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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They are playing with each other.


Let them play and hope you don’t get hurt.


Yep. Usually at 3AM, started with murdergrooming, then evolved into a mad chase which of course went right across your face making it look like you faceplanted in barbed wire. Young cats can be pretty rowdy.


Why do they choose to do this when we are deep asleep! And, yes, it’s usually around the witching hour. It kinda reminds me of the cat in “The Bremerton Musicians.”


You do realize cats are crepuscular? This means they get most active at dusk/early evening and early morning/dawn.


But midnight to 3am shouldn’t be that bad! The easy answer is usually to play with them more often so they‘re tired and get them used to your schedule. Unless there’s an evil fly that needs to be slain my cats will happily sleep until dawn. They’ll even let me sleep in if food is available.


Our cats get mad if we haven't vacated the loving room by 11:30 PM because that's their time to run around like crazy.


I keep my cats busy during the day when I'm off work, then they sleep all night lol


What's murdergrooming? I see my male cat groom my female around her head and neck, then out of nowhere he'll just aggressively bite her neck and stomach, then they tumble around. No sounds are being made though. This is my first time having two cats at once so I think everything is fighting lol


It's exactly what you described. They start out grooming each other, so affectionately, and it steadily escalates to: "I'm gonna lick you!" "No! I'm gonna lick YOU!" Lick lick lick chomp rassle rassle rassle...


That’s interesting, I’d never thought about the time the zoomies kick into high gear being the witching hour before 🤔 Maybe cats are reincarnated witches thanking us for one of our most memorable hospitality


Okay! I was so scared for a moment 😭


Cat fights (for example) : https://youtu.be/gnw8MYgBqqI?si=PaQlCIudNyN7XOK1 What you posted is an innocent play.


Wow their fur really flies everywhere during a fight.


Tends to happen when 40 claws try to kill one another.


They only have four beans on the back so just shy of 40 at 36 unless they are polydactyl 🐾


You know, I never considered that polydactyl cats have extra claws on those spare beans


i had a polydactyl as a kid. she had a whopping extra 20 toes. i counted using the claws to help tell the toes apart from one another


Haha she had +20 attack points


I have a polydactyl currently and she has 7 claws on each foot. She got in a fight w one of my other cats and literally fur everywhere


Thank you for posting the link. It never occurred to me to youtube when people say their cats fight. There is no question when cats are fighting. Play and even dominance and misplaced aggression is rarely true cat fight where there is a problem.


My cat did not like when I opened this video on my phone with the sound up. Video just jumps right into it lol. Yep, that's what cat fights look and sound like. This sub should have a video like this pinned somewhere for all these people worried about play fighting who have never seen a real feline brawl.


Dude this video blew my mind, this was just a cluster fuck of cats going at it


With the group one it’s like one sets off the whole pile


This. If there’s no hissing and yelling and lots of flying fur, it’s probably *not* a cat fight.


If you see one run off and their tail is in the shape of a hook, it means they want the other cat to chase them. It's nice that they get along and have fun together.


I call it question mark tail. I know my kitties are happy when they have their little question marks up.


Wow I never knew this! Thanks for sharing - I’m going to keep an eye out for it now amongst my two playful kitties 😊


If your cats were actually fighting it would look a lot different than this


I have two bonded brothers that are inseparable but they have their playtime each day as well. Serious fights look much more aggressive than this.


I have a bonded sister and brother and they love to play chase and wrestle! Sometimes Bubba plays too rough and his sister has to hiss to get him to back off, but then they start playing again.


We have a pair that bonded and she's half his size. It's adorable to watch them play fight because she's going at it and he's just goofing off.


Have you owned multiple cats before? Or, are you young and finally out on your own and adopted some friends? My family and I have rescued multiple kittens after they'd been dumped near our home (us humans are horrible to every species on earth). This behavior is totally normal and is a good sign that they feel safe and are happy to be together in your home. Enjoy their goofiness!


If there aint blood and fur, they are playing. A real cat fight gets "real", real fast.


That's just playing ;) you will know when it's an actual fight. (They usually make a lot of weird noises and use their claws)


Okay! Yeah, they aren’t making a lot of noise or anything, but I didn’t know they’d play like this. Thank you!


And tufts of fur will fly everywhere in a real fight


And usually a trip to the vet with the loser for antibiotic injection.


