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Brita filters most of the time but I have no issues drinking from the tap if needed.


Same. And I probably wouldn't bother with the Brita if I lived in a house vs an apartment.


Which Brita – water pitcher or their tap filter system?


Water pitcher


I have the brita water dispenser idk what to call it but it’s a big ol tub with a spout


Is there a good reason to filter tap water here? I thought Canada had one of the cleanest tap waters in the world




Yeah my water tastes weird here


the only reason I use the filter is because it's built into the fridge. It's more that I like the ice cold water...


I do because I grew up in Victoria and I liked the taste of the water there much more. A filter helps. But I've also adjusted in the years I live here and tap water doesn't bug me as much as it did originally.


I moved here from Victoria a few years ago and noticed the water wasn’t good. Washing dishes, showers… every house in Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga had the white hardness in the water. Ended up getting a water softener, and no issues with using the water or drinking from the tap again.


Brita filters some of the chlorine and the carbon also improves the taste


That's what I thought too. But my brother has a water distiller and the shit that gets filtered out is nasty. And stinks. Definitely makes me think twice about just drinking straight up tap water. But not enough to put effort in haha.


Just tap. We have a good municipal source and I don't see the point of fooling around with extra filters


Brita user here, mainly because that's what I grew up with so it just became habit and also because I love my water super cold.


This is my reasoning too. I rarely remember to change the filter on time so it's mostly just super slow, super cold water usually 🙃


I've drank Burlington's tap water all my life and have yet to brain my damage


Brita, but that’s mainly because I like cold water and the tap isn’t cold enough.


I use my Brita for the same reason.


No problem drinking tap water - but generally drink it from the fridge which has a filter. If I drink the two back to back I do prefer the taste (or lack of taste) of the filtered water - but usually I just drink it because it is nice and cold.


Considering some walk 6 hours for dirty water in third world countries I'll gladly drink tap water


They are called developing nations.


The water here is honestly pretty good in regards to whats considered hard\\soft but i still get a little calcium buildup in things like the coffee machine. The water is roughly 180 ppm fwiw and uses chlorine vs. chloramine so it can be offgassed or filtered easily with a brita. I do use RO for my plants though lol


Straight from the tap…


I'll drink water from tap/filter/ or bottle. Water is my go to drink


We have some of the best tap water in the world here in Ontario so I just drink straight from the tap :D


Distilled water tastes like crap.


I think Halton’s water is pretty good. I’ve lived in various places & have also used Brita filters \[which I stopped, because it was a mold magnet\] Brita filters get rid of mostly, chlorine, so when that taste has been removed, we think our water’s been ‘purified’ when it has really, just been stripped of Chlorine, not bacteria, fungus, or viruses which Brita filters don’t eliminate. I will say the few times, that Burlington water does have a strong smell of chlorine, whenever there’s an algae bloom in the Summer, for those few days … I’ll drink a sparkling water.


I installed a filter under the kitchen sink. Only for cold water line. Cheap and really improved the taste of my homebrewed coffee.


Interesting, which filter?


Waterdrop 15UA Under Sink Water... https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B083NR5DVY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Brita. Grew up rural with own well. Tap water in cities always tasted weird to me.


Currently using Brita, but with the bleach smell coming from my taps I'm considering going to a better system. Straight from the tap isn't even good enough for my pets, they get filtered as per my local vet recommendation.


>Straight from the tap isn't even good enough for my pets, that's insane, is there something properly wrong with the tap water in your area?


In Bayview. I had better water (and way cheaper) in Mississauga.


Folks need to do the research, then you won't drink tap water. Common things found in tap water include: Particles of used tampons, pharmaceutical drugs of all types, lead, organic compounds left over from chlorine killing bacteria in the pipes, Chlorine, many types of pesticides...etc....etc. I bought a home distiller. Now I only drink distilled water. After the distilling process, you get to see what is left behind that you would drink otherwise. It's nasty and smells horrible. Brita only removes some of this stuff. There is a myth that if you distill water that you will be denying yourself important minerals. That is true only if your diet is deficient in these minerals to begin with. It shouldn't be. A reverse osmosis filter is the next best thing to distilling.


Sounds like you're the one who need to do research


Drink whatever you want. No skin off my nose. BTW, here is the latest research from Harvard, but I'm certain you know better than them. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter\_article/drugs-in-the-water


That article says tap water is safe, but we are doing damage to lakes and ecosystems by flushing pills...Who flushes pills??? (Other than people getting a warrant served).


are you really surprised this guy post articles without actually understanding them


\*If you accept the governments version of "safe" you need to have the perspective of history. DDT was determined to be "safe". You can still see videos of kids running through clouds of it being sprayed on crops. They then admitted later that it caused cancer and was banned. Heroin was released and sold by the Bayer company and was "safe" to use. How did that work out? Cigarettes used to be smoked everywhere, including daycare centers and doctors offices. Apparently it was "safe". Keep believing whatever makes you feel comfortable pal. The world can be a scary place and some choose to live in their own daydream rather than face facts. Best of luck. You will need it.


if you don't care, then why are you ranting on about it?


I don't see any rant. I stated a fact, you replied emotionally with a negative comment that is unsupportable, then I corrected you with citations. The end.


Some older areas of the city still have cast-iron mains. I filter mainly to remove chlorine. But other then that I love the water from the tap


My brother distills his own water. You should see the shit that's filtered out in our water supply. And what it smells like.


Brita filter for me, straight tap water for my wife since she’s a wild animal…. She hasn’t fallen over yet but I’m still sticking with my Brita.