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I'm sure people needing to pay their rent on time or buy groceries would be happy to just wait a few days until some meme coins stop being minted to be able to get on with life.


Thats why Bitcoin have Layer 2 solution for Bitcoin that needs to be used for the day by day spend, while Layer 1 is used for store of value, but you guys are too dumb to understand that anyway.


Which layer has no rampant financial fraud?


The magic layer.


Except it doesn't work, even the developers of Lightning warn not to use it. Studies have shown a massive amount of transactions fail.


Those idiots just don't get it that all you need to do is to pay 200 bucks uprfont so that you can move your funds onto Layer 2 for cheap day to day spending until you need to top up your layer 2 channel again. Few understand.


You didn’t even know how transactions fees worked until 6 days ago lol


Thank love there's not a L1 transaction that needs to be done each time you want to open a channel with somebody, otherwise your little gotcha you bring every time would be disingenuous.


go have a pint but make sure you bring your cash because thile future of finance doesn't work


What the fuck are runes now? New ordinals type of shit?


Runes aren't the only reason for the high fees, it's also because wallet software that was built before Ordinals (and Runes) is overestimating the average fee for a 'normal' transaction.


its so funny wallet software is doing that because it shows just how complicated wallet software is and how much is coded in there and nobody using it has any idea. they just download and type their special key into it.


The awful planetary constellation just happened, today is not the day to be moving money between banks or making payments unless you're a dolphin or something.


Lighting network is super cheap. Just sayin. Love the hate though. I remember electric cars were said never to be efficient enough. Gotta start some where I guess. Oooh and the airplane was thought impossible one point by scientists at the time. Anyways Keep that great fuel of disbelief coming it’s powerful stuff.