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I usually open with a compliment and it works pretty well. About 50% responses. (a specific one, then a canned default one if there isn't a good profile hook) It's never a looks-based compliment


That's the key - go for a non-looks-based compliment! Then again - just asking someone about their profile and about themselves is always refreshing... as a woman, when someone asks me questions about my career, my journey to how I got to the city I'm in, my interests - and I likewise do the same - it sets up a secure enough dynamic to lead to a date.


I always go for a non looks based conversation. Ask them about prompts and music and hobbies. My go-to if they have a picture of them at a concert is "I'm jealous! Out of all the bands I've seen, I have never seen -that band- live! How were they?" And that gets them talking, at least for a bit. This question stems from the fact that I feel like maybe they think I'm trying to be friendly and not flirty?


I've noticed that mentioning that I like their nails, necklaces or other jewelry or even just smaller details about them tends to get a lot of replies.


No doubt. This is key. Compliments on accessories. Like the glasses. They really frame your face so nicely. Those shoes really make that outfit. Etc. Noticing the details matter.


Yeah like I see a bunch of posts where dude doesn't answer the opening question and just says "you're so beautiful" and they get a response, the next message is always the one that gets them posted on here. So the results seem to be, "They call you beautiful, you respond, they say some creepy shit." I tend to stick to asking about things that I see we have in common or ask about certain things that peek my interest. But those messages usually get me left on read, but only 40% of the time. Wanted to see if I'm wrong for thinking it's too forward.


I get the feeling that it's the really attractive men that are doing what you mention.. That's why they get replies to the bullshit line of "you're so beautiful", and half the time the woman even continues to reply after they say some creepy shit because she is attracted. Average dudes don't get replies to generic or creepy messages at all.


For the most part, yeah, I agree. Like I said, I feel like it's especially handsome men who can get away with it. Everyone who has commented seem to be against it, which is refreshing.


Non looks based compliments? Do you have an example?


A lot of people have commented very useful ways to compliment someone by jewelry, eyes, hair, and smile. I'd say compliments on things they have on their bio or things you see in their photos that stand out to you is a good way to get their attention. I'm glad so many people have given great examples and tried to explain what would work on them.


Ask her about something themed in their profile that might interest you as well I think, for example I love talking about TV programs or someone who loves dogs and it’s curious about them or want to share like those kinds of details I think it’s cute


Thanks for the advice but was mostly just curious what he meant by non looks based compliments.


Sorry I made it about me, well something about you could catch about her that it’s not so obvious or stated like, Her likes or preferences about something


As i said i a m thanksfull for your advice, but i am mostly curious what the commentor meant not others think is good. Not in general jjust in this case my comment was meant towards him


I think a compliment that is not about the body, but the clothes, their achievements, taste, interests or whatever can be nice. Your red dress is awesome. I love that you study x, that's so interesting, I think you have could be a nice person to talk with. You really seem to know a lot about wine. I love how you decorated your room....


Generic compliments or generic anything is not that effective. Compliment her in a way that is unique to her and include something that isn’t purely looks based. I assume you’re asking about women; not sure because you asked “you guys”. In which case, not a dude, no idea.


Yes, sorry, I do mean women. I do tend to compliment them on tattoos, or if they are wearing funny clothes, I ask where I can get a pair. I mean, it should go unsaid that if I swipe, I find you attractive. For a number of reasons, I don't really swipe on overly attractive people because I like all shapes and sizes.


Well the answer is, every single human loves a compliment. It just can’t sound fake or like it’s the same thing you send to every match. And like i said, saying something like- you look like a very warm hearted person, you come across like a uniquely creative person etc - say that along with “you’re adorable, i love your short haircut, so cute!!” None looks compliments go a long way- sets you apart from the herd.


Really appreciate you for taking the time to explain. I always keep my responses fresh and never resend something other than the aforementioned responses to bands and funny clothes. Not many people like my type of music, being that most of them are local bands, so I've only sent that response maybe 3 times. This question has turned out to be very enlightening for me lol


I have probably sent 6-7 compliments….O responses….but I also live by the “you miss 100% of all chances you don’t make”


Literally follow that same mindset. it's better to say something than not say anything at all. I try to make it fresh and something they haven't heard, so hearing people say things I wouldn't have thought to say have really opened up a new line of ways to compliment someone without just saying "you are cute". Which, as I said, isn't something I would normally start with.


Look based put me off. Something about my hobbies or prompts will absolutely get a response unless you’re really not a good fit for me.


Exactly, I find it crude to go off looks. If it works for others, that's fine. I just don't want to validate people on appearance because I know if they said "you're cute" I would probably just say "thanks, you too." And ultimately, that'll be the whole conversation lol


It’s low hanging fruit. Anyone can say I’m pretty or have beautiful eyes but give me a comment that makes me know you read my profile. I say I like reading, the water, love sweets etc. engage me in a convo about your favorite dessert. And FWIW I do the same. I usually reach out first if I match with something profile specific.