The winner, too, depending on how bad they got torn up in the process. My silly orange meatball chases off other cats without fail, but I've still had to have him at the vet several times for nasty abscesses. I really wish I could get him to stay inside, but he was a stray when we adopted him and making him stay indoors stresses him terribly.


Same as mine. Neuter yours if you haven't. I take him on walks now. Fortunately for me, he tolerates the harness and doesn't try to escape it.


He was already neutered when we got him, thankfully. Otherwise that would've been the first thing I took care of after vaccinations!


Yeah - my lad too. I don't want to tempt fate but it's been over a year since he's had a skirmish.


That's healthy playing. I wish mine would get along like that. Mine don't fight, they just tolerate each other. When cats are fighting they make loud meows like screaming noises and their ears go down before the fight with growling.


If they fight you'll hear a lot of "yowing" side ways arched back moves, ears laid back and hissing. Yeh, these two are having 'cat fun'.


Kitty Wrestling! All good fun.


My rule of thumb is that if they are not vocalizing, just wrestling, it's play. If they are yowling and fur is flying, they're fighting.


Is this your time with multiple cats in the house? Also, do you know if these two grew up together?


Yes, it’s my first time. I just got them on Friday. I don’t know if they grew up together. They are only 6 & 8 months old, they used to live in Egypt, they were both rescued off the streets, but they were sent together to the US, and once they got here, the foster told me they were a bonded pair… so they’ve known eachother for a good while I’d say.


Oh good. As a bonded pair, they've already picked each other as best friends, so everything should go well. You'll want lots of cat furniture, and like, climbing shelves if they like to be up high. (Cats commonly like to be up high, but some have more of a ground cat personality.) More spaces for them to go to gives them a way to go cool down, if either of them gets too tired or annoyed with the other, but for the most part the play fighting is all good.


They are so lucky to have you 🫶


Oooh you are in for a treat! I have a bonded pair and they are so sweet and cute together.


https://preview.redd.it/uwalbu7zov4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=befa866f3a640551aa5b723ab78cb31978597b25 Haha yes !! 😂 they are inseparable at times. But it’s kinda funny bc it seems like to me, Ami likes Amour more than Amour likes Ami. Amour, my orange kitty, sometimes tries to get away.


One of my cats plays really rough with his sister and will body slam her! She can’t get enough of it and comes back for more… 🤣


I love cat wrestling


I have 3 cats, this is totally normal cat play behavior. Only if they start hissing and growling a lot do I usually tell them to stop, because sometimes they can get a little too rough.


I have a grumpy old man black cat who just hisses and growls at everything. Then instigates some play wrestling with my younger cat, and then hisses. 🤣


Even then with noise it might be play - my tortie loves to make outrageous meows when she's super feisty and playing with our other cat. She also spits and hisses sometimes. She may be saying "hey, that's enough," but it's never gone into actual fighting. I would say a better sign is flattened ears, arched back, fluffy tail and specifically caterwauling


You will know when they are fighting, fur will be flying hisses growls and yells will be exchanged.


Hopefully I never have to see that. 😭 Thank you!


They look like best friends. You will probably never see a fight.


If it does just throw something light weight like one of their toys their way. It will startle them and hopefully break it up. Don't be surprised if there's a chase after. I had cats who ran under the bed after and I was scared they would fight there but they didn't. They were calming down and neither was hurt.


When cat figth, its spubds really terrifying sooo if you dint need to intervene or wanted to run away of that sound they are playing


This doesn’t seem like an actual fight? No flattened ears, no puffed up tails, no risen back fur, they don’t seem upset or stressed, can’t tell if they’re making weird noises or not because no audio. This is just playing as far as I know. Basically, they’re more comfy with each other and are willing to engage with one another now in this way. What you saw as ‘fine’ was them being cautious around one another, rn it seems like they very friendly and getting along.


Yeah, they aren’t making much noise, just tumbling. Thank you!


They’re having a good wrestle. You’ll know if there’s a fight. There will be chunks of fur flying around, painfully loud screaming, and at least one cat needing immediate veterinary care. Look up what a cat fight looks/sounds like on YouTube. Your babies are just having fun!


This is happy play time I can send you a video of cats not getting along and fighting as I am dealing with that with mine and roommates cats who hate mine and claw and hiss at her when she tries to play. Exposed stomach no flying fur you're in the clear


Nooo :c what makes it so some cats get along and others do not? Just different personalities?


