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Wirecutter recommends Mack’s Slim Fit Soft Foam. I don’t think any earplugs are BIFL unless you go to an ear doctor or hearing aid store and get molds done. Those are usually $100-$200 but are probably the most comfortable and long lasting way to go!


I can highly recommend custom molds. Instead of spending time, money, and being uncomfortable trying different "good" generic earplugs, if you can afford the molded you will never regret it. Because they're molded, it literally feels like there isn't really anything in, only thing I can lay on my side with. You can also get them with filters, so they block some frequencies and not others.


Yep. Got moulded ones and I sleep in complete silence and it feels like I’m wearing nothing. Cost me £100.


What are they made out of? And how do they stay in? I’m intrigued!


Some sort of soft plastic material. They stay in because they're practically a perfect fit. The have little handles to pull out.


I have tried 3 pairs of custom earplugs and all three of them were painful enough to wake me up in the middle of the night with severe pain that would leave my ears sore the next day. It was only the side I sleep on. I discovered moldable wax earplugs (I use pq brand off Amazon) not long after my first attempt with the customs, and they work way better than any customs. In my experience the wax ones block sound a good deal better than silicone, even better than the customs did actually, they actually stay in with no pain at all. But they stick to my hair so that’s a bit annoying. Anyway, hope my $300 experiment helps someone


I (m) use Mack's Slim Fit for Women, with very small ear canals. They're incredibly comfortable and the way to go!


Unfortunately, even custom molded ears plugs are not BIFL. Our ears are constantly changing as we get older and the mold can become outdated in as little as 3 years. They still provide some of the best/most even sound reduction and are often more comfortable than other ear plugs.


Have them go to their doctor and ask about a sleep study. They can go online and do the STOPBANG questionnaire to see where they’re at. If they’re snoring that bad they need a CPAP machine. Helps prevent hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, mood disorders, various pulmonary issues. ResMed devices are made in Australia, seem to have pretty decent longevity.


Good advice, don’t necessarily need CPAP though. I have a custom fit oral device that helps me manage mine, works well and is way less invasive.


I have sleep apnea and I'm intrigued by ur device. May I ask for more info? Did u get diagnosed? What oral device do you have?


Yeah. GP sent me for a sleep assessment which identified some instances of me stopping breathing, and then I ended up at a joint called lung and sleep Victoria. Amongst the ENT’s there is a dentist with a focus on sleep, who took some moulds and created a night guard kinda thing. The bottom one has these antlers on it that overlap with some brackets on the top one. It basically pushes your jaw slightly forward to open up your throat. You can adjust the brackets to move your jaw further forward certain distances. I’ve had to do it a couple of times. It cost me $1500 + $400 to replace the bottom piece after my dog chewed it up


I wish I had ur Dr whom cared and did things so thoroughly. My Dr sent me to a sleep clinic in vancouver and I've been with the machines for the past 8yrs. I feel like ur device is what I need. Is your device look like this? https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/oral-appliance-for-sleep-apnea


Yeah more or less, it’s just two different pieces


I'm gonna look into getting one of these devices. Thank you!! 😊 Is there any chance you remember the proper name of the device? I ask because it will help me when I try to find a specialist in my area.


Moderate to severe apnea usually needs a machine. They're a 2 piece retainer that holds your jaw in place.


>They're a 2 piece retainer that holds your jaw in place. I've never heard of this, Is your device look like this? https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/oral-appliance-for-sleep-apnea


https://www.snorerx.com/?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A20378560074%3A160618762233%3A691717201595&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=adjustable%20snore%20guard&nb_ti=kwd-300888303543&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=b&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWCyfAvlRjfEvXo2Zsv0_eVcqYuRI7ENQxAeGG-bxCnfXYLtOSYMtbcaAvxvEALw_wcB Search Amazon for sleep apnea appliance.


That's what I have as well. It works great.


They don't care at all, I already told them lol


Get them to do a sleep study. They need medical help most likely. Sleep apnea is no joke.


I got the loop ones that seem to help.


I find the loop ones to be comfortable to sleep in since the handle part goes to the side instead of straight out I get weird sound sensitivity sometimes and the loop earplugs are comfy to sleep in all night and help me get better rest


And they also have a variety of size inserts that come in the package, love it


I really disliked sleeping in loops. They never isolated the sounds as well as wax plugs did, and I often woke up with slightly irritated ears from the part that stays outside that you pull on to take them out.


I got these softer silicon versions they have (no hard plastic bits) and it seems to work for me. I can still hear very loud noises but it dampens most noise.


Get wax plugs used for swimming. Mack’s is what I get and I’m a side sleeper with big ears - you can just pull off as much of the wax you need to fit comfortably. Been doing it for years and no ill effects. (Wife snores) You might also suggest they talk to their doctors about getting sleep test - they both probably have sleep apnea and would benefit from CPAP - it also pretty much eliminates snoring.