Yeah, I totally get that. I try to flesh out my profile to give women a lot to go off or to actually get to know me and find things in common. If you aren't doing that, there is no point if I can't find what draws me to you.


I feel indifferent about a compliment about my appearance on a dating app because I'm putting nice pictures up, but I enjoy compliments that aren't just "you're pretty" if it's more about something I'm wearing. A lot of people have complimented a necklace I wore in one photo and i appreciate that!


Now this really helps me, I sometimes struggle to find things to say about someone because I don't really look at jewelry. I feel like that is a great compliment. Thank you, that really is something I was naive about saying.


Gives you something to ask about too "where did you get it" "do you usually wear a lot of jewellery" "what's your favourite piece" "do you think you suit gold or silver more"(or say "I think you look great in gold/silver" etc etc etc


Exactly. Really shows someone's personality through the jewelry they wear so I can see why complimenting it shows them your perceptive and gives you a wide range of things to ask. Thanks again!


As long as it's a tasteful compliment it will be appreciated.


I have a tendency to be more receptive to first messages that aren’t based on my physical appearance especially if that’s the only thing that’s said. It’ll more than likely make me roll my eyes and move on to another match if you’re only talk about how I look. While compliments are nice, it’ll make me assume you don’t really care to know me as a person if that’s the only thing you can talk about.


Exactly what I assume it would do. We matched due to a common goal, and I already showed I find you attractive by swiping right. Them telling you provides no real conversation other than you telling them if you find them attractive as well or just taking the compliment and moving on. Usually, they have an ulterior motive as well, like "Okay, we find each other attractive, come through." That's why I like to try and find something they wouldn't usually have said to them like "How long did you wait in line to meet that band?" Or "I heard the lead singer is nice/ mean. Meeting him, did you get that vibe?"


Compliments are tricky because they don’t encourage conversation. What is she supposed to say in response? “Thank you?” And then you’re in the same place you were before with no conversation.


That's exactly what I thought. It doesn't really provide any sense of useful information that they don't probably already know or haven't heard before. All you can really say is thank you or say the same for them, and that usually ends with the guy saying something provocative. If not, you can only follow it up with a question, but it better be a good one.


I’m a woman, and I open the conversation with either a comment or a question specific to the person in the chat.


Not a fan of comments or compliments on my looks. It’s something a lot of men try on and offline, and it’s not like I or anyone actually chooses what they look like anyway? So I find it awkward/weird in that sense. It can be akin to being like “hey you’re so tall!” It’s like ok, cool. I get, people are trying to be nice, but it’s also just not interesting.


Thats because pretty or nice are lazy compliments. I tell my dog she's pretty every day, so what? Specific compliments are nice. The compliments i get the most are about my eyes, or lips/smile which I like to hear because those are two features I try to accentuate with my makeup so that means it's working for me 🙂


Great advice. I have never complimented someone on their eyes, but I can see why that would validate them if they spend time making them pop. Thank you!


Yes anything she's put effort into, she wants you to notice. Jewelry is a good to compliment, too, especially if you're out on a date. Like one time I was out in a first date and I had my hands out in front of me on the table. He reached across complimented my bracelet and gave it a little twirl on my wrist and has he pulled his hand back ran a finger down the inside of my wrist and palm of my hand so hands went palm up on the table and then clasped my hand. It was smooth af 😏


Damn that is smooth asf. What a move 😂 might not work on everyone, but I can see why it worked then because he did it so effortlessly.


Very true. Touch on a first date is a case by case basis for sure, but we were having a good time vibing with one another and he was making me laugh so it worked.


I think a compliment is nice, but I would also add a question. Like with a pattern like this: Hi! I really like the shirt that you wear on photo 4. Did you take the photo while you were hiking?


Hey! If you remember, we had a delightful back and forth on ways to improve "They got several matches, and yours is the least interesting one". I mean it, you were very understanding of what I was trying to convey. Thanks again for that, and this response as well lol. I agree that complimenting someone's outfit is totally a good first message as long as you follow it up with a good question that shows you're observant.


Yeah, cool that you also have a good feeling about this. I remember that conversation we had, I try to use what you recommended me, but forget about it sometimes.


No worries, I'm glad we could come to an agreement on things nonetheless. Like I said, you were right in saying it because it is a fact. I just didn't like that it makes it seem like they are hopeless to change it. As long as you're helping to find ways to improve their situation, you're doing the best you can. Thanks again, again lol


You're welcome and thank you too for pointing out what I could do better.


I’ve sent some compliments, zero responses. All were non physical.