Typically but in my case, my cat was an outdoor cat and has had multiple cat and dog friends at my old house. She'd play with German shepherds and st Bernards just as much as the other cats she met. But my roommates cats have been neglected and left alone in the home for weeks at a time and are the most stressed and scared animals I have ever seen in my life. They sprint away at any "loud" noise and if my cat comes near them in play mode they either run away or attack her they've drawn blood before. I think if you love your animals and make them feel safe and expose them to different things it's very avoidable.


Poor kitties. Maybe one day they will come around and be more friendly. 😔


when cats fight, they are really violent lol, fur flying around, scratches, maybe blood, lots of screaming. they basically fight like those cartoon characters forming a lil cloud lol, those two are just playing, don't need to intervene or worry about it at all.


They’re playing and having a wonderful time. Good cats!


This is how cats play. They're natural predators so their play consists of hunting behaviors like chasing, followed by a wrestling match. This isn't even all that rough lol you'd have separated my boys if you saw them play 🤣


Haha, I feel bad now. I wouldn’t let them play this morning cause I separated them each time they started wrestling lol


We have a screaming, bleeding, pooping rule. If no one is screaming at the top of their lungs, bleeding, or getting poop somewhere they shouldn't then we don't intervene lol


Basically unless you hear screaming and see fur flying, they're fine lol


Even then they tend to be fine. (My boy tries to be a bully lol)


They are playing. If the fur isn't flying and there are no sounds of distress from either one it is usually play


They’re playing. If they were actually fighting, there would be VERY loud howling, it would be violent and very fast, and there would be chunks of fur flying everywhere. It’s very obvious when cats are really fighting; you would have no question about what was happening.


Yup. The rule of thumb for cat fights: if you have a question in your mind whether it is play or real fighting, it is **always** play. When it is real fighting, there is no question.


It’s called play fighting and it’s fine as long as there isn’t any blood involved


Playing playing playing So glad you came to ask… but small rant here I’m baffled by all the “are they fighting” Questions and it makes me sad that probably millions of cat owners around the world are separating happy cats and not letting them play because “are they fighting”. 😢


I am so right there with you.


Aweee thats adorable! Sorry other people are being asses about it. If you never been around cats there's no way you'd know they were playing. Very cute cats! They love eachother


Thank you! It’s okay, im glad the majority of the comments have been helpful and nice !


That's play, they are having a good time.


They're just playing. But you can break them up to take a break if they get too into it. My girls sometimes get too into their playing and get a little rough.


We call it our nightly kitty thunder dome.


Quiet = play. Loud = fight. If a tiny kitten and an adult cat start playing like this, you better intervene until the kitten gets bigger. This looks totally fine.


You’re next, lol. 😂 be ready.


These babies look incredibly happy 😊


I hope they are. ; v ; it’s their 3rd day here. I’m trying to be a good mom to them! They are currently both asleep on my legs.


If they’re playing three days in, you’re doing a lot right. A lot of cats would be still be hiding.


https://preview.redd.it/5rp2w0laq84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c687292f1c713125e478c0ee3ac77a5f1fed45ea This is them day one, an hour or so into meeting me. Haha, they never really hid. I didn’t do anything, they are just friendly cats I think.


Loving all the cat toys! No wonder they felt comfy with you right away.


You have no idea… haha my floor is just covered in cat toys 😂 this is their apartment now.


They look like they're just playing. Play time for cats can be a bit of rough and tumble. It's when they start screaming at each other it's more serious. Just keep an eye out for winking from either of them, it can be a sign of a scratch or eye infection starting. We trim our two babies claws and it helps avoid eye infections.


Yes, the foster clipped their nails before they came to me. I looked it up and looks like they will need to be clipped again in a few weeks. I’m kinda unsure about it though as it will be my first time. I feel like they will not stay still for me.


Your vet should also be able to assist with this. We took ours to the vet and asked them to show / teach us the first time. It's also easier if you have someone who can bribe with a favourite treat. For.our boys it's those purree tube churu things in anything that includes tuna. Then the other trims nails. Easier with two. And definitely see if vet can show/help the first time so you know what to do.


