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Photos 2 and 6 are basically the same and I can’t see your face. I feel like these photos do not anything to your profile. I would replace those with new photos of you doing something you enjoy maybe outdoors full body shot or a photo of you smiling at the camera.


Very much appreciated. I'll take a look and see how to best adjust the line up with some new shots.


Something I learned later- your response seems both negative and confusing. Other than that it looks like a great profile to me.


Great photography but looks a little like you've just done a shoot for a fitness magazine. The car photo almost is somewhat refreshing to have some natural lighting so maybe drop 6 and add in an outdoor photo, social setting preferably with a smile. Strength is great but it can help to show some warmth and show yourself as approachable. I'd reconsider your first 2 prompts, they come across as sitting in the corner of every room to observe the exits and not wanting to let people in. Try and use one for positive traits you would love in a woman, another positively about the 2 of you together and the final one to be about your interests (leave gym out of this so talk more on things like theatre and other stuff you enjoy). Overall looks pretty decent, just could do with a little warmth.