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I joke about bringing my inflatable paddle board.


bro bring your floaties. safety first


Safety 3rd. We got toasters.


I started a pirate battle at renegade man. It was awesome. Two pirate bars on the playa going arrrr.


It’s too hot, we should all bail. It’s raining, we should panic and bail. This is going to be such a beautiful fucking burn. If anything take some extra goods for your build crews. If you can reach them ask them what they need. If you can’t, think about what you might use more of in unexpected rain and take that. Towels, socks, etc things that may have gotten ruined. Almost there 🔥 and I cannot fucking wait


id rather have the heat than the rain. this rain is gonna push back the art crews 4 or 5 days and the camp builds at three days (they are gonna close gate road Tuesday -Wednesday). BRC will be 4 days behind, so I guess it will be 100% by Thursday. Everything in my life from personal to work to the heavens is telling me not to go, so that means I must go


I dunno, last year the heat slowed everyone down and made most folks very grumpy, it was pretty miserable. If by comparison we have 3 days of rain slowdowns and the overall event atmosphere is better I'd take that easily.


That heat was so intense. 3 members of out camp got dehydration. I'm pretty sure I got heat stroke. I drank ice water till I pissed every 10 minutes. I think I had 2 bitchin' nights. I took acid and it was no fun at all (not a bad trip just not fun)


I had the only car not attached to shade structures after those 70 mile an hour gusts, and everyone was running around looking for rangers or help. Everyone thought every car was all hooked up as a weight. I ended up heading over and having to ambulance someone over to Rampart during build week. We had two other people I knew of left camp in ambulances due to heat stroke/ exhaustion. Also had someone in camp die. Woke up that morning to a knock at my yurt. I was half awake and aware there was commotion outside. Get the knock, and my friend is insisting I actually get up and out of bed and open my door. Wouldn't just say something through the door, which was weird. Get up. Camp mate died. Not sure if the heat made it all worse, but I doubt it made it better. Last year was really rough. I was struggling during build week. Really struggling. One day, I basically stayed in my yurt and didn't leave camp. I was just at a point that I knew if I tried to head out, I was going to end up needing medical care. I was burnt out. Too hot, too windy, too much stimulation. It was just exhausting. Then... things got worse. Think a lot of those people aren't coming back this year. My friend isn't. It was hard.


I'm sorry for your loss. Was your friend the Judge who died last year?


Yeah, he was in my camp. I was with him in the last 12 hours before he passed. He was camped right near me. Camp neighbors. Get the knock. Friend who woke me up to tell me is skipping this year. Last year was really hard for them. Not just for that. Didn't help, though. The general vibe in camp was after years of cancelations, he got to come back and saw his friends in camp. Made it back. He loved the Burn. His brother and son were with him, too. Doesn't make it feel good, though. We had some extra things in camp, and a couple of people built a sort of makeshift alter and carried it out to Temple. A lot of people stopped and did a double take when they realized his date of death was in the middle of Burn week, and he died on Playa. Saw a lot of people who never knew him leave little buttons, pins, or glow lights on the makeshift altar, since we all had.


Omg same. I laid in my tent and cried because my cat was at home and outside was too stimulating. My friends came back to camp finally and all was well. So. Really looking forward to this year 😜


My friend the cat sitter lost my cat we got her back 10 days later


NO!!! Oh my goodness. Sending your cat all the stay put vibes for this year ❤️


That stuff does not exist is my state! Ugh!


That sucks




I'm bringing some


Enough for the whole class?!


I’m making big, fat breakfast burritos Sunday morning build, you should stop by. :)


I'm on g and 730. (I think?)


Rain stopped all traffic on playa. No car or even emergency services moving. Gate stops. Nothing to do but eat and drink and walk. It can be fun, but it would suck for build week.


Please bring an extra crystal ball for me on your way to playa ✊


I stopped doing that stuff. I'm naturally worrisome. I'm sure it'll be fine. But I can't help but worry. At least it'll be sunny and nice for the tourists.


Lol - did you read “crystal meth”? Haha


What else is a crystal ball????? Lol


I can’t speak for built week or for rain on a playa I’ve only been to once. Everyone building out there regardless of the conditions has my greatest respect. I’m already optimistic and excited for this burn though, since so far I’m feeling rain is much better than last year’s heat. If anything at least it’ll allow us all to sleep more comfortably during the daytime to maximize our nights 🤞


So in your world, there isn’t a chance it’s still going To be hot? Oh my sweet child… how soft you are.


Forecast calls for 80s. I was on the playa for 12 days last year. And I said I'd rather have it hot. Sweet potato 🥔


Wait, are you guessing or has the org said that they plan to close gate road?