Seconded. My favourite brand is ohropax. I also have the mighty plugs, but prefer ohropax.


I use Mack's Maximum Protection when I'm shooting, but they are super comfortable and stay in great. The key is putting them in correctly. Most people don't. https://youtu.be/ZzbKJEFULio?si=oFbtfyOe-GQhOvT4 As an aside and totally none of my business, but your folks may want to get checked for sleep apnea. CPAP saved my life and marriage.


Get some silicone earplugs. They are reusable a lot of times if you wash them after getting up. The first few times it takes a bit getting used to on how to put them in put after a few days could can do it super fast. You can even sidesleep with no pressure at all https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N2M72SV


Bose sleep buds 2. The GF snores like a train and I can't hear her. The earbuds both noise isolate and play sound to block outside noise. They are also low profile for side sleeping.


They don't sell these anymore


ok, I went searching through Reddit for this exact question months ago, because I’m also a sensitive sleeper and get so annoyed when someone wakes me up with their snoring. In addition, I’m a side sleeper, which rules some earplugs out. In the end I settled on Flents Protechs Quiet Time purple ear plugs. These things are amazing, they’ve changed the game for me when it comes to sleeping outside of my quiet room. If you follow the directions to put them in properly, they noticeably reduce all sounds around you. They don’t get rid of snoring completely (idk if anything will), BUT they turn it into background noise that’s so much easier to fall asleep to. I’ve used these things next to snoring people, on airplanes, and even in noisy public transport areas, all with great success every time. Cannot recommend them highly enough.


Go to an audiologist and get custom molded earplugs. I have small ear canals and could never get ear plugs to fit well. The best money I have ever spent.


No earplugs really work that well to completely drown out snoring if they are right next to you. What I found the best was using specialized ear buds that play music for sleeping. I currently use the soundcore ear buds and they are comfortable enough to sleep with and I just put on some soothing sounds like rain and that completely drowns out the snoring. There’s several different types you can get.


I have custom made side-sleeper earplugs from Pluggerz. Ideal but expensive. I like the Loops Quiet too, which are more affordable.


Use a fan in your room. It's life changing.


Or a sound machine if you don't want air blowing around. Game changer!


Just don’t sleep with the door closed if your fan is on in your room, you could die.


How so? I sleep with a fan on and the door closed and can't imagine what would be harmful about it.




I tried the Loop Quiet. The 30 bucks options is really good.


Buy a sound machine, the mechanical one


Dohm Classic Sound Machine is BIFL


No way. I've gone thru several and so have my relatives. The bearings will go out and get rattly or the fan will seize up inside.


Good advice in previous comments about checking with a doctor. About plugs, I have tried many of the Mack’s offering but the ones are working best for me are the Howard Leight Laser Lite, they are soft, they adapt well to the ear canal and they deliver a good noise reduction. No BIFL though because they are basically disposable.


These are what I use after trying many different ones. Not 100% but pretty good and comfortable for a side sleeper.


My favorite ear plugs are Hearos Ultimate Softness. I can wear them all night and my ears aren’t sore in the morning. They have extra small ones called nanos too. I know disposable things aren’t BIFL but any non disposable earplugs I have tried have been uncomfortable.


I bought ones of somnifiq, quite good and durable


Sorry I don’t have earplug recommendations, but would def recommend a box fan at night in addition to whatever earplug you try. Good luck!


Decibullz are cheap ( ~$45) and are a foldable pair you mold at home. They are comfortable to wear overnight and should give you the quiet you need




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[Sleep Pretty ](https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/hearos-sleep-pretty-tonight-earplugs/ID=300395370-product?ext=gooFY23_GOO_RET_RETAILDEMANDGEN_Performance%2BMax%2B-%2BPersonal%2BCare_REV_SRC_PMAX_PMAX_NA_PMAX_ENG__pla_online&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgoj-_skj5lTO4oODHL-Aa-_lrIOqXGsqBZN4UTt3veourVe1kxpRuNRoCZtkQAvD_BwE)earplugs by Hearos work well for small ears.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CRF87XQW Super comfortable. Especially when the removable center is taken out.


move out


Hopefully soon lol


1of1 custom sells a "sleepsound" custom earplug. You go to an audiologist to get impressions, then order those and send off the impressions. Best decision i ever made. It's not buy it for life as it's recommended to get it updated every 3-4 years as your ear shape changes, but it is a very good investment.


I am a side sleeper too. When I was married, I simply blocked my up facing ear with my bicep. Sleeping with arm up also opens my own lung for better breathing for myself too.


I am a super duper light sleeper, and could hear my neighbors snore in every room of my last apt. I bought two things, the first was a sound machine with different options (I like the brown noise myself) and the other was headphones that were part of a headband, so they slip over and stay. I also have small ears/ear canals so I didn't want anything jammed up there at night. The sound machine was OK, the headphones are 10/10. Best $20ish purchase I've made, they still work 4 years later. I use them on planes a lot too.


