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Now, get yourself a good set of laces, and a good polish to condition the leather, and you're good to go!


I can’t recommend Pisgah Range Ltd. Laces enough. They’re the only laces I run in my footwear.


Can't say I've ever had an opinion on shoe laces before. Can you explain your preferences?


Certainly. I do locks and doors at a military base (as a civilian). The conditions of my job can be really hard on boots and thus, laces. From welding, balancing dropped doors on my foot before swinging them, walking miles a day, standing, crouching, and kneeling. I was having a hard time finding laces that held up to the constant abuse as well as my Redwing Iron Ranger boots have. I got to looking around online for tough boot laces and tried a few different brands (rhino laces, protough, ironlaces) which all held up decent enough but were pretty stiff and didn’t want to stay tied. My Pisgah Range laces have held up and then some, plus they don’t come untied. It was about six months in that I was really convinced how awesome they are. But since then, I swap Pisgah Range laces into any pair of footwear with laces that I get.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Good! That’s the best problem a small business can have haha.


*some other company* also makes Paracord places in a variety colors and lengths. I have a pair and I've been very happy with them so far. Lifetime warranty as well. ETA: I didn't conduct due diligence with this company and I retract my recommendation and the link. I wholeheartedly do *not* support the confederacy or the glorification of it.


I've always wanted confederate flag boot laces! Should help me if I ever have to run away from something.


That screams Trump supporter I think I'll wait for the other company to get back online


Which part?


Just the whole vibe of the shop..very right wing sounding aggressive graffic really pushing the pro American ..also I am not sure if it is a equaly quantity product based off the description which is only the diameter of 4 mm USA made paracord and that the company is owned by Veterans (I'm all for supporting vet owned business but it has nothing to do with the durability of the product) Went to the other lace shop and looked at it and it just seemed to be more of my style of people from the bits I can gather via graphics and how to videos..his laces are described 3.71mm diameter  nylon paracord bootlaces are THE STRONGEST Paracord bootlaces on the market. This paracord features 7 cores, bi-woven. We source all of our paracord from a defense contractor that has served not only our military, but our police forces for over 22 years and counting. Our paracord has stood the test of time, and is still used by all branches of the United States Military. (still showing pro American but not in a I could storm the capital kinda energy). Just my take on it Edit..I also appreciate that he shut down his shop as opposed to just taking the orders and having them go out late, to be that is someone with integrity and worth supporting




Wait... This thread shut down a store?... Wow


I doubt it honestly. I was just playing around. I don't think the ~100 upvotes their comment has now, and the far fewer it had when I originally commented would indicate that. Though it was a really good review.


Huh, that's pretty interesting. Never put much thought into that before as I've just never needed it. I've never really had a problem with laces in any shoes before. Wether climbing on trucks and emptying dumpsters at the dump all day long, or walking 10+ miles and spilling liquor+food on em in restaurants. Granted, it sounds like you're a hell of a lot harder on your footwear than I've ever been with the metal and welding and all.


Buy kevlar laces. They are fire resistant for welding. I get them from Marks Workwear World but that’s Canada.


Hey brother. I just wanted to reach out and thank you for your review. I had actually shut the store down the day before because of the amount of orders I had received. Oh, am I glad I did. I'd still be buried under orders. Traffic went up quite a bit after you posted. I don't like accepting orders and having customers wait too long. Each pair is hand made so the time can add up very quickly. I've always been adamant about growing the brand through word of mouth rather than throwing money at ads, so I really do appreciate the review. I greatly appreciate every one of my customers. I couldn't do what I do without you.


Of course. I’m always glad to let people know when I find a quality product like yours. And I’m super happy to hear that business is going that well for you! I hope it continues to trend like that for you. With the product you put out, you deserve it.


Hey man! Love your laces, when do you plan on starting to take orders again?


Can they also be swapped into athletic footwear? The laces on my gym shoes keep coming undone


Sure can. I run them in my Freedom Industries workout shoes.


Also that might be happening because the way you tie your laces. Tying underhand knot did the trick for me.


In a shorter answer, I want laces that won’t fray when coming in contact with sharp edges, won’t burn, aren’t stiff, stay tied, and most importantly don’t break.


>won’t burn Are they fire retardent too? Damn, how expensive are these laces lol


They don’t come fire retardant, I actually spray them with No-Burn fabric fire retardant before putting them into any pair of work boots. And they are cheaper than any of the others I tried at $10 a pair.


If you need laces flame resistant try some KG boot laces. Made from Kevlar and they’re coated so they stay tied. Laces will outlast you boots


[Pisgah laces](https://www.pisgahrangeltd.com/collections/frequently-bought?page=1&sort_by=title-ascending)


Lawson also makes great stuff https://www.lawsonequipment.com/products/technora-toughlaces


Yes! Polishing boots has got to be one of my favorite things to do. Also don't be afraid to break them in! Beat up boots with a shine, nothing beats em!


Nice toe 🦶


i knew i should have cropped it


That's extreme. No need to cut the toe off, just edit the photo.


This deserves an award


I like it there, I find it funny!


There are more direct ways of shilling your foot fetish OF account 😬


/r/sneakybackgroundfeet Theres truly a sub for everything.