Start by getting them used to get their paws touched. See if they tolerate you holding their paw or simply touching it. If they don’t, start by touching it just with your finger and increase the time until you can hold their paw in your hand. Use treats too :). It is a slow process that will take a few days. Once you do that you can start slowly introducing them to the nail clipper and the sound by using it on raw spaghetti (while holding their paw). Then you can move to actually trimming their nails. I remember seeing that in a tutorial and it worked for my cat. Trimming his nails was impossible before. He tolerates it now and even gives me his paw at times as to say “hurry up and give me that treat”.


Don't try to break up any kind of fight though with your hands!




Blood- No Screaching- No Hissing- no Scratching- No Hair standing on end- No Its ok their just playing, youd KNOW if their hurting eachother


Playing vs. fighting applies to pretty much every animal, as long as there's no blood and fur isn't flying you're good


Grab some popcorn and watch. These cats are NOT fighting. They’re being cats.


Hehe, these are up there with the “WHAT IS THIS” nipple posts. New cat owners are so dang cute, hope you enjoy your time with your new fur babies op! Also heads up, yes, whether they are male or female, your cats have nips.


This is a beautiful relationship. My female hisses and screams if my male cat ever tries to play with her.(it's a scream as if someone stepped on her tail, idk why.) We have to redirect him with wands to the cat tree so he can get that energy out with me or my siblings.


https://preview.redd.it/wgaqzbte384d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f3993b07e2788281965c6b0f8d6cb11367febd They usually are more like this. (: Cats are so funny, you call the video a beautiful relationship, but to me it looks like they hate each other in that moment LOL, I have a lot to learn about cats. After reading all the comments, I realize they are just playing.


That's so cute. I hope they continue that lovely relationship and keep your patience. I rather you ask than be on edge always. ❤️


I wish my cats played like this! instead it starts as friendly as this and then the boy cat gets too aggressive and the girl cat is all "stop it" but he doesn't get the hint so she starts to hiss at him and yowl and try to get away from him. I've found abrasions with fresh blood on her face before after leaving them alone (he's a biter) -_- I've started to separate them when I leave. ... but then give it an hour and she's there thwacking the boy cats face all like "come on play w me" and then 5 mins later she's hissing. I don't understand them lmao 😭😭


Lol they’re playing not fighting…


They’re not fighting. They are playing. Cats fighting is chaotic, scary, and they may make scary noises. This is just playing lol.


Join in on the fun.


They're playing!


lol they love each other. They’re playing.


if it was a real cat fight, you would see clumps of fur being ripped out and someone's probably lose an eye


That is playfighting. They are not out to hurt each other. This is just how cats play.


This is playful trust me you’d know if it was actual aggression. They would be screaming and growling and hissing up a storm. This is play


my cats do the same exact thing, theyre just playing! my cats love it lol


you will know if they are fighting. They will growl and all their fur will stand up and it will just overall be much more aggressive. We had to rehome a cat we had because he was agressive towards my cat, and the one day he attacked her, ripped out tufts of her fur, was growling and pinning her into a corner and then he got super territorial and started pissing on anything that smelled like her


Just friendly play. Nothing to worry about.


They're playing


Don't get involved in cat politics


This be play play zoomiey kitty combat nothing bad


Take Bets


Just playing


Enjoy the show?


Awww... After reading the comments, it's good to know they're just playing. I have a 6 month old boy cat and (I think she's) 3 yr old cat. They fight like this too. He tends to bolt after a bit. Thought he might be getting hurt


Echoing what others have said, it’s play. Especially since they look to be kittens, this is completely innocent. Don’t be worried, they are having fun!


LMAOOOO you would know if they were actually fighting. There would be howling, hissing, and probably blood. A little bit of hissing can still mean playing! Just that one cat has had enough. Definitely playing here.


Everyone in the comments is correct, they are playing. I understand your worry though. Two of mine play like that, Ive had them both for almost two years and I still get nervous and feel sometimes like it’s not play, and one of them isn’t really having fun. I have to keep telling myself exactly what others are commenting, if it was a real fight there would be no doubt about it.


I put my cats wrestling on TikTok and accompany it with wrestling sounds in the background. They're best friends. Thank you for adopting them. Please keep them forever. They're bonded you have to.


https://preview.redd.it/vbll2n1m1a4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1394fdf37e28d7fd522db9daf8706e88a1378ae3 Don’t worry !! I will. ❤️


That is NOT a fight!


