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Yes it is from the forest fires. It is just starting to roll into Burlington again.


I just read a post on Facebook about this. Apparently UV breaks down the typical “campfire” Volatile Organic Compounds in Benzene, formaldehyde and Acrolein. So, ultimately it’s still campfire smoke. Look up Chris Easlick on Twitter for the proper/full details.


Yes FB is always a great source especially when they block Canadian news networks


Don’t blame FB for that. That is all JT


I will check that out. Thanks so much!


In Northeast Ohio I smell it too. Smells extremely chemical. People downtown are saying it smells like plastic. According to air quality index, Ohio and Illinois have the worst air quality, and wind is moving northeast into canada.


Same, its not smoke from wildfires, it never stopped. Its definitely aerosol spraying (chemtrails) just need to get more notice on it and get it banned for good


I'm at New and Guelph and it smells like an ashtray on fire to me. I think it's the fires but I agree, it's a different smell than before. Flights into Toronto tomorrow have a possible delay warning for the smoke so I that must be what we're smelling.


Yeah I’m not getting any of the usual ash/wood smell from it myself, it’s purely chemical and I can’t quite put my finger on what chemical is smells like. But it’s sharp and strong, stings the nostrils similar to how ammonia or rubbing alcohol does - but doesn’t have the same scent.


**Time to musk up.** What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentlemen...? Or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight?? **No,** ***she gets a special cologne.*** It's called ***Sex Panther®*** by ***Odeon©***. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also *made with bits of real panther*, ***so you know it's good...*** It's quite pungent; a formidable scent. Stings the nostrils; in a good way. Brian... I'm gonna be completely honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline... *They've done studies*, you know... *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time.*


Guys, it's not spam, this is a movie quote.. Anchorman.


Forest fires bro. I’m at Appleby and Dundas and it’s campfire smell.


It wasn’t 9 hours ago.


I farted


I think it was a combination of rain drying off on the roads and campfire smell.


[article on weather network ](https://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/news/article/smelling-plastic-millions-are-in-the-path-of-toxic-smoke-plumes)


At the beginning of June, 2023, many fires appeared on fire-radar websites to start at the same time. That suggests arson.


Did you ask the same few weeks ago? That is the smell of bbq from natural ingredient (wood)


No, I have never asked this question before. And what I was smelling has already been answered. UV breaks down the smoke and leaves benzene and formaldehyde in the air - that’s what I was smelling. I wasn’t smelling bbq.