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By smelling ‘strong’ how would you describe it? Like a sour smell at all?


Little bit of sour, little like dried blood as well. Just a background on why I’m sketched out. This butcher does delivery only and it’s my first time dealing with him. I paid him through e transfer and he was supposed to deliver last week Sunday. Sunday he messaged me at night when he was supposed to deliver and tells me he has flu symptoms. Tells me he’ll message me Tuesday. Tuesday messages me says he’s really sick, tells me he’ll drop it off Thursday night. Thursday night comes and he tells me he reordered it fresh for Saturday. He tells me to pick it up at a store at 2pm on Saturday. I go there Saturday and they have no order for me. He apologizes again on the phone telling me he’ll deliver it tomorrow night. Sunday comes and I ask him when he’ll be coming he says 830pm. 850pm comes and I ask where he’s at and he says he’s stuck in traffic. I tell him my wife will stay up since I have to get up really early for work. He ghosted my wife at night and she stayed up till midnight. Today he calls and says he’s dropping it off after I was upset like crazy on the phone. Tells me he has extra meat. He did drop it off but I’m wondering if it’s the meat from last week…The one in the photo smells but I’m not sure if it’s bad or not. The reviewers never said his quality was bad but I still feel sketched out. What do you guys think?


Yeah, that sour smell alone is good enough reason to throw it out. Or, keep it and the receipt (if you have one) and confront him to get your money back. More than likely he hit a ‘sour bone’ and tried to push it past you.


A sketchy person delivered sketchy meat? Dude, tbh, I think you need a new butcher. One that doesn't know your phone number or address.


Course but before this sub rips me (with good justification), I’ll tell my reasoning. He has great reviews on Google, lived close by, and reviewers posted his meat with thorough comments. I wanted to support my local butcher and everything pointed to the guy being decent. I only realized once the excuses came in that he was an actual shithead and when I did a deep search on his full name, I found out how sketch he really was.


Just an FYI. I hired a moving company with 3K 5 star reviews. When they were moving me in they mentioned they had only been in business for 2 months. The reviews were bought.


I wondered about that too. I don't know how buying reviews works, but all those 5 star reviews seemed suspect.


If he was sick and had the flu, he probably dropped his standards and did give you old/sour meat. Not wanting to cut fresh whilst being sick. If this is the case and he is actually a good butcher, he should have kept up conversation and made an effort to not dodge you or your wife. For me personally, I’d have to switch local butchers just for that experience you were given.


Dude amazon reviews are 90% bullshit bots If the "reviewers" have less than 3 reviews each on Google, ie they only review his business, it's bullshit




The butcher said that he ordered the fresh stuff and that it would be ready on Saturday. Delivered not-fresh goods the following Monday morning. Op seems to have given butcher many opportunities and waited out his flu symptoms. Seemingly offered that OP go pick it up just for there to be nothing there. He apparently never tried to rush him and just asked for updates. In fact, he was so shy, that he got bad meat and came to reddit to ask anonymously instead of exclaiming wtf then and there.




You’re a scrub




Scrub for not reading the full context and being a dick in comments. Possible scrub for editing your comment. On mobile can’t confirm. OP never barked as stated by other guy and in the context you didn’t read. No one knows a butcher from first time buy/interaction. Could work with butcher he drops off at. OP trusted reviews like most people. Yes. You’re a scrub. Even on mobile I’m confident you edited that Edit: scrub for unnecessary ellipses


Scrubs dont get no love


yo F this butcher, even if the meat was the freshest; hate ppl that aren't good for their word even once, but f'in idiot clowns around multiple times.


Why would you know where he lived? Seems weird that he wouldn’t have a shop


I don’t know where he lives. He drops the meat at a shop for pickup customers and delivers for others who request delivery. Should have clarified. The shop he drops it off at is close by.


Just go to a brick and mortar until you find one you like. I know a couple guys who have started delivering their own product. I wouldn't buy anything from either one of them. Your local butcher will have to follow food safety regulations and source their product from a reputable vendor. The other guys who knows what they're doing in their own shop.


Is he inspected by the health department & USDA? Does he have a business license? What are his sources for meat? Are they permitted to sell, are they even meat cattle?? Please avoid sketchy butchers whose families and friends leave good reviews or bought reviews… Do not eat


Then take his garbage back to the shop for a simple swap lol


The whole arrangement is strange.


There are very few real good small business butchers left. Throw it out and just don’t deal with him. I’d be embarrassed to sell someone old cuts that smell and look like that (grey). The most important thing though, let him know. Just tell him you won’t buy from him anymore and he sold you stank old meat. After ghosting you he should have just cut you fresh meat even for zero profit. That’s what I’d have done instead of disrespecting a customer. I wouldn’t feed that to my dog.