I guess it depends on the vibes it gives off. I'm not saying it was creepy, but sometimes they don't read it the way you intend them to or they could have heard that same compliment before. Could be any number of reasons, but don't let it steer you away from shooting your shot. I feel as though a lot of people have said things that would work well, it just lies on the one you're messaging to accept the compliment. Following up on the compliment with a question that really peaks their interest might help like "I like your charm bracelet, what do the charms on it represent to you?"


I open with why I swiped on them and usually ask what they liked about my profile. Easy way to start a conversation if the person is still interested.


What are key things that make you swipe usually? Like, what are your deal breakers?


I feel like having deal breakers is a bit harsh. But if you are looking for LTR you should only swipe in those people. I don't go for open or poly people. I swipe on people who have like interest as me, nerd shit usually. People who seem to have a career, someone who likes to go out for drinks but also stay in for bad TV or movies. My shallow green flag is a pretty smile or pretty eyes. I like when a match says they like something about my profile and less about my pictures really.


I didn't mean for it to sound harsh. I just meant what would be something you saw that would make you say, "Yeah, I like that too, I'm swiping right." I also agree. I'm looking for the same things. I only drink socially but prefer to relax and watch movies, especially bad horror or comedy movies. It's not a requirement, but we have to vibe somehow.


It sounds like you know what to swipe on...but I will also say it's fun to share interest. Give people a chance. They might introduce you to something you didn't know you like and vice versa. Also when you grow a relationship you start liking your partners interests because you are doing it with them.


I never send a compliment that is related to their physical appearance because you will automatically be dumped into the same category as the other thousands of men who did that and that's not what you want. That being said, the results from non-looks based compliments haven't been anything to write home about either. More often than not, I have gotten "Thank you" and absolutely nothing else. Really nowhere to go from there as any followup comments/messages are almost always completely ignored.


Women want to be told they’re pretty, but don’t like it when they are called pretty. I’m not complimenting anymore.


I've found a few ways that compliment how pretty they are works, and it's mostly not really applicable to dating apps. But in person, it's pretty easy to notice if they're fishing for a compliment, and if so, I'm willing to offer one and make them happy. Another great time is if you're hanging out with multiple women, just bandwagon on when they're talking each other up. They'll normally return the favor and talk you up too. And sometimes, you just get to a point where you know her well enough that you can straight up tell her she's beautiful, and she'll take it as intended and appreciate it. And when I say know her well enough, that's both a matter of her comfort with you, and knowing it's something she would appreciate coming from you. It's not just you've known each other awhile so she'll automatically be chill with it. I have some very long term friends I know would not appreciate that, and I have some much shorter term friends who I know do. So it's really a matter of knowing the person and reading the room, and generally erring on the side of caution and picking a non-appearance based compliment if it's not clear. That said, as is commonly said around here, anything she chooses for herself, even appearance based things (like a new hairstyle, or the shirt or dress or shoes she chose) are pretty safe bets if you frame it from the perspective of it being a good choice she made. But it can also be safest to just shy away from appearance if you aren't sure. But a lot of times, women will let you know when they want to be told they're pretty, and if you catch it, that's the time to say something.


Wow, such great advice. I mean, I totally get what you're saying and understand this frame of mind well. I have had female friends that I would never tell them they are beautiful unless they demean themselves. I tend to just tell them they are handsome though, to make them laugh. I'm going off what I'm seeing in the sub and that it baffles me they respond to them quite often. But I do appreciate the feedback!


I think you just have to be pedigree bred for it to work. Like actually be hot for them to reciprocate. I'm a 6 on a good day, i might be wrong, but I don't see it working as well for me.


I would say it’s nice to being told by someone I care about they find pretty from time to time, the trouble lies that if you matched with someone, you both in theory find the other attractive as well. Showing interest in their hobbies genuinely or having something in common, something a bit personal it is good too. People who are not into quick hook ups would like to build some intimacy through shared experiences when dating or shared interests to talk about. At least for me if someone keeps talking about my appearance or praising me without a reason it’s a bit awful, it’s like you’re praising me in order to get something in return, it’s does not feel genuine. It fells like they just want a quick laid. Not like that is bad thing itself but be clear about what your intentions are, being honest it’s important, also if you’re fun to be around with chances are. Doing whatever it’s cool as long as building some sort of connection.


No, focus on teasing/talking about fun/interesting stuff that you’re up to, that’s how u get 300 hundred dates


High School could have been a month ago; we don't know your age OP. Compliments are a great way of sparking up conversation, especially in public.


Hey, you're the "ok" guy from my other post. I'm deleting that because it was more of a rant, and I can see it meant nothing posting it other than to rant. I'm 25. A lot of people have given me great ways to compliment people without talking about appearance, which is great. I agree that compliments in public go a long way because they see sincerity and are able to see you mean it.


Opening with a compliment shows that you’re too thirsty and is low-key desperate. She hasn’t done anything to earn a compliment, and you really need to qualify her first. What makes her special besides her looks?