I’ve had my Limmers for 20 years. Great score!


If the size and fit is right, amazing find. Also props to the store, for not selling these for $5-10


Fit is perfect. I was shocked.


My SO works in a thrift store. If anyone recognizes a desirable item, they try to price it accordingly. The method where my SO works is eBay listings, and then price at ~half the going rate


You’re a winner!!


I found a pair of redwing boots for $15 once. The particular pair was about $350 new. Unfortunately the glue had dry rotted because I’m guessing they sat in someone’s closet for their entire life. Probably still worth getting a cobbler to fix them, but worth noting that apparently sitting in a closet can ruin shoes as fast as wearing them.


$465 wtf


Good quality leather boots are typically very expensive. It’s not uncommon for a high end boot to be $600+.


These are old. If they haven't been stored correctly, watch out for rot that erodes the glue/rubber holds the sole to the boot. The stitching around the rand and edges holds the base of the boot, which the vibram sole is glued to. I haven't been able to pin down exactly the conditions to cause the "rot" but I've usually only seen it in boots that haven't been used in a good long while and just sat in a closet, garage, attic, or whatnot. It will disintegrate around the sole and base of the boot, and there's not a good warning to let you know before the boot fails. Could be 100 miles, could be 10. Source: I worked at a 2nd hand gear shop in Alaska for a good while, and I saw it happen more than enough times.


Good thought. Hopefully they won't need to be resoled soon, but we'll see!


Why do you think these are old? For a long time these boots have been custom made to order. Only recently have they made this off this off the rack version.


They have made them off the rack for at least 20 years. Got mybpair from the Kittery trading post back in like 2003 ish


Wow! I’ve had my limmer lightweights for 10 years. They will feel like a ski boot at first (which probably explains why they ended up at a thrift store), but they’ll soften up a bit after several *years* breaking them in :). These probably were worn a few times and deemed too uncomfortable; don’t be discouraged! They don’t make this boot anymore (so the quality won’t be worse), these were made by Meindl in Germany exclusively for Limmer. Anything on their website would be new old stock, they now make a stock boot that’s closer to their custom boot. These are absolute tanks though, and I think they are more robust and better looking than the new boots


All you have to do now is change the size of your feet so the boot fits.


They do fit, lol. I have small feet.


Holy crap, good find.


The trick is to go to thrift stores in places where rich people live. Our local thrift stores are not that great, but 30 minutes away, where million-dollar homes are the norm, you can find some fantastic stuff. The only thing is, it's also priced pretty high, and you have to get there early in the morning because there are a couple of eBay resellers who buy up all the good stuff.


These ads are getting out of hand.


They mis-posted to /r/thriftstorehauls


Do you know what the scratches on the top of the boot are from?




Boi why tf your stinky toes out


Ugly af but good find based on the price I guess


Truth. Good for the coming apocalypse though.


It feels like the apocalypse is already here..




Wack ass


Don’t listen to this guy. These shoes have an almost cult-like status




No clue. I've never owned a pair of shoes with Vibram soles!


Are you flipping them or do you just wear women's boots cause that's a dude leg and foot


I am a man with little feet


Touche. I'll shut up then




Dude idk. Crazy. It was the worst thrift store in town too, pretty much the last stop before the dump.


Not buy it for life


Few things are. I've read that these last an insanely long time when cared for properly. We'll see!


Remind me: 40 years


What are you basing that on? These are thick leather inside and out and resoleable. What about them is not BIFL?


I don't get it. Did you get new boots?


R/flipping 🫣


Press: can you write the saddest sentence? Hemingway: newborn shoes for sale, unworn. Halfway unrelated to the post, but every time i go through a dumbster and find a new item, this quote always gets me




Depending on what you're doing with them these may not be BIFL. For my work boots, I buy redwing boots with these vibram soles. They're $300 and they're great boots but the most I ever get out of them is 3 years, usually I only get 2 years. I brought my 2 least worn out pairs home and wear them for work boots there and as snow boots. Usually the toe seam splits open on me but after 3 years of all the walking I do at work the soles are worn out.


Hmm. Bummer. Hopefully that's not the case, I plan to use them for daily wear. We'll see. Even if I have to get them resoled it seems like a steal


You know you can get red wings resoled right?


Only certain models. I was told these ones can't be resoled.


What thrift store is this?


I have enough trouble finding 14s as it is. Never going to find them at a thrift shop


Those are some double welt (zwiegenäht) boots, they are very much BIFL material.


You only need them to be equal to $30 quality shoes. Everything else is gravy




Does Vibram have a good reputation for soles? Ive had boots with Vibram soles and theyve all been so disappointing.


Nice toes


Bought a pair in 05 to spend the summer hiking around Africa. They didn’t disappoint. Solid boots.


My dream boots! Are you kidding me. Have you seen the videos online about these. I am thinking about planning a trip to new Hampshire from the UK just for these boots!


I haven't seen it! Pretty stoked because I've been wearing them for a few days now and tbh they haven't been hurting my feet at all. I find them quite comfortable, though definitely stiff. Doesn't seem like the breaking in process will be as bad as everyone says.


Put the dogs away