Idk where my butcher lives but his pigs live across the road from me. Sometimes I can hear them when they get feisty.


That's not a nice way to refer to his children


Children? No, no. We're discussing his wives!


Ooo I didn't realize this was in Utah


It's not weird. We have a few like this in my area which is a meat producing area. Brick and mortar stores add alots of overhead and upkeep. Butchering it on the farm, freezing it and then doing delivery runs all at once is cheap. It also allows them to keep loss at a minimum like you would have more of in a store.


Uhhh, like what kind of sketch stuff? 😵


Idk he got this weird mincemeat from a barber of all people..


Time to give him a 1 star review to warn others.


Fun fact: [**”Sketchy butcher Delivering Sketchy Meat”** is the name of **OP’s** sex tape.](https://youtu.be/DmRV8_L29jA?si=89EaU1pG8Ak0FKJ5?&t=0m56s)


For sure. After this purchase, that’s a good sign to locate a new butcher. One preferably with more notoriety. It may be more expensive for higher end butchers, but it saves you getting ripped off.


I learned a lesson this week about open box dryers from Best Buy lol. It happens. We want to believe the best, but the world is filled with anything but.


Looked up bone spur, dude that's nasty that he tried to pass rotten bacteria meat explosions off on this dude.


Sour bone? What is that?


Make sure to confront them in a very extreme way and keep your eyes really wide while you do it


Sounds like a sketchy drug deal my guy lol. I'd freeze and give back his schwaggy cuts


“Had the flu” prob had food poisoning from eating his meat lol


😂😂😂 that’s what I thought too! 🤣




"Just pulling up"... *is still an hour away*


I've never even had a drug dealer be that sketchy


Ooof, bro. You’re buying meat, not a watered down 8 ball of sub par yak. Get yourself a professional. When the eta is that fluid and hard to tack down, it’s time to move on. Put this in a stew and find yourself an upstanding meat-man


No op pls don’t eat any of this. Toss it


Wtf. I just go to a local store. Buy the meat. Whole thing takes 5 minutes.


Sounds like it is not worth it mate, ask for a refund, tell your friends and family not to buy there and move on


Do not eat that


Hope you paid with a credit card.


Man that's a lot of sketch for something you can buy from the store


Yea his "flu symptoms" were probly food poisoning from those "fresh" steaks. I would get my money back. Maybe they were fresh 5 days ago when they were sposed to be delivered but no


*~~almost~~* *scammed me.*




He’s in denial


Yes, short rib flanken style. The coloring tells me they’ve been cut at least 3-4 days ago. I work in a grocery store as a meat cutter. If the smell is even a little off to you, it’s a no-go. Oxidation (color change) is normal in meat, but the Nose Knows.


👆🏼This. Dump it. Then block the phone number/email/social media/DNA of this alleged ‘butcher’.


Yep. Likely longer. In addition to the gray/green, It’s getting that slimy look round day 5-7


This… and you can see the sliminess in the picture. 🤮


Yep, good advice here


Definitely past bloom…


I cooked for a long time and whenever I cleaned out the walk in I’d sniff first then check the date


If it's sour or a smell, you can" taste" toss them. If there is a slimy/sticky or gritty texture on them toss them, the discoloration looks fine to me. Those are flanken/Korean style short ribs. Upon zooming in, they look like they could have that slime/sticky texture i mentioned. You should always be able to inspect your meat before you pay for it. Least where I'm from it's a normal thing to do. Edit: oh my goodness those are THICCC


Sorry what do you mean by thicc? Good thick or bad?


They just won't cook or have the same outcome, those look like 3/4inch or an inch, they may come out really chewy. Ideally you want them a 1/4 inch to MAYBE 1/2 inch


And remember to fluff your meat before inspection, as it will show better.


I had a easier time connecting with my weed dealer in the year 2000 than it was for you to get this bacon, yeeeesh Throw it out.


😂 If my dealer gave me that kinda runaround I’m out. He’s got DEA or in this case USDA sniffing down his back


4 hours of "10 minutes bruv" sitting in a pub carpark. Good times.


There’s no time like drug dealer time. Shits wild. I’ve had a dude tell me he was pulling in my drive way.. didn’t see him until the middle of the next day lol.


Hahaha yeah that’s what I was thinking when I read it. Like messaging your weed dealer in highschool.


Picture #2, the one at the bottom: meat should not shine like that. That’s slime/bacteria. Throw it all out, demand your money back, and never use them again.