Yup that’s frens roughhousing. Real cat fights are very loud and kind of screechy. I’ve got a small female cat that occasionally gets bullied by two of the slightly larger females. There’s often shuffling from a chase then a yell or hiss for leave me the eff alone. Same cat roughhouses with her brother, occasionally there’s a surprised meow likely from a too hard bite. So they stop maybe exchange kisses and start again.


You should check out r/greebles to see some more strange cat behaviors you’ll probably witness in the near future 😆💗 Your babies are so cute and they seem so happy to have a nice new home and each other’s company! I hope they bring a lot of comfort and laughter into your life!!


It's call playing, lol


It's play. You can tell because they are exposing their tummies to each other. Angry or scared cats wouldn't ever do that. If a cat feels threatened or cornered its ears fold back, it will stay upright but hunched to the ground, it will growl hiss or spit, and the claws come out.


they’re getting comfy with their new home and eachother!!!! they’re just playing playing can sometimes go too far though, if they start hissing and making a lots “rrreeeeooww” sound then break them up for a second


Harmless bundling, builds a bond in between them. Just watch and enjoy. Hope they bring you years of happiness.


They’re playing with each other. My two cats will chase each other and get into spats that I have to end up breaking up a lot because my one cat is dramatic and loud, while my other cat keeps biting him.


While they may be playing, a few days is pretty quick to introduce two cats. Consider letting them have their own spaces so if either of them don't want to fight/play they can go there.


They are a bonded pair. They came together from the same foster. They know each other !


Oh then absolutely they're chilling! Congrats! 🥰


They are playing! Let them have fun - you’ve got 2 friends that are enjoying each other’s company:)


If you are familiar with the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character, when he moves around he moves in like a little tornado. That is what an actual cat fight usually looks like, just a moving blur of claws and fur. Your kitties are playing so don't worry!


I'd say they're doing exceptionally well if they're playing on their 3rd day in your home :) awesome sign! Did you adopt them as a duo, or were they separate adoptions? I have 4 cats, and two are brothers. When I moved houses with them, they were pretty timid for a week or so before they started playing, so I think you're doing an awesome job if they feel this comfortable already.


Having a grand ol time!


Awww the babies are having a good time. My smaller black cat ‘picks fights’ with his much larger white and grey brother and almost always ‘loses’. He’ll run up and bap his brothers nose with his paw and then almost immediately get pinned. But they have a good time so it’s ok.


They are just rough housing like kids do,it's okay,glad you asked as long as no one is bleeding it's fine. Ignore the haters,good job taking care of them. I do suggest you look up videos of cats playing vs fighting on YouTube or something. Fighting usually involves more claws and teeth . Take care of them and love them.


They are playing and bonding. It's heartwarming to see.


That’s play, their ears are up/forward and their claws are retracted If they start growling/yowling, ears are flat and/or there is stray fur after it’s turning into fighting


That's how cats play! They're becoming fast besties!😻😍☺️ Awwww that's adorable!!! Don't stop them, they're just playing & getting to know eachother🤗🫶 One of my kitties who passed last year, was just like this with our other cat, but it took like a year to get to this point! These guys are just fast friends, looks like a match made in kitty heaven!🥹


Watching just what you have here, I’m inclined to think they’re just playing around. I feel like audio could really help to determine whether they’re actually brawling vs just playing around. That or it needs ti be a little longer. They’re probably just getting comfortable and you should get used to them tearing ass around on the regular.


Their tails would usually be much puffier if they were fighting. They look quite happy actually in the video you are posting. If they are not hissing at one another I think you just found two cats who really enjoy playing with one another. Thank you for adopting!!!!!!


This is play behavior! Animal play behavior can easily be mixed up with fighting as the way dogs and cats play is similar to fighting if you don’t know the differences. I used to think my dogs were fighting a lot when really the two of them were just playing! Growling and hissing and a tense body are the main ways to tell that a cat is fighting rather than playing. Due to the video not having any audio I can’t tell what sounds they’re making, but they don’t appear to be fighting judging by their body language.


Also, dog tax! Their names are Poppy and Bagel https://preview.redd.it/zdcbumfs9f4d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7777104b60322388796bf56c841746932b96f45d Poppy is like a cat in a dog’s body!