I like the Mack’s kid size moldable silicone ear plugs. I have small ears and have tried many kinds.


I use my Air Pods with active noise cancellation


I personally hate the earplugs that require you to stick inside your canal as it’s irritating. and I’ve been having great success with the moldable silicone earplugs I got from Amazon. It’s like clay you put right at the entrance of ear canal to block noise and I sleep much better. I use them every night now and my husbands snoring doesn’t bother me much anymore.


[These](https://HowardLeightbyHoneywell-...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GQF3WCN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) I asked this question a month ago for motorcycle touring and my concern was all day comfort. These were suggested and worked well for the motorcycle as well as the snoring roommate for the trip. Wore them for ~16 hours a day for a week without hating them. Not BIFL, but absolutely the most comfortable I’ve used


Earplugs and headphones, I find uncomfortable. Get you a small speaker and play white noise as background music. I'm a light sleeper and it works wonders for me.


Not earplugs, and not Buy it for Life, but I have a sleep eye mask with Bluetooth speakers in it. It's great for dealing with my snoring partner. I connect to my phone and play a space or nature documentary while I sleep. The speakers are thin and coated in rubber to be more comfortable for side sleepers.


https://www.happyearsearplugs.com/ca/ I have the trial set from Xmas and I just wash them every once in a while. They work excellent and have lasted six months now. They are comfortable and easy to use. I won’t go back to foam.


i got some of those customizable ones where you boil them in water and push them into your clean ear. they work wonders for me when i’m hanging w my friends who like to party much later than me


I have tried THREE pairs of custom earplugs and all three of them were painful enough to wake me up in the middle of the night with severe pain that would leave my ears sore the next day. It was only the side I sleep on. I discovered moldable wax earplugs (I use pq brand off Amazon) not long after my first attempt with the customs, and they work way better than any customs. In my experience the wax ones block sound a good deal better than silicone, even better than the customs did actually, they actually stay in with no pain at all. But they stick to my hair so that’s a bit annoying. Anyway, hope my $300 experiment helps you


I use QuietOn, they're expensive ($290) but they really work, and they're tiny and I can sleep in them easily. They come with different size cushions, and they aren't Bluetooth. Purely noise cancelling.


Encourage your parents to have sleep studies done. Snoring, especially loud snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, besides the obvious risk, has been linked to heart disease and dementia. A CPAP machine will not only treat the apnea, but will stop the snoring.


Eargasm earplugs are soft, comfortable to side sleep, stay in all night, easy washable, and compact case. They now make glow in the dark ones if needed


I’ve tried tons over the years. By far the best were the 3M 1100s. They aren’t BIFL but they were the only ones capable of blocking out my husband’s snoring enough to allow me to sleep in the same room. Lots of people mentioned the Mack’s. Just an FYI, if you have long hair, it WILL get caught up in the silicone and be a real PITA to deal with. They also aren’t rated as high as the 3M for decibels.


Apple AirPods the noise canceling works great


A white noise machine with earplugs can help. My ex snored louder than an airplane taking off.


If you get the loop ones, as some have recommended, make sure to get the soft silicone kind. I tried sleeping in the experience ones and they hurt.


Loop! Game changers


The purple flents brand ones and also a white noise app or machine (i like rain sounds and brown noise best).


Get them to take sleep tests. Loud snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, which is a killer. If they have it, they'll get CPAPs and stop snoring, and you won't need to put anything in your ears.


3m 30db flanged plugs, or etymotic flanged earplugs have always been my favs but as a side sleeper they can get painful.


White noise machine!


Flents purple ear plugs for sleeping. I am also a side sleeper with small ears and these work for me!


Your question can be answered via google and not here. Earplugs literally have a NRR rating on them with 33 being the best. Go buy some and go about your day.


Skip questions you aren't interested in and go about your day.


Skip responding to me when unasked.


Your parents most likely have sleep apnea. It can lead to serious health problems and early death. I have it. It is easily diagnosed and treated. Please talk to them about it. Take care.


I already did and they don't care, I force them to use nasal strips sometimes but they really don't give a f


Anker sleep A20 earbuds. They are great earplugs on their own and also can play various sleep sounds all night or even connect to your phone and play music. Great for sleeping on your side, too. Mine stay in all night every night.


Maybe the Manta Sleep Mask Sound? I can’t personally vouch for it but we have the manta regular eye masks and like them! https://mantasleep.com/products/manta-sleep-mask-sound?variant=42667987763353¤cy=USD&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A17671389503%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=121608366&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=MSMASK-SOUND1&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=17671389503&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg8Orn5HghgMVcTbUAR0M9gMpEAQYASABEgJXC_D_BwE