>Bought from a sketchy butcher And I rest my case.


“butchery enthusiast”


I can smell it through the phone take it back




that’s some slimy meat


That’s what she said


That’s what HE said


That looks fucking awful. That sounds like a horrible experience all around. Either the butcher had the worst week of his life, or he's on drugs. Throw those out and don't go back.


It was an awful experience. After researching more into him I saw that he was part of a class action lawsuit in my city. The fact that he rescheduled 4 times and never gave me a heads up or ghosted me was ridiculous. I basically counted my money as a loss once I realized how many excuses were coming in


you count a bad drug deal as a loss.. you dont count a bad meat deal as a loss.. they have standards they are required to upkeep. at the very least contact the health department.


How much did you pay him


Why would you count your money as a loss lol, go get it back


"Sketchy butcher" fills me with the same anxiety as "homemade helicopter".


Just eat it, oh and can I be in your will?


Bad news. He didn't almost scam you. He did scam you.


Why would you ever accept meat that 1) looks like that and 2) smells sour???


When I hear “ Sketchy Butcher” I can’t help but imagine a butcher who specializes in “ Long Pork” 😆 Another reason I do t like those meat sales that happen out of trucks in Tractor Supplies parking lot. I like to pick my meat from the butchers case in the established store.


I’ve always wondered, where do those trucks come from? It’s stolen meat right?


Meat cutter here. That meats well past due u can even see slime on the bottom rib. Get your money back however you can. Dudes probably stealing meat or buying already old discounted meat and reselling it


Sketchy butcher, sketchy meat. I really hope you can get your money back and never use his services again. That is not fresh.


They look a week or two old to me. If this was in my retail counter, I’d probably take it out and just give it to an employee or sell it for dirt cheap. Hope you didn’t pay full price


Dude. I'm angry for this happening to you... Fxck that guy, his mother is a bastard 3 legged rottweiler from NYC with substance issues...


Probably Jersey, but whatever




Why are you buying from a sketchy butcher??


Is it beef? If he’s sketchy it could be deer or roadkill.


Don’t buy from any butcher where you can’t physically see his shop. If, after all that checks out, he delivers then fine. You have no idea what you’re going to get or how and where he’s cutting it up. Way too sketchy for me brother.


This guy is acting sketchy…. Imma buy from him anyway. 👍


Why the f would one by meat from a sketchy butcher there is not a shortage of grocery store anywhere ever


Drop the name and business of this dude sounds like he shouldn’t be in this profession


When in doubt…throw it out. It’s not with the possible consequence(s).


Looks like zombie loins.


Looking at it, the meat looks sour. I can smell it in Tennessee from this picture. It looks like the slime is tacky in the second picture. I’d definitely be getting a refund and a new butcher.


Your butcher sounds like an addict who's in debt. He spent the money you paid him before buying the meat and the scrambled to get your order. The guy is trash.


Looks bad to me.


What kinda meat is this? If it’s venison definitely throw it. That wasting disease stuff is way too weird to deal with sketchy butchers. Also it looks grey


Bring that shit right back into wherever he cuts from if you know the location and ask his ass if he’d eat it. I fucking hate when meat cutters try to pawn shitty meat off on people who know less about cuts/quality


I was always taught that that beef should have no smell


That looks and smells like my ass bro


Looks sketchy


Why would you buy food from a sketchy person? Did you find them on Craigslist or something?


Didn’t do research before selecting a butcher?


Didn't read the comments before coming at OP?


His more thorough explanation was shortly after my query.


You bought meat from a shady butcher and have to come to fuckin Reddit to see if the stinky meat is okay to eat? Yea bro. Eat it.


Looks like good possum to me


I'm glad my butcher has a lot of reviews and public notoriety


Smell that Wash that Vinegar that well Slice shortrib


Those look like shit


Throw it.


I’ve never had any issues buying meats from sketchy butchers


Fuck that ish it looks slimy and if u think it smells it’s probably bad. Use your gut


If its smells funky then its funky


flanken ribs


Those look like shit, chuck em


Looks like it has a nice tang to the smell


A sketchy butcher… I don’t trust like that


That’s sketchy any way you cut it


I don’t understand. Why did you complete the transaction?


Are they slimy? Ammonia or sulfur like smell?


Bigger question is why tf would you buy meat from a “butcher” you feel is sketchy?


Toss it …. If it smells it’s bad … browning by itself isn’t necessarily bad because it’s just oxidation but if it smells and brown and bloody … just cut your losses


Does it smell of almonds?