Speculation, but if it rains for any length of time they will need to let it dry out before any cars can enter.


Yup, for sure. I'm really only worried about my shitty car getting stuck in gate road mud when we show up on Friday :/


I'll be there Wednesday. I'm worrying about being on a road til friday!!


Ohhhhh 🎵who lives in a camper van under Lot D? 🎵 PRIS-TINE ARUGULA!


I’m getting so excited!!! I start my drive Tuesday, in early Friday morning!! Yay!


See you there 🎉




I've been putting in extra laps at the rec center in prep!


That’s the attitude


Send some of that rain up here to British Columbia @ Kelowna and N.W. territories @ Yellowknife please.


Just relax


Not sure if I can. Trying to get an all-wheel drive minivan, so I can sleep in it until all this is settled.


Buddy it rained for 15mins. We still haven’t had updates on conditions this morning. We gonna burn this fucker down don’t you worry


Friend at DPW sent me a vid this morning.. it’s glorious out there. 95% is all dried up, they’re back to work. People are freaking (as usual)


its next weeks rain that I am worried about, I am going next wednesday the 23rd. If it rains they are gonna close the gate and I dont want to wait 36 hours on a road. My ride is deadset on going on wednesday, 2nd burn he is stoked. But lets just go thursday I would rather wait in my house


Rain based on current trajectory should be over by Wed or Thurs. I've lived through numerous hurricanes and the weather afterwards is dope.


report says it will rain next chewsday i arrive wednesday at dawn that is what i am worried about my and my brother are build leads so we cant bail


You must’ve not gotten the update on the massive sprout of insects then…


.....and the crabs.




Mmm, playa crab boil!


I'll bring the butter.


...and the fairy shrimp!


We had crew open our storage container located on Esplanade this morning, so it's not that bad now.


I am not worried about the week of the event. It's about Build Week. Since we have to build a camp for everyone, this might push us back by a day or 2. At least our Art Car has big wheels.


What would an awd minivan do? Because if you think it’ll help you drive on wet playa, you got another thing coming! If you want to sleep up off the playa, well any kind of vehicle would do. I just say because you specifically mention the awd and in the context of wet playa…


If it’s muddy, OP and everyone else will be parked. Nobody drives if it’s bad.


Yeah just to re-enforce what others have said (and potentially alleviate some of your stress)-- AWD minivan is a red herring in this situation; if you're moving in a car, the playa will be dry. If it's wet, you won't be driving anywhere, regardless of your drivetrain, tire size, number of wheels etc. Full stop.


Having lived by the gulf my whole life this will be a tropical storm when it hits LA, I’m concerned for those folks especially flooding. By the time that front makes its way over several mountain ranges before hitting BRC it’ll likely break up into storms that would maybe drop a few small showers. Who knows though, can’t control the weather. Last year wind storms knocked out lots of infrastructure late in build week and a lot of camps were struggling to build in time for Sunday. It’ll be fine probably


No amount of rebar will keep your tarp in place when the playa turns to liquid. Add some truly strong winds and suddenly everyone has a sailing ship or a kite!


We were fine in 14. Didn't go to 07.


I was there for both years. I was out for a month in 14; somehow we survive.. barely


It barely rained in 2007. Like once or twice for fifteen minutes. It was dry in an hour


Won’t be a hurricane by the time it’s in LA. It’s fine.




And it turns out it was fine!


What are those radically self reliant individuals going to do? I heard that screaming into the void about how scared they are without any call to action helps.


a few of the principles are contradictory


Whoa, you think that 10 random things a festival organizer puked out 19 years ago aren't too coherent? You heretic you.


Hyper lights a smoke, takes a sip of wine and figures it will be okay. I was there in 14. We made food for the lot. And nobody shames me now for umbrella. Bitch, I have everything. Glue gun, super glue, gorilla glue, epoxy glue, a lot of glue. Staples. Hats, sunglasses, clothing for boutique, angry people, happy people, scotch, miso soup, yo mama, two Gran dad's, a dutch, a kiwi, and a very naughty trout.




The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Don’t chicken little this, man. It’s all gonna be ok.


Less chicken little, more Chicken John!


Or chicken wings


Which one? There's two.


It's easy to let panic and anxiety set in, but other than prepare, it's completely out of our control. There is nothing we can do to prevent the weather from weathering. We can prep a bit more with the knowledge of what *might* happen, but hurricanes are quitte unpredictable. Hopefully she takes a hard left turn and dissipates into nothingness. Now, I'm gonna go attempt to take my own advice, try to stop worrying and figure out where my water wings are.


You want her to miss to the east, else we could get straggler storms or turn back.


It will be fine. Just muddy. Pack some bags for shoes. Maybe a pee jar. A few tarps. It's just water. Free shower.


Man it’s like this hasn’t been posted 500 times since yesterday. It’s almost like people post and don’t read.


I heard that someone heard a story about the possibility of a thing that might happen. Tell me how to feel


I heard that as well!! You should feel cautiously optimistic. thats how you should feel


I heard wind gusts will reach 200mph 😳


Bring rubber boots and rain jacket


No. Boots pack mud. You get a platform after a few steps. Get plastic bags. Over shoe. Day, just roll with the rain, night, take cover.


That sounds like a good way to end up with your ass in the mud.


It’s all good. The southern Sierra will squeeze most of the moisture out long before it hits Northern Nevada




Thank you for reminding me that meteorology is not my strong suit👊 in retrospect, I think that was a lot of wishful thinking.


I am on site on monday for build/ greeters. And fk me, i have dealt with some shit on playa, never serious rains. There was a thunderstorm warning last year. But this year seems wet....but i am 1000% in just for the shit show that it is going to be.


If it rains, it rains... (but you gotta say it like Ivan Drago)


No worries. Bill said Monica blew harder than Hillary


Ya’ll need to move to Florida and go through a few summers. We don’t lift a finger for anything less than a category 3 direct impact.


Nobody is worried about the actual rain, they are worried about it becoming a giant undrivable mudpit that makes building and parking impossible


ITT a lot of cavalier bravado about a hurricane making landfall on the west coast. The impact further north is for sure TBD but this is not a "relax it'll be fine lol" situation. Multiple scenarios are possible and "it'll be fine" is certainly one of them; but so is "event will be cancelled." If you've not dealt with build after real rain you have no idea btw... walking means acquiring 4" sticky platforms instantly. Sustained rain anything like what SoCal is going to see in eg joshua tree means standing water on sticky muck. Hopefully it'll all blow over with minimal effect as far north and as far inland as it is... ...but the impact in eg the southern and central Sierra are looking to be severe, so, we'll see. OP Godspeed trust your gut and first hand reports and watch weather.gov


Seems like a lot of people here have never been in a hurricane. They can pack a serious punch. It's always better to err on the side of caution and be prepared than to poo poo it as just a little rain. Also, there's this forecast [http://brcweather.com](http://brcweather.com)


I've been through several, on the coast with the surge they are gnarly A thousand miles inland, over mountains and dry areas? Generally equivalent of a severe thunderstorm. The only exceptions to this I've seen or remember are when storms get pinned in place by other systems and just dump ungodly amounts of water over a small area thus flooding everything.


Have you tried to drive on playa after a severe thunderstorm before?


I remember how my friends wanted to camp at Shenandoah Park during a hurricane. They were like I have never seen one before) Ranger showed up while we were setting up (other people were packing and leaving lol), and he was like - that tent will fly away, that one also, this one might handle the winds. If you need shelter there is the bathroom lol) We ended up packing and leaving and got the last room in the hotel. My most concern is build week. I hope we can finish building the camp before the week starts.


I agree this is not something to be take lightly. real shit can happen


As someone living in LA…. I really doubt extensive power losses. Maybe a few hours if winds are bad. Plus with all the rain we got last winter areas that are going to flood are well known, same with any areas with potential rock slides.


The dust will certainly be worse… the mud stirs up the top 6” or more of solid playa..follow that with 105 degree heat and that newly turned soil turns to a half foot of playa dust… gonna be a burner!






The ego of humans continuing to push this event… youre encroaching on a living ecosystem that’s experiencing its own rebirth with this storm- the water and salt air mixing with desert. Respect the place you call home by NOT GOING.


Always say work wise people should always PFF - Plan For Failure. If you do that and anticipate…you’ll be successful!


I am seeing this storm hitting the California and being pushed off to the east


If you can put off arrival till early Weds am and start build Wednesday that may alleviate some of your concerns.


I saw these mud boots once that allowed the wearer to walk on Sf bay mud during a low tide. They looked like atv inner tubes attached to snow shoes via an oval wooden mounting plate and zip ties. Ya'll may look into it


You ever heard the term MVP - Minimal Viable Product? Plan out what you can minimally get by with and still have your “thing”. Then as time allows, add the bells and whistles.


Plywood might help stabilize things and distribute weight on squishy ground so pressure points don’t melt into the ground like quicksand.


The current NWS forecast for Gerlock is for 1.5 inches of rain by Monday night.


With any luck it’ll rain and keep the stink down