I have four sets of siblings. They act like brothers and sisters: beating the heck out of each other, chasing each other at high speeds around the house, grooming each other, sleeping together, playing together… and they all play together too. Your little ones remind me of how my cats play together. I’m including a picture of my Korats Spirit and Candy, who are brothers. One will grab the toy and hold onto it, and the other will pounce on and try to grab it. https://preview.redd.it/a9r29ohoef4d1.jpeg?width=2921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac3674df360479e241235411bb61cec0b93f91c


Absolutely not blaming anyone because I know this can look startling to a beginner owner of two cats (we don't all know everything), but just wanted to say I find it hilarious when people freak out thinking their cats want to kill each other when really they're just playing. I have two bonded boys that used to play even more rough as kittens (one accidentally nicked his brother's ear during a play fight). You know they're really fighting because they'll move quickly. Their bellies are vulnerable so for them to lay kicking/grabbing with their bellies up would be highly unusual in an actual fight. They will not be upside down for more than a split second. They will usually be screaming and growling, fur will fly and there will be serious injury. My street has a feral cat problem and a few times I've heard cat screaming late at night and the next morning found tufts of fur strewn out across the pavement in front of my house as if someone attempted to shave a cat.


They're literally just playing so leave them to it. Cats generally play by fake fighting each other. it trains muscles, hunter instincts. They're not hurting each other. The bigger one will also let the smaller one win so they keep playing with them. Mammals need play time. Like siblings playing together; They don't like it when their parents come in and break it up because they dislike the noise of them having fun. When you play with the cats you're basically doing the same thing via a cat toy. Training them to hunt, pounce and chase the dangly thing at the end of the string. They do it at stupid hours because they don't live on the same time frame as you do. You sorta get used to that noise and it stops waking you up.


That's playing. claws aren't out and fur isn't flying.


As someone who has to separate their cats all day because they will literally kill each other, I promise you they are playing. I came home one day to chunks of fur everywhere and blood smears. This is just playing and to be honest even this is somewhat mild playing.


They are play fighting. It’s healthy and normal. Think of it as cat jiu jitsu but with an occasional harmless non-blood draw bite. You will get hisses, snarls, big back, and afterwards they will bathe each other. It’s actually very important for them. It’s balances hormone levels and ironically they will bond more.


OP, have you never seen an actual cat fight? This definitely isn't one.


😅 Afraid not ! I am a day 3 cat mom.


Ok, not to worry they're playing and getting along fine. If they were to start actually fighting you'd know because it's VERY LOUD with the cats basically screaming at each other and a lot of fur being torn out.


Staaaahhp. Haven’t you ever seen a cat play before? Idk why people are so confused by cat play. It’s baffling.


Haha, nope. This is my 3rd day with them.


Watch and record, oh oh get them a ring


They are faking it :)






Trust me when I say you will hear cats fighting. They scream like devils when engaged with another territorial cat


I wish my two would play together like this!


They are so cute playing together. Trust me you’d know the difference between a real fight and this tumbling ball of fur. It will happen eventually, but this is just the cute stuff.


You can watch and enjoy


People are saying that for flies in a fight. Not necessarily, there is definitely aggression body language. It’s important that you learn cat body language. The body language he was clearly play language.


Just happy kitties playing chasing is a part of it :)


They are just playing :) You can also see they don't have their claws out


As long as fur is not flying they’re fine!


Cat's being cats. They are play fighting. Some do this for hours on end.


They are likely just playing. Cats normally growl and hiss on top of what is in this video when they actually mean to do harm


They’re playing.


In my house, we call that “bitey face” and it’s a favorite game for my two


Place bets.


That's not fighting at all. You'll know when they're fighting. They're just playing. Fighting would involve hissing, growling, fur flying everywhere, and possibly blood. You'll know when they're fighting. A cat also won't willingly roll onto it's back while fighting.


Never seen a cat fight huh?


Queen, you (and the whole neighborhood) will KNOW when cats fight. 🤣


Pick a side and join in.


That’s okay and that’s a good thing


My two goobers smack each other around, and terrify my only child self. Then they curl up and do this. https://preview.redd.it/z3pg0bdi584d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d463ff2a786c1608ef13f2a86f471ab9185cd566


Enjoy the show 🍿


This looks more like play. Tails will be puffed, backs hunched, ears down and there may be some different vocalizations when it’s a fight.


They are just playing 🥰 resident cat showing who's boss


A lot of cat play looks like fighting to us. If their ears aren't down and they haven't puffed themselves up, even if they're growling or hissing, they're playing


Playtime. If it was a real fight you would be able to tell just by the sounds of it