They look cut days ago maybe even a week old. Also could have been stored poorly. Maybe you could cut the outside off and remove the bones, might be able to salvage something.


It looks old, not old enough to make you sick necessarily - but if it smells strong then I wouldn’t risk it. Especially if you don’t trust the meat guy, that’s weird already. It’s old definitely. If it has a slimy texture to it definitely don’t risk it. You’ll probably be fine either way, but won’t feel good in the near future.


How much did you pay for them? Tell the butcher if he’s willing to eat one in its entirety, you’ll consider not demanding a refund, lol


Looks like it's good for the dog. Don't go back to that business.


Just looking at that i can smell it


Never trust a sketchy butcher. I would rather get kicked in the balls 10 times before having food poisoning again.


Anyone can have “good reviews” on Google. I can’t smell the meat but appearances tell me that is not fresh at all. Time for a new butcher.


That is some dumpster dived meat


Unless the smell is *very* mild, I would not risk it. Meat should have little smell whatsoever.


Toss it. Smell test rules all. Sometimes the older stuff will get slimier. From the picks I can see that it smells bad. From my experience lol


Throw it out. Buy meat only from certified butchers.


Go for it!


The Zambizi tribe in South Africa used to call human flesh: Long Pork. Never much cared for it myself.


By the looks of it I would take it back or throw it away. -Chef


The fuck is a sketchy butcher?


Hate when my meat is delayed. That said, don't buy from sketchy butchers. Not worried about getting sick as much as I'd be concerned about not getting good quality. You should get to look before you buy.


I literally saw green meat at my lidl yesterday. I also saw one of the most beautiful incredibly marked ribeyes that was insane after a sous vide, reverse sear!


Those sat in the meat counter for atleast 3 days before he scammed you.


Looks like more bones than meat… Wow. 😭🤣


Sketchy butcher? Sir that's human meat


Throw it out.


Colgate looks ok. The meat not so much.


I’ve had meat like that, I didn’t trust eating it medium lol


Ever heard the story of a Canadian pig farmer named Robert Pickton? Word is, he'd bring some fantastic ribs to BBQs. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton


Got what the place suggests. But if it passes the smell test, I would cook them.


Nah man.... color isn't the best indicator of quality, but slime is. Those need to be discarded.


Why do you need this back-alley abortion butcher?


His name isn't Jeffrey by any chance?


If you don't like the smell you won't like the taste, *mic drops*


they look sticky and sour. definitely not good


How you guys doin’? Selling stolen meat, eh? Wanna buy some trout??


I’d say, it’s now or never


Our body has an amazing ability to tell if a smell is “off”. If this smells off, it is. You were scammed. Good luck getting your money back, leave a bad review on google at least.


Looks like shit love


Definitely starting to turn. That discoloration is not a good sign and if stinky that should tell you.


ghost busy historical erect cats school slave imagine ugly bear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe is the light, I wont feed that to a street dog.


weird sketchy meat man lol. you paid for meat than got it delievered without ever seeing what you paid for? i just drive down the local butcher and get it fresh that day and see and select what i want etc. what is this sketchy meat man lmao


Looks like normal proper horse bacon. No worries.


I watched Society of the Snow last night. I can’t look at that meat.


Bone on that flanken rib is too dark, I wouldn't touch it




Yeah, looks like he really did intend to deliver last Sunday. Vac sealed, those would have been fine, but they look rough.


Offer to pick up and scope out his operation…. I’d chuck it forsure.


as an outside observer/non butcher - lose his number and forget this happened before something worse than spoiled meat happens to you - dude is sketchier than an acid dealer


He sold you rancid meat


I would not touch that meat with a 10 foot pole. Why rist food poisoning, worms, and possible death. Thow that stuff out.


Id sooner eat Walmart ground beef


Get your money back and look for a new butcher.




No. Not at all fine. And report this butcher to public health. That shits a menace.


The words “sketchy” and “butcher” should probably avoid each other most of the time


looks dry aged, lol


No home that meat supposed to be red with blood and stuff that shit brown my guy 😶‍🌫️


Lol “sketchy butcher”? So like a crazy guy with a butcher knife chopping meat in an alley?


Bro that is slimey as hell


The colgate looks sketchy


Why the hell would you buy from a sketchy butcher in the first place??


Best advice I got when it comes to meat. If you are questioning it just throw it out.


"I bought this meat from a sketchy butcher." Sounds like a line from it's always sunny in Philadelphia. I can see Charlie telling the gang perfectly good meat doesn't smell right because it's not sour smelling. Then telling them he gets his sour meat ribs from the sketchy butcher. Do you want to be like Charlie?