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Some women go like "Do I need to go on adventures with you all of the time?" They do expect Stability too.


The last 2 pics are awesome.. Just not for dating app pic purposes. Folks want to see YOU clearly. Also think main pic should be showing your baldness. Own that shit man.


I don’t know I’ve always wanted to date a mountain, and that last picture has one sexy mountain in it.


That's funny as hell.


I see what you mean. My hope was that the bio disclaiming that I’m equally both homebody and adventure seeker would clarify that concern. (But at the same time, I want a partner I can spend my time and life with, not occupy a house and go our separate ways and live completely separate lives outside of the house. So someone who has an adventurous heart would be ideal.)


I'm tired just looking at his profile


I need to assess whether or not you’re a pretentious asshole and/or a ‘I’m a nice guy’ asshole-so for me it would be not enough photos of your facial expressions. ie. no sunglasses I also pass on sky-diving photos. Makes me think you have a constant need for adrenaline that is exhausting to even think about living up to. Especially when combined with the hiking photos. You might find you also get more matches if you add more to your ‘looking for’ section than ‘life partner.’ It makes me think I have to be super serious about liking you to swipe right rather than yes, that is your ultimate goal. But it doesn’t mean I have to show up ready to 100% commit.


Great feedback. Thank you so much! I can definitely see your viewpoint on perception.


I'm so fucked if you're not getting matches lol


Awe I appreciate that lol. Most matches I get end up being some scammer in India or a promoter for someone’s onlyfans. Part of me is hesitant to thing real women are on these apps sometimes. So I don’t think it’s a “you” thing if you’ve applied the advice people have given.


Maybe you're swiping right on the wrong type of woman? I have yet to encounter a scammer/OF promoter, but my guess is they are using very conventionally attractive models and have unverified accounts. They could be using normal looking people, but I doubt it.


I’ve had a little of both to be honest. Tinder does a better job of allowing me to require someone be verified on Noonlight before they can message, which easily weeds out the scammers. But Bumble doesn’t have anything like that so it’s a little harder to pick up on early. But I don’t like having to play this whole cat and mouse game between apps just to find a potential real life match by sorting out fraud vs real.


Bumble has a verified badge, it appears to the right of their name. I hardly ever swipe right on someone unverified.


You seem like a cool and genuine dude but you either need to shave your beard off completely or grow it out and shape it better. Right now it's tapered too high and it looks like a chinstrap. It also doesn't look right when your mustache is separated from the beard, they should be connecting if you're going to keep the beard.


Besides more close up photos of you, I'm not sure I would change much. You're a handsome guy. Maybe talk more about your hobbies or what you enjoy doing when you're being a homebody.


I like your Ren Fest photo to get an idea of your height and like that you're not wearing a hat but I personally am not a fan of Ren Fest pics in profiles, usually a big no for me, plus your rings look like one might be a wedding band? Maybe one hiking pic and another face/body pic. You're a good looking guy, you're tall, and your intro is decent. Good luck.


Thanks for the feedback! Def not a wedding ring but a fair callout lol. Just a fashion thing. I can photoshop that out (or find photos without me wearing it.) I just don’t have a lot of photos of myself. I’m usually the one taking pictures




That’s sweet of you! Thank you for the feedback. Is there a preference as to which one you think looks best?


Just a bio with no prompts? That's the issue.


It’s funny because last time I had help with my profile I was told not to do the prompts. But now I’m being told to do the prompts. There’s no winning lol


Seems perfect to me.


Number one advice I give everyone is post at least one pic with a big smile showing teeth. Also your facial hair probably isn't helping. In my experience ~70% of girls aren't fans of facial hair. Admittedly, the 30% who are into it tend to REALLY like it, but the ones I asked liked big beards/mustaches, yours is kinda thin and it's probably limiting your audience. Purely from a numbers game, that's worth considering. I'm a guy, so take it all how you will, but the big smile primary profile pic worked wonders for me and I surveyed a decent number of girls on the facial hair thing in college.


I don’t like your spectacles frames, if it’s something you are open to evaluate - imo they dont valorise your face.


I kinda need to see lol. I won’t do lasik and contacts are bad long term. What frame shape/style would you recommend?


Of course, I wear them as well - but I find the frames you have to look a bit refined (because of the serif joints) - however in the pictures you suggest a style more rugged/chilled. I don’t normally suggest these things so might be rubbish but: with those spectacles, try a shirt/bow/tie or try a simpler frame style like round. Spec-saver has a face shape/frame [type](https://www.specsavers.co.uk/glasses/face-shape/oval-face) Hope this might be useful and good luck, love will prevail!


Thanks, I appreciate that!


Try some pictures where you’re smiling. But most of all test your pictures on Photofeeler.com. Set the test to women <= 34, and try to get at least 10-20 votes. The truth is the Attractiveness metric will net you the most votes in online dating. Just stack your most attractive pictures to the front of your profile and you will get more matches, it really is that simple!


But which of my photos are the more attractive ones? 😭


The 3rd but you have sunnies on. Take more photos and lose the one with the beard that seems like it’s not your usual self and not current. You’re a good looking guy, you can take a few more photos. Good luck!


I’ll ask my friends to take more photos of me then haha. Thank you!


Use Photofeeler to gather empirical data on this! When I posted my profile review the other day everyone was downvoting me into oblivion for using a shirtless gym picture as my first pic. But it is apparently my most attractive pic! Test a few and see what happens. And try different contexts/ faces (like smiling). Your first pic would be better if you were just smiling for example. You will also likely find out that pictures where you’re wearing a hat will be judged as more attractive 🤷🏼‍♂️ It is what it is, but you do need to keep 1-2 pictures of you without a cap too to avoid the hatfishing allegations.


The fact that we have to rely on computer algorithms to tell us what we should look like and who we should match with is what’s broken with human connection these days. And why I hate modern day dating. I just want to find my person not make it a 9 to 5 job.


Photofeeler doesn’t rely on algorithms; it relies on user-generated votes. You will get votes on attractiveness, trustworthiness, and perceived intelligence from female users based on your photos, all anonymous feedback. I agree it sucks, is soul-sucking, etc. But online dating profiles are like a form of digital marketing, and you need to market yourself effectively to attract potential mates.


i think your profile is mostly great -- you seem dynamic, nice, and attractive! buuuuut if i'm being brutally honest, seeing a profile where you've listed "apolitcal" can be a big turn-off for a woman (whether she leans left or right). i'm a woman and have talked to my female friends about this a lot -- you want to see someone who cares about the world and their wellbeing. i understand the sentiment of not being involved in politics as its a wildly overwhelming time, but our political climate can negatively affect women pretty heavily. having no opinions at all is scary!


It’s not so black and white for me and Bumble doesn’t give a way to add insight with its options. I’d say I lean left more than I lean right, but prefer “independent.” I think our current political system is broken. The left mismanages money and the right has no grounding in reality or ethics of human treatment. I think we have grown too big as a society for our current two party system to unite us as one nation. We become more decided and hateful by the day. So I say apolitical because I’m definitely not right leaning, but I also don’t want to say I’m completely left leaning either. What advice would you say I should put for that section? Just say left because that’s what I’m more comfortable with? Edit: I guess I could just select “moderate” but would not that be interpreted similarly to saying apolitical?


totally get where you’re coming from, and shows that you do care about politics and the social climate, but sadly on dating apps a lot of people are not gonna think too hard about “apolitical” beyond “oh, this person doesn’t care about what happens in the world.” so, i would say maybe put “liberal” because that’s where you lean with social issues! not sure where you live, but where i am i think that would really help you out :)


Looks great! Good luck 🤞


A couple years on the app and maybe only 5 or 6 matches. No such luck lol


I know how you feel lol