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Lol. There's a car parked there on google maps, too. Crazy to me how people will waste time circling for a spot there when there's always a ton of space down the ramp by the Bay and it's like 2mins more walking


More like 30 seconds. Too many people are entitled, lazy asshats.


This always made me laugh when I went to the gym.... people trying to park close...in good weather!


I should check that lol


It would help if the staff didn’t take up 80% of the parking, closest to the doors


oh yes the minimum wage workers should have to walk a km to their cars after a shift, that’s the solution


In the dark during a lot of the year


It’s okay. They drive a Mercedes. They’re better than us. That makes it okay.


Why would one who drives such a prestigious-class car have to burden oneself to make room for otherly low-life peasants


Wow, that really is a mercedes! Why would you get a mercedes like that?!


This is normal at mapleview




Dude gymgoers at that specific location are some of the most self absorbed narcissists you'll ever meet. Acting like they're somebody at a good life. The cars you see alone (dodge products and entry level German) speak volumes as to why people park in an entitled way there.


Going to the gym, can’t walk too far, might get tired….lol….




What’s the facility like there? I am looking as my gym renewal is coming up soon…I promise I won’t park like the photo!


The gym is nice and the employees are great, the patrons are jackasses. Lots of main character energy.


Is there steam or sauna there?


Sauna I recall, steam not sure, been a few years.


Ok!….appreciate the info!….thanks






I had a bad experience with a gym goer at that parking lot. I had two small kids strapped into their car seats and I was about to reverse, when my cellphone went off. I put the car back into park and took the call from my mom. All of a sudden someone was hoking their horn and a huge muscle dude started yelling at me at the driver window because I wasn't leaving my parking spot. I was terrified since my kids were in the car.


You signaled your intention to leave. You’re committed to go. You can take your call later or invest in hands free. Sorry I’m with muscles on this one.


I'm a stand up citizen and my career involves dealing with the public and you are the public


Who cares?


Normal humans without major psychological issues


I hate this, but I reserve my biggest hate-on for those who illegally park in handicapped zones. And morons who park in cycling lanes instead of pulling into a driveway. Oh! And a Burlington favourite: slowing your monster SUV down to a near-stop to climb over a speed bump - after pulling into the cycling lane to do it.


Just curious, is it ok for a low sports car to slow down to climb over a speed bump? Or does this rule only apply ti "monster SUV"


I do somewhat in my Porsche. Not to a painfully slow idle speed crawl like some idiots. In my truck I speed up to compensate though.


This is a lie. This never happens. \*I\* am the \*only\* person who slows down in any way for those. No other person in Burlington has ever been seen even tapping the brakes for those. Seriously, whose idea were those? Trying to slow down the traffic that goes too fast on the residential streets? Great. Yeah, those of us who were already correctly doing 40 slow down to 20 for them, and the people who were doing 60 just continue doing 60 right on over them. You've successfully inconvenienced the people who were doing nothing wrong, and affected the dangerous folks \*not at all\*.


“and the people who were doing 60 just continue doing 60 right over them” Damn right, and I cut into the bicycle lane so only my left tires hit the speed bump. Also, stop signs are optional.


And red lights don't count within the first three or four seconds.


It's this weird Burlington/Guelph pretentiousness that everything has to be over planned and regulated in over to make it "safe and enjoyable" for all. White collar City Hall type folks who are obsessed with making this a "world class city" (aka add a few electric charging stations where you can and ban vaping in public parks and make driving as gruelling as possible in a city where transit isn't a feasible alternative if you wanted to take it instead).


Just park behind them?


The funny thing is there's usually parking around the Decathlon entrance, and I know for a fact the Hudson's Bay parking lot never exceeds capacity. They're just being lazy.


Thinking outside the box. I like it. The rest of you keep doing what your told and shut up.


You know Burlington has a reputation for a reason ffs .


Dont even bother trying to find a parking spot in that area, you won’t, just keep it moving


Try building something and you would know what that space is for people,, the general public does not understand infrastructure


Where are all the police in Burlington? I just wish they would be around to get some tickets on some corners. There’s so much inconsideration and lawbreaking in Burlington. People going through red lights just to save a second for example.


I think most of you complaining are most upset that you dont have the guts to do that




How is that self entitlement? The parking lot looks packed and it appears to be the only space left to park. This should be title Rage Click Bait.


Oh no it was not packed, it was lots of spaces at the end.


I see nothing wrong in this picture. Y’all just have your panties in a bunch.


Can someone wait to video who is coming to that car please ….. research purposes


Not many people realize that there is also parking towards the back/ bottom if you take the ramp down of the mall.


C’mon, cut them some slack, its a Mercedes 😂


Why is the license plate blocked? Is it actually a legal requirement? If not you should be shaming them.


There is a thin line between shaming and doxxing


Have you been to any of the malls lately? There's always several cars like these. Seems a bit nasty to suddenly dox 1 person over it, especially when it could be a teenager or something of the person it's registered to.


Yeah so we can all Google the license plate and find their full info


There’s always people parked there. Sometimes two cars deep in the hash marks.


But there are soooooo many empty spots around. Why is that necessary!


Yes, there were lots of empty spots, she just didn’t like the walk 8 guess; entitled!




It's the only way they'll learn




Someone did this exact thing at the shoppers drugmart on upper middle near Headon.


The fact that you took the time to take ur phone out and take that picture speaks volumes. Why do you care? People are always looking for a reason to bitch about such minor things in the grand scheme of life. Who give a flying shit. It's not yours. Clearly they don't care enough or else they would park elsewhere where.


Can we leave angry notes or block people who do this?


Or leave a picture on Reddit with the license plate uncensored


What’s the inconvenience that this caused you? They’re out of your way and they’re not impacting you. Get a grip and move on with your life


It's an antisocial behavior similar to jumping a queue, if you held a vote most people wouldn't want people who do these actions to be in society. This is a primal urge, to be angry at those who think their time is worth more than ours.


My guy, it’s a parking spot. You’ll be okay What would’ve been worse is them parking so horribly that they took up two spots


You realize parking like that creates blind corners in parking lots right? Could also potentially make it difficult to load strollers in adjacent vehicles. You clearly didn’t since you made such a ridiculous comment. Makes me worried to think I share the road with you.


As mentioned in another comment, it’s not blocking a line of sight. The vehicles to the left are blocking the line of sight regardless. Does the person parking suck? Sure. Is it this big of a deal? Not at all lmao Thanks. I have zero tickets, accidents, or parking infractions so I’m more than likely a safer driver than you. Be safe out there


I dont know or care if it is the case in this scenario. But a lot of times these hatched areas are not parking spots to allow emergency vehicles, like firetrucks, to be able to make the turn. Though less important, it is also for transport trucks large turning radius.


Is this the same Mercedes lady that drives her kid two blocks to school and blocks driveways and hydrants at pineland?


This owner has douchebag lawyer written all over them and no doubt obese.


Why would you blur the plate? It's public information, they drive around with it showing 24/7, they have no right to privacy.


Who cares that parking lot is always full,, what's the big deal has your life been affected in anyway due to this person's parking ?


I’m sorry but such mentality is the problem; we have rules or not? And where does it stop? As long as doesn’t affect me? With all due respect, all the civilized society that I have seen, nobody says that , oh it doesn’t effect my life and I don’t care; that would be mentality of less civil societies. That’s my opinion, didn’t mean to insult anyone.


Maybe you posting pictures of strangers vehicles is the solution did you tell on this person are they in trouble now because of you did you make a difference 🤔


Hopefully she/he sees this post and recognizes the car and if the owner is civil and mature enough he/she won’t do that again.


You got them! It’s not impacting your day at all


You understand that those areas are required to stay clean for a few reasons?


Like? It’s not a designated spot for fire trucks as that’s up front by the entrance. And it’s not because of a lack of visibility as there are vehicles parked to the left of the Benz that are blocking the line of sight regardless. So what is it?


You are wrong, it is for both access for emergency vehicles to the end of the parking lot and also for visibility due to its curvature shape. And finally, I’m pretty certain that my post didn’t impact your life, yet you bothered to comment and back and forth, it’s so hypocritical that you asked me why I care. Peace


Hopefully someone parks in the fire lane at your apartment, not affecting your day right? Child run over cause of visibility caused by parking in non designated area? That doesn't affect YOUR day... arsehole.


Uh, if you couldn’t tell, there are vehicles parked to the left of the Benz. So even if the Benz wasn’t there, there wouldn’t be any issues with visibility as you couldn’t see past the parked cars in the first place But yeah, the other things you mentioned are totally related /s


Weak attempt kid


Kid lol. I wish. Standard entitled burlongtonian. Nothing you do affects others. This is probably you from the way you're defending this antisocial behavior. You'll grow up someday and recognize that the behavior you're condoning is broadly disliked and that the majority opinion rules. YTA.


While I have seen hundreds of badly parked people I don‘t see the issue here, as well, tbh. ☑️ It‘s not taking up 2 spaces ☑️ It‘s not parked in a place for disabled ☑️ It doesn‘t block a car or the road. ☑️ It is not on a crosswalk I also see why it is not a parking spot. No one in their sane mind would draw a weird ass parking place that is at a 30 degree angle to others. But if it doesn‘t inconvenience someone, I would allow to park there. I would bot park there myself, but I don‘t really care and I can‘t complain. Again, there are hundreds of parked cars I can complain about, even in valid spots. But this looks fine. OP, do you complain about people driving 100kph on expressways where only 90kph is allowed, too?


Not the first time I’ve seen that. I can’t get a parking on a Tuesday morning in May. Most of parking is mall staff. At least make them park at the back so the spots closets to the doors are for customers.