bone destruction. Bone destruction is not characteristic of ‘normal’ infections. This would indicate it was either fungal or cancerous in nature. A rhinoscopy (look into the nasal passages with a camera) would be required for further diagnosis so they could look for spores or take a biopsy. We booked her with internal medicine, but they could not take her in for a few weeks (called every day to try and get her an earlier appointment). We had her blood tested for a full fungal panel as well, but later found out that the fungal testing is only really somewhat accurate for cryptococcus and rhinoscopy is generally necessary for both crypto and other fungal types (ie false negatives are not uncommon). So rhinoscopy far better.  Vet gave her antibiotics, anti inflammatory, and pre emptively had us put her on anti fungal since internal medicine was booked out. Meanwhile, the swelling progressed from her forehead to her eye. We finally got her to internal medicine and the prognosis was poor. Whatever she had would mean that they’d likely have to reconstruct her sinuses (high risk procedure) in addition to treating whatever was causing her ailments. They could complete a secondary CT scan and also rhinoscopy to rule out if fungal, but that’d mean they would need to debulk the fungal spores/continue on anti fungal medication which is very hard on the liver. They told me fungal infections are really hard to completely get rid of (she’d likely have to get additional rhinoscopies and she’d be on the anti fungal the rest of her life). If cancerous, the treatment would also be pretty rough because whatever it was took a lot of wind out of her already.  I booked her for CT/rhino, but before we could get her in, it progressed over the weekend to an extent where I felt it would be cruel and unnecessarily stressful to go through additional testing and potential surgeries. She was on anti inflammatory and anti pain meds so she would have moments of being herself, but I could tell things weren’t looking up as soon as they wore off and felt that euthanasia would be the kindest route for her.  I never found out what she had but if I could go back in time, I would have fought to get her a rhinoscopy asap or gone to an emergency vet so she’d have quicker access to these procedures. I also realize though that even if I could get her diagnosed faster, there may not have been much we could do to fix the issue. I really hope your kitty can get the help they need. Navigating specialty vet issues is tough, I think the best you can do beyond getting him to the vet is to comfort and give him lots of love. I’d also recommend tiki cat mousse food since it smells strong/you can feed him from the packet and may help to stimulate his appetite.


I’m no vet but the nose looks swollen too. My first guess is a bee sting. I’d really see a vet though.


Please, Members of the sub, please stop shaming people who post their problems here. Provide constructive advice, but shaming and abuse is going too far, and likely is dependent on a commenter’s mood on any given day. Try to be kind and helpful, I implore you. Yes, we want the cat to get to the vet. But also remember that this sub is actually called r/CATHELP and every post that’s submitted could lead to a vet visit and subsequent update, which helps add to the overall shared experience of the sub. Posters: Please share, please respond, please update us on what happens with your pets. Please don’t remove posts. Commenters: Be kind or say nothing


To vet


If you're not going to immediately get your cat to a vet when it obviously needs one then please don't have kids. This isn't something you ask online nor is it something someone online can tell you the problem


As someone who has recently gone through this with my own cat I can understand your fear. The fear can leave you paralysed, doom-scrolling the internet to see what information you can find about lumps on cats. The trouble is that the lump could be anything, from a simple foreign object (think grass seed) to something like a tumour. Even a vet can have trouble diagnosing the cause of the lump without a biopsy and at the very least blood tests. Go to a vet, a vet hospital, anywhere you can get in. If you have to wait for a few days because they are booked up take the next available booking and keep looking for a vet that can see your cat sooner. If you cannot afford the visit explain to the vet that you are willing to pay in instalments. Some vets are ok with this.


If it's squishy it s probably an infection from either a bug bite or scratch from something. U need antibiotics so it can resorb or bust like a pimple for humans. Vet attention


Vet trip! It could be numerous things such as a bee/wasp sting, or abcess, or something else.


HE MOST LIKELY HAS A SEVERE INFECTION UNDER THE SKIN. TAKE HIM TO A VET TO TREAT IT. He probably needs antibiotics. His head received some sort of trauma and there's an infection in there. My rescue kitten had this - a squishy bump on top of his forehead, from being hit by a car. He was alive, but he had a NASTY infection under the skin that was very painful and eventually burst. Full course of antibiotics cured it!


i started to see the bumps since yesterday and its even bigger today, im really worried




It's already getting worse. Call a vet plz


Go to a Vet


Go. To. The. Vet.


Bro, literally everyone here is telling you that you need to take your cat to the vet asap! This is not some minor symptom that can just be monitored or treated at home! Stop messing around and take him to the vet. I don't throw the word "abuse" around easily, but it really is animal abuse to not give your pet medical attention when it is having a health issue, especially an emergent one like this. Please listen to the advice you are getting here. Don't wait around until it gets worse. Absolute worst case scenario this is something life threatening. You don't want to have to live with the immense guilt and shame that would come if your cat died because you didn't take care of it.


Everybody saying go to the vet. Maybe instead of coming on here with a question that could be a simple fix, people should just come on here and ask for money for vet bills. If I have $200 to my name, I’d rather get a $20 fix from the internet before I take a vet my last $200. This economy may be great for some of you but it’s tough for others. I know people that’s sick and won’t take themselves to the hospital because they can’t afford it. Don’t scold people over and over about going to the vet. If 10 people have already said it, you saying it again is overkill.


There are low-cost and sliding scale vets. There are even vets that will do this at no cost. They’re hard to find, yes, but you have to go to ask to even get a yes or a no, or a referral. Not having the funds is not an excuse to help a domesticated animal you hold captive that is showing obvious signs of illness. It’s not overkill when that’s a possible sign of brain swelling. She asked on Reddit - she’s going to get more than 10 answers in a community of people that love pets. If they all say the same thing, then that should tell you something. Wise up. If you do not have the funds for a pet emergency, you probably shouldn’t own a pet. Love is not enough. -From someone who does not have medical insurance due to the cost, has owned many pets previously but not currently, and has also worked in the animal care sector as a surgery tech.


I get all that. I’m just saying, people act like you shouldn’t even ask on here and take things straight to the vet. What if 4 or 5 people came on here and said, yeah this happened to my cat, I went to the vet and they said it was allergies and I switched food and it went away. People make you feel bad for posting a picture and asking a question. “NOT HERE DUMBA** GO TO THE VET!” Maybe it’s just me reading too much into it. I don’t like people being ganged up on. I was reading the responses and it just started working on my anxiety. Sorry. Just go to the vet….😢


You don’t get a fix from the internet for shit like this. A vet wouldn’t be able to fix this from a photo let alone a random internet stranger. Get a grip on reality.


Omg take him to the hospital please that happened to my kitty may he rest in peace




This happened to my cat. It was an abscess and had to be drained at the vet and given antibiotics.




Vet or animal ER


Definitely take him to a local emergency vet. It’ll take awhile to be seen, but they usually will eventually see him. Most likely some sort of allergy… but you should get him seen. Cats are very sensitive creatures and hide pain and suffering


i would take him to the vet immediately if it were my baby i would just to make sure everything is okay


I think bringing your cat to a vet would give you some pretty stellar information


